An anthology of weird stories

Door anujshah1991

567 103 45

An anthology of weird stories Meer

Jack who?
The snatchers
The wells of death
Just love
Tragic messages
Cheating is bad
A crematorium
Beyond life and death
Tv message
Reel to real ?
A catholic school
Football ?
Dont leave
Knock knock
Tragedy of errors
Future AD
Friends forever???
Schizophrenia- a misunderstood condition
Ouija board
Weirdness personified
Space odyssey
Organ transplant
Bottomless pit
Toll call
Science project
The key man
The girl with the gun arm
The 10Th club
Andy Shaw's chronicles
Future is present to come
School trip
Room 401
3:03 am
Call me tomorrow. Alright ?
Sleep paralysis
I cant sleep anymore
The algorithm pattern
Angel of death
A good day indeed
Herbert Scott
Innocent ?
The chinese man
The killer
Zombies didnt kill me or her ?
ACP ANDY is back
Julie and julia
The painting
The masons
To be or 2 be
Cruise ship
The Andy Cunningham chronicle
Beyond the mountain of madness
Live to die and repeat
Andy- the reluctant Assasin
Andy shaw- you mess you pay
A weird take on time loops

Emily's life

6 1 2
Door anujshah1991

As a child, Emily always felt like she was being watched. She would see shadows out of the corner of her eye, hear whispers in empty rooms, and feel icy breath on the back of her neck. Her parents dismissed her fears as childish imagination, but Emily knew there was something else going on.

Years went by, and Emily learned to ignore the strange occurrences around her. She went to college, got a job, and started her own life. It wasn't until she moved into a new apartment that the feeling of being watched returned with a vengeance.

At first, Emily tried to brush it off, but the feeling only grew stronger. She would wake up in the middle of the night, feeling like someone was standing over her bed. She started to see strange writing on the walls, and sometimes heard strange whispers coming from the walls themselves.

Emily began to feel like she was losing her mind. She started to see a therapist, but nothing seemed to help. One day, she came home from work to find a note on her kitchen table. It was written in the same strange writing she had seen on the walls, and it said, "I'm watching you."

Emily was terrified. She knew she needed to do something, but she didn't know what. One night, she woke up to find a man standing at the foot of her bed. He was tall and thin, with a pale face and dark eyes that seemed to bore into her soul. Emily tried to scream, but no sound came out.

The man leaned in close to her and whispered, "I've been watching you for a long time, Emily. I've been waiting for the right moment to reveal myself to you."

Emily tried to get away, but the man grabbed her arm and pulled her closer. He whispered in her ear, "You can't escape me, Emily. I'm always here, watching you. And soon, you'll be mine."

Emily woke up in a cold sweat, gasping for air. She realized it had all been a nightmare, but the fear lingered. She knew she needed to take action and protect herself.

In the days that followed, Emily installed security cameras, changed the locks on her doors, and started carrying pepper spray. She refused to let the fear control her.

Eventually, the strange occurrences stopped. Emily never found out who or what had been watching her, but she knew she had taken the necessary steps to protect herself. She learned that sometimes, the only way to overcome fear is to face it head-on

As time passed, Emily began to feel like her life was returning to normal. She stopped seeing strange writing on the walls, hearing whispers in the night, and feeling like someone was watching her every move. She stopped carrying pepper spray and even stopped locking her doors during the day.

But just when Emily thought she was safe, the strange occurrences started up again. She woke up one morning to find a note on her pillow, written in the same strange writing she had seen before. It said, "I'm still watching you."

Emily's heart raced as she realized that she had let her guard down too soon. She didn't know what to do or who to turn to. She couldn't tell anyone about the strange occurrences without sounding crazy.

As the days passed, the strange occurrences continued. Emily would come home from work to find her furniture rearranged, or her belongings moved to strange places. She started hearing strange noises in the walls, and sometimes even heard footsteps in the hallway when she knew she was alone.

Emily knew she had to take action before it was too late. This time, she didn't waste any time. She moved out of her apartment and into a new one, in a different part of town. She changed her phone number, her email address, and even her name on social media. She wanted to erase every trace of her old life, so the person or thing that had been watching her couldn't find her again.

