RE: Incarnating as a Yandere...

By Okipullyurireal

12.3K 391 521

The story of how a young girl who was born heartless and cold, experiences love for the first time in the mos... More

Prologue: Hollow Heart
Chapter 1: Rejoicing for Reincarnation
Chapter 2: This isn't Lugnica?
Chapter 3: Vollachian what?
Chapter 4: Heaven's Spear, Raysha
Chapter 5: Sword Saint, Adelheid

Chapter 6: Tag Along

1.6K 61 149
By Okipullyurireal

Raysha P.O.V:

Hehehe... this is nice, is what I'm thinking as I'm currently still glued onto my beloved's leg. I haven't let go, no matter what they tried to do. Naturally they would try blasting me away the second I'm off seeing as I am technically one of the biggest war assets of Vollachia. So my flawless strategy is to stay on her leg no matter what to avoid that scenario.

Adelheid: You can sit down on the seat, you know? I promise those two won't try to take you from me, so apologies for their actions from before.

I snuggle a bit more in appreciation of all of this empathy and kindness that she has, which I very much don't. Then after doing that, I turn to glare at the people who dared to try to get in our way. Before they reluctantly allowed me on this carriage, they 

Raysha: Tch, I trust you, but not them. Last time you said that they dared go against your word, with purple yam hair and annoying cat tried to pry me off with magic and swords.

Julius: It was simply defensive action-

Felix: Wait a minute! What's with those nicknames, nya?!

Raysha: If they aren't my beloved, why bother remembering their useless names? Simple descriptors like that are more than enough.

I glare at them harder after finishing that, and while Felix seems to melt a little in both shock and offense, I can see a little tick mark appear on the forehead of Julius. Oh, I do remember their names actually, but it's more fun to not use them just to see their agony. Anyways, I close my eyes and begin to doze off on Addy's leg, it's also my nickname for her now, ignore Felix.

Adelheid: My apologies everyone. A-ahem... Raysha?

Raysha: Hmm?

Adelheid: Can you not be so mean to them? I'm sure they didn't mean to offend you, and if they did, I apologize in their place.

Raysha: I'll... try...

Adelheid: Well, that is good enough for now. So thanks for listening, good job.

A-ah... ahhh.... I just got praised by her! No... I must calm down, showing this much emotion all at once constantly can't be good for my usually dead heart. I may kill a lot, but this is on a whole other level, perhaps because it's a new one? Hmm... well it's been awhile, and nothing interesting has happened. Might as well take this opportunity to sleep on this divine pillow.


Raysha: Ehehehe...


Felix: Eh... creepy... nya...


Raysha: Who are you calling creep, nya obsessed crossdresser? Die.

I begin charging up another blast and the carriage interior glows blue in the light that shall annihilate this cat creature, this thing will die by my hand-


Raysha: Gah!

I feel myself getting faint and a hint of pain on my neck, just how strong... is... she?

Adelheid: Forgive me, but please calm down for now and go to sleep, alright?

I suppose this is fine though...


I feel my eyes flutter open and the sleepiness fade, I feel around and... phew... they have still failed to win against my vice grip on Addy's leg. Though this grip would crush steel and turn stone to powder, so she really is so strong! As expected of the wife that will be mine no matter what! But it seems we are in a... bigger carriage? When did we transfer?

Adelheid: That's how we find ourselves in this situation, Lord Miklotov and Lord Bordeaux.

Oh, it's the old people council, I vaguely remember them. That one with the long white beard should be alright, but the one with the bushy blue eyebrows... that one was annoying.

Miklotov: Hmm... well having their 2nd rank in favor of us would certainly prove useful for the peace negotiations with Vollachia.

But as I see the bushy eyebrow guy about to speak up in seeming anger, I hear a... familiar voice? This-!

Vincent: Aiding the Emperor would help in that as well, I'm sure. I like to reward people based on their efforts, so I can assure you that will be done.

Suddenly I shoot up in surprise, what is he doing here?! Weren't the two sides trying to kill each other? Wasn't that was why I was sent out to kill everyone here?

Vincent: Ah, you look confused. Well simply put, it's in all likelihood a coup' d'état, with the intent of seizing the throne from me. But I do hope you are not part of it?

I feel a grin appear on my face, not from the joy of love however. It's my usual glee filled expression of potential murder targets! 

