I'm Entirely Yours, Klaus (Bo...

By BeckySmolder

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Danielle Rodriguez has been playing house with her boyfriend, Klaus Mikaelson, and his daughter hope for the... More

CH. 1
CH. 2
CH. 3
CH. 4
CH. 5
CH. 6
CH. 7
CH. 8
CH. 9
CH. 10
CH. 11
CH. 12
CH. 13
CH. 14
CH. 15
CH. 16
CH. 17
CH. 18
CH. 19
CH. 20
CH. 21
CH. 22
CH. 23
CH. 24
CH. 25
CH. 26
CH. 28
Book No. 4 - OUT NOW ‼️💚🌈

CH. 27

261 16 5
By BeckySmolder


Thursday, January 24th
4:16 PM

I paced the window frantically. Hayley had leaped away only minutes ago because she saw someone break in to the study. Freya was doing her spell in the study. My worry only grew as I saw bodies slithering around the compound, making their way to surround the place.

Elijah was wrong. The vampires were entering. Freya's name on the deed did not hold up. Or something had happened to her. Goosebumps littered my arms at the thought. Yes, I was mad at her. It's her fault Davina was sacrificed. Her idea and her pushiness! That was the catalyst to Marcel'a rage which led to his death by Elijah. She set this all in motion and I blamed her for that. But I didn't want her dead. She and I could get over this. First she had to be alive.

"Aaaani!" Hope yelled out for me. She was in the living room. I slowly pulled my eyes from the compound, ready to check on her. "Ani?!"

The second call was more curious, wondering if I had left. Physically no. Mentally. Completely checked out. Was I delusional or was that Marcel himself standing underneath my window, in the small two way streets between the apartments and the compound.

My heart pounded. When I blinked he was gone. Yet, every fiber in my being willed it to be true. That it was real. My friend had lived. He had... he'd have to have taken the serum.

Dread filled me then. That was the only way he could have survived because Elijah pulled his heart clean out. It still gave me nightmares. I gulped as all the pieces came together. He took it sometime before Klaus and I paid him a visit in his loft. It was in his blood when Elijah murdered him. His death would have triggered the serum, making him an original like no other.

"Ani? Ani?" Hope sobbed, afraid I was gone. I snapped out of it and rushed to comfort the toddler because that was all I could do. I couldn't leave her alone. And running into the compound would be a death wish. Vampires I didn't know were there. Ones out for Mikaelson blood. And one whiff of me, along with Klaus' need to protect me, would make me a target just for sport.

I had barely coaxed Hope when a bang came to the front door and Hayley came barreling through it with Freya being supported by her shoulder. I picked up Hope and put her in her crib, giving her, her favorite toy swan.

"What happened?" I asked as I rushed to help Hayley lay Freya on the couch. The former was covered in blood, from her face to all over her shirt. And Freya could barely stand.

"She was cut on the neck with a poison," the hybrid filled me in.

"The Prophecy is coming true. This is the day Lucien said would come," Freya panted, forehead swearing profusely. She looked sick.

"No. There has to be another way out of this. Especially with your magic," I frowned, panicking for the boys across the street. "Did I see Marcel?"

Freya nodded. Hayley bit into her wrist and then held it out to Freya, "Here, drink. It won't cure you, but it will help you. Lucien has an antidote to the poison in his penthouse."

"Yes, that was Marcel," Freya said breathlessly before looking between Hayley and I. "Even if I was cured, the power I used to fight Lucien, it's gone," she stated, scared with wild eyes that matched her wild hair. "There's nothing that can stop Marcel now."

"There might be one thing," I said. I knew my friend. He had to still care for me. But I wasn't enough to stop him. He knew what it boiled down to for me. Nothing would keep me from Klaus. I wouldn't choose anyone over him.

"You have a plan?" Hayley smirked. The two of us had awkwardly talked when we were alone for the last couple hours. We decided our friendship was too important to let the likes of Klaus and Elijah come between us. So, beside the awkwardness when it came to those two at times like this, we were fine. Back to being besties. "I know that look."

"Rebekah," I answered. "She's the only thing that can stop both Marcel and her brothers."

Hayley nodded, "You two, head to Lucien's, look for a cure and I'll wake Rebekah than meet you guys there."

"Can you walk?" I asked Freya after Hayley made her way to the exit. The blonde nodded in turn. "Alright, well my car is in the garage, so we're going to have to hurry and be careful."

Freya nodded again. She still looked too weak to talk. Thankfully she could stand and make her way to the door. I grabbed my purse and then picked up Hope before leading the way to the garage. I used the smallest entrance, the only one that was a door on the side of the compound that you needed a key for. It beats showing up out front where anyone could see you.

Freya was still buckling Hope in her car seat when I backed out of the garage. I didn't hesitate to speed down the roads to get away from any lingering vampires. I needed to get to Lucien's which was hard because I didn't know the address and I had only been there once months and months ago. I also happened to be directionally challenged, which brought out the frustration between me and Freya who was trying to tell me where to go. But naming street names didn't help. I only knew ones I was familiar with. And Lucien's penthouse though I could see the skyscraper, it wasn't a territory I was even close to familiar with.


Thursday, January 24th
6:00 PM

"It's not here! I can't find it!" Freya exclaimed as she left the closet.

