I'm Entirely Yours, Klaus (Bo...

By BeckySmolder

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Danielle Rodriguez has been playing house with her boyfriend, Klaus Mikaelson, and his daughter hope for the... More

CH. 1
CH. 2
CH. 3
CH. 4
CH. 5
CH. 6
CH. 7
CH. 8
CH. 9
CH. 10
CH. 11
CH. 12
CH. 13
CH. 14
CH. 15
CH. 16
CH. 17
CH. 18
CH. 19
CH. 20
CH. 21
CH. 22
CH. 23
CH. 24
CH. 25
CH. 26
CH. 27
Book No. 4 - OUT NOW ‼️💚🌈

CH. 28

281 14 13
By BeckySmolder


Thursday, January 24th
10:55 PM

"We're having a baby," I repeated for a second time. This time less nervously and excited. But unsure and worried as Klaus' brows were nearly brushing his hairline. He hadn't spoken or reacted otherwise in the passing minutes. "Um... Klaus? Hello?"

"Y-You're pregnant?" He questioned, finally coming around to the news. "Why didn't you tell me earlier. Danielle... Oh, my God." He groaned loudly, dropping his arms from my waist and running his hands through his hair our of frustration it seemed.

"This isn't good news," I mumbled, a sinking feeling in my heart and stomach. Maybe we wouldn't be tying the knot after all. Not if this was his reaction. The first time around was heartbreaking enough.

"No, no, I'm not mad at you," he sighed. "I just... You're finally pregnant, again, and I'm about to abandon you. This isn't what I wanted... How can I leave you? How could you let me?"

"I begged you not to go," I pointed out, smiling sadly. "I'll get through this."

"Alone?" He scoffed. "I don't want that for you."

"I'll have Hayley," I shrugged. "She and I got through her pregnancy, I'm sure we can get through mine without a hitch. I'll be alright. I swear."

He closed his eyes, "I'm so sorry."

I reached out to rub his arms, "Hey, this is not your fault. These circumstances..." I paused to closed my eyes. "They suck! For sure. But I cannot wait to have this baby. We may be apart but I am carrying a part of you inside me. Which is more than just words to say I'll carry you with me in my heart."

Klaus frowned deeply, placing both hands on my stomach, "A baby?" He questioned, looking up at me. Tears welling in his eyes. Oh, this is the reaction I wanted. A wobbily smile coming onto his face as I nodded my head. My own vision blurring with tears as well. "Oh, boy, girl. I don't care. I cannot belive I'm having another child."

"Believe it," I laughed softly.

Klaus lowered down onto his knees, hugging my waist. "I love you, child of mine. Daddy may not be around for awhile, but I will love you forever. And one day, I will hold you. I will make up for all of my lost time. To you, to your big sister, and to your wonderful mother. You be good to her."

I smiled, covering my face with one hand while my other was burning into his soft hair. He remained that way for a few moments before getting back to his feet. "We're running out of time. It's not or never," I said.

"You still want to marry me?" He asked seriously.

"Without a doubt," I answered, pecking his lips. "I want to be Mrs. Mikaelson. Today. I don't want to wait another minute."

"At least we won't have out child out of wed lock," he snorted.

"You're ridiculous."

"Ridiculously happy," he said, smiling. "I know this road we're about to take is going to be a long and hard one. But I am eternally grateful for you. Danielle, I love you."

"The prove it. Marry me," I grinned, wiping my eyes carefully. "It's time."


Thursday, January 24th
11:26 PM

"You may kiss your bride," Mary announced.

Klaus didn't hesitate to swoop in. His hand holding mine dropped as he snaked his arm around my waist, pulling me into his chest while his other hand cupped the back of my neck. His lips pressed hard against mine, kissing me with a newfound purpose. I didn't hold back returning the passion, the fervor, or the longing. This was out last moments together.

I moaned softly, my hands in his hair. We didn't have a lot of time as newly weds. But I wanted this kiss to last forever. I wanted a first dance. I wanted to make love one more time. "No kissy! Get off, Ani!" Hope yelling broke us up.