Vincent: Hmm... that's your "Can I kill them?" smile, isn't it? That is enough to prove your loyalty. Well, their intent was to kill me and become the Emperor in my stead, so feel free. 

Raysha: Hehehe... orders received. 

Overall, Vincent has been a rather good boss, so I have no reason to go against him for someone who might try to restrict my killings or be annoying by making me do work I'm not suited for. Which is why it's essential that I keep him on the throne, so I can keep abusing my power to do a bunch of fun things.

With that done they continue a bunch of boring talk, and I've decided to just sit on Addy's lap, as it seems we aren't actually enemies so they won't try anything. This country certainly is unstable and violence filled, not that I mind. A revolution and betrayal a day keeps the boredom away! So as the carriage continues onwards we nearly make it back to the capital, until...

Felix: Nya! We got trouble ahead!

Julius: That's Balleroy Temeglyph! The man we were framed for killing!

As they are surprised and Addy unfortunately but gently pushes me off to make sure the old men don't die of a heart attack or something. I will remember that grudge, Sage Council. But I look up to see Vincent simply giving a prideful smirk as he holds his chin. I look up to him about to ask the question on my mind, but he beats me to it.

Vincent: So I was correct... Balleroy Temeglyph, current 9th ranked Divine General. Your co-worker, as you like to put them. He is behind this as I predicted, and soon he will be the former 9th ranked. Take this as an order, kill him. I have no need for traitors or weaklings in my Empire!

Raysha: Understood! 

I burst the carriage door open with a kick and it goes flying off its hinges. Afterwards I jump out, and turn to look him directly in the eye from the flying dragon he is riding on. He seems to unconsciously back up at that, but regains his composure. It seems he has a few knights with him. Oh well, more to slaughter!

Dashing forwards I slash and cut through the knights like butter, their armor having no effect. Ah! This is fun! Of course I let a few hit me, just to see their faces of despair as their attacks bounce off like nothing, all before I crush them into a bloody paste! Soon enough every single knight is dead, and it's only me and Balleroy left.

Raysha: Don't you want to give up already? I'm sure you know it's hopeless, don't you?

Not that I'll let him live either way, I can just say it's the Emperor's orders. I never actually got to kill any Divine Generals, so this will be a first!

Balleroy: Really? Is it not hopeless for you, little girl who just got lucky? 

I've gotten used to being called that by Cecilus all the time, so he isn't really annoying at all. Boring. He continues, pointing his spear at me and grinning.

Balleroy: I've gotten here through countless battles and bloodshed, and I'm proud of my position that signifies my strength! So I don't care who you are, I'll kill you so long as it's my mission, you being supposedly above me won't stop that.

Though I am curious, he did seem relatively loyal, so what's all this about? Might as well ask then give it as info later for a nice bonus before I kill him.

Raysha: But why betray Vollachia?

Balleroy: I'm not betraying anyone really, all I'm doing is following the rules set down by the Empire. But well, that would be a sort of a lie. In truth... I've sworn vengeance on someone.

Not sure why he is giving this out so easily like a cliché villain, but I don't mind.

Raysha: You swore... vengeance on someone?

Balleroy: Yes, they are the killer of someone I could call my comrade and teacher, Miles. A person I've vowed to kill by any means necessary.

I'm assuming they aren't part of the Vollachian Empire since he could've just gone ahead and kill them without any consequence in a duel, so this must be someone from a foreign nation. This guy's motivation really makes no sense, we aren't particularly friendly with anyone, what's stopping him from just going over and killing them?

Raysha: Then aren't you just stupid?

Balleroy: W-what?!

Raysha: If you hate them so much and they are from another kingdom, just fly on that dragon of yours and snipe them in the head with your magic.

He soon began chuckling and put a hand on his face, before he stopped and sighed.

Balleroy: If only it were that easy, you see, the person I wish to kill is none other than... Adelheid Van Astrea, the Sword Saint herself! She is the one who killed Miles! That's why I planned to become the Emperor and use that power to enact my vengeance!


Raysha: What did you just say?

Balleroy: Huh? Do I have to repeat it? Could you not hear it from all the way down there? I'm doing this to gain the power needed to kill the Sword Saint! Adelheid Van Astrea!

This guy... I'm killing him. I'm absolutely killing him. 

Raysha: Die.

