The borderlands~reflections

By Starr_giirl

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Character insert in Alice in borderland.Ichikawa Ayaka is just a regular highschool girl who one day Finds e... More

The second game
The first hearts game
The aftermath
Training and adventures
(Not a chapter)Additional stuff
Another hearts game
Late nights and rooftops
The beach
New look
The first game and new friends
Another game?
Early mornings
Hatters death
Helping out
New beginnings
King of spades

The witch hunt

8 0 0
By Starr_giirl

I made it to the lobby and it was chaos ,me and Takashi trailed after usagi who was really good at running expectedly.

The huge crowd seperated us as I found myself walking towards one of the tables to get a phone.

I was swept into the group of militants sorrounding Aguni as we listened to what would happen next.

I approached slightly closer to the crowd and my heart dropped once I saw what was in the middle.
It was a girl, about my age
I recognised her from around the beach she would always hang out with this over girl.

Her lifeless body layed limp on the ground with a knife pierced harshly into her chest.

She had been killed.

Momoka why!"
She cried as she kneeled down beside her, so that was her name Momoka,
she was the one that was always with Momoka.

I looked down at my phone as the familiar sound of the game starting played.

I was so anxious that I felt sick, there were so much players and this was the ten of hearts game this surely isn't going to end well.

'Game:witch hunt'
Ten of hearts

'The evil witch who took the girls life is hiding among you'
'The witch role is not limited to women'

'You clear the game if you find the witch and burn them in the fire of judgement'

'Time limit two hours."

My eyes travelled towards the back of the room which showed through the windows a huge fire

'Game start'

"There a fire burning at the back of the building."A guy yelled

"Find the one who murdered Momoka then burn them in the fire of judgment."
An thought aloud.

"A witch hunt that sounds interesting."
Niragi yelled, making his way to the front.

Though I wanted to move forward I found myself standing still watching as an went to examine the body.

"Hey you why weren't you with her today?"

"Why were you late, your always with her."

"Is she the witch?"
"No that's not it."

"We'll find out once we burn you in the fire of judgment."

"I was in my room I'm not lying."She backed away from the gun.

"You two were always together, but today you happened to not be with her."

"It's decided then she's the witch."
I watched as a people started to lift her up and take her away.

Mira interrupted
"Calm down, let go of Asahi."

"There should be other suspects, where were you all when it happened and do you have proof?"Usagi defended the girl.

"Just say it!"

I cringed as Niragi said a snarky comment to usagi.

"All of you will take turns on what you have been doing in the past hour."

"She has blood on her."A random girl yelled, pointing at An
" could she be the witch." Niragi yelled walking closer to An.

"No."She. Interrupted sternly

"Don't get the wrong idea, this is hatters blood."
"I was checking his body."

"His body."a girl muttered, there was confusion going on.

"Hatter was murdered."She sighed.

Gasps we're heard around the crowd.

"Why did they keep this from us."I heard people say

"Calm down."Kuzuyuru said
Everyone listened it weren't quite again.

"This bullet was found, which means someone from the beach killed hatter."An held up the bullet.

A girl started yelling some nonsense about how the person who killed hatter also killed Momoka.
But she was stopped by Last boss who pierced a sword into her chest, killing her instantly.

Everyone backed away from him as her body hit the ground.

"How troublesome, how about we just burn everyone we find."

I found myself moving forward directly behind Aguni.
"If someone among us is the witch, then everyone other than the militant member is the witch."

"Who's the witch?Come forward."

"If nobody does then everybody will be thrown in the fire."

I took this as my chance to slip out of the militant group.
I slowly walked back into the crowd then harshly pushed my way out.

I could only hope that everyone was safe as I heard gun shots from behind me.

I thought maybe I could redeem myself, my plan was to help people instead of being selfish like in all the other games I knew this killing wasn't necessary, people don't have to die like this.

I went to my room to get some stuff, my stamina sure did improve while being here so I got there quickly.

I grabbed my weapons and wasted no time in heading back out.

I paused when i saw a group that seemed to be walking towards me, they were all visibly scared and stared at me in horror.

"I won't hurt you relax."

I slowly walked up to them as they backed away.

It was a group of four women who looked about the same age as me.Blood stained one of their clothes and they looked out of breath.

"Trust me, you know I've never liked any of those militants."

I held out my hand, she hesitantly grabbed my hand.
She looked into my eyes
"I think I, trust you."

I recognised her now,she was in one of my games, and was a very kind and friendly person, these must of been her friends.

They reminded me of my friends.
"Shimizu right."

She nodded.

I led them to my room and told them to stay hidden and out of sight till it was more safe.
"Barricade the door with this chair and don't let anyone in at all, plus there's a first aid kit on that desk."

I looked down to the cut on her leg.

All I had to do was lead the militants away from the floor.

