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korysretrgrd tarafΔ±ndan

2.5K 90 24

"𝒀𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 π’Žπ’š 𝒏𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒅, π‘¨π’Œπ’Š π’Žπ’†π’π’›π’Šπ’†π’”." "𝑨𝒏𝒅 π’šπ’π’–'𝒓𝒆 𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 π’Žπ’š 𝒍𝒐𝒔�... Daha Fazla



262 10 2
korysretrgrd tarafΔ±ndan

"You want me to be a cava– what?"

Montero asked as he and Monet entered the ballroom.

"A cavalier. How do you not know what that is? We're literally related." she wondered, glancing at the other girls in attendance.

His eyes narrowed at her, knowing that she knew the reason why.

"Okay, poor choice of words. But didn't they do this kind of stuff at The Bronx Academy?" she asked, clutching her purse a bit closer as someone walked past them. Montero tilted his head, eyes still narrowed at her question.

"You have no idea what The Bronx Academy actually looks like, do you?"

"It has the name academy in it. I just assumed it held value." she admitted while looking down at his shoes. "Amongst other things, but clearly I made a mistake."

Montero looked down at his shoes. "Ouch. What's wrong with my shoes?"

"Oh, nothing. Just remind me to take a look at Daddy's closet before you make your appearance tonight."

"I never agreed to this little-debbie-event-thing," he motioned around the room, glancing at the girls in poufy skirts.

"It's called a debutante."

"Whatever! I'm not dressing up in a suit to dance with some bald girl that I don't even know."

"Montero, please. I need you." Monet looked at the curly-haired boy, head tilting as her puppy dog eyes stared into his soul.

Montero had a soft spot for Monet. Once upon a time they were the most important people in each other's lives.

"Oh my– fine. Fine. But you gotta stop calling me Montero."


"Also, I don't own a suit."

"Oh, I was counting on it." She forced a smile, parting ways with her relative.

Rehearsals for the debutante had been going on for about an hour now and Montero eagerly waited to be relieved from his duties. The waltzing wasn't a problem because he had background knowledge on it, the problem was the bald girl that he was partnered with.

Every time they took a step, she took a step on his shoes. The first time was excusable, it was an accident. The second time, fine. The third, fourth, and fifth time, started to feel like a personal attack.

Their instructor was directing the waltz, telling them when to open up, went to curtsey, went to bow, and finally they were waltzing again.

"Two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three. Turn."

They did as she instructed. Julien's grip on Montero loosened up by this time, she began to feel comfortable with the instructions and the dance. She hadn't even stepped on his shoe this time, which she thought was commemorable.

"Turn. And rest," the instructor finished, receiving applause from the students.

"Very nice, everyone. You've earned a break."

"Finally," Montero mumbled to himself, grabbing the water bottle that had been near him. Before he could walk off, a group of women appeared in front of him and his partner. He had no idea who they were but took a sip of his water, listening to them speak to her.

"Very impressive for your first waltz," an older woman told Julien.

Montero cocked a brow, wondering if they were actually paying attention to her. Because let anyone else tell it,  she was the worst dancer in the room.

"Impressive? Did y'all not see her stepping all over my limited edition Huaraches?" Montero asked the women.

Julien glanced at him as the women looked at one another, mumbling amongst themselves, wondering who the boy was. Instead of responding to him they just focused their attention back on the Calloway girl.

"Anyway, we just wanted to say that you're fitting in quite nicely, Miss Calloway. It's not customary to admit someone this late. So, we hope you understand the magnitude of this honor."

Julien nodded her head with a smile. "I do. Proud to be a part of all the wonderful changes you're making in this institution."

They said their goodbyes and the second that they turned from her, her smile dropped and she turned to him. "What the hell was that?"


"Were you trying to embarrass me or something?"

"Embarrass you? I was letting them know that you was frontin'."

"And why would you do that? I don't know what hole you crawled out of, but if you knew anything about me, you'd know that I need this more than anything."

