A Six Minutes Fan-Fiction Bet...

By XxYesxX2v

378 2 4

There are kids in this world who are different...special. They look like us and they act like us...but they a... More

Six Minutes or More of Magnus's Perspective: Part 2
Six Minutes or More of Adams Perspective: Part 3
Six Minutes or More of Mainly Magnus's Perspective: Part 4
Uh hello, also apologies

Six Minutes or More of Adams Perspective: Part 1

125 0 1
By XxYesxX2v

Adams perspective

"Bruce catch!"

In less then a second ball was slammed into my head at what felt like the speed of light almost, it also hurt, a LOT. "What the hell was that for Birdie!?" "Bruce language!" Dr. Anders scolded. "All I said was hell gosh." If I'm being completely honest I couldn't care less. The memories flashing from my old life have become more frequent and vivid as of late and I've decided not to tell anyone. I don't really know how to feel yet or where I belong, one part of me still feels like I belong at the bottom of the ocean but now another part of me feels like there may be something out there, something good in this world perhaps...

"Hey Bruce, Badger says he needed you for something at 4, he said he'll be in the garage, could you do that?" "Adam" I corrected without thinking, I mean I've spent my whole life being called Adam why would they change that? And with the name Bruce of all names! You can't even go with an A name like, Aaron or, Andrew. Just something that doesn't sound so drastically different! Anyways rants aside Holiday looked confused and slightly concerned. "But, you're not Adam anymore Bruce your-" "This isn't because I feel like I'm still a monster for trying to kill you all or something, it just feels better being called Adam alright?" Holiday continued to look at me except this time there was more worry in her expression. "Alright well uh, we were going to have a big family dinner tonight I'm sure mister Pasternak would have told you but just felt like letting you know in advance gosh have I mentioned how nice the weather Is anyways gotta go moms calling me to the car alright bye!" She quickly left the backyard and went to go home I presume with the rest of the Anders. If that wasn't the longest run on sentence I've ever heard my god.
After a bit I went back inside and thought about it, why was she so worried about me just wanting to be called Adam, unless, there's something more she's worried about...What could that be?

Eh, I honestly couldn't care less, I couldn't care less about LOTS of things apparently, plus it's not like myself to be all thoughtful and introspective cause thats really boring. I checked the clock on the counter, it read 3:48. Well Badger wouldn't mind having company early right? So with that thought I left to go see what Badger wanted me for.
"Hey Badge what's up?" I asked "AH! You're not supposed to be here for another like 20 minutes! get out!" "Alrighty then" apparently he did very much mind me coming in early, but I honestly had nothing much better to do so I sat by the door. For the next 14 minutes. A very boring 14 minutes if I do say so myself, eh it really wasn't that boring actually. It probably helps that I was just watching YouTube on my phone the whole time. But finally after the agonizing torture of 14 boring minutes I subjected myself to I heard Badger yell from inside, "Alright come in!" As I walked in I looked around and noticed Badger was hiding something behind his back, "Sorry for yelling at you, I just didn't want you to see the surprise I planned for you before it was finished..." A surprise? "What do you mean Badger?" Nothing much I just wanted to surprise you with this!"

A hoverboard was shoved in my face and then forced in my hands, "Oh, a hoverboard, like the ones you and Holiday have?" "Yep! And also Cam will be getting one soon as well! Just, as soon as we can figure out how to make a 126 of them cause she said she refused to accept any hoverboards until all her 'sisters' had one as well..." Badger looked kinda of dejected now. "Anyways, how about you name them now!" "Name it? Oh you're still going with that whole hoverboards like being named thing aren't you?" Badger chuckled, "Well yeah because it's true! Now what name are you going to choose for them?" I looked down at the hoverboard in my hands, I really think the whole naming hoverboards thing is stupid but, just to satisfy Badger I chose...


"SFB?" Badger repeated back, curiously. "Yeah SFB, it stands for something." "Oh! What does it stand for??" It actually stood for Stupid F-cking Board but I didn't intend on telling him that. "Don't feel like telling you." I said, "What! come on!" Badger whined and then sighed. "Well okay then I won't push you, say did Holiday tell you we're-" "Having a big family dinner at the Anders? Yeah she did." Badger chuckled and started heading towards the door. "We have to leave at 6:20 so I'm going to get ready early, have fun with your new hoverboard Bruce!" Adam, I almost repeated out loud before I remembered Holidays reaction. "Alright I will Badger! See you." He closed the door and left to go to his room or somewhere I'm not sure. 