I gasped, chuckling as I pulled away from Klaus. "Again. I now pronounce you husband and wife," Mary announced to us all. "We'll leave you love birds alone. Good night."

She patted me on the arm and I kissed her cheek, thanking her for doing the ceremony. She headed right for the door. Rebekah stepped up next to hug her brother, "Congratulations, Nik. You're the first of the lot to get married," she sighed.

"Your day will come, dear sister," Klaus assured as they pulled apart.

"Dani," Rebekah said, lips pursed. "Welcome to the family."

"Thank you," I replied simply.

"I'll see you at the compound," Klaus told her softly. She gave a curt nod then followed after Mary to leave. Finally, we were approached by Hayley who was carrying Hope. "Oh, come here, you big-mouthed princess," Klaus said.

My husband. I grinned as he took his daughter from Hayley's arm. My friend smiling happily, taking my hands in hers. "Congrats, Mrs. Mikaelson," she squealed excitedly.

"Thank you," I replied, smiling as well. "Um, I don't know if you heard us talking... But Klaus and I... We're pregnant."

She gasped, "No we couldn't hear anything. Rebekah was spazzing out with the hex, on the phone with Freya and Hope was babbling loudly, wanting a swim. But a baby?! Hope is going to have a little brother or sister?!"

"I just told Klaus. I want to keep this on the down low, especially if we're going on the run," I told her and she nodded in understanding.

"Hey, Klaus may not be around for a while, but I will be," she stated fiercely, grabbing hold of me by my forearms. "We will keep our kids safe together. However, long it takes." I nodded in agreement, swallowing my fear and keeping the tears at bay. "I'm going to get out of your hair. You two need to get a move on."

"Yeah, we do," I mumbled sadly.

Klaus was spending his last moments with his daughter. Unfortunately it came to an end when Hayley took their daughter back. "I'll see you, later. You got the plan?" Hayley asked me.

"Yeah," I said. "I'll meet you in your old apartment." She nodded, I then hugged her and Hope, giving the baby a kiss on the cheek. "I'll see you later, princess."

"Bye-bye, Ani," Hope uttered, waving at me.

Hayley ushered her away and I turned to face Klaus, "Get all your goodbyes in?"

"Elijah, Hayley, Hope... Rebekah and I have a little more time. Kol was asleep... Oh, crap. I let Hope a letter. For one day when she can read it. I... I should have one for our baby—"

"We don't have time for you to write a letter," I interrupted him. "Hey, this is my goodbye. I'll spend forever telling our child and of course Hope, how amazing their father is. How he's only not around as a sacrifice for his siblings. A bond I can only dream your kids will have. That Niklaus Mikaelson is a long lived king, a romantic husband, and a father that will wear a tiara to please his little girl."

"I hope you're having a boy," he cracked a smile.

I rolled my eyes, "Even so, I'm not naming him Elvis."

"I trust you to pick a great name for our child," he said. "But if it's a boy, you made me a promise of the middle name being Henrik."

"Of course," I assured. "Now enough baby talk. I want to spend our last moments as your wife. Nothing more, nothing less. And it's time for our first dance."

Klaus grinned, nodding his head, "Can I have this dance, Danielle Mikaelson?"

I blushed, taking his hand as he held it out to me. We didn't have any music, but it didn't matter to us. We swayed together, arms tightly bound together and eyes locked. I could feel the heat growing between us, but we didn't give in. He twirled me around and we danced on the edge of the pool.

Until Klaus froze, his hand on my hip, lowering to where my dress blew in the wind, revealing my upper thigh. "Aren't you tired of dancing, love?" He rasped out seductively.

"Yes," I smirked, stepping away from him. I suddenly bent over, brushing my bottom against his crotch as I started to unravel the laces to my white heels. Once they were both done, I kicked them off and then twirled away from Klaus. I walked backwards away from us to put some distance between our bodies.