"That's the thing. I don't know you. But don't worry, I'm just doing Monet this one favor and you won't see me again," he rolled his eyes, walking past her and Zoya who stood near them.

Julien turned her attention to her sister, not realizing that she had been standing there the entire time.

"Z, you made it! It's not so bad, huh?" she forced a smile, walking over to her.

"What was all that about?" she questioned.

"Just a simple misunderstanding. Anyway, what'd you think?" she switched topics, eager for her sisters honest opinion.

"It's great. I mean, who doesn't love watching men and women lined up according to dated roles of gender norms?" she stated sarcastically, eyes looking off to the side where Montero and the other boys had been standing.

Julien took note of the look, glancing over at the boys before looking back at her sister. "You seem to be enjoying the view."

Zoya's face turned a light shade of pink. "I mean, it's the... It's the least offensive thing."

"Zoya, hun, stop making googly eyes at my cousin, 'kay?" Monet approached the sisters with two women on opposite sides of her.

Zoya rolled her eyes and pointed to the boys. "I wasn't looking at your cousin, I was looking at him. Who is he?"

"That's my cavalier, Terrell Carter. The heir to a not-so-modest automotive fortune. If only he were a woman, he'd be perfect," she smirked.

"Why couldn't you partner me up with him? Your cousin is definitely no Terrell Carter," Julien said.

"Not too much, he's still my blood. Besides, you should be lucky that you have him leading your two left feet," Monet said innocently, causing the girls next to her to giggle.

"I'm sorry, but he's not exactly the type of person that I would have waltzing with me in public. He basically tried to embarrass me in front of the debutante board."

"Julien, this isn't Monte's world. He has absolutely no idea what all of this means to you, so maybe you should take it easy on him." Zoya chimed in which caused Monet to nod her head in agreement.

"Well, I'd hate to say that I agree with her, but–" she stopped.

"Actually, no. I won't say it. Come along, now," Monet said to the girls that were with her, quickly exiting the room.

After rehearsals, Montero began to pack up the homework that he'd been doing in between breaks. There weren't many people that stayed behind, it felt like he missed the memo that rehearsals were over.

"About to head out?" a girl asked as he was zipping up his bag.

He looked up and pointed to her, scouring the files in his brain to remember her name, "Lott– Zoya, right?"

She nodded her head. "Yup."

"Yeah. I didn't even realize that rehearsals ended. I just looked up and everyone was gone," he admitted with a slight laugh.

"Yeah, that's kind of how these people are," Zoya said, thinking about her first encounter with the people in this city.

Monet walked over to the two, bag in hand, preparing to head out. "Monte, daddy said that they'll have your new phone waiting for you in the office at the debutante hall."

He looked at her and nodded. "Okay, thanks."

"Did you need a ride back home or were you catching one with the help?" she glanced at Zoya who just looked down at the comment.

Montero glared at her. "Monet."

"It was just a joke, god. We joke like this all the time. Right, Zoya?"

"Uh huh."

"See. Anyway, I'll have the staff put your tuxedo in your room and I'll see you later," she gave him a smile then dropped it, glancing at Zoya and exiting the room.

"So, you're related?" Zoya blinked a few times after that awful interaction.

"Cousins. Sorry about... her," he gave her a sympathetic look, arising from his seat.

She shook her head and walked with him to the exit. "It's fine, really. I'm starting to think that that's our dynamic. It's definitely a step up from when I first arrived last semester. She basically acted like I didn't exist," she teased.

"You just moved here?" he asked walking out of the door behind her.

"Yeah, I moved to be closer with my sister."

"Julien, right? You sure y'all two related?" he inquired, walking along the sidewalk.

"You sure that you and Monet are?" she argued back which got a few laughs out of him.

"Aight, aight. Touche. She just... seems entitled?" he wondered if that was even the right word to describe her strong personality.

"I guess it's my turn to apologize for my relatives' behavior. She's normally not like that, she's just... going through some changes right now." she kicked a stone as they walked.

"Believe it or not, you're not the first person to say that to me, today."

