The deal A Kyman story

Door eggsalad444

10.8K 229 349

The boys are all older, and now as all four of them are at Cartman's house Kyle and Cartman make a bet, but w... Meer

Chapter one
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
Chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
We'll that's it

Chapter two

1.1K 23 36
Door eggsalad444

The next day three of the main group were unpacking their lockers when they saw Kyle walk up to them. Kyle didn't look different but it was like his aura changed in a way.

" Hey, guys," Kyle said to all his friends.

All of them said their hellos together, then they started small talking.

" So did any of you guys have any weird dreams?" Stan asked the group

" MMhhmmA ( those are private )" Kenny said with a tiny bit of blush on his face but everyone already knew his dreams.

" Well, I had a weird dream." Kyle lied but tried to make some strange tension. He slowly put his hands around the chubby fingers he hated. Cartman realized that he wasn't acting gay and was putting his hand around his.

" uhh, Khal can we be in private in the bathroom."

" Yes sure." Kyle gave a smile like they were going to do something devious together.

They both walked to the bathroom holding hands, Cartman trying to escape but he couldn't. He couldn't tell if it was his fat hands or his subconscious, his linger for the mystery. As they walked a couple stared wondering if they were gay, but most focused back on their work.

They both went into an empty boy's bathroom, first making sure that no one was in there. Then Cartman screamed at him.

" Okay, what the fuck are you doing! You're supposed to be acting gay, to someone, stupid jew!"

" I am, fatass, look at the paper." He said as he pulled it out to show whose name he wrote on the paper.

Cartman snatched the paper from his hands and looked it over and over to read the name he wrote, It was his! To see if he spelled  Eric Cartman wrong, but he didn't.To see the black ink over and over him frighten him, but then that weird feeling he got from insulting him came back. He suppressed it and remind himself of fear.

" Don't you realize you fucked us both over?" He said with a straight angry face, " We'll both go to prison if I have to act like a faggot."

"Exactly, If you're gonna ruin my reputation, then might as well drag you down with me."

They both gave each other a death stare, but something struck each other's eyes and their hearts. As they looked each other in their own eyes it was like the deal was going into place. Underneath all the hatred, they noticed their eyes.

Cartman had deep hazel eyes even though everyone called them "light brown" They looked like the fresh earth had dug up a golden nugget of sorts. Gold that wasn't put into a bar, something that wasn't perfect but needed to be sold. On the other hand, Kyles looked like his eyes were part of a jade neckless, something that was scratched off all of his sadness to become beautiful. Though he might be cracked on the inside no one could see.

The boys looked into their eyes for a minute, to see the beauty in themselves but showing a face of aggression. They almost lost sight of each other, but the Cartman broke the silence.

" What the fuck did we just do?"

" I don't know but let's walk back to class." He was again stroked by fear, cause that was kinda gay. The stuff he did before was comical but this was different, he felt different. He didn't like the feeling.

He was planning to hold hands with him but he decided to just walk back normally instead. Cartman still gave him weird stares but it just wasn't the same. As they walked back, they could hear a bit of the conversation between Stan and Kenny.

" I mean we've kinda drifted apart over time, I still love her but, I don't know she's always out," Stan said with a draft of sadness waves over him.

" MhhMMhhmM ( It happens, I mean you've been on and off since you were nine, she'll come back)," Kenny reassured.

" Hey, guys," Kyle said reentering the group with a smile.

" Hey, you're okay right," Stan said looking at him.

" Yea we're fine Khal was just acting like a jew fag, we're alright." Cartman budded into the conversation.

" I wasn't asking you, fat boy, anyway we were saying-."

Then a loud bell went off starting the school day, each went to their respective classes. First was math. He sat down at one of his desks and grabbed his notebooks, as he was doing that he noticed his friend Craig in a row in front of him.

If you didn't know Craig and Tweek were one of the most well-known gay kids in school. Other than their charisma and relationship goals, south park kinda forced it on them. Little did they at the time  know they'd become very happy, now being one openly gay couple that weren't afraid.

Craig was writing down notes in front of him, but Kyle got a great Idea. He wrote down a note saying ' meet me at the gym after this."He then crumbled up the paper and threw it at him, it then hitting his head. Of course, Craig was mad about this thing crashing onto his head, but then he opened it. He looked back at him confused but he was gonna come.

The rest of the time he spent there all he could think of was Eric. Usually, when he thought of him, he only thought of what an asshole he is, but this time it was different. What he thought wasn't good nor bad of him, but just him. He got it out of his head and started with his math again.

As this was going on, Cartman was planning his plan. Even though he was chosen to be Kyle's little boyfriend, he was gonna make every bit of it horrible. His game has upped a notch and he liked that. He was going to call him whatever he wanted for three months and he can't do anything about it. His whole period was thinking of what to call him, but then he thought of something, to be nice for once, hell nah he was gonna be an ass.

After that period Craig and Kyle met at the gym, it was nice because it was their next period anyway.

" Hey, Kyle haven't spoken in a while what's up."