My husband watched intently as I came to a halt, biting my lip as I gave him a show. At first I was being silly and vogueing, twirling in my pretty dress. Klaus chuckled then, clapping his hands. He muttered something about wishing he had a wallet full of dollar bills. Said I could be his bachelor's party as well.

Enough of his nonsense, I stood still, facing the pool. I couldn't resist the urge. I dived right into the blue water. It was freezing as I submerged. My dress was light and didn't hold me back. I swam quickly, rejoicing at the tension leaving my body. When I reached the other end of the pool, Klaus was standing at the edge, gazing at me questioningly.

I panted before laughing, "Get in."

"Are you insane?" Klaus asked, squatting down.

"I love the water," I defended my actions. "It gives me a sense of freedom."

"You're going to catch a cold," Klaus quipped, reaching into the water and yanking me out, showing off all his supernatural strength. He put me down, letting me shiver as my soaking wet body felt the breeze in the air. My husband shrugged off his jacket but I backed away as he held it out to me.

"I think I should lose the wet clothes," I said.

Klaus gulped as I started to undo one button at a time before my sheer dress dropped. My husband took in a sharp breath as I spun slowly, rocking my hips. My backside to him, revealing the zipper to my body suit.

"Need a hand?" He questioned.


He stepped up behind me, one hand on my hip as the other was in the middle of my back, grabbing a hold of the zipper. I bit my lip as he slowly undid me. My breasts spilling out first and the body suit loosening around me. I pushed it down from the sides, letting it fall to my feet. It left me standing there in nothing but a silk white thong.

"Let me," he said, pulling the string of my thong, forcing it firmly against my sex. I let out a pleased sound at the pleasure from the friction. He tugged harder, the thong scrunching together in the front until it squeezed between my pussy, rubbing my clit roughly before the entire thong ripped off me.

"Ah," I gasped, breathless as I turned around, completely naked. "Your turn."

Klaus' lips pressed to mine. Our tongues tied while our hands worked to undressed him. He undid his shirt and ditched the bowtie while I went straight for his pants. In no time he was in the buff as well. Klaus narrowed his eyes on me quizzically.

A smirk came to his face as he lifted me up, bridal style. "What are you doing?" I asked, slightly amused but equally scared. He was up to something. It was written all over his face.

"You want to be in the water? Fine."

Before I could question it, I was sent flying in the air, plummeting into the pool completely off guard. My arms flailed around as I rushed to the surface. "Klaus!"

He was laughing before he jumped in after me. I winced at the splash that came hurtling towards me. I scowled as I watched him get his footing and begin swimming the small distance between the two of us. His arms wrapped around me to lift me ever so lightly. I shivered at the rush of the cold water, sliding between our bodies.

My legs snaked around his torso as he carried me to the edge of the pool. My back pressed against it. "What are you doing, Klaus?" I purred, running a finger down his neck.


My brows raised but my mouth was busy when Klaus' mouth slid against mine. He removed my legs from around him, backing my hips into the wall of the pool. There were no words said as he positioned himself between my thighs. My arms slipped under his, my nails digging into his back just as he thrusted forward, pressing us pelvis to pelvis. Over and over again, he rocked his hips, plowing me to the brink of orgasm. Our lips sucked, kissed, licked, and nipped every square inch of each other's body we can get. Until we were out of breath, out of energy, and out of time.


Friday, January 25th
1:11 AM

"Are you ready?" Rebekah asked.

Klaus glanced between his sister and I. He held my hand in one, and reached over to grab Rebekah's wrist, tracing over the skull branded and boiling on her skin. "Are you?" He asked.

"For Freya's plan to work, I can't go mad and you can't die. What are the bloody odds of that?"

"Wasn't it you who once said I could talk my way out of hell?"

The two smiled at one another. Klaus dropped my hand so the two could hug. Afterward, Klaus turned to me. "You asked to be here. You hold it together," Klaus said. "Do not draw any extra attention to yourself. And when Rebekah leaves, you disappear in the crowd with her."