"I just— I don't understand the constant desire to fit in with people and support organizations that don't cater to real world problems, or actually care about the well-being of others."

Montero nodded. "Well, I'm not entirely sure what you're talking about but I'm assuming it has something to do with those old lady's being homophobic."

Zoya looked impressed. "You know about the queer issues regarding the debutante board?"

"Why do you sound so surprised?" he smiled.

"I don't. It's just– you don't seem like the type."

"The type? Are you profiling me, Zoya Lott?" his head tilted.

"No. no. I would never."

"I'm just messing with you. I overheard Monet discussing it with some girls, something about tonight being her big night and how she was going to show those republican hags," he shrugged, "Whatever that means."

"Huh. So if she's going to help herself then I have to help Shelby, right?"

"Uh, I guess? Who's Shelby?"

"You're a genius, Monte! I gotta go, but I'll see you tonight," she said taking off in the opposite direction.

"Okay," he said watching her leave.

It's debutante season for our lovely ladies, and while we're excited for all the coming-outs, we all know it's really about who comes out on top.

As the guest began to enter the debutante hall, Montero had been wandering the halls downstairs trying to find the office that Monet told him about earlier. He was dressed in an all black tuxedo which complimented his white shirt and vest that remained underneath. He wore white gloves over his hands and his hair was tied into a perfect topknot.

"Why's this hall so damn big?" he mumbled to himself as he looked towards the doors that had been parallel from one another, hoping to find the office. He approached a door that he thought his phone resided in, but cursed under his breath when it was just a closet.


"Let me guess, lost?" he swiftly turned his head to view the familiar voice.

It was Aki. Mr. Menzies had been wearing a similar suit, the only difference between his and Montero's was the fact that he didn't wear gloves or a vest on top of his shirt.

Montero sighed, closing his eyes as he smiled through the embarrassment. "As hell."

Aki laughed, hands residing in his pockets. "Where are you off to now, Lost Boy?"

Montero cocked a brow at the nickname and adjusted his suit jacket before looking down the hall. "Uh, I'm tryna find an office."

"Okay, an office. We're getting a little warmer," he replied and began to walk in the direction of the offices, Montero walking to the side of him.

"Do you know if this office is located near the east wing or the west wing?" He looked at Montero.

"This place has wings?" he asked in the most confused voice.

Aki laughed, looking left then right. "And now we're getting colder. Do you know anything about the office? Who owns it?"

"Oh! Camille, Camielle De Haan."

"And now we're on fire," he replied, moving down to the east wing.

"Her office is the third door on the left," he pointed.

Montero sighed in relief, looking towards the door then back at Aki. "You're a lifesaver, man. Thank you."

"No problem. Though, I'm pretty sure I saw Camille De Haan upstairs, if you're looking for her."

"Yeah, I know. Tonight just seems really important to my aunt, so I didn't want to bother her about the location of her office."

"Camille De Haan is your aunt?" his eyes widened.

"Why does everyone say it like that?" he asked with a slight smile.

Aki chuckled, waving his hand apologetically. "Sorry, I just would've never guessed it."

He closed his eyes, smile still on his face as the confession didn't ease the wound. "Yeah... they say that, too."

"Oh yeah? How many people have you scared away with that information?" he teased.

"Basically everyone in all of my classes," they laughed for a bit.

As the laughter died down, Aki was thinking of ways to keep the conversation going somehow because he was curious about the male.

"Uh, I just realized, I never caught your name," Aki said breaking the silence.

"There he is!" a girl called out.

Aki looked in the direction, seeing three girls on their way towards them, realizing that he should probably go and find his partners.

"Catch you later, Lost Boy," he said, quickly disappearing.

"Was that Aki Menzies?" Jordan asked once the girls reached him.

"Uh, I guess. You know him?" Montero's eyes had been on the boy's body before he disappeared into the crowd.

"Yeah, we're cool. Never mind that, we've been looking everywhere for you."

"What's up?"

"You have a waltz to do, remember?" Shan said.