"Well SFB," I chuckled at the nickname, "time to power you on!" I had plenty of experience with hoverboards due to Holiday and Badger so I already knew how everything worked. As it powered on it took some time to...look around? Well it doesn't have eyes but that's what it looks like it's doing...it then hovered over the floor waiting for me to do something I'm pretty sure. Surprisingly I haven't ever ridden a hoverboard before in all my life, before the great memory reset or after. So I opened the garage door and stood on it, trying to go outside or somewhere at least, how is this thing even supposed to work? Eh I'll figure it out, I always do.

As I finally got it to zoom outside the garage door and hover in the air for a bit I remembered, I knew it was only a matter of time before I remembered everything, the only question was when? Eh it wasn't all that exciting actually. I only remembered the last few minor details of my life before and...the day Dr. Whittier threw me away, threw me to the bottom of the ocean to leave me there, forever. I'm quite surprised I didn't remember that sooner but oh well, what can you do? The memory shook me so much that I almost fell off the hoverboard. Which would have been REALLY bad cause I was now what seemed to be a couple hundred feet in the air. Unlike Holiday who had three bots of programming ahead of her to ensure she couldn't die if she fell from this height, if I were to fall it would probably be game over for me. Unless Cyrus or someone else actually cared enough for me to repair whatever may have been damaged, which was unlikely.

Finally after about 4 minutes of trying to get it to go down while fearing for my robotic life the entire time I finally figured out how to make it go down. Finally I thought, as I played with it some more and figured out how to make it move, stay stable on top of it, etc. Badger came out looking for me I think, "Bruce! It's 5:57! You have to get ready!" Oh right, big family dinner. "Alright coming!" I shouted back at him. After flying back down to the ground I picked up SFB and went inside with Badger. There wasn't much to talk about so we didn't talk. "I'll be in my room, come if you need me okay?" "Alright bye Badger." "Bye Bruce." Adam I almost corrected him again. He went off to his room and I went off towards mine. We used to share bedrooms but that was only because I was scared and kept having nightmares about my past life. Which I don't really consider to be nightmares anymore.

As I opened my door I saw Brynleigh sitting on my bed looking out the window. Why would she be in here? "Brynleigh? What are you doing in here?" She turned around and looked alarmed, she quickly covered that up and replaced it with annoyance, "Ugh, none of your business bot. Now I'm going to go get ready in my room for the dinner, and I'm going to look better then everyone there combined." "Alright Ms. Bratty Princess go do that" She scoffed and looked at me incredulously "Whatever" she then walked towards the door purposefully bumping me on her way out. Great I thought, you know what was worse then having your life being rewritten and your memory's forgotten, you know what was worse than belonging at the bottom of the ocean? Brynleigh, she was worse than everything bad in this world combined.

Complaining to myself quietly while getting ready I finally finished and went down the stairs and to the truck. "Alright, everyone have your seatbelts on?" Mr. Pasternak asked, "Yes Daddy me and Badger do, though Adam might need a minute to rethink" Adam, did she just call me Adam, why would she- oh right. She thought it annoyed me. "Brynleigh stop being so rude to Bruce. Don't let it get to you Bruce." Well at least Badger was on my side. I buckled in my seatbelt and the car started moving towards the Anders family household. Nothing really happened on the car ride there except for Brynleigh being well, herself annoyingly.

When we arrived I stepped out of the car to see Mr. Anders inviting us in. "Hey Bruce! Been a while since we last met huh?" "Yeah haha..."I tried not to be awkward which to be honest was way harder than it should've been. As I went inside I went to the dining room to see Holiday, Cyrus, Birdie and Dr. Anders already sitting there chatting about something. "Welcome Bruce! How are you doing?" Dr. A asked politely "Adam" I corrected before I could stop my self. Her expression turned from smiling happily to one of confusion and worry. Why was everyone so worried about me just wanting to be called Adam? "Oh well uh Adam then, come sit with us! Your seat is next to Holiday." I walked over to the seat and then sat down. Holiday looked at me with what I could tell was fake happiness "So uh Bruce- I mean Adam...how's it been going?" "Well I would say good cause I got a new hoverboard from Badger!" Holiday was unable to mask her concern and worry at this point. "Oh he did? Well uh I actually need to talk to him. About something else. Mom if you will excuse me." She left her seat to go to Badger who was now just walking in with Mr. Pasternak and Brynleigh. They then went upstairs to her room I presume. "Dr. A I actually have to go to the bathroom now so if you'll excuse me..." "Of course! Take all the time you need Adam." I was surprised for a moment that she actually remembered to call me Adam but that quickly faded as I left. I didn't actually go to the bathroom obviously, I'm a robot I don't need to do that. Though, Dr. Whittier did program us to go to the bathroom in order for us to look human but only if we ate food which I haven't been doing lately, despite what I say to them. As I went up the stairs I cracked the door to Holidays room ever so slightly and listened.

