Star Trek: Sovereign (Season...

By UnearthlyTimelord

521 10 2

The Year Is 2380 And The U.S.S. Sovereign Has Been Launched An Untested Ship With An Untested Crew Is Set To... More

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: The Voyage Begins
Chapter 3: The Keloni
Chapter 4: The Enterprise
Chapter 5: Finding Data
Chapter 6: Rendezvous
Chapter 7: The Nirn
Chapter 8: New Allies
Chapter 9: Assistance Required

Chapter 10: Honored Ones

28 1 0
By UnearthlyTimelord

Trelawney: "Captain's Log Supplemental We've Been Ordered To Make Our Way To Qo'noS For The Honouring Ceremony For The Ones That We've Lost In The Nirn Attack"
The Sovereign Warps Into The Qo'noS System
T'Kellis: "Ambassador Korov Is Waiting For You In The First City Sir"
Trelawney: "Good Korell You're With Me"
Korell: "Aye Sir"

Trelawney And Korell Walk To The War Room
Picard: "Chancellor Baqot Is About To Give His Speech"
Trelawney: "I Can't Wait To Hear It"
Baqot: "Many Unfortunate Souls Lost Their Lives Today But They Had The Hearts Of A Warrior They've Earned Their Place In The Halls Of Sto-Vo-Kor Klingon Or Not They Still Died With Honor"
A Figure Covered In Black Walks In
Baqot: "This Day Will Be Remembered Forever By The Klingons The Romulans And The Federation We Shall-"
The Figure Stabs Baqot In The Back
Baqot: "Agh!"
Captains Trelawney And Picard Draw Their Phasers
Figure In Black: "Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam!"
Picard Stuns The Figure Which Falls To The Ground
Korell: "PetaQ!"
Trelawney: "Korell"
Korell: "Sorry Sir"
Trelawney Taps His Combadge
Trelawney: "Trelawney To Sovereign Beam Chancellor Baqot To Sick Bay"
Hunter: "Aye Sir"
Mov: "tlhIngan Hol DajatlhlaH'a'?"
Trelawney: "HIja' Qo'noSDaq jIghIQ"
Mov: "You Speak Klingon Flawlessly Captain"
Trelawney: "I Studied Klingon At The Academy"
Kadgar: "Matlh Jol Ylchu'!"
A Red Beam Surrounds Kadgar
Mov: "Come Drink With Me"
Trelawney: "More Bloodwine?"
Mov: "Yes"
Korell: "I Propose A Toast"
Trelawney: "Hoch DaH Jup"
Korell: "Hoch DaH Jup"
Mov: "Hoch DaH Jup"
They Drink The Bloodwine
Mov: "Will Baqot Be Okay?"
Trelawney: "Yes"
Mov: "Good!"
T'Vall: "The Injury Isn't To Serious"
Baqot: "So I'll Live?"
T'Vall: "Yes"
Jelek Drinks Romulan Ale
Mov: "Thank You For Coming To The Honoring Ceremony"
Trelawney: "Don't Mention It"
After The Ceremony Korell And Trelawney Return To The Sovereign And They Go To Warp
The End

(I Don't Own Star Trek I Just Made This For Fun)

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