"Okay," I agreed reluctantly.

The three of us entered the compound together, the courtyard filled with hundreds of vampires who clearly trashed the place. Fires were lit all around the room, broken furniture littering the floor with literal garbage everywhere. "Silence!" A voice shouted and the people in our faces, around the room, and throwing paper from the balcony quieted down.

They also paved a path, a narrow one, which led from us to Marcel who sat on a makeshift throne of broken furniture stacked together. "The great Klaus Mikaelson has decided to grace us with his presence!" Marcel announced to the crowd who cheered loudly again and gathered back in closely around the three of us like we were animals in a cage at the zoo as we stopped halfway to Marcel.

"I have nothing to hide, Marcel. You wish to put me on trial for my many grievous sins. Well, go on. Have at it," my husband addressed his foe.

Shuffling tore Rebekah and I from Klaus' side, forcing him up on a soapbox. Rebekah tugged me along with her to stand behind her brother. "Klaus Mikaelson. Sire to a thousand years' worth of angry faces. How does it feel to be this hated? Go on. Look at them. I said, look at them! They're all yours, after all."

Klaus' faced showed he was the opposite of impressed. He shrugged off the onlookers. Klaus turned to glance at his sister and I. Then he reached a hand down. Surprisingly, it was for me so I took it, climbing onto the box next to him. Klaus turned to me, "We're in this together?"

"Every second," I assured. I had convinced him to let me come. He was against the idea. He didn't want me to be a target for these people. As expected, they were not concerned about my presence at all. He also was afraid of what they might say but there was no horror story that was going to keep me away. I wanted to know exactly what his fate would hold at the end of this trial.

"Do you remember him?" Marcel called our attention, walking over to close majority the large gap between himself and the three of us. "1694. His wife accused Rebekah of witch craft. So you turned him and then compelled him to drain his wife dry!"

He was calling out Klaus' sins but his brown eyes landed on me. As if he was trying to convince me to leave my newly wedded husband. I followed Klaus' lead and remained expressionless. I knew Klaus did terrible things. With a millennia on this Earth, I'm sure he had many grievances that would make me sick. But it didn't change how I felt about him. The man he was now was one I was proudly in love with.

"Or this man. He was a simple farmer. In 1745, he made the mistake of owning land that you wanted. You could' ve easily taken it. Instead, you turned him and then made him burn his entire village to the ground," Marcel continued, pointing at one person to another. "Or this woman. 1891. Her mother had pneumonia. Coughed all through the night. You got annoyed. So you turned them both, and made her watch as you burned her mother alive."

"Yes, yes, yes, my sins were terrible indeed. But they taught the world to fear me, and that fear protected my family," Klaus finally chimed in.

"Don't preach to me about family!" Marcel yelled. "I was your family once. Or so you said. And where did that get me?"

"I could've left you nameless and alone, but I didn't. I took you and I made you all that you are."

"I guess you made everyone here. Made us all in your image. Angry, paranoid, merciless," my frenemy was carrying on his accusations. Rage radiated off of him in waves. From the look in his eyes to the way he was pacing this courtyard. "Why?! Why even bother siring us? Were you afraid to be alone? Was that it? Did you want to make something so vile and disgusting, like you? In the end, the reason doesn't matter. You made us, you abandoned us, and anyone who dared stand up for themselves, you took away everything that we loved. Because that is what you do! And for that, you must pay."

The crowd roared and goosebumps littered my skin. "Enough!" Rebekah silenced the room, walking around the soapbox to face Marcel and the entire audience. "You will not condemn my brother before I have had a chance to speak on his behalf."

Marcel chuckled humorlessly, "You want to speak? All right. Go ahead." He then walked away to his throne to take a seat.

Rebekah looked around before starting her speech of defense, "You accuse my brother of unjust retaliation. Of killing your loved ones. But how is he any different from any of you? The strong fight to determine who is strongest, and my brother is strong! Yes, he fights for power, as do all of you. But his first instinct is to defend his blood, as you act to avenge yours. You say he is guilty, but I ask you, would anyone here do any less?"