"Calm down. Freya, think," Hayley said, walking around the bed to the witch. We were in the penthouse and we had spent the better half of an hour trashing it. To no avail. "When you were poisoned before, Klaus stole an antidote from Lucien. It has to be here."

"There's no other place to look. If I can't find the cure, I will die," Freya replied.

"We haven't searched everywhere," I chimed in, trying to keep things positive. "We will find it."

"Freya!" Klaus' voice suddenly bellowed. The three of us shared a look before rushing from the bedroom to see Klaus entering the penthouse. Him and Elijah supported Kol who was bleeding from the neck and crying in pain.

"Ow!" Kol groaned as his brothers dragged him.

The three of us women moving in slowly. The boys headed for the couch, Hayley grabbing Elijah to stop him from moving. I followed the others, watching Kol collapse onto the couch whilst Freya kneeled by his side to assess his injuries.

"I am going to die!" Kol complained, groaning in pain as Freya pressed her hands around his wound. He was bit.

Hope began crying suddenly, probably upset with all the noise. Her father did come in screaming. And one of her uncles was loudly expressing his anguish.

"You're not going to die," Klaus told his brother, whilst I turned to see Hayley rushing off to check on Hope. So I brought my attention back to my fiancé. I moved to stand beside him, grabbing onto his arm. I needed to make sure he was okay.

"That sounds familiar!" Kol roared back, directing his gaze to Klaus who was wide eye with shoulders heaving with his deep breaths. He was beyond worried. He had every reason to be. "Isn't that what you said to Finn and Cami?"

As I stood close I could see the bite marks centered in the bloody side of Kol's neck. I rubbed Klaus' back trying to calm him. He has barely acknowledged me. Not that I could blame him. But I was trying to calm him. He was no good to anyone wound up. "Look, Lucien engineered his venom from the seven werewolf packs, so maybe, that's the key to a cure," Klaus said.

"Oh great, that's the first piece in a puzzle none of us will be alive to solve," Freya spoke in a quick sigh. "I'm poisoned, Rebekah is hexed, and our brothers are bitten. We need three different cures to three different ailments, each of which could take years to find, and none of us will make it through the day."

I glanced back at Elijah. He was bitten too? I didn't notice. "Are you okay?" I asked Klaus, forcing him to turn towards me. His whole family was attacked. I found it hard to believe he was fine.

Klaus gave me a nod, wrapping an arm around my waist. He then led me away from his other siblings so we could speak alone. Everyone was too busy to eavesdrop I'm sure. "Marcel is alive and he bit Kol and Elijah... I don't know how to fix this, love," Klaus whispered to me, tears in his eyes as we stood in the kitchen.

Every part of me empathized. His family was at risk of extinction. "Hey, we will get through this. Alright. We are going to do whatever it takes to save each and every one of your siblings," I said.

Klaus hugged me tight, burying his face into my neck. "But how?" He asked me. I had no idea. I didn't know where to begin. So I squeezed him tightly in my arms, trying to comfort him now.

We stayed for only a few minutes before separating to regroup with the others. Klaus went to check on Elijah while I joined Kol and Freya. The blonde was wiping the sweat off her younger brother with a rag. "You know, maybe it's fair that you and I pay for what was done to Davina," Kol rasped out.

"No, Davina didn't want revenge, okay?" I said, forcing myself beside Kol. They were all suffering physically and emotionally. It was up to Hayley, Klaus and I to hold it together. We needed a plan. Now.

"Just put me out of my misery! At least put me to bloody sleep!" Kol shouted as he tossed and turned on the couch. I reached out to push him away from me.

"Asleep," I gasped, looking at Freya. "A sleep spell. Like Rebekah was in. Sort of. With the dagger she slept and her hex couldn't grow. She was able to bide some more time."

Freya stood up then, nodding frantically. "I think I have a plan... Dahlia and I slept for decades and only woke to walk the Earth for one. It kept us immortal so to speak," she told me and I nodded.

"Okay, so what do we do? What do you need? How does this work?" I questioned.

She furrowed her brows, racking her brain to come up with the plan, "I need something powerful to tether us all to... All of us but Klaus would have to sleep whilst you guys find a cure for us all."

She walked away before I could ask for more details. Kol groaned loudly and thrashed on the couch so I focused on him. "Hey, hey, breath, Kol. Listen to my voice. And inhale deeply," I called out before pressing the rag onto his bleeding neck. He hissed and exhaled loudly, digging his nails into the couch. "Talk to me about Davina. Tell me anything. Or everything. Her favorite color, how you met, her taste in music. Let's get through this."

"Davina," he said through clenched teeth. "She liked dark colors... Reds, blues, black... Ugh! Sh-she... she was leaving a record store the first time I saw her. Then I forced a—hmph! A meet cute..." he panted through.

"What was she wearing? How was the weather? What were the first words you said?"

"I don't know," he whimpered.

"She loved you," I stated. "I could see it in her eyes. I never related more to her than that. She saw your flaws, defended your character, and she looked at you like you were more important than the air she breathed. She lit up around you, smiled at you when she shouldn't. In a short time you two... wow. I thought Klaus and I had a story."