I don't know how I was going to stop all this , they will only listen to Niragi or Aguni so I have to get to one of them first and convince them to stop.

Niragis a lost cause and enjoys killing but Aguni would never even listen to me.

I soon found a group of militants who were patrolling the floor down below.
Just as I made it to the floor my heart dropped at the sight.

A trail of dead bodies littered the floor with blood pouring out from everywhere.
My stomach was in knots and I felt like I was about to throw up suddenly.

I blinked and had a deep breath before walking forward, following the trail.

It was a pair of them. They seemed to be arguing.
One of them was visibly older and more intimidating than the other, I recognised them both to be militants.
"Shit I'm all out."

"You need to stop being so scared, this is the only way to beat the game you fucking coward."

"If all you can do is complain you might aswetgo die like the rest of them."

Before I knew what I was doing I had already taken the gun out and pulled the trigger.

My mouth widened as I stared at the guy who was now on the floor.

I shot him in his leg.

"Hey what are you doing shoot her."He yelled.
He held the gun slowly up to me,visibly shaking.

I lowered my gun down and walked up to the other guy.He did nothing but stare at me.
I held his shoulder and slowly positioned his gun towards his friend.

"I know you want to."I whispered.
"Don't let him treat you like that, you deserve to live.This isn't right."
I whispered.

"Don't listen to her."

I watched as he shot the gun twice with perfect aim.

"How about we work together Kawanishi."
I let go of his shoulder as he turned to face me.

That was how I made another ally in my plan.

"I don't think so much people should die for no reason, there is only one witch so how about we help the people, we don't have to kill this is a hearts game it messes with people heads."

"I'm not really sure who the game master could be but I'm guessing someone in the militants or executives Aguni is really suspicious."

"But then again wouldn't that be too obvious."
I thought aloud.

"How about we just go downstairs to see what's going on, we'll be safe I think."

"Your right actually, let's go."

We walked across the hallway towards the stairs and made our way down towards the main room.

I stopped in my tracks once I noticed a bother group that were all visibly injured trudging up the stairs.

They stopped with us as we stared.

There was a pause of silence before I yelled.

"Go hide somewhere, and don't get caught."

They rushed past us onto the floor.

We continued till we made it all the way downstairs and split up.

The atmosphere was so quiet in an almost eerie way, it felt like something bad was irrevocably going to happen.

I walked into another hallway full of dead bodies.There was about 5 lifeless bodies scattered on the floor.

I gagged for what felt like the millionth time that evening m, the smell, the sight of them.
It was crazy to think how quickly they died all because of this stupid game.

I recognised each face, around the beach the once lively care-free faces of the people was now gone and would ever comeback.

It was just then that I realised my eyes were watering.By now I was used to seen dead bodies but this felt different, I guess I had grown a liking to this place amongst the chaos of this country, now it was all gone.

And that scared me.

I now noticed a young girl quietly sobbing next to a body, how hadn't I seen her before.The girl next to her was alive, very much injured but alive.

She turned to me and stared into my soul, she had the most saddened and hopeless eyes I had ever seen.

"I, I won't hurt you.I don't want this."

"My sister, she's alive look please help us."
She begged.

I found my feet unconsciously pulling me towards the direction of the two as soon as I reached them I leant down to check the pulse of the girl.

She had been shot and was bleeding out.

Sure I'm no doctor but I sure do know a lot of stuff about this.

I took off my white cover up and ripped it to apply pressure to the wound and stop the bleeding.

I checked her pulse again to see how her heart was doing.
She was unconscious and  fighting for her life.

It all depended on her and her pain tolerance as well as will to survive.

I don't think we would be able to reach a doctor till later on.

"Hold onto this."I took the girls hand and placed it on the wound."

She was younger than me about one or two I guessed.I'm guessing this was her older sister two they look alike.

With no trouble I picked up the injured girl in my arms, it was quite easy to carry her cause she's quite light and skinny.

"We need to take her to An's lab as soon as possible.She needs to be treated."

I heard the familiar  click of a gun and slowly turned around.More militants wow just great.

I quickly placed the unconscious girl in the other girls arms, hopefully it won't be too heavy for her and urged them to leave immediately.

"Hey what are you doing."
One of them yelled.

There was three this time.

"What's wrong with you, your not meant to help them."
Another said they
sorrounded me.

I sighed, I thought strategically.All I have to do is get their guns away then I win easily.

So since I'm sorrounded im should make a distraction quickly and I'll use the weakest link for this.

"Babe what are you talking about  I thought we were a team."
I cried, throwing myself around his neck,I easily nicked the gun out of his hand and kicked it away.

"What do you know her?"One of them said
They all seemed confused.

"I'm kidding."I laughed.
I kicked inbetween his legs swiftly and he quickly fell to the floor in pain.

Maybe that was a little harsh but how else was I going to get out of this one alive.