I squeezed Klaus' hand, unsure how things were playing out. Everyone was quiet. I wondered how they took in her words. "That's your argument?" Marcel scoffed. "All's fair, in defense of the family?" He then frowned, sliding forward in his seat as he carefully continued their arguing opening statements. "Hmm. Thing is, Rebekah, I seem to recall he punished you, his sister, for no other reason than fear that you might love someone more than him."

"We have been together for a millennium. We were bound to have a few tiffs," Rebekah shrugged off Marcel's subject.

"Was it a 'tiff' when he daggered you for loving me? Was that justice? Or when he exiled you from the Quarter? From your family? From me?" Marcel retorted, standing up and walking over to get in her face to lay the pressure.

The blonde in front of us, was grabbing hold of her wrist. I noticed her stumble and Klaus flinched beside me. "Marcel, stop," she pleaded.

"You hate him," Marcel accused. "You hate him as much as anybody here, maybe even more, given how long he has made you suffer."

Rebekah looked up at the ceiling, rolling her shoulders back before facing her ex again. "You know what, Marcel, you are right," she stated.

"Rebekah," my husband called out in a warning.

"You see, I haven't been entirely honest," Rebekah said, stepping out and looking around at all the onlooking scum. "Perhaps, it's time to tell the brutal truth about my dear brother Klaus Mikaelson," she giggled, causing the crowd to rejoice at the suggestions. "Yes he is my brother, and I have loved him through the ages. But no one has felt the blunt end of his ire more than I. He claims that his actions are in defense of his family, but he lies!"

"Rebekah, you're not well! The curse has poisoned your mind," Klaus hissed at his sister as she began to circle our soapbox to look between Klaus and I to the other vampires.

"Let her speak!" Marcel demanded, finding his spot back on his throne.

I turned to the side, wrapping my arms around Klaus to comfort him. We were at a loss. It was the Rebekah and Marcel show and they were currently on the same side. "Yes Nik, I would like to speak. Although, when I speak out of turn, I often end up with a dagger in my chest. You see, my brother, he cannot handle the brutal truth that he destroys everything he touches!" She preached to the room of haters. Then she stood in front of us, glaring right at her brother, "You murdered our mother, and both of your fathers. You dagger your siblings and leave us in coffins for decades!"

"Marcel, she's sick," I spat as Rebekah paused and panted for air. Marcel stood up, scowling as he looked at me, unsure of what was going on. He had to know about the hex. I would assume.

"You break our hearts, you forbid us from finding love, all because you couldn't find any love of your own," Rebekah cried, pointing a finger at me. Her hatred in HD. I pursed my lips and bit my tongue. She turned her attention to the room, waving that same finger at as many people as she could as she ranted on, whining, "I am envious of all of you. You have broken free from him. But I have had no such relief. Chained to him, not because of a sire link, but because of a foolish pact that we made to each other, when we were nothing more than children. What if he could suffer the way I have? The way that we all have!"

She circled the soap box again but finally shut her trap. "Well... I think we've heard enough. Have you come to a decision?" Marcel spoke up after a moment of silence in the compound. The cheering came as a response to that question.

My friend looked at me, his eyes squinted as I stared desperately back at him. He made me a promise and I trusted him to keep his word. But I wasn't so sure. The crowd was relentless, and beyond entertained. They weren't going to give in to let Klaus go free. They were egged on to encourage his demise. Marcel couldn't be a sympathizer. But if anyone could swing a compromise, it was my old friend. He was a gifted strategist. He just had to play out an option besides death that would allow him to live and please his disgusting guests.

"Enough!" Klaus shouted. He shook his head as he stepped away from me and out of my comforting arms. "I'm disappointed in you, Marcellus. Using my poor, impaired sister to propagate your vitriol. It's hardly the mark of a true leader, wouldn't you say?" Klaus addressed the judge of the jury.