Kol chuckled, "he's worst than I."

"He says the same about you," I snorted. "You loved her. It's on your face right now. You can stop thinking about her. Saying her now. And it's her that's cutting through your pain."

"I saw her the other night... Vincent and I went to the ancestral land. She helped us destroy it."

"Oh yeah?" I questioned, coaxing him to talk and taking his mind off his toxic bite.

It lasted long enough for him to fall asleep. I was rinsing the rag out in the sink when Klaus came out of the parlor room. His phone in his hand. He rushed over to me, answering it and putting it on speaker. I could see the caller ID read 'Rebekah' as he put the phone on the counter between us. I cut off the water quickly so I could hear better as she immediately began talking when he picked up.

"Nik, it's me. There's an army of your sirelings eager for blood. Marcel has them set to tear apart the city to find you, but after a brief chat, he's considered an alternative," she was talking fast in her own little rant. "Though I think it might be worse. He wants you to come back here and stand trial for your sins."

"Before a jury of those who hate me the most? Like hell I will," Klaus scoffed. I nodded in agreement. He was not doing that. Marcel was giving a satirical spin to justice. I knew his defense. It was better than what any of the Mikaelsons ever gave anyone else, including him own life.

"If you don't, this mob will hunt you down! And given their current frenzy, I can't imagine they'll show any mercy to you or anyone standing in their way."

Klaus glanced at me. I flinched. I was part of the collateral damage if he didn't do this. His eyes shifted to somewhere behind me. I looked over my shoulder to see Hayley holding Hope. It was his other reason to go. If he went, it kept people from finding us all here like sitting ducks. Hope and I for sure couldn't fight back. His siblings couldn't help. He and Hayley against a bunch of angry vampires who could be up to 10 times older than the latter? We didn't stand a chance.

"I'll call you back," Klaus said before hanging up the phone. He then sent Hayley a nod. She thankfully left so my fiancé could turn to me to discuss this option first. "I think I have to go."

"No," I said. "No... You can't. The jury will sentence you and Marcel... he has the power to kill you. Just no. Absolutely not."

"Calm down," he whispered.

"Promise me you won't go," I begged, swatting his hands as he reached out to touch my face. I wasn't letting up. He wasn't going to charm his way out of this or change my mind. No matter how much he smiles like it's fine or kisses me or uses words to reassure me.

"I won't go... unless you agree," he promised.

I sighed relieved, hugging his waist. "I need you, Klaus," I told him.

"I won't leave you," he said, kissing the top of my head. "We will work this out." He then ushered us to the living room where everyone was waiting for us.

Klaus filled everyone in. Silence rang among us all. Dread began to sink into the pit of my stomach. "Someone say something," I pleaded with them all. I needed them to agree with me. It was a terrible idea. Rebekah seemed on board with it. I understood the appeal against the alternative of all the vampires showing up here.

"It's not a trial. It's a suicide. Take Danielle, Hayley and Hope, get the hell out of the city," Elijah suggested.

I wanted to agree to that. But I knew Klaus wouldn't run. Not if it meant abandoning his siblings. "No. We won't leave here," Hayley stated fiercely, against the idea.

I was afraid we all would never come to an agreement. We all prioritized certain aspects. And had nonnegotiable things to entertain. Such as not leaving cause it would mean sure and immediate death to Freya, Kol, Elijah, and Rebekah.

"No! Davina please! No, don't leave me!" Kol yelled in his sleep. He was thrashing on the couch. I rushed forward as pairs of hands held him down.

"Shh," I shushed him soothingly, holding his legs while Elijah was at his head and Hayley in the middle of us. Once Kol was sedated back to sleeping. I looked up to see Klaus and Freya huddled together. I was worried immediately as I saw the expression on Klaus' face. He was displeased. Then his gaze locked on Hope in her playpen that Hayley thankfully grabbed from the apartment with a couple toys after she woke Rebekah from her casket.

Klaus sighed and spotted me next, already watching him. It was then that fear spread throughout my body. His eyes said it all. He was sorry. "No," I whispered as tears filled my eyes and I ran for the dining room where there were glass doors I could shut behind me for privacy.

"Love!" Klaus shouted after me. I was crying silently, fast and hard as he joined me. "Freya has a plan. She said she just needs some time. That's all," he told me.

"And she only gets that time by you practically giving up your life for what? Hers?" I scoffed.

"It's more complicated than that," he said.

"How complicated?" I sniffled, wiping my eyes as I grew mad. "Enough so that you don't care about leaving me?! After you just promised you wouldn't go?!"

"I haven't left!" He retorted.

"But you're going to!" I screamed back. "You just want to find a way to make me come to terms with it."

"Love," he sighed. "Baby girl, please. I have to do this for all of you. It's not safe for you to be around me—"

"It's never been safe."

"I'm putting you all at risk," he said. "Including Hope. She's a defenseless child. And she didn't choose me as a father."

I shook my head, "it's not fair."

"It's not fair that I'm the only one of my siblings not dead or currently dying.

I stared at the ceiling, trying not to cry. My arms folded over my chest as I dwelled on the outcome. In what universe did he survive this? I hated the fact he was so willing to walk through fire for his siblings. I wasn't sure any of the rest of them would do the same. Elijah? Maybe. Kol? Absolutely not. Rebekah? As selfish as ever. Freya? I think at the end of the day she holds her life more important than theirs. Her whole traumatic upbringing said save yourself.

