The first hearts game

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For the next few days after the whole game I done nothing but stay in bed

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For the next few days after the whole game I done nothing but stay in bed.It was honestly so mentally and physically stressful having to play the games.

I stayed in bed reading the book that I got from the library, I wasn't joking when I said I was good at taking stuff, un noticed.while I went to go look around in the library I spotted a book on swords.It read the samurai sword, a handbook.I thought if I learn about the background and the process of making one I could learn how to use it.

I watched kill bill so this shouldn't be too hard right.

After the 3 days of waiting around and being depressed
I spent the next few days straight training, practicing to make up for it.Stretching, practicing karate and exercising.I had to stay alive somehow.

I got better at using the sword as-well, it's such a cool weapon, I just hope I can actually use it when the time comes.

I now had about 2 days left on my visa.So I decided to go to a game.

After my afternoon nap I got ready, the same as before, I took of my white school shirt that i usually put on to sleep in and put on my leggings .I put on the black sports top and the black jacket.I really do need to get a sports bra, but that not important right now.Though the cards apparently didn't mean anything I still wanted to keep them safe I put the cards in my bra,and took my hair out of the bun. Sitting in front of the mirror I put some product in it and started brushing through it.


I put my hair down into a low ponytail and brushed my bangs out a-bit.

After that I put on some makeup as well  as some of  the lipstick from the office.
The katana was attached securely on my back and the gun was in my waist band, hidden in my jacket again.

I got to the first place I saw that was lit up.It was an outdoors and connected to the woods, I thought it's good as it seemed like physical activity which I'm good at.

This time the atmosphere was different and much more tense.The people looked scary like pros,I decided to stick to myself and distance from the rest.

I noticed one guy in the middle, muscles and all he looked the most intimidating and had a stone cold look on his face.He was sorrounded by a group of men that had the same type of vibe as him.

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