Balleroy: Wha-

In a moment I'm face to face with him through boosting myself, now on an equal level with his flying dragon that was hovering  a decent way above the ground. I stare into his mount's eyes and silently threaten the end of it's species with all of my hatred right now, to which it responds with a barrel roll and tosses Balleroy off.

With that done he falls onto the ground, managing to land on his feet though. Shocked at the betrayal of his mount that soon flies off, terrified of the presence I'm giving off. Hmm, must be because it is technically related to me, relatives know the wrath of a relative the best. Though Balleroy soon readies his spear and points it at me, then a sudden force slams into my shoulder.

Raysha: What?! This is-

Balleroy: Hah! How do you like my signature magical bullets, completely invisible to the eye! I may no longer have an aerial advantage, but I can kill you easily enough on the ground if you plan to get in my way-

Raysha: This is... so... weak...

Balleroy: Eh?

Raysha: That's your special technique? You can fire colorless orbs and swing a stick around? You just have a worse version of what Madelyn does, and she isn't even a Divine General yet!

I heard Madelyn was recommended to be the 9th rank, maybe that is why they are so similar. Though getting outdone by the little girl you recommended to get into your position is funny, not to mention how I'm about to fulfill his request. If he wants her to get in, she can get in once the spot frees up after he is dead!

Balleroy: Don't you underestimate me! I plan to kill the Sword Saint, someone like you can't stop me!

He charges at me and follows up with a thrust to which I slap away. Really? Isn't that just a normal wooden spear from the looks of it? How did such a generic looking background guy get into such a high ranking position? He keeps trying to thrust and slash at me, to which I keep slapping away as if it is no more than a minor inconvenience.

Balleroy: Grah! Take this!

The invisible forces from his magical bullets hit me, it seems he is combining his strikes with his magic now. But since getting hit is still annoying as it kicks up a load of dust and wind, I proceed to dodge while slapping away his weapon now and again. Eventually though, a magical bullet gets a bunch of dust into my eye.

Raysha: Oww... my eye... there's dust in it-

Balleroy: Die! I'll have my revenge!


I finally wipe the dust out of my eyes to see the shocked face of Balleroy. Looking at what happened as my vision clears, since apparently my immunity to death and attacks didn't cover dust in my eyes for some reason. There is his spear snapped in two, assumedly after trying to stab me. Heh, pathetic.

Raysha: You wish to kill my beloved while being so weak? As if I would ever allow that to happen in the first place, I wouldn't let you even get close. So... die.

For daring to think of hurting my darling, I start with blasting his legs into a bloody mist as he was still stunned. 

Balleroy: Ah- Ahhhh! No! This can't be happening! I have yet to-

Raysha: Don't care. Die.

I proceed to beat his legless body as a crater begins to form from the impact of my punches. 

Raysha: Die.

Over and over I punch him as he gets more bloody.

Raysha: Die.

Over and over I continue to beat him to death.

Raysha: Die.

Over and over I strike him as he gets more bloody and beaten.

Raysha: Die.

Over and over the attacks continue until he is nothing more than a puddle of blood.

Raysha: Die!

Even after all that, I hit the spot with energy blasts until even the blood that was left is evaporated into nothing. That is what happens to anyone who dares to think of harming my Addy!

Adelheid: U-uhh... Raysha?

Oh, speaking of my beloved! I begin to hop over even as for some reason the knights with her gain a disturbed look, along with the wise men. Only Addy kept her composure, and Vincent for obvious reasons as he is used to it. But for Addy to already understand and accept my habits, how nice of her!

Raysha: Look! I brutally murdered all of the opposition who dared to frame and plot to kill you!

Vincent: Good work-

I gain a look similar to what one could call a school delinquent as I look at Vincent. He may be my Emperor, but he isn't my beloved. So shut up.

Raysha: Hah?! Was I talking to you? Though thanks for the high value kill.

Vincent: Hmph, take that as the reward for your efforts, a two in one deal. Now, I'll be off to fix this mess, and if you see any traitors still walking around...

Raysha: Kill them!

Vincent: Correct. Well then, I have a deal to sign, so we'll be off.

I see him walk off and wave, but then I turn to look up at Addy's face, and she is awkwardly scratching her cheek.

Adelheid: Ah sorry, I need to go as well since I'm part of the Royal Guard. 

H-huh? I'm being abandoned?