"Badger you gave him a hover board!?" "Yeah? I don't see what's wrong with that?" Holiday took a pause and then spoke again, "Sorry Badger, I didn't tell you did I? He's been acting...strange recently. He insists on being called Adam and I've noticed he seems to...remember stuff." "Remember stuff? What do you mean Holiday?" "I mean that he says stuff that only past Adam would say. I asked him the other day what he thinks about my moms cooking, he first responded with, what? You know I don't eat human food. When I looked confused and almost asked him about it he simply laughed and said I'm just joking Holiday! It's great I like it." Both Holiday and Badger took a pause, I risked looking through the crack in the door to see their expressions, concerned. "But Holiday, you don't actually think he's...becoming his past self again...right, that's not what's happening right?" "Admit it Badger, he"s been acting strange all month! He's been acting in the way Adam in the past would have acted, we need to talk to him and stop him if he's planning anything bad!" Oh, that's what they were concerned about. Well I can't blame them I suppose, I mean I did have that phase where I wanted to wipe out all of humanity with bots...but that was just a phase! "I...agree Holiday, but when do we talk to him...?" "Now."
Now!? I was expecting soon but not right now! I can't plan in advance on what I'm gonna say to make their suspicions go away if it's right now! Well alright Adam think, think! You can come up with a way to- "ADAM!? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?" Sh-t sh-t SH-T Holiday opened the door what do I say!? "Oh Holiday! Uh Dr. A requested I come up here and check on you guys since you seem to be taking a while!" F-CK That's easily disprovable! "Bruce just please...tell the truth were you listening to us?" Badger seemed to want to hold on to any hope that I wasn't Adam again but, at this point I couldn't defend myself they would find out either way, so, "SO LONG B-TCHES." I ran. I ran down the stairs and out the house for my life. "ADAM GET BACK HERE!" Holiday was chasing after me on her hoverboard, she would catch up to me at any moment now but, wait I had a hoverboard as well didn't I! "SFB, SFB GET OVER HERE PLEASE OH GOD SFB-" Thankfully SFB seemed to respond to its name being called, maybe naming hoverboards wasn't so useless after all... I jumped on SFB almost falling off and flew away, well, tried to fly away. Suddenly Badgers hoverboard hit my head at an alarming speed "OW WHAT THE F-" but before I could finish my curse I fell off my hoverboard, it wasn't fatal since we were only about 60 feet up in the air but it hurt, A LOT. Once I hit the ground all I had was the strength to to just sit there. And witness what would seem to be a fight between two hoverboards, being the less experienced board and the fact that Holidays hoverboard soon joined the fight, SFB lost. "Damn" I said out loud to Holiday and Badger standing over me. "Well what are you waiting for end me." I put my Hand up in the air in defeat. "We're not ending you Adam, just simply tying you up and getting answers out of you." "Sigh, alright, such a shame...the weather is really nice out today..." "It is...but why are you focusing on th-"

I jumped up and punched Holiday, knocking her unconscious, Badger tried to subdue me but I simply knocked him unconscious as well. Had they really forgot that I had enough strength to throw a man into a wall and kill him with my bare hands? Laughable. I knew everyone would be out here soon to check what all the commotion was about so I went over to SFB. "SFB wake up." It didn't wake up. I shook him this time "WAKE UP." A weak signal as he powered on, but I didn't care. I would repair him after I got out of the danger zone so I hopped on him and flew off. Where was I going? Ha! I had NO idea! Preferably somewhere where I could hide out for a bit but I had no idea where that would be... anyhow I flew over the trees and buildings alike to start my new life.

A life that I could finally be content with,

a life that wouldn't be controlled by goodie two shoes Holiday and her family trying to reform me into the perfect little boy.

A life I would choose, myself.

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