Emily lived in her new apartment for several years, and the strange occurrences never returned. She started to feel safe again, and even started dating someone new. But every once in a while, she would catch a glimpse of a shadow out of the corner of her eye, or hear a whisper in the night. And when she did, she knew that she could never let her guard down again.

Despite her efforts to move on and forget the past, Emily couldn't shake the feeling that something was still watching her. She tried to convince herself that it was just her imagination, but deep down, she knew that it was something more.

One day, Emily received an unexpected package in the mail. It was a small box, wrapped in brown paper and tied with a twine bow. There was no return address, and Emily didn't recognize the handwriting on the label.

She hesitated for a moment, unsure if she should open it. But curiosity got the better of her, and she carefully untied the bow and opened the box. Inside, she found a small antique doll, with porcelain skin and curly blonde hair. It was beautiful, but there was something eerie about it.

As soon as Emily touched the doll, she felt a strange energy radiating from it. She couldn't explain it, but she knew that it was connected to the strange occurrences from her past. She knew that she had to get rid of the doll, but she didn't know how.

Emily decided to do some research on the doll, hoping to find some answers. She discovered that it was a rare antique from the early 1900s, and that it was believed to be cursed. Legend had it that the doll was possessed by the spirit of a young girl who had died tragically.

Emily knew that she had to get rid of the doll, but she didn't want to pass the curse onto someone else. She decided to take matters into her own hands and destroy the doll herself. She drove to a remote location, deep in the woods, and buried the doll in a shallow grave.

As she walked back to her car, Emily felt a weight lift off of her shoulders. She knew that she had finally put the past behind her, and that she could move on with her life. But just as she reached her car, she heard a whisper in the wind. It was a voice she recognized all too well.

"I'm still watching you, Emily," the voice said. "And I always will be."

Emily froze in fear, realizing that she had never truly escaped her past. She knew that she would have to be vigilant for the rest of her life, always watching her back and never letting her guard down again. The curse of the doll had followed her, and she knew that she would never be truly free of it.

As Emily drove away from the remote location, she couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. She looked in the rearview mirror and saw nothing but the empty road behind her. But she knew that the voice she had heard was real.

Emily didn't know what to do. She couldn't go to the police without sounding crazy, and she couldn't tell her friends or family either. She was alone with her fear, and it was consuming her.

Days turned into weeks, and Emily tried to go about her life as usual. But every once in a while, she would hear a whisper in the wind or catch a glimpse of a shadow out of the corner of her eye. She knew that the curse of the doll was still with her, and that she would never be able to escape it.

One night, Emily woke up to a strange noise outside her bedroom window. She sat up in bed and listened, but couldn't hear anything. Just as she was about to lay back down, she heard the noise again. It was a tapping noise, like someone was trying to get her attention.

Emily slowly got out of bed and approached the window. As she got closer, she saw a figure standing outside, in the darkness. It was too dark to see who or what it was, but Emily knew that it was connected to the curse of the doll.

She backed away from the window, her heart racing. She didn't know what to do, but she knew that she couldn't stay in her apartment any longer. She packed a bag and left, without looking back.

Emily drove for hours, not knowing where she was going or what she was going to do. She just knew that she had to get as far away from the curse of the doll as she could. Eventually, she ended up in a small town, in the middle of nowhere.

As she checked into a cheap motel, Emily realized that she had left everything behind. Her job, her friends, her family - everything that had once been important to her was now gone. She was alone, with nothing but her fear and the curse of the doll.

Emily knew that she had to find a way to break the curse, once and for all. She started researching ancient rituals and spells, hoping to find a way to banish the curse from her life. She spent hours pouring over dusty old books, trying to find the answers she was looking for.

Finally, Emily found a ritual that she thought might work. She gathered all of the necessary ingredients and set up a small altar in her motel room. She lit candles and incense, and began the ritual.

As she recited the ancient words, Emily felt a strange energy building around her. She closed her eyes and focused all of her energy on breaking the curse of the doll. She chanted the words over and over again, until she felt like she couldn't go on any longer.

Finally, after what felt like hours, Emily opened her eyes. She saw that the candles had burned down to the wicks, and the incense had burned out. She knew that the ritual was over, but she wasn't sure if it had worked.