"Oh please, you want the last word?" Marcel scoffed, "Take it. Then we can finish this."

"Look at you," Klaus had the nerve to spoke, pointing a finger at Marcel. "Outraged over the loss of Davina. She who routinely betrayed my family."

"Klaus," I whispered worried that he was going to push things and make them worse. My husband gave me  a wink just before he leaped off the soapbox. He then waltzed over to Marcel who was still seated to address him directly. Bold as ever. I wasn't sure if he was stupid, overly confident, or just plain sexy.

"And in the end, she defied you. Perhaps, you should have warned her what befalls those who cross me," Klaus continued, daring to step on Marcel's box that held his throne. "Maybe... what happened to her was your fault. No matter," he shrugged, stepping back down to continued his monologue. "Davina's death did help defeat Lucien, so I suppose you could say the little witch did finally prove herself to be of some minute worth."

I stepped off the soapbox, clutching onto Rebekah who was wide eyed. "I don't have much time before I go completely mad," she gasped, squeezing my arm.

"And as for you lot! Yes, I murdered your loved ones!" Klaus bellowed to his sirelings. He then began pointing them out, "I killed your harlot, I rid the world of your slum, and I freed you from your decrepit mother. So, what of it? Each and every one stands here today, because I willed it to be so. This mockery of a trial is allowed only because of me. And your very immortality is a gift," my husband paused dramatically, pointing at Marcel lastly. "From me. A debt that you can never repay. One that far offsets all my supposed crimes."

Klaus walked back towards me, caressing my cheek. "I love you," I mouthed the words.

He smiled ever so slightly before getting back up on the soapbox. Then he declared slowly to the jury, "I. Owe. You. Nothing." The crowd was so silent his statement, I held my breath not to disturb it. "So, go on! Kill me! I welcome the peace of death as a reprieve from this tedium. I will die suffering but a taste of the agony I have inflicted upon all of you. The scales remain in my favor. And in the end..." Klaus trailed off, stepping back down to walk back to his once upon a time son. "You will all know that I won. You will remember me, Klaus Mikaelson! Your maker."

Marcel leaned in his seat, seemingly ready to stand up. However, Rebekah yanked herself away from me. "Death is too good for him! You have the means to make him suffer. Let that be his fate!" She screamed out.

"Rebekah!" I hissed, yanking her back.

"Torture him!" One of the vampires screamed out from the balcony. The rest of the crowd starting chanting those words.

I stared at Marcel desperately as Klaus stood beside his thrown, his back to him as he looked back at me and the rest of the crowd. Marcel sat up in his throne, tearing his gaze away from me to look at Klaus. "Justice for Klaus Mikaelson..." Marcel dragged out, reaching for something under his thrown.

I gasped as I noticed the familiar item. A bone that was carved into a sharp, curved weapon which had been used on my husband. Marcel stood up, slithering behind Klaus as he finished his sentence: "Should be a fate worse than death." He held up Papa Tunde's blade, letting Klaus see it before he stepped from his throne to speak to his flock of followers.

My face couldn't hide how upset I was. Klaus eyes flickered over to me. For a second he showed emotion but it quickly dissipated before I could decipher how he was feeling.

"This blade is imbued with dark magic. It will cause unending agony. All the pain that we have felt at the hands of this man will pale in comparison to what he will soon feel for as long as I decide to let him live," Marcel informed everyone as he held the blade up.

The crowd cheered in approval and support. A few lackeys rushed forward to grab Klaus against his will to drag him to where Marcel stood in the middle of the compound. Rebekah shook me as her brother was carried in a crowd surfing manor. Tears in my eyes as I had to face this fate too. "We have to go," she whispered.

I shook my head, I couldn't go. Not yet. I got up on the soapbox so I could see Klaus' face better. He finally were showing his hesitation as he faced Marcel. "For Davina, Diego, Thierry, Gia, Cami, and the boy I used to be. The one you once called your son," Marcel was saying barely loud enough for me to hear but I was rushing forward as he swung his arm down to stab the blade into Klaus' chest.

