Walk with Shadows

By Winterbunny13

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Story set in Skyrim where a young Bosmer woman is discovered by the Dark brotherhood due to a dark secret the... More

Young Love
We Know
What's the Harm?
Trust Your Gut
Listen to Me
The Briar is Black
Heavy Shit
Uncomfortable Silence
Longest Night

Just a Poor Boy

5 0 0
By Winterbunny13

She found herself in a city that was somehow more racist than she had expected, even here in Skyrim. It was no wonder in the short time they were together, her mother was certain to stay away from Windhelm. She was not welcome there, leaving a sour taste in her mouth that made it to her face when speaking with every single one of them. She had found a small slice of comfort, though the citizens of the gray quarter would not agree with her that it is comfort. It was more than she had been used to.

She stood out here, which also scared her, a building fire of anger deep within as well. It was impossible to do her job with so many eyes on her. She had asked around about the boy, easily being pointed to the estate as soon as she was able to speak to the people of the gray quarter. Waiting until dusk, the woman had made her way to the estate, hugging the buildings. She picked the lock, using the skills Brynjolf taught her. It made her smile as she did it, thinking back to the man so close as he talked her through it. She took a soft silent breath, trying hard to push his face out of her mind. It was almost impossible.

Slowly the door opened, sliding into the house. Carefully the woman creeps in, moving up the stairs. There was a voice, pleading for help. It made her tummy grumble. She never much cared for the company of children, but there was something deep inside her that hurt hearing the boy plead as he was. Her heart moved for him and she had to physically stop herself from stepping out of the shadows to comfort him. She watched from her perch, bathed in shadow, just observing. She was wondering whether or not to accept. While lost in this thought she missed the clear sound of the door opening once more.

It was just a moment until she realized there was a woman walking just before her. She never noticed the Bosmer in the recesses of the estate, which was the expected outcome. The darker skinned woman before her was approaching the boy carefully. She pushed her curls back, timid in her approach. It was just a moment after that she was startled by the almost booming voice of her. "Are... You okay?"

The boy jumped and looked to her. "You're here! I knew you'd come! I called the brotherhood and you came. I just knew it. So tell me you're going to accept." She watched as the boy baited his breath and she said not a damn word. Gweneith's mouth slowly opened, unable to contain just how cool she thought that was. This woman was confident and she gave off an aura of strength that Gwen just thought she could never match. He seemed to get the hint after a moment and just continued. "See, my mother died and I was sent a notice that I was to be relocated to Honorhall. Being there though is a nightmare. Grelod the kind... She is a beast. She hates kids and makes our lives horrible. She needs to be stopped. Will you?" There was just a nod and the boy cheered.

It was a strange thing to see a a child cheer over the pending death of someone. Gwen shrugged herself, noting that it likely wasn't that strange for her, after all this was the family business. She quickly pulled her small notebook from for breast pocket just before the woman started towards the door with as little conversation with Aventus as possible. Her name was not caught but Gwen managed a good description and a rudimentary sketch that could self admittedly need hours of work to capture her essence, if she had that kind of talent in the first place. Drawing for her was usually restricted to maps.

She hugged the wall tighter as she passed her. She watched the child for a while after, noting how much happier he seemed. Her face melted into kindness and warmth watching this. So much so she nearly that she forgot she was on the job. Forcing herself to focus, that smile was wiped from her face. This was also something that she will never let anyone else know happened. Her hard exterior needed to be kept in place. She ripped out of page and found a courier to bring it to Nazir.

The sun had gone down, making it harder for a normal person to follow. She was thankful hunting came so naturally to her. The woman kept a good pace, forcing Gwen to move faster than she normally would by herself. The entire night they traveled to Riften, her huffing softly. The closer they got to Riften the more her heart swells in the anticipation. Not just for seeing what might be a horrible person get what they deserve but a big chance to see him again. His soft look, his laugh, that unrelenting hope for the future in him. It was addictive and something she herself has lacked for a long time.

So when the sun started to rise, now free from bears and wolves the stronger woman took care of alone as Gwen held back, she had been elated. Stepping into the city while the sun rose, Gwen couldn't help but admire it. It was a odd feeling. She watched the woman go into the barb, clearly tired from the travel. She had to appreciate her knowing the kill wasn't going anywhere. Exhaustion hit her all at once the moment she reached the railing near the inn.

She leaned on the wood, nearly collapsing. It had been a while since she slept, a few days. She had wrongfully assumed that this would be it, after accepting the contract from the boy she might just be able to pass out in Candlehearth. She was unable to feel comfortable enough in that city, but even this might not have worked. Walking all night while being hyper aware of how she was perceived was far too much. It took a lot out of you. Her heavy eyes closed, her body nearly crumpled as she was slipping. "Whoa, whoa..." She heard a muffled voice.