Adelheid: Ah! Don't cry! You're part of the Emperor's Divine Generals right? So I'm sure the wording of his was just a little off, you are surely still coming with us.

I look at Vincent's shrinking figure, to which I think he notices my blood lust and simply gives a thumbs up from the distance. Hooray! Confirmation I'm not being left behind for cleanup duty! With that achieved we all hop back onto the carriage, there are still a few rebels, but they are quickly dispatched with their leader dead and us all together.

Eventually we make it to the Crystal Palace, in which surprisingly I see Moguro and Groovy, but Cecilus is still missing. Damn, it seems my beloved truly hits with such brutal force that even the number 1 of the Vollachia Empire is still out! Anyways, we all sit down and they begin their negotiations. I may have been to a modern school, but I understand none of these politics.

Soon enough, with a confident air about him and yet with a cold indifferent look, Vincent flicks his pen over the parchment, signing it. With that done he hands it back over, much to the relief of the Lugnican diplomats who were sent here. A few of the other Divine Generals are indifferent, mostly the ones who didn't fight, Groovy looks salty, and Moguro is... well Moguro, he's metal.

But with this now over, it's already late outside and there were still some repairs, as well as quelling any remaining sparks of the coup 'd'état, so Vincent offered for the Lugnican diplomat party to stay here. I tried to stay calm and not show excitement at the thought of my beloved staying over, but a piece of hair on my head betrayed me, and seemed to magically wiggle.

They deliberated over this, which I can understand considering what had just happened, but in my anticipation my stare intensified and the piece of hair on my head started to wiggle faster. It seems Addy noticed as she waved her hand at me before going back to discussing it with her fellow knights. Eventually, they somewhat reluctantly agreed.

Vincent: Alright, now is there anyone here who would like to take them in? The Crystal Palace still needs some cleanup and security checks, so anyone is welcome to volunteer-

Raysha: Me.

Vincent: That is noted, anyone else-

Raysha: Me.

Vincent: *Sigh* Raysha will be taking in the Lugnican diplomats, I trust you can fulfill your duty.

I silently cheer in my head and celebrate at my victory. Although having the rest of them in their will be problematic, I can just place them all at the other wing of the mansion while I put me and Addy in the same room. A perfect plan if I do say so myself! However, I check to make sure no one objects, and since Cecilus isn't here... I'll just kill them.

Groovy: No way, like hell I'd do that!

Moguro: I refuse.

The rest of them having heard what had happened, either simply shook their head no or said fancier ways of refusal. Basically, no one contended with me, which I am more than happy about. With that all done, I lead them out of the Crystal Palace and to my mansion, some random thug tried to rob us, but it went about as well as one would expect.

Thug: Stop right there and hand over all your belongings! I've got a knife!

Raysha: Are you serious?

Thug: Course I am, you're all just a bunch of rich pricks who've never seen a street fight anyways! 

I can't believe this trash dares to get in the way of my bedtime with my beloved. He needs to die. So I raise my arm and ready myself to blast him into another world, but Addy stops my arm.

Adelheid: That won't be necessary. Put down your weapon please.

Thug: Why would I do that?! Red haired bitch!

I'm killing him into nonexistence. I go to move forward but Addy picks me up and restrains me like an angry cat.

Adelheid: Julius... a little help here?

Julius: Ah, understood. La, this might be a bit presumptuous of me, but please show yourself for a moment.

Soon enough I stop flailing as I notice a little red orb come out, and the thug begins trembling in fear of the spirit. But he has yet to run, and surprisingly Miklotov comes to the forefront of the confrontation.

Miklotov: Young man, it'd be wise of you to not continue any further.

Thug: T-this isn't enough to scare me!

Miklotov: This certainly will then, you see those three in uniform? Those are the Royal Knights of Lugnica, the best of the best.

Thug: N-no... you're lying old man! This is Vollachia!

Miklotov: *Sigh* You see that one being held back with the white hair? That's one of your own Divine Generals.

Thug: That child? Pftt! Now I know you're kidding!

I manifest my armor and visor, it seems that since I did most work in those pieces, people don't really recognize me outside of it. Though it is useful, while people running in terror at the sight of you is fun, it can get bothersome when you just want to buy food or clothing if people think you are there to slaughter them.

Thug: Huh... well shit... that's it! I'm running!