"Let me talk to Marcel," I said.

Klaus scoffed, "no way in hell."

"He's the judge of this trial. If worst comes to worst and buying time leads all the way to a sentence, he's the one calling the shots. Let me ensure that he won't kill you."

"I said no."

"I wasn't asking," I spat.

"It's dangerous!"

"I don't care!" I shouted. "I'm not letting you sacrifice yourself for people who have lived long enough! If you want to save them, fine. But you can't do that if you're dead."

Klaus was glaring at me, "It's not your job to protect me. I'm the one who protects you."

"Marcel won't hurt me."

"You don't know that," he quipped. "He is not the same man we used to know. He changed. He bit Kol and Elijah!"

"He never liked Kol and Elijah deserved it," I scoffed, heading for the door but he was blocking it.

Klaus shoved his hand against my shoulder, pushing me back. "I will tie you to the top of that table," he threatened me.

"Enough!" Freya shouted, the doors behind Klaus blowing open and a gust of wind whipping past us. "Let her go, Klaus. We have work to do. And... she might be our only hope."

"No," Klaus spat.

Freya raised a hand up, aimed at her brother before looking at me. "Run!" She ordered. I didn't hesitate to step around Klaus who seemed frozen as he tried to reach out to grab me.

I snatched up my purse while Elijah and Hayley watched me. I didn't have time to speak. I ran out the penthouse, dialing Marcel's number on my cell as I made it to the elevator.

"Dani?" He picked up on the second ring. It sounded like he was feeling racked with guilt. Which he should! "I was expecting your call."

"Can we meet? Somewhere where Klaus can't find me and those vampires won't try to eat me?" I asked, cutting to the chase.


Thursday, January 24th
8:19 PM

I walked into the loft to see Marcel alone, by the bar. He glanced over his shoulder at me and slid a drink down the bar to the spot next to him. I hesitantly approached. "I'm not going to hurt you. I would never hurt you, Dani," he said.

"I've been crying for days over your death, so that says otherwise," I retorted, tears welling up in my eyes already. Between relief he was alive and at the emotional state this day had took. I was here to beg for Klaus' life. I wanted this whole jury thing to go away. But I knew the odds were slim.

As I reached the bar, Marcel opened his arms. I shook my head. Unable to hug him. My fiancé was at stake. I wasn't letting him think that threat was okay, that it didn't affect our friendship. "Ouch," he commented, grabbing his drink and nodding to the one next to him.

I glanced at it, really feeling like I needed it. However, I shook my head. "I didn't come here to drink. We need to talk... Klaus cannot face a jury of his enemies. How is that justice?" I asked him. "He didn't kill you. That was Elijah and yet you're taking it out on my fiancé. On me by extension."

"Like I told Elijah when he said my fight was with him... I know better. All for one, and one for all," he shrugged.

"This is my life you're playing with," I said, voice hardening. "Don't do this to me. Please."

"You're better off without him!"

I kept my cool, pulling out the bar stool and sitting down next to him. "It's a little too late for that," I said, flashing my diamond engagement ring before using my left hand to take my whiskey glass and pour it into his. "I'm not drinking... because I can't. Not because I don't want to."

Marcel's face scrunched in confusion for all of 5 seconds before realization crossed his features. In another blink of an eye, his expression changed to one of annoyance. "You're pregnant?" He questioned me, slightly stunned.

I pressed my lips together and nodded, "I found out this morning. A couple hours before you stormed the compound."

"Goddammit!" He growled, slamming his hands on the bar. "I knew I shouldn't come meet you. If anyone could talk me out of killing him... it would be you."

"Not Rebekah?" I teased.

"No," he sighed. "Because I don't know how she defends him after everything he's done."

I shrugged, I knew where he was coming from. He had saw first hand my relationship with Klaus. We fought but besides that, he did right by me and being in love was a different and difficult feeling to shake. Unlike Rebekah's centuries of fallouts with her brother, some of those including the well being of his life and his future with the woman, whom he loved. It was a lot to wrap his mind around that women he admired were defending his current enemies.

"Just level with me, Marcel... Don't kill him. For my sake. I want my baby to have a father," I whispered as  my hands found their way to my stomach. "I don't want to do this alone."

"What if your child is better off?" He whispered back, clearly conflicted.

"Were you?" I quipped. "Better off if he never stopped to save you from your father? From that fate... Klaus is a lot of things but... He does his best. And he's changed. You've seen it. Give him a chance to be a better father to the child I'm carrying."

Marcel frowned deeply, "If that was the case why does he have you here fighting his battles? Putting you and your baby at risk. What if I or someone else was here to hurt you to get back at him, Dani?"

"I sort of volunteered to come, then I ran away while Freya held him back... He was against the idea when he thought it was just me. But I knew you wouldn't hurt me... And Klaus... he doesn't even know I'm pregnant. He'd have sent me out of the city by now," I admitted.

"That's a good thing," Marcel said, almost relieved. As if. I wasn't willing to leave Klaus behind. I didn't want to be a single mother. I wanted my life with Klaus.