I stood next to Marcel pulling him away as Klaus screamed out in agonizing pain. Marcel gestured for the guys to put him down on the ground. I fell beside him, cradling him to my chest. "Danielle, you should leave," Marcel advised me, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"I love you," I stated, patting Klaus' cheek and pressing my lips to his one more time. His eyes were open but he didn't kiss me back or say a word. Instead his hand, barely squeezed mine over his chest. I gulped as the cheering became too much to bear and the tears were rolling down my face.

I carefully let Klaus go. Marcel and I shared a look before I shouldered my way through the crowd, "out of her way!" Marcel instructed the vampires who tried to heckle me. "She is a friend of mine."

I paused at the exit, glancing at Marcel with a sad smile. Then I raced out the room to go meet with Rebekah who I assumed was already at the old Kenner's apartment.

"Nik found a way to stay alive. Our plan worked. Now it's up to you, Hayley. Make his sacrifice count," Rebekah was speaking when I entered the apartment with my key.

She turned to look at me, giving me a weary look mixed with distaste that I was her partner in crime. By default. "Plan is in motion," I sniffled, dabbing my still wet eyes.

"Freya is going to start the spell," she sighed.

"I suggest you stay on the couch then. I won't even attempt to catch you if you collapse suddenly," I smirked.

Rebekah snorted before walking around the living room to sit on the couch. As we awkwardly waited for the spell to start, I paced the room. One hand protectively over my flat stomach. My left hand shining with my wedding band and engagement ring.

"Before I fall under a magic slumber. My brother left something for you," Rebekah spoke up after a minute.

I raised my brows, wondering if she was hesitating to give it to me. I walked over to her as she was reaching in a small pocketbook before she suddenly went limp. Eyes closed and body slumping down. "Rebekah?" I called out.

She didn't move. I let out a shaky breath. I carefully reached for her purse. Part of me feared she was playing sleep and was gonna scare me or trip me or bite me. She wasn't exactly in her right mind. I dug into it, finding a large envelope. It had my name written on it in Klaus' hand writing. It was thick envelope, something was clearing inside.

My phone rang loudly, catching me off guard. I hurried to answer Hayley's call. "Hey," I whispered into the phone.

"I'm halfway there. Do you think you can carry Rebekah downstairs?"

"I can," I answered. "Or I can throw her down the stairs because it'll be quicker."

"Dani," Hayley laughed. "Carry her. We need to move and get out of town. I'll park out back."

"Okay, bye," I said, hanging up. I then gave Rebekah a once over. Ugh. Guess I had to pick her up to save some time for our escape.

By the time I snuck Rebekah to the alley in the back of the apartments, on the opposite side of where the compound was, Hayley pulled up. Talk about perfect timing. She hopped out of the U-Haul truck, hurrying to the back to open the sliding door open to reveal the coffins.

I dragged Rebekah carefully to the back of the truck so Hayley and I could get her into her coffin. Once I dropped the blonde, I exited the truck, heading to get in the front row where Hope was buckled into her seat belt. "Hi, Princess," I smiled softly at the wide eyed baby.

She held out her little cup of cereal. "Eat?" She offered. I learned not to argue. So I grabbed a couple of her toddler made soft chew cereal in the shape of stars.

"Thank you, Hope."

"More?" She offered.

"No," I replied, chuckling.

Hayley finally got in the drivers seat. "You ready for this?" She asked me.

"There's no one else I would rather be on the run with," I assured my friend, reaching across Hope to squeeze her arm. "I'm ready."

"Ready!" Hope squealed, clapping her hands and successfully spilling her cereal as it fell out of her lap. Hayley and I laughed then.


Thursday: January 24, 2013

My beloved,

We may not have time to say our own vows tonight. But you once told me you loved the idea of letters from bride to groom. So I thought while I was waiting for my lovely bride to get ready, I'd write one to you.

