Chapter 34: The Tournament

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In the hallway, Clotted Cream Cookie, Financier Cookie, and Custard Cookie the III went to the clinic and as they open the door...they saw Squid Ink Cookie, Peppermint Cookie, Custard Cookie, Mille-Feuille Cookie, and Oyster Cookie sitting down while Baumkuchen Cookie in a different room treating Candy Diver Cookie who wanted privacy from everyone.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be monitoring the audience?!" Custard Cookie stands up as he glares at him.

Custard Cookie the III looks scared as he went to Clotted Cream Cookie's back. The consul gave a serious look at his father. "Checking on the cookie who seems to have fainted, what about you? I know this is Candy Diver Cookie and I know you don't like them."

"Yeah, I want to know why," Oyster Cookie glares at Custard Cookie.

Custard Cookie rolls his eyes and ignores them. Financier Cookie looks around and notices Peppermint Cookie and Squid Ink Cookie. "I figure Squid Ink Cookie is here since they are their friend, but aren't you Peppermint Cookie? One of Captain Ice Cookie's crewmates?"

Peppermint Cookie nervously look as they gripped their seashell as nodded. "Y-you're right, I recently became friends with them and I was worried about what happened to them. As much as I want to watch the tournament, I can't let my friend be sick like that."

"You're a good child, thinking about others before themselves," Mille-Feuille Cookie smiles at the child which made Peppermint Cookie smile nervously. "I know I never met Candy Diver Cookie before but I am concerned about them."

"True, Caviar Cookie told me how they are acting strange lately...and I want to know why he is acting strange," Oyster Cookie looks angry as she held her hands tight.

Clotted Cream Cookie and Financier Cookie look at each other and they can tell that Oyster Cookie didn't know about Captain Caviar Cookie entering the competition. They were also surprised when they found out last minute, which also made them question why he entered knowing the risk he will take. One of the reasons why they want to talk to Candy Diver Cookie about it since they know more than everyone.

"Candy...Diver...Cookie," Squid Ink Cookie kept crying while Peppermint Cookie tries to cheer them up.

From a different room, Baumkuchen Cookie finally examines the already awaken Candy Diver Cookie. "Never thought you have a breakdown, especially when it is unlikely you to have one," he responded.

Candy Diver Cookie looks down and isn't sure why that happened. They explained how they saw a cookie and memories came. They couldn't understand the memories they receive.

"Hm, it is possible that you might be remembering something important. You did tell me that you have amnesia even before you met Caviar Cookie?" The elder asked.

Candy Diver Cookie looks down and slowly nodded. They couldn't describe their newfound memories since they just found out recently and it gave them a headache.

"Well I would advise you to rest up but since you want to watch the tournament, I advise you to go back home and rest once this is over. I am worried it will affect" Baumkuchen Cookie looks weirded out at the last part.

Candy Diver Cookie looks confused why he said it like that in the last part but decided not to think much.

"Since we got time, I want to discuss your health report yesterday and I am not sure what to say don't have one," Baumkuchen Cookie showed the papers to Candy Diver Cookie who took a look and was shocked at what they just learn. "As the elder involving health, I should know about this yet...I don't know why this happened to you. So I advise you to have a check-in in case I might help out that will help with your health. What do you think?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2023 ⏰

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