She looked up to a woman with blond hair, trying to charm her with a smile. She was helping Gweneith to her feet, but the woman was having trouble lifting her. "Damn you're heavy." She grunts. "I don't know if I can get you to the Bee... Will you be okay here for a moment by yourself?"

Gwen looked to the woman who tried to turn, her hand darted out, gripping the woman's wrist. "Give... Give me the coin purse back."

"Huh?" She looked to Gwen with a lost expression in her eyes. "I'm just going to get some help. Hang here until I come back."

"You took my measly little coin purse... I felt it when you helped me up." She locked eyes with the woman who appeared to be standing her ground.

"Vex..." Another voice joined the scene that was unfolding. It was not a loud scene, not even attracting people watching. Gwen shook her head, trying to keep herself locked on the situation. "I know you did it. You know you did it, the girl knows you did it. How much?"

Vex grits her teeth, looking to the man and scoffed. Gweneith glanced to him, finally realizing that it was Brynjolf. She relaxed just a little, her eyes getting heavy. "It was only five gold..."

Brynjolf shook his head, walking to her side and helping her to stand. "Hey, lass. Didn't think I'd see you again this soon." She gave him a sheepish smile. "Vex this is Gweneith. I told you about her, right?"

"Oh... This is her?" She commented with her eyes rolling. She reluctantly fished the purse out and held it to her. "You made this gold while working with us. Here... Take it."

"It..." She took the purse. "It's not a big deal. If I'd known you were in the guild I probably wouldn't have said anything. It is in your nature."

"No... You'd be a fool not to say anything. I'm surprised you noticed."

"Well..." She chuckled. "You're a Nord woman... Unless you wanted to walk on the wild side you were definitely picking my pocket." She watched Vex look to Brynjolf with a pleased grin.

"We should get her to the Bee, Brynjolf." Vex pointed with a thumb over her shoulder.

"No!" She cleared her throat, looking the Brynjolf in a bit of panic. "I... I need sleep but... I'm going to go camp outside. I can't go to the Bee, not right now." She leaned in a little, eyes locked with his. After a moment his edged open further and he nodded.

"I got ya, lass. But camp? Can you even make camp right now?" The question perplexed her, before the woman tried to stand up on her own. Her knees wobbled and she fell back on his frame. She groaned lightly, her eyes closing painfully slow. "Vex, she's going to pass out. I'm going to take her to the guild."

"Really? Special to you?" She placed a hand on her hip. "Amazing. Just like him, huh?"

"If that's what you wanna see, I can't stop you." He shook his head. "But she needs our help. Would you really shun her?" Vex shook her head, not that Gweneith noticed. The poor girl was  clearly on the verge of passing out, head down. Brynjolf looked to her, his brows curved up. Vex sighed, then walked to his side. Both of them together lifted her into his arms, the man now carrying her carefully. Her head fell to the side and Vex pushed it onto his chest, unable to help the vague smile on her lips. "Thank you."

"Yeah, well, don't get used to it. With the way you guys act down there she might go running once she wakes up."  She walked with him as they made their way around the temple.

"I'm aware of how we act." He looked to Gwen in his arms. She groaned just a little, her messy hair made her so cute. "But... I've never felt this before, Vex. Instantly connected to someone. She's... Well it's delicate. Her heart is so injured. I'd wait but I doubt she will ever be willing. So if I can help her, I will."

"So she's... A stone cold bitch, like me?" Vex laughed a little. "Never thought that was your type."

"I don't see her that way." Brynjolf looked the Vex as she hit the button for the secret passage. "Her eyes are so warm. I just feel like she is cuddly and loving at her core. She is absolutely beautiful. Like us, she has had a tough go of it. But..."

"But?" They stepped into the Cistern. She was interested now.

Brynjolf sighed softly, sitting down into his bed. Vex helped him adjust her so she was lying down, her head in his lap. He leaned back against the bedpost, his hand moving to slowly comb her hair. She fell further into sleep, snuggling into his lap now and relaxed. "She found her family. I'm happy she did, Vex. I just... Wish we had a shot." He chuckled breathlessly. "She is great at sneaking around and well, you've seen how aware she is. But it is more than that. She would be great for the guild..."

"But better for you?" She looked to him and he looked up, locking eyes with her. She chuckled herself. "It is okay to be selfish now and then, man. Your whole life is this guild. So she found another family first... So what? Go for it if you want it. There is nothing saying you guys have to be like this."

"Aye." He looked back down to her, smiling a little. "The brotherhood can have her loyalty. I want her heart and soul."