"Oh, shit!"

"Oh, shit, my ass. Let's go. I promise you, you don't want to miss it!" Shan said pushing him up the stairs.

Montero stood at the bottom of the steps with the other cavaliers, waiting for Julien to walk down with Nick Lott before being handed off to him. He could see her at the top of the stairs in her poufy dress, which just looked like a wedding dress to him.

Camille had been calling the names of every girl, but when she called Julien and her presenter, David Calloway, indistinct chatter could be heard throughout the hall. It seemed that something wasn't right.

Camille ignored the surprise guest appearance by Mr. Calloway and called Monet's name next.

"Monet de Haan, of Constance St. Jude's, presented by her father, Greyson de Haan, and escorted by..."

"Alexa Kennedy!" she interrupted her mother in a sparkly, tight turquoise and green dress.

Camille looked at her in shock at her appearance, considering all ladies wore the traditional white dress and her daughter disobeyed the guidelines. "Monet, what are you doing?"

"Death to the old! In with the new," she yelled as she began to walk down the stairs, holding her dress up so she didn't trip.

"A man will not be escorting me, nor will I be wearing white. My cavalier is a woman," she said and stopped, realizing that the attention wasn't on her, but instead on Shelby who had been far off on the steps, kissing her girlfriend.

"But this is... this is my moment," she spat in disgust towards the two girls who stole her reveal. This was Monet's moment. She was supposed to be the one to make history as the first lesbian to be escorted by a woman. She was supposed to make history, not... not Shelby!

"Isn't it nice to share your privilege?" Shan smiled at the girl.

Monet scoffed, looking at the girl in a dark green dress. "I should've known."

Before Monet could charge at the girl, Julien came running down behind her, "Monet! What the fսck? Did you invite my dad? Why would you do that?"

Monet looked at the girl who was now eye level to her. "You ruined it. Like you ruin everything," she pushed Julien.

"Hey, hey, hey! Julien didn't do any of this. I invited Eliza," Zoya called out.

Monet turned to her, eyes widening. "Really?" she pushed Zoya even harder than she did her sister.

Julien came running behind Monet, pulling her hands from off her sister. "Hey! Stay away from my sister!"

Monet screamed which sounded like a cry for help more than anything. "You don't get to tell me to do anything anymore!" This time she pushed Zoya down to the ground.

Jordan jumped in, pushing Monet. "Back off, bitch! That's my girl."

Next thing you knew, all the other debutantes began fighting, which was the Barnes sisters cue to move out of the way. Montero chuckled a bit as he watched his friends run off to the side. Amidst all the chaos, across the room he caught a set of eyes on him that belonged to the same pink-haired boy from earlier.

Montero gave him a slight wave, smiling wider once it was returned, "Lost Boy, huh." he mumbled to himself before disappearing into the crowd.

Montero entered his aunts office, looking around the room, impressed with how much space she had. He walked over to her desk, searching for a brand new iPhone. Seeing the white box, Montero grabbed the phone with a smile.

"Finally, it's been too long without one," he said to himself.

Seconds later, he looked up and saw an angry Camille De Haan, entering the room with Monet in tow. "I cannot believe you destroyed this event!" Camille looked to Montero, who realized he probably shouldn't be present for their discussion.

"My bad. I was getting the phone that y'all got me. I'll just see you guys upstairs," he walked from behind the desk and looked to the exit but was stopped by Camille.

"Actually, Montero, you should stay for this. Since Monet loves an audience so much, let's give him a show."

Montero froze in place, glancing to the girl in the destroyed dress.

"Not only did you ruin this for yourself, but for the other young women and their parents!" Camille spat, standing parallel to her daughter.

"I just wanted to turn this place on its head. I wanted to come out how I wanted to come out, and all I had in mind when I did was you telling me that... we don't let them tell us how to act. We listen to ourselves. I thought... I thought you would be proud," Monet said, voice going quiet as she begged for an ounce of sympathy.