"No, it isn't. Because I just got the best news in the world and I didn't tell the love of my life he was going to be a father again—something he wants more than anything—because I wanted him to be able to just be happy when he found out. But instead he was grieving you and fighting with his siblings... And then I tried to tell him and fucking Elijah interrupted. So I kept my mouth shut. And then he barely escaped your rampage which poisoned his brothers. And now he's got to be put on a fixed trial? He's willing to do it. But I'm not willing to let him die."

"Dani... What am I supposed to do? I can't call it off. Those vampires wouldn't listen and they'd turn against me for being a sympathizer."

"Promise me, you won't kill him."

"That's all?"

I held back my tears, "That's all."

Marcel gave me a curt nod, "He better plead his damn case. Because I'm not going easy on him. His life is a gift, for you, and you alone."

"Thank you," I said.

Marcel gulped his double whiskey down in seconds before standing up. "I have to get back," he told me.

I stood up too, quickly wrapping my arms around his waist. "I am glad you're alive. And I know right now we don't see eye to eye but... I'll always value our friendship," I mumbled into his chest.

His body seemed to relax from his tense state as he rubbed my back. "I'm sorry for any pain I caused you. And I'm sorry that you're collateral damage in this war against the Mikaelsons."

"That's what I signed up for," I said. "I chose to be with Klaus. I knew the risks and the danger. I didn't care. I'd do it all over again. I have gone through hell to be with him and I will continue to go through it forever if I have to."

Marcel kissed the top of my head before letting me go. "I'll see you on the other side, Dani."

"Frenemies," I joked.

Marcel smiled weakly, "Congrats on the baby. You are going to be the most amazing mom."

I smiled, but before I could reply even a simply 'thank you' he was gone. And I was left alone in the loft I used to live in when Klaus and I broke up nearly five months ago. It feels a million times longer than that.

Since then we got engaged, bought a house, and made a baby. I giggled, placing my hand over my belly. I wasn't sure what would become of this night or what the future looked like. But I had something to look forward to. And I was going to do the best for my child, no matter what. I was pregnant.

"You come first," I promised my baby. "Now how am I supposed to tell your daddy about you? He's a little upset right now."


Thursday, January 24th
9:05 PM

"Klaus, it's too dangerous. Let me come with you," I heard Hayley saying as I snuck my way back into the penthouse.

"No, I think not," he replied. "Besides, I am the only one they want...Some time ago I refused to trust you with our daughter—"


"I took you from Hope. I was wrong. Take care of her. And... I don't know what Danielle will decide but if she sticks with us, with you, take care of her too. I don't want her alone."

"Alone?" I questioned. They both turned to see me in the doorway of the side room. "What did I miss? Why does it sound like a goodbye?"

"Danielle," he gasped, relieved. In a flash he was in front of me. His arms around my neck and shoulders, smushing my face into his torso as he embraced me. "I was worried sick."

"I can't breathe," I choked out, trying to pull away from his smothering. He immediately let me go and his blue eyes met mine. It didn't take long for his relief to shift into pent up fury.

"Can't breathe?! Marcel could have killed you. How would you breathe then?!"

"But he didn't. We talked," I said. "I went to the loft to meet him and... we came to an agreement. You face the jury. You plead your case well... and he'll deliver whatever verdict he sees fit, but death won't be it. He promised."

"I'm not that reassured," he replied sarcastically. Then he sighed. "Thank you. It may just be the push I need. Because it turns out, the entire plan is contingent on me living."

"What plan?" I asked.

"The sleep spell," he answered.

I looked around to notice Hayley had slipped away from the room. That means I hat to rely on solely my fiancé to tell me everything. He was known for leaving this to himself. "I want to know. Every detail."

"Let's go home. You need to pack."


"I'll explain in the car."

I furrowed my brows but followed him out the penthouse. I was confused completely. But then I realized it was less about me packing and more about getting away from prying ears. He told me everything during the long car ride home. All I did in return was cry silently, the tears wouldn't stop.

Turns out the plan was that there was no plan. Freya was going to do the sleep spell, but all their lives would be linked and tethered to Klaus' life and power. So he had to live so they all could in a deep sleep. Which meant no one was saving him front this jury. He had to get sentenced. Klaus assumed he may join Marcel's old prisoners in the garden, buried underground in brick. Indefinitely. Whatever was less time between Marcel's decision and however long it took for Hayley to find all the puzzle pieces to a cure for all the other Mikaelsons. Freya was putting an ingredients list together and making an instruction manual to wake her up first so she could put together a cure to save her siblings. And only then could any of them come to rescue Klaus.

Hayley couldn't. She had to be on the run with the bodies. They needed to be protected. Hope would be raised on the run. It was a lot to digest. It was the only choice that gave Klaus' siblings a chance at life. The same siblings who had no idea this was taking place. They were just told they'd be asleep for a while until the cures were found.

My hand over my stomach, I forced myself to understand. Klaus was making the ultimate sacrifice for his family. My baby's family. His or hers annoying aunts and ridiculous uncles. It was Hope's family too. So I knew why Hayley was on board. Not solely just to save Elijah. But she cared about her baby daddy and his family for Hope's sake. Though it was a tougher pill for me to swallow because I technically had the option to go on the run with Klaus alone. Of course Hayley and Hope would or could join us. And that was enough family for me. But still, I erased that selfish thought. Besides, Klaus' mind was made up. He was doing this. And if he could leave Hope... He'd for sure sacrifice time with another child of his if it guaranteed a better future with his whole family still intact.