Emily waited for days, hoping to feel some kind of change in her life. But nothing happened. She still felt like she was being watched, and she still heard whispers in the night. She started to lose hope, thinking that the curse of the doll would never leave her alone.

But just when Emily was about to give up, something strange happened. She woke up one morning to find a small package on her doorstep. It was wrapped in brown paper and tied with a twine bow, just like the package that had contained the cursed doll.

Emily hesitated for a moment, unsure if she should open it. But curiosity got the better of her, and she carefully untied the bow and opened the package. Inside, she found a note, written in the same strange writing as before. But this time, the message was different.

"I'm sorry, Emily," the note read. "I didn't mean to frighten you. I just wanted to be friends."

Emily was shocked. She didn't know what to think. Had the curse of the doll been lifted? Had she finally broken free from the curse that had haunted her for so long?

Days turned into weeks, and Emily waited for another sign from the curse of the doll. But nothing happened. She started to feel like she was finally free, and that she could move on with her life.

Emily never found out who or what had been behind the curse of the doll. But she knew that she had overcome her fear, and that she had banished the curse from her life. She learned that sometimes, the only way to overcome fear is to face it head-on, and that by doing so, she had finally found peace.

As time passed, Emily started to rebuild her life. She found a new job in the small town where she had ended up, and started to make new friends. She even started dating again, something she never thought she would do after everything she had been through.

But even though Emily had banished the curse of the doll, she never forgot what she had been through. She still had nightmares sometimes, and still felt like she was being watched. But now, she knew that she was strong enough to overcome her fear, and that she could live a normal life again.

One day, Emily received an unexpected visitor. It was a woman she had never met before, but she looked familiar. The woman introduced herself as the curator of a local museum, and told Emily that she had something that belonged to her.

As Emily followed the woman into the museum, she couldn't shake the feeling that she had been there before. And then she saw it - the cursed doll, sitting in a glass case in the middle of the room.

Emily froze, unsure of what to do. She had banished the curse of the doll from her life, and she didn't want anything to do with it again. But the curator explained that the doll had been donated to the museum by a collector, and that it was an important piece of local history.

Emily knew that she couldn't let the doll stay in the museum, where it could potentially harm someone else. She decided to take matters into her own hands and destroy the doll once and for all.

She waited until the museum closed for the night, and then snuck into the room where the doll was kept. She smashed the glass case with a hammer, and picked up the doll. As soon as she touched it, she felt the energy of the curse building around her.

Emily closed her eyes and recited the same ancient words she had used to banish the curse before. She chanted the words over and over again, until she felt the energy dissipate.

When she opened her eyes again, she saw that the doll had turned to dust in her hands. The curse of the doll was finally gone, and Emily knew that she could finally move on with her life.

From that day forward, Emily lived a normal life, free from the fear that had once consumed her. She knew that she had overcome her fear, and that she had banished the curse of the doll from her life forever.

Years went by, and Emily never forgot about the cursed doll. But she knew that she had overcome it, and she had moved on with her life. She had a successful career, a loving partner, and a family of her own.

One day, while she was cleaning out her attic, Emily found an old photo album. As she flipped through the pages, she saw pictures of herself as a child, with her parents and siblings. And then she saw it – a picture of the cursed doll, sitting on a shelf in her childhood bedroom.

Emily felt a chill run down her spine as she looked at the picture. She couldn't believe that she had lived with the cursed doll for so many years, without ever realizing the danger it posed.

But then she realized something else – she had overcome the fear that had once consumed her, and had banished the curse of the doll from her life forever. She had faced her fears head-on, and had emerged stronger for it.

Emily smiled to herself as she closed the photo album. She knew that she would never forget the cursed doll, but now, she knew that she could look back on her experience with a sense of pride. She had faced one of her greatest fears, and had come out on the other side, stronger and more resilient than ever before.

From that day forward, Emily lived her life with confidence and courage. She knew that she could face anything that came her way, and that she would never let fear control her again. And as she looked back on her experience with the cursed doll, she knew that she had truly overcome her greatest fear, and had emerged victorious.

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