The guy I assume was either high or drunk, seeing as it took him that long, started running away at speeds a normal person really shouldn't be able to. Now I'm let go from Addy's grip, however unfortunate that is. But with that done I continue leading them to my mansion, and I can just hire assassins or threaten some guards to kill that thug later, I memorized his face.

Leading them inside and pushing the doors open, they see it, my mansion that I got completely legally! Though none of them are particularly impressed given they all come from high-standings, but Addy gives a little clap, so I take that as a win! So onto deciding where they are all going!

Raysha: Okay, feel free to pick any rooms on the left wing of the mansion. Me and my beloved will be staying in the master bedroom.

Julius: Very well, I'll see everyone tomorrow.

Felix: That's a bit suspicious, nya. But nyoh well! Addy-

I glare intensely.

Felix: Adelheid can surely handle herself, take care! Nyight!

Those two go off,  while Miklotov and Bordeaux follow them silently after bowing slightly in thanks. Now it's just me and Addy! So I drag her up the stairs before she has a chance to respond or try to go with them, and soon enough we are in the master bedroom. Following that, I push her onto the bed, hop on her lap, then curl up like a cat. What? Was I supposed to do more?

It's thighs... that I want... to sleep... on....

Adelheid: Oh, goodnight...


I wake up and try to stretch, but it seems I can't... I've been restrained. Well not in any weird way, it seems Addy fell asleep hugging my like a plushie. Hehe, I don't mind going back to sleep then! So I snuggle back up even closer, to which she doesn't seem to notice. Ah, what a wonderful morning-

Felix: Nyaha! Good morning! Time to wake up, we have to go back to Lugnica today!

I feel endless rage flow through me, not only has my morning been disturbed and my sleep interrupted, but it's a snuggle session with my darling! I feel it, the urge to kill ready to burst uncontrollably, well it seems Addy noticed it too as she woke up. But still, this is even more of a crime! 




Is my head being pat? How...



Adelheid: Well good morning everyone, today is the day we are leaving. Thank goodness for my Divine Protection of Calming Knowledge...

Felix can live for now... he's important too I think... not that I care too much for that. Hehe, headpats...

Felix: Well you two nyewlyweds! Let's get moving or else Julius will say we're slacking off again!

Adelheid: W-what?! I am sorry, but we have simply just met-

Felix: It's a joke, nya! Don't get so flustered over it... unless?

Raysha: The private matters between me and my lover are none of your business.

Felix: Ehehe, fine, nya! I'll stop with the teasing, we should hurry already!

Playfully skipping out of the room much like a cat, Felix disappears from view. Though since I ended up sleeping on my lover's lap we slept in uniform and battle clothing, so while I would expect it to be dirty, it's not. It seems my mana based clothing cleans automatically and my beloved's clothing became spotless overnight!

Getting up, we head downstairs, but I remain clinging to her arm and snuggling my face on it, I like the warmth. Perhaps the habits of cold blooded reptiles are in my blood given the Dragon heritage. Going up to the front doors I open them and see they are already packing their things. Naturally, I go along with my beloved, until oddly she stops at the door of the carriage.

Adelheid: Sorry Raysha, I'm thankful for letting us rest in your home and helping us, even if we did get off to a rough start. But this is where we must part ways, I have my own duties and you must have your own. Perhaps we'll cross paths again, and thanks once again for all the hospitality. Goodbye, Raysha.

Huh? Eh? B-but as her lover, isn't it natural I should follow? Does she not know this too?

Raysha: W-wait... I'm not going with you?

I feel tears build up in my eyes... this is... sadness? I've never felt this before...

Adelheid: I deeply apologize, but I think that is simply impossible-


Adelheid: Uhh... what am I supposed to do now? I can't refuse a face like that...


*The Yurius smiles*



A/N: So this is this chapter done! Next chap will finally be at a much more familiar kingdom for most people! Well not much to say here except hoped you liked the chap, sorry not much events and stuff, but this is moreso an interlude before the YURI and plot happens. Oh yeah, since for the life of me I can't find this EX chapter anywhere, I just sort of had to piece it together, so if it's not the same as the source material to a tee... well... shut. Anyways, remember to comment, vote, and stuff, yeet-

Oh yea, and this guy:

Balleroy Temeglyph (DECEASED):

Fun fact: The flying dragon he had has a name, which is Caraline(Probably, translations are weird) and has been his partner ever since he hatched it from an egg... until Raysha scared it off and beat the man to death.

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