By wh8theduck

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•Ishita the oldest daughter in law. Abhimanyu Thakur's wife. They both have been married for three years and... More

Part 15
Part- 22
Part- 23


19.9K 941 24
By wh8theduck

Happy Reading!

Saanvi and Laksh's room-

The couple were sleeping in their bed and the room was darker than the night when suddenly the alarm started going off to which Saanvi who's face was burried in her pillow looked up.

"Ahh shut it Laksh!!" She said to him shouting and he sat on the bed rubbing his eyes and taking his phone in his hands turning off the alarm.

"God I told you we shouldn't have drank last night, I am still hungover" he said to Saanvi and she too sat on the bed with her eyes still closed.
"Stop whining like a baby, I will ask Ishita bhabhi to make that drink for hangover" she said and he hummed scrolling through his phone.

"Oh my god!! Stand up wash up and go downstairs it is 10:40 already we are supoose to have brunch with everyone. Bhai will kill me" he said jumping out of the bed and running around the room finding his clothes and then going in the washroom.

Saanvi just sighed and out her head back on the headrest of the bed, groaning from the headache. She too walked in the washroom brushing her teeth and washing her face simultaneously with him.
"Fasten up will you? I have to shower" he said and Saanvi frowned "Then you should have woken up early" she said and he rolled his eyes.

The younger couple of the family were the most chaotic duo and even though it had been almost a year of their marrige they have never once confessed their love to each other. But they both deep down know that there is feeling burried inside their hearts for each other.

"Oh god Saanvi you are killing me just go out" he said frustated now and Saanvi was having fun irritating him
"Han han I am going do whatever you want" she said going out after cleaning her mouth.

She walked down to see Ishita and Geetika sitting on the sofa in living room, Abhimanyu reading newspaper and Hardik playing with Ayaansh. Geetika spotted her whike talking to Ishita and signalled her to come sit next to them.

As she sat down Ishita made a face "Saanvi did you drank last night? You are smelling" she said Saanvi smiled a little embarrassed
"Yes bhabhi, Laksh and I had a few drinks after going back to our room" she said scratching the back of her neck. Everyone chuckled at her behavior.

"Sir your coffee" a servant said as he kept the tray down and leaving. Abhimanyu and Hardik took their respective cups as the brothers had the habit of drinking their beverages when they are super hot, which doesn't sit well with their wives.

"Hardik...hand Ayaansh over if the coffee spills on him it will burn for sure" said Geetika and he did so.

"Bhabhi, can you please make that drink you made last time for my hang over?" Saanvi said and Ishita nodded "Sure! But Saanvi stop drinking so much you are still very young and these drinks are not healthy" she said and Saanvi was about to speak when Laksh spoke.

"Bhabhi first saying to us, scold your husband whose day doesn't end without drinking his whiskey, the bottle that dad brought last month for him is already finish" he said running his hand through his wet hair spilling water droplets over everyone and Ishita gasped.

Abhimanyu stared at him with glares "Bhai conte look at me like that, I see huh last night when I went to take drinks for is from the cabinet, I saw the empty bottle" he said pushing Abhimanyu further into trouble
"Abhimanyu?" Ishita said with horror and he shook his head keeping the newspaper aside

"It's nothing like that...I shared it with some colleagues and some with other bussiness partners" he said as he sensed Ishita's anger rising while everyone else in the room was giggling quietly watching their big brother getting scolded by his wife.

"We will talk about it later. This conversation has not ended yet" she said getting up and going to the kitchen to make the kadha for  for Saanvi and Laksh.

When she was out of the sight, Abhimanyu took a cushion from the sofa and threw it at Laksh's face to which Ayaansh clapped and everyone else laughed.

"Bhaiiiii" he whined and Abhimanyu have him a straight face "Stop being a kid and telling me on my wife" he said and Laksh made a face befire going near Ayaansh and taking him in his arms from Geetika.

Ayaansh giggled and laughed as he out him in the air. Everyone in the room smiled looking at the duo.

Ishita came out with two glass of her solution to hang over. Saanvi took that glass with her upstairs to get fresh and Hardik chucked it down his throat with a groan.

"Mam, the arrangements for brunch are done" he a servant to Ishita and she nodded. As they all decuded yesterday, today the boys are gonna have their little horse ridding date.

"Go your breakfast is set" Ishita said and Abhimanyu raised his eyebrows "Aren't you gonna eat?" He said and she chuckled.

"Not everyone is as lazy as and Geetika woke early in the morning and had our breakfast in regular Time" she said jokingly and the brothers left the room only to be followed the little Thakur.

The ladies had their own planes for the weekend. Geetika had her mind set on getting a new tattoo and Ishita wanted a new manicure, her nails were dying.
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