When we pulled up outside my dream house, I didn't move. In fact I reached over to stop Klaus from going anywhere. "I need to talk now," I spoke up, my hands on his thigh.

Klaus frowned, "You can't wait for me?" My brows knitted together. That's where his mind went to. He assumed I was ending things. It was a reasonable thing to guess. Hell, I didn't even consider that option. But that's not what I wanted to say to him. "I understand. It's a lot to ask and it's an indefinite time frame to put your life on hold. I shouldn't ask you to. I want you to get everything you want out of this world—"

"We have no idea what is going to happen. How long Marcel could hold you prisoner or how long it takes Hayley to find the cure ingredients... But right now, I don't have any intention of walking away from you," I said, cutting him off. I wasn't breaking up with him. I wasn't giving up on us. Not when I was carrying the newest member of the Always and Forever clan. My baby deserved to know that. At least the good parts.

"Klaus," I gulped, realizing he deserved to know about the child I was carrying before he did this. Maybe it wouldn't change his mind, but I wanted to give him a bit more to hold onto while he was away. Letting him know he had one more tiny person waiting for his return.

"Marry me," he blurted out before I could find the words to share the state of my body.

My brows raised this time, "What?!"

"Tonight. Right now. I want to marry you."

I shook my head, "there isn't any time. We don't even have a marriage certificate. It's too late in the day to get one, and even if we got one today, there's a 24 hour hold until we can be married and your family will be dead before then."

I needed to crush this idea and get back on track about the baby I was carrying. I removed my hand from his thigh and pressed it to my flat belly. The doctor said I was just over 2 weeks pregnant. My follow up appointment was to confirm my pregnancy, but she said she had no doubt it was true. My hCG levels in my blood test was high, above the number that they usually used to declare a positive pregnancy test. My doctor wanted to address my new anemia issues, iron deficiency could be caused by pregnancy and worsen that way, so being so early in my journey, she wanted to get me on supplements. And then get me in for an ultrasound just to double confirm the results.

"You forget I can compel anyone to do anything I want. I can force a court official out of bed. I can have the 24 hour hold waived," he retorted with a shrug. "We can get married tonight, Danielle. Spend our last hours together as husband and wife."

I stared at him in disbelief, "Klaus..."

The idea was sentimental. I loved the idea of being his wife. I did. But this was rushed. I wasn't sure he could even make it happen in the matter of hours. The marriage certificate was not the only issue. I had a dream wedding in mind. It was one thing to give that up and elope somewhere. But this was a step further, throw all our wants, dreams, and wishes down the drain. With no plan, no dress, no location...

"Just say yes... Be my wife. It's all I want," my man whispered to me. His eyes pleading and his whole face desperate for me to agree. He was speaking gently. Every part of him vulnerable to me and my answer. He wanted this. The last time he looked like this was when he proposed to me on Christmas Day.

Every fiber in my being screamed at me. This was less than ideal. It wasn't how I wanted to remember my marriage to the love of my life. It wasn't fair that it was boiling down to this moment. Most importantly, I couldn't let Klaus down. He wanted this. He needed this. He was walking himself into a prison sentence willingly, and all he wanted before he went was my hand in marriage.

I was going to give it to him anyways right. Why not now? Why not let our wedding, our holy matrimony be in this messy, tumultuous, life or death hang in the balance scenario? It was on par with the rest of the disaster of our relationship.

"Fine," I agreed, caving in to his wishes.

"You will?" He gasped, grinning.

I couldn't help the smile that came to my face as his blue orbs lit up. His whole face sparkling with this new found joy. It wasn't a reaction he gave really often, I willed it to memory in my mind. I wanted to think of him, in all his glory before we said goodbye.

"Yes, I'll marry you," I stated, leaning over the middle console. "Tonight. Right now. Tomorrow. Yesterday. Twenty years from now. I just want to be your wife. If you're ready, I'm ready," I said, caressing his cheek.

"How did I get so lucky?" He asked before brushing his lips against mine. "I want to make love to you one more time. As husband and wife. So, we really need to hurry."

I forced my face away from his, my heart pounding in my chest. I wanted nothing more than to kiss him with everything I had. I was ready to climb into his lap and ride his dick until the sun rose. Right here in this car. And I would have if fate didn't hold such terrible cards.

We didn't have time for sex now. We barely had time for a wedding. "Let's save the kiss for the alter," I told him.

A flirty look glossed his features, "you little tease. Go find something to wear tonight. I'll be back in a bit."

"Where are you going?" I asked, slightly panicked about the idea of him leaving me. A part of me worried that this was a distraction. I would find a makeshift wedding dress. I'd be waiting around for him just for Hayley to show and say it was too late, he was gone.

"To get a marriage certificate and a location."

"We need a witness," I said. "Two."

"You want my family there?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I don't care who," I responded.

He kissed my cheek, "we have to hurry."