Danielle Rodriguez, this is the last time I'll ever say that name. I cannot wait to marry you. I don't care if I only get a minute as your husband, it would be the greatest 60 seconds of my entire life.

We don't know what the future may hold, but I plan to survive this night. And when I make it out of this alive, I'll come for you. Asking you to wait indefinitely is selfish. I can only hope my sacrifice is short lived enough for me to make my way back to you, and pick up where we left off. But if you do... move on that is... I wish the bloke luck because I will sweep you off your feet and make you fall in love with me all over again. Because I plan to spend the rest of my life with you, whatever it takes.

Maybe we're not each other's first anything.
But I intend to be each other's last.

And you will be my only wife.

As long as you are, please, do not mourn me. Whatever pain I endure, I do in service of those I love. My only regret is that I will be away from you and my daughter.

I won't be there to hold you every night, keep you warm in my bed and quell your desires and needs. I won't be able to kiss you a dozen times a day until your head spins. I won't get to make you laugh or rejoice in hearing it for a long time. I am not going to be there to hold your hand when times get tough. I can't spend the holidays with you.

And there are a million things I will miss out on, but there isn't enough paper to write them all down... There's a million reasons for you to hate me. But you have shown me such understanding, patience, grace and humility. I don't deserve you, baby girl. But I will do anything to change that, to prove myself.

Because my love for you is infinite, baby girl. And I swear, this is the last time I will ever hurt you. And I will make it up to you. I will give you your dream wedding. We will settle down in any city, any town, big or small that you choose. We will start out family. And every day I will devote myself to making you happy, spoiling you rotten, and treating you like a literal queen.

For I am yours, Dani.
All yours.
Entirely yours.

And if you are still mine, there's a bracelet I've had engraved. Wear it if you like. Wear it today, tomorrow, two years from now... If that's not to presumptuous. Wait for me at your discretion, Danielle. But know I'll love you always.

Your soon to be husband,
Niklaus Mikaelson


Saturday, January 25th
3:12 AM

I folded the letter back up and held it to my chest for a moment. The bracelet in my lap shining in the moonlight. Hayley had pulled over to get gas. Hope was asleep. This was my moment to myself to read the letter Klaus apparently wrote before our wedding ceremony.

I put the letter into the envelope, my heart heavy and my eyes lined with tears for the millionth time in the past week. I then picked up the bracelet. It was a gold tennis bracelet. In the middle was a solid gold heart with a lock and key on either sides of it.

I planned to wait for Klaus. However long it takes. I was his. Mind, body, soul, and spirit. His one and only wife. As he was my lawfully wedded husband. Without hesitation I slipped the bracelet onto my left hand before holding the my wrist up to eye level to read the engraved words on the heart. On one side it had two words engraved, one above the other that read as, "Yours, Klaus" and on the other side was just the word, "Entirely."

~Picture: Danielle and Klaus' outfits for their wedding ceremony 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨

Book 3 is complete. Danielle is pregnant. She and Klaus just got hitched. And now Klaus is under the mercy of Marcel as his prisoner indefinitely, to Marcel's discretion.

Dani and Hayley are on the run with Hope and a truck full of clothes and coffins. What will come of it? Will the girls find a cure? How long will it take? Where will the road take them? And if time starts flying, will they stick together?

But on a positive note. Danielle is having a baby. Is Hope having a baby sister or brother? What do you think? And if you have baby name suggestions, now is the time to give them.

Ooo, trivia question: Can you guess what scene/chapter/date of conception? I mean, I gave you all some juicy love making. We've talked about her being off birth control for months. And made it a point to talk about them using condoms for once... Danielle was currently back on birth control, but can you pinpoint the exact cusp of time before she was on birth control and they didn't use protection??

Look out for the update about BOOK 4 being released in a day or two. The title will be: "I'm Still Yours, Klaus" 💚💚💚💚

SPOILER ALERT: You're getting Klaus' point of view!

If you liked this chapter leave some wedding emojis for Dani & Klaus' marriage 👰🏻‍♀️💒🤵🏻‍♂️

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