"The brotherhood..." Vex stared at him and his eyes moved sheepishly back up to her.  "I'm only worried you are following Gallus too closely."

His shoulders slumped. "I know. She is definitely dangerous. But she has been open with me too. Would she kill me? Absolutely. Is it because she has no heart? Absolutely not."

"You know..." Vex smiled openly for a brief moment. "We've always had a connection to the brotherhood. Delvin can talk to Astrid. She might trade her."

Brynjolf broke into an amused smile, caressing her sleeping face. "I appreciate the sentiment but no, she would never. I saw the way Nazir treated her and Gwen is happy where she is." He studied her peaceful face. "Vex... Thank you. This gave me some perspective."

"Which is?" She leaned in a little.

"She is my lass." He looked to Vex. "I'm not in this guild because I play things safe. I love this guild so much. I understand her this deeply because of it. If I allow myself to be selfish about one thing... It's her. No matter what I need to be there for her, every step of the way. Even if she never feels this way for me. She will always have a home with me, refuge here. This is not something given lightly to non guild members but damn it Vex, Mercer will give this to me."

"Because you never ask for anything else. Delvin and I will back you." She pats his back. "I like this confident Brynjolf. Maybe we should send you to goldenglow instead of me." She chuckled and he grinned to her.

"Nah. You are better at sneaking in than I am. Especially right now. I'd say good luck but you won't need it."

"No, you will though." Vex started to walk away. "So save it for her, man."

It was a softer pillow than she was used to. Her slumber was so deep and uninterrupted. She had never felt this way. Her body stirred slowly hours after she was sat down. Her cheek was so warm, her eyes fluttered open to see Brynjolf slumped over her. Her eyes widened a little and she froze. Her heart swelled but then sank in almost an instant. Slowly she tried to wiggle out of the warmth only to have his hand tug on her cheek a little. "Lass... You're awake..."

"Y... Yeah." Her voice was soft as hell, a little broken. "Where am I?"

"In our guild. My bed." He whispered to her so sweetly. "You said you couldn't go to the Bee... So I did the only thing I could."

"I'm not joining..."

He chuckled softly. "Lass, I know... But you need more sleep and there is no way I'm letting you go out half cocked to camp. I don't know why you couldn't go to the inn, but I'm here for you."

She stared at him, the. Sat up slowly, the man letting her go. "I don't need to be protected..."

"I'm aware... It's why you told a senior member of our guild off while almost passing out." He looked her in the eyes. "I don't doubt your strength lass, I admire it. I did this for me, not you." She raised her brow. "Beautiful woman in my bed, sleeping so soundly in my lap... Enough to drop my own walls and fall asleep, too?"

"You're a Nord. Stop talking like that before others hear you speaking so fondly of an elf." She looked down and he extended his hand, holding her gaze up to him.

"Stop speaking about yourself like that. I don't give a damn what Skyrim thinks I should want or be. I'm going to be here for you, because I want to. It isn't a commentary on your strength or what I 'should' do." He shook his head, letting his hand fall off her cheek. "This isn't a transaction. I expect nothing."

"But you said-"

"I know what I said." He shook his head. "But with you it's different. You're different. I'm okay as long as you're okay and happy. Rest, Gwen. I'll go busy myself with things. I feel like you are busy, too busy to deal with this. My..." He laughed a little, standing up. "Just get under my covers, too. It can get cold down here. I will take you back up topside when you need."

She was staring at him with her lips slightly opened. He took a step but she tugged on his pant leg, keeping the man here. He turning back to her, looking down. "Brynjolf... I can't reciprocate..."

He closed his eyes for a moment. "I know, lass. I know. It's fine. I'll love you in my own way."


He kneels down to the side of the bed, the woman leaning down until he lays her fully on his bed with a soft smile. "I'm in love with you, and I will stay in love with you from far away. You don't have to do anything."

She muttered for just a moment then a yawn passed her lips. He pulled his covers over her and she bundled up, smiling softly. She was so hot right now, her body soothed. "I was tracking someone all night. They went into the Bee. I couldn't risk them noticing me at all. They were mistaken for a brotherhood member and took a contract from us. I'm tailing them... To see if they go through with it. I have to see what happens and if nothing happens I will execute it myself. But she traveled straight here. I think she intends to do it."

He hummed, looking into her eyes. "So loyal... So... What does she look like?"

Her heart spiked hearing that question. Her eyes opened sharply, in spite of the exhaustion. "... Why?" Her anxiety was trembling.

He blinked a few times, watching her. The man wiped his bread, unable to keep the smile off his lips but dropped it when his hand moved. He had suspected she was a little jealous, he was best at reading people after all. "Because I need to know when she moves."

"Oh..." She licked her lips. "I... Don't want you to go watch her."