I nodded frantically, butterflies in my stomach as I rushed out of the SUV. Not only would I have pack to leave the city with Hayley tonight, but also I had to plan a wedding. Or at least dress myself for one.


Thursday, January 24th
10:15 PM

Hayley was with me now. She was 1 of 2 witnesses. The other would be Rebekah. As the rest of the siblings were indisposed. Freya had spells to prepare and perform. She was still piecing together cure ideas for them all. She couldn't step away for a minute. Kol was in bad shape. They had to dagger him to keep him down to hide us time for this wedding as he was deteriorating quickly. But he would be alive for the few moments to participate in the spell that would then out them all to sleep. Elijah on the other hand though was procuring our marriage license as he was familiar with most court officials.

Hayley got Jackson's grandmother to reluctantly perform the ceremony, she was the only person we knew who was ordained. She was on her way, saying she was doing this for me because she thought I was 'adorable and you did right by Jackson. He was really fond of you. He admired you. And for that I'll do you this big favor.'

Hayley herself was a lot of help. She packed as much as she could into suitcases for her, myself, and I. We were going on the run together when this was all over. She even obtained a moving truck already to haul our things as well as the coffins the Mikaelson's would rest in.

"How do I look?" I breathed out shakily.

Hayley gasped, a soft smile coming onto her usually pouty angular face. "Too good for Klaus that's for sure," she joked as I made my way into the living room after descending the stairs.

"Has he called?" I asked worriedly.

She nodded, "hey, calm down. He's ready for you. He's on location waiting for us. Everyone is there."

A wave of relief flooded me. "It's real," I whispered, gulping as I smoothed the lace coverup against my body.

My closet was not organized. I couldn't find a single thing to wear. My dream wedding dress was a soft pastel color, mermaid style cut that would flare dramatically at the bottom to makeup for my lack of a Princess ball gown.

But I had nothing like that, that I already owned. Hayley offered me her wedding dress as did Rebekah. I even considered Rebekah's options. She had many. Yet, I came to my senses. It might be a makeshift wedding but I don't want a watered down version of my dream or to succumb to things I didn't even like. For example, Rebekah. I could barely stand her presence. Wearing her dress made me feel like a fraud. And Hayley's. Ugh. That forced wedding she did. That failed marriage of hers. And not to mention the unspeakable drunken night I had with her husband.

The last thing I wanted to do was have those thoughts when I was reciting my vows. It felt harsh to think that way. I'd argue all my points were valid. Mean? Yes. But I was too stressed to care. I didn't say those things to Rebekah or Hayley of course. I just said I wanted something that was me.

The result wasn't exactly a dress at all. I wore a plain white bodysuit. Strapless with a small built in bra. My bottom had coverage as it stopped at the top of my thigh like short, shorts. The bodysuit was to keep me unrevealed under a sheer dress sort of thing.

It was white. All lace. Long sleeved. Buttons from my waist down to pooling at my feet. The top was like a fancy blouse, chiffon layered and making stripes along the whole top half. I kept all the buttons done up until mid thigh, crotch covered. White flowers were sewed all over the sheer curtain skirt of the dress and sporadically on the arms, chest, and back.

It was simple. Light, lace, and yet lovely enough. It had sparks of my essence. I wanted glam and stunning and colorful. That dream can wait. This was another side of me. The part of my personality that agreed to a wedding on a whim. My gypsy, boho, go-with-the-flow personality.

The insecure part of me wanted to know if this was enough. My hair was in braids all day, I only had time to undo them and keep the frizz down. My hair was in waves, my makeup light to keep with spur of the moment vibe. Plus, I expected to be crying tonight. I didn't want a caked face ruined by tears. "You think I should have worn that other dress?" I asked Hayley.

"You wore it before," she pointed out. "Do you want to look back on your wedding night and tie the dress you wore to your mom's wedding? You said no to mine and Rebekah's for a reason."

I nodded, "What if—?"

"Klaus wouldn't care if you were wearing a trash bag," she laughed, cutting me off. "Stop doubting yourself. Every bride gets cold feet. But your groom is... Surprisingly, and considering the current situation, he's the surest man in the world."

"I can't belive we're doing this."

"Well, if we don't leave now. You're not going to have much time to do anything but say I do... And if I know you nasty love birds... You want to do more than share words."

I blushed, nodding, "I'm ready."


Thursday, January 24th
10:40 PM

My hands were shaking as I stood on the side of the glass door. I could see Klaus, Mary, and Rebekah who held Hope in front of her. All of them waiting patiently for me. My fiance was warned of our arrival. He wanted to see me when I walked the makeshift alter. The location of our wedding ceremony was the mansion Klaus rented for the fourth of July about 2 years ago. It was still as beautiful as ever. And outside I could see lanterns lit everywhere, the pool full of water behind where the wedding stood. The tropical plants beaming in the background. It was beautiful. I loved this house. I almost wish it was for sale before we bought mine.

Hayley grabbed my elbow, snapping me to reality. "Time is ticking," she said softly..

"I need to see Klaus," I blurted out, pressing my hands to the glass. It was tinted. I could see out, but they couldn't see inside.

"He's right outside."