"So that led you to invite a sеxual predator and humiliate your best friend?! I don't have an ounce... of pride for you," Montero folded his hands behind his back, unsure of what to do, so he just looked down.

"I never thought I would be the kind of parent who would have to lie about their child. Every time I talk to your headmistress, she tells me how you care more about... how you look than who... you are," she whispered.

"I have to bribe her, spend hundreds of thousands of dollars, so that you look like you shine as bright on the inside as you do out. Conduct reports can be erased, C's can turn into A's, but it's just paper," she stopped, stepping closer to her daughter so she could look her in the eye.

"How do you not feel that shame? I feel it every second I look at you. I am embarrassed to know you. You get out of that ridiculous dress... and you find me and your father upstairs."

Camille exited the room immediately which left a silence in the air. Montero didn't know if it was even appropriate to breathe. Being present for that conversation was awkward enough, he didn't want to make the girl feel worse.

"Mone, you good?" he asked quietly.

"Don't. Just- I'll meet you upstairs," she whispered, wiping a tear from her face.

"Okay." he nodded, quietly exiting the room.

The night had be ruined due his cousins selfish, ulterior motives but he still felt for her. Jordan always said that there was constant drama on this side of town, but damn. He never thought it would be drama that would put a damper on his family's reputation. He was thinking more so students hooking up with teachers, not his cousin getting into fights at deb balls. All in all today showed him what he always knew, he had no idea who the De Haan's really were.

Little did he know, this was only the beginning of the storm.

"Find what you were looking for?" a voice asked, snapping him out of his thoughts.

Montero was exiting the building when he looked to Aki, who had been leaning up against the wall.

"Huh?" Montero finally responded, a bit confused.

"In your aunts office, I mean." he reiterated, taking a step off the wall and another towards Montero.

The phone, duh! Montero thought to himself as look of bewilderment graced his features. "Yeah, yeah. I did. Thanks, again."

"Dude, you've gotta stop thanking me."

He laughed and nodded his head. "Sorry. Force of habit."

Aki's phone buzzed, notifying him that his partners had texted him. He replied that he was on his way before looking back at Montero. "I should probably get going but I'll see you at school?"

Montero shrugged, pretending to think. "Maybe."

Aki rolled his eyes playfully, "Suit yourself. Don't look for me once you get lost, again." He teased as he walked down the stairs.

Montero turned to watch him and called out, "Monte."

Aki stopped and turned to look up at the male who had been a few steps away. "What?"

"My name. It's Monte."

He pointed to himself. "Aki."

"See you around, Aki." He smiled.

Aki just smiled before heading down the street, meeting up with his partners.

The next morning Montero walked through the halls of the De Haan residence with Julien following. They walked in silence as he was leading her to Monet, since that's who she said she was there to see.

Before they entered the living room, Julien stopped Montero.

"What?" he looked at her.

"I just wanted to apologize for the way I acted yesterday at rehearsals. I didn't realize that I was acting entitled. And I'm sorry that I thought you were trying to sabotage my chances with that awful debutante board. Around here, you always have to watch your back because sometimes your friends aren't really your friends. They just want to use you and exploit you for Gossip Girl."

Montero nodded in response, "I accept your apology. But you should know, I didn't come here to try to and fit into your world. From the little I've seen in a day, that isn't me. Besides, I'm not the one you should be apologizing too. My Huaraches are the ones that truly felt disrespected." He smiled at the laugh that came from her.

"Got it. I will apologize to your little shoes next time I see them. But you have to admit I caught on pretty fast."

"The scuff marks on my shoes say otherwise," he teased, which got a playful eye roll from the other.

AN: Hi guys, I realized I haven't done an an since the intro of the book. Thanks so much for the reads and votes! I really appreciate it, it helps keep me motivated. Also, I encourage comments! I love hearing your thoughts on the material. This chapter was heavy on dialogue because I was just trying to wrap up episode 1 of season 2. But as the book continues, I'll probably stray away from the episodes and write more original content. See you guys next week! ;)

Okumaya devam et

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