"Lass?" She looked into his eyes. "Do you think... I could see her in a way that would stop how I see you?"

She clammed up a little and he moved her light blond hair past her pointed ear. "... I just don't want you to work for me."

"What if I send someone else? Is that a loophole for you?" He whispered, leaning in.

"... Redguard. Very beautiful, soft curly hair, full lips. Deep eyes with an intelligence behind them. She was bold. A full figured woman. She was quiet. But her confidence was soaring... I'm jealous of that in her. Opposite of myself. She knows who she is. Tall. Didn't get her name." She closed her eyes.

"Ridiculous." He shook his head. "You can't be jealous of someone. Gweneith... You are everything good about the world." He leaned in, kissing her cheek softly. She suppressed the giggle of his facial hair tickling her. "Rest here and we will wake you when she is on the move."

He stood up, turning to a younger guild member , beckoning them over and instructing them to go watch her. He glanced back to her and walked away. She watched with a dry mouth. Her chest heaved with emotion. He was helping her but listened to her silly emotions and without questioning it too much respected them, no matter how unfounded they might have been to him. Her eyes followed him for a while. She wanted to call out to him. Whether it was nerves or heartache preventing this she didn't know. Her eyes filled with tears, replaying his words through her head over and over. He loved her. She smiled into the blankets. "B..." Her voice stumbled. "Brynjolf!" She half sat up. The man on the other side of the room turned to his bed and looked to her.

He made his way to her, knelt down beside the bed again with a joyful smile. "Lass... I like when you say my name, but what can I do for you?"

"I... Can't sleep." Her chest felt tight as they stared at one another. "I need your help."


"I need your warmth."

"You need me to sit with you?"

She closed her eyes, then shook her head. "Get in here."

"What?" He leaned back a little.

"Lay with me... Brynjolf." He was shocked for a moment, but then nodded. He pushed himself carefully into the bed with her. She cleared her throat as the man pulled her close into his arms. They both sank into the bedding. He smiled, holding her as close as she would let him. She pushed her cheek against his chest armor, breathing deeply. "Please don't leave..."

"I wouldn't dare." He assured her, rubbing her shoulder. She snuggled closer to him.

"I'm scared."

"Of...?" He looked down.

"I... Can't go through it." She looked up to him. "I like you. People like you deserve to be protected. I'm... Dangerous. I might not look it but..."

"No." He shook his head. "You look it. You are capable and amazing. I know the risks. All women carry risks, you're just upfront with them. You can't help who you fall for, lass. Just as you couldn't help that he charmed you. I'm not that charming, lass. I never will be."

"You are." She twisted her lips. "I'm just not who I was any longer. That... Dream of what romance was in my heart is gone. He broke me and I will never be whole again. I can see it for others but not myself." He watches as her eyes tear up. "Will you do me a favor?"

"If I can." He felt like he was in a freefall. He knew what she might ask, something he couldn't do was to stop feeling this way for her.

"Don't fall for someone else." His eyes widened after she spoke. She threw him for a loop, he chuckled a little.

"Lass... I can't." He took a moment. "I care about only a few things in life. I was just a street rat and I suppose I still am. Being strong for you would make me more. I... Am more when I am here for you. You are one of those few things, Gwen." His voice was so soft that she started to close her heavy eyes. He hummed a soft tune until she drifted off in his arms. She was bright even in the dark and he loved that. "I'm so in over my fucking head with her..." He whispered, settling into it all.

It was just a few hours later that he had to wake her up, reluctant to do so. She slept so soundly with him he had trouble rousing her. She looked to him at the ladder to the Cirsten's trap door. He offered a soft smile but didn't expect anything beyond that. She climbed two steps before looking back to him. He looked up at the woman and she simply nodded. Then it was over, she was gone leaving a small weight on his heart. He leaned on the wooden ladder, looking up to the light leaving his life once more.

She went on to tail the woman to Honorhall, her eyes moved to the side of the building, flushed thinking about him. She shook her head, trying hard not to think about his words but the kept poking her. 'He loves me...' Her heart heated through as she moved into the orphanage. She watched then as with no reservations nor desire to hide herself the woman drew a bow and shot. Her eyes widened, she was rough around the edges and ran quickly after the deed was done. Gwen hid in the shadows, unable to move after it happened.

She wasn't found, but her heart was racing as she crouched there, unable to process the whole day. There was no research, no remorse she just killed in cold blood. All in the wake of what happened to her she was just thinking about her own first kill. Not that she knew if this was the first kill or not. She closed her eyes, finding the woman was her opposite and deep inside was worried that if Brynjolf ever saw a woman like that, these feelings he claimed to have would vanish. She pushed past her feelings and knew she had a lot to tell Astrid.

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