I shook my head, backing away from the door. "I can't do it," I whispered, my hands darting to my stomach as a wave of nausea passed me. Morning sickness at night? Or was this an anxiety performance problem? "Get Klaus in here, please."

Hayley frowned, concerned. I stepped to the side as she slid the glass patio door. I gulped, staying out of sight. I watched painfully as Hayley informed everyone there was a problem. I saw Mary's face crumble first, uncomfortably. Rebekah winced, reaching out to comfort her big brother. Klaus shrugged her off, glancing at the window. I gulped. It was like he was looking right through me. He waved a hand at everyone behind him as he stormed his way to me.

Worry etched on his features as he slipped inside the house where I was hiding in the shadows. I grabbed onto his arm, stopping him so he didn't he past me by.

"Baby," I called out gently, trying not to cry.

"Love, what's going on? Y-you... You don't want to do this?" He frowned, cupping my face.

"No. I mean, yes, I do. But... I can't start our marriage with a secret."

"What secret?"

My face scrunched up, hating that this was how I had to tell him, but these were hour final moments before shit hit the fan. It was now or never. After the wedding didn't sit right with me. Waiting wasn't going to change the outcome of anything. Finding out about my pregnancy wouldn't change his plans.

Nor could he make the pregnancy wait. It was here and happening. Maybe I found out today for a reason, before it was too late. Today was the one and only day to tell him he was going to be a dad again. And I hated that his heart was going to break. We spent weeks trying for a baby last year before I changed my mind, wanting to wait. Klaus still desired a child with me. We had just talked about it recently.

So I knew how he looked forward to doing all the pregnancy stuff with me. The birthing classes, the nursery, the late night food runs when I had cravings. The two of us wanted to make up for the other chances we loss. From my abortion and from missing out with Hope. Though it was way different being in a relationship with the baby momma. But I wanted the nine months of this to be spent with the man I loved, excited about bringing a life into this world.

It hurt me to realize he's probably not going to be there through any of it. The pregnancy, the birth... What if the baby is walking and talking by the time he's free? What if it's years and years in the future. Telling Klaus would make this whole sacrifice harder but hopefully he would have it as another thing to hold onto, take him away from his suffering. My heart hurt for the both of us, wishing I could keep this pain from him for longer. He had it so much worse. He was going to miss out on things with this kid and Hope. Along with the fact his guilt leaving me to do this all without him. It was the opposite of our ideal plan.

"Um, I-I lied," I said.

"I don't care. I want to marry you," he told me, reaching into his pocket. "Look, wedding rings. We just have to put them on and kiss and that's it. I don't care if you lied about your own name. I love you—

"No, no, Klaus, wait," I interrupted him as he was in a frenzy, slipping a ring on his finger and then taking my left hand. "Listen, my doctor... She had more news—"

"Are you sick?" He asked, dropping my hand and running his own through his perfectly styled hair. Oh, God this was going terribly.

I laughed, shaking my head, "I feel like I'm going to throw up. But no, I'm not sick."

Klaus stood still, staring at me in confusion. He flipped on a light so we could really see each other. My fiance's face was red. He was flushed and panicked. His hair was tussled. I could see he had cleaned up, gelled his hair, shaved his face a little, and he was sexier than ever in a tux. His pants and jacket were perfectly fitted. A white pocket square that nearly glowed in the dark that matched with the button up that was tight against his chest. I could just faintly see his abs through it. He was stunning. And I was ruining it.

"Danielle," he gasped. "Wow."

I furrowed my brows, "What? What's wrong?"

He smiled, "You're so beautiful."

I couldn't help the chuckle that left my lips. My eyes rolled playfully as I stepped forward, my heels clicking on the wooden floor. I grabbed onto his forearms and wrapped them around me as I pressed my body against his. Klaus raised a brow but didn't speak. I slowly slid my hands up his arms to his shoulders. My eyes traced his body until they locked on his curious sapphire blue orbs. My heart nearly skipped a beat as I felt nervous as hell. Why? I had amazing news. I just needed to spit it out. So I did.

"We're having a baby."

~Picture: Klaus on Jan 24th, in his tux prepared for his sudden wedding 💒


So much happened but let's go over the bullet points & tell me how you really feel!

• Marcel is very much alive! Back from the dead no less. Danielle has some mixed emotions, but can we blame her?

• Freya was poisoned, Kol and Elijah were bit by Marcel, and of course Rebekah is walking around with a hex. The family has less than 24 hours to live and their Hail Mary falls onto their brother.

• Danielle is pregnant! And the first person she told was Marcel. Granted it was her way of pleading her case to spare her fiancé. Will he keep his word?

• Klaus is getting prepared to face a jury of his disciples who despise his. And Marcel is playing judge and executioner. What will be the outcome?

• Klaus also asked Dani to marry him. Like right now and they were going to go through with it. Planned in a couple hours. Rushed, small, and in the middle of the night. Anyone against the idea? Should they wait to wed?

• And last but not least DANIELLE IS PREGNANT AND SHES FINALLY TELLING KLAUS!!!!! How do you expect him to react?

ONE MORE CHAPTER. Who is ready for it?! Then it's onto book no. 4 — Any guesses on the title??

If you liked this chapter leave some party related emojis because there's a lot to celebrate: a weddding & a baby 🪅🥳💃🏻

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