I kicked the person behind me again in the stomach and punched whoever was on the other side.

It was hard trying to focus on the two at the same time but quickly my plan had played out successfully the guns were far away so I couldn't get shot.

I unsheathed the katana attached to my back and aimed it at the other two.

I slowly took of my slippers, deciding to go barefoot as it was easier.
I do admit I underestimated the pair , they still looked confident that they would win.

Geez now I actually do have to fight.

I swung the katana forcefully , making sure to miss all vital spots because I didn't want to kill anyone.

That backfired however as I soon had no choice but to aim for that.

The strategy did work as the two were now sprawled on the floor bleeding out.

Atleast their not dead.Yet.

I felt a prescence behind me so I quickly took my gun out of the thigh strap and whacked him hard on the head.

The guy from before who I kicked in the balls was now unconscious.
I didn't hit him hard enough to kill him of course, besides he was my favourite out of the three.

"This ridiculous."I sighed.
I got up, putting on my slippers and hurriedly made my way towards An's lab.

The girl layed still unconscious on one of the tables.

"Ok it's best I do this while she's still unconscious."

I dropped my weapons running all over the place to grab supplies.

I put on a lab coat to cover the blood that stained my clothes, I first washed and sanitised my hands and the equipment being used and the surface she layed on.I then put on gloves and a face mask.

Luckily my hair was tied back today.

The bleeding had stopped and the blood had started drying so I first cleaned around the wound.
She was shot in her stomach, luckily the bullet didn't go that deep so I could still see it.

After what felt like forever of stressing over treating the wound I had finally finished.
I let out a sigh of relief that it was finally over.

I had watched professionals do this and talk about surgeries like this a hundred times but when it came down to doing it I was terrified though I kept my calm demeanour.

The girl now had a bandage wrapped neatly around her waist and was moving slightly in her sleep.

She was alive that was a huge relief.

I took off the gloves and face mask and relaxed my tense shoulders.
She wrapped her arms around my shoulder in a hug.
"Thankyou so much."
She shakily said.

"Seriously I don't know what I would have done without you, Thankyou."
I slouched down abit to return the hug to the shorter girl.

"It's ok, no don't thank me."
We parted.

"You and your sister should stay here ok,it will be safe and I think you both need a break and some rest."

"I'll do my best help clear the game time is almost up."

"Im Ayaka by the way, nice to meet you."

"I'm Minako, my sister is Haruka."

"Your names are so pretty."

I took of the lab coat and hung it back up.

"I have to go now though."
I grabbed my stuff and walked towards the door.

"Goodbye Minako."

I walked out of the room to be met with a scene I definitely didn't expect.

I crept up to the two and found myself taking out my gun yet again.

I pressed it onto the back of one of their heads.

"Drop the weapons now, are you bastards fucking crazy."I yelled.

The other made eye contact with his friend before slowly dropping the gun.

"There's probably no bullets in there anyways."He sniggerers.

"Ya, do you want me to test that out, you won't be the first guy I've killed."I taunted.

He stiffened this time.

Instead I hit him as hard as I could across his face with the gun and
the other guy wasted no time in making his escape once we made eye contact.

I smiled to myself when he began to run faster as I shot at him.

My demeanour softened once I saw Ann on the floor.

I knelt down beside her, and moved the hair out of her face to see the wound on her head.

She got hit pretty hard but she was just unconscious.

There was knife laying beside her.I recognised it as the murder weapon.Yes Momoka definitely had the same knife.

She must have checked the finger prints, then again that would be a complicated process but Ann is used to this she could probably do it easily.

I didn't touch the knife but looked closer to inspect the weapon

An idea popped into my head and I made my way towards a certain someone's room.

Kat, she had just the thing I needed.
"Speaking of Kat where is she?"
I muttered aloud.

I grabbed the smelling salts and ran back out.

Smelling salts, they're used to arouse consciousness because the release of ammonia gas that accompanies their use irritates the membranes of the nose and lungs, and thereby triggers an inhalation reflex.

It's sniffed as a restorative in cases of faintness or headache, typically consisting of ammonium carbonate mixed with perfume.
I don't know why Kat owns this stuff but I guess she just does.She's very random with these stuff.

I got back to her unconscious body and hovered the small pouch near her nose.

Until she made a weird face and shot up.

"Ah , Rizuna An don't scare me like that again."
I sighed, wrapping her in a hug.

She looked confused as she sat still for a few moments looking around.

"What happened."

"You got his hard in the head by that idiot."I pointed to the unconscious guy laying down.

She looked over at the knife and let out a sigh of relief.

"I need to go now."
She said.I helped her stand up and picked the knife up from the part that was in tissue.

"You figured it out, I knew you could do it."

"You should go quickly before it's too late.I have to go look for someone."

She nodded and didn't waste anytime in making her way back out.

Now just where could she be.

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