" Well uhh hmm how do I say this, so how do I be gayer?" He asked

" What does that even fucking mean, are you even gay?." Craig counter asked.

" I don't think I'm gay, but also I mean like how do you treat Tweek y'know."

" I treat him with love and compassion, see gay doesn't equate to blue hair and saying yass queen. Gay is just a form of love, that we share, there's no way to act gay. If you want to act in love you can't do that you either are or you aren't. But why do you ask.' He said after finishing his speech.

" Okay so I got into a bet where I have to, I hate saying this but date Cartman."

" How the hell did you get into that situation?"

" I don't know myself he just gave me a bet and I lost. I read it yesterday, so now I have to date him."

" So you want to act in love, for Cartman, like literally the worst date you could ever have."

" Yes, I mean kinda. It's complicated."

" Well you can't truly act in love but you surely can try, It will suck but I can teach you the ways, of the gays."

Throughout the week It had just been Kyle trying to act "In Love" Around Cartman. Holding hands, walking together. Of course, this would lead to fights with each other. It was strange though, at least one day they'd have a weird moment together that wasn't fake. Maybe staring at each other or holding hands a bit too long. Kyle slightly enjoyed these moments, it was a happy feeling kinda so he did like it. He didn't know what caused these but he didn't like how they always happened around Cartman and stopped when he left. Kyle just thought Craig's teachings were working.

Cartman was just weirded out, but luckily just got to come up with newer foul words to call him. He had brewed a storm, he especially liked the fights they had where he'd yell at him too. It felt so real, it made him feel so special. Someone took the time with him. But everyone once in a while that stupid feeling would come back. He hated but he liked it, it almost remind him of Kyle.

Stan and Kenny were always talking by themselves now. Since Cartman and Kyle were either bickering or doing the exact opposite, he was left with Kenny. Not that he was bad but he just kinda misses his best friend. He was only talking about Wendy again, but Kenny was okay with that. Kenny was reading something different than Playboy. Soon to find out it was the history of it. I mean you only live once right, so read what you can.

Today was different, Today after school the boys were holding hands, even though they hated it. They were going to Cartman's house, to get something from their house. The teens walked in silence until Cartman broke the quiet like he breaks most peace.

" Hey jew fag boyfriend could you talk more, I hate the quiet so maybe just talk about some stupid thing or whatever," Cartman said

trying to embarrass Kyle, even though there was no one outside.

Then Kyle pointed out the obvious.

" Boyfriend?"

" I mean that's the fucking contract, did you turn retarted after turning gay or something? Anyway..."

" I mean you told me to talk to you?" Kyle said with a little petty anger.

" True true, you did say something stupid exactly what I asked."

They then looked at each other briefly, looking into their gemstone-like eyes. They had kept doing this, they sank into them like dead sailors in the sea.

" What is there something on my face?" Cartmen blossomed a new conversation with a touch of rudeness in his voice.

Then Kyle said the gayest thing yet.

" no, I just noticed that your eyes aren't brown, but they're Hazel."

For a second Cartman let his barriers down for his new well he didn't know what to put Kyle. He felt like he hated him but purely liked him. That last week though they had it rough like said he made him feel special, for this once. He wasn't gonna call him faggot or jew or anything else.

" Thank you, no one has ever noticed."He slightly blushed

Kyle was shocked, he had never been so open and kind He wasn't trying to be a douche to him.

That small gesture made his heart feel a bit softer toward him. He had rarely ever said thank you.

" Any time Cartman." Kyle smiled at him, with slight blush covering him.

When they got to the house, Cartman realized his mom wasn't at the house, probably at her house.

" So what are you doing here," Kyle asked, He did bring him there.

" I need to get something from the attic. I need help from you."

They both walked over to the hall pulling down a long string to get up inside. They both walked up to see the inside.

It was your average, attic having boxes and boxes. It was very dusty and hot, but it was the memories of their home.

" So what are we looking for," Kyle asked.

" A tub full of notebooks I need it for skewl." Cartman said already looking for the tub.

They both started looking but then that silence came over them again. It wasn't awkward but just a weird feeling. They both liked it but didn't want it to go on.

" Hey Khal, have you told Stan and Kenny about our deal yet?"

" No, I just keep forgetting, for some reason. Heh," Kyle said realizing that he hadn't talked to Stan and Kenny for a while, which meant, he'd only been hanging out with Cartman. He knew but he just got the full picture, he hung out with his worst enemy, instead of his friends. He hated that he did that, but liked it?

After digging threw some of Cartman's old stuff, he found an old suit. It was a large raccoon suit with the letter C carved into the chest. At the ends of the fingertips were sharp dangerous claws. There was the fabric mask, Kyle knew exactly what this was.

" Cartman, Cartman come over here, look what I found," Kyle yelled over.

Cartman came over to see what it was.

" Oh my God, It's Mr. Coon." Cartman said with a childish smile on his face.

" Yup, remember when we all played that game, and I remember fucking hating it," Kyle said with a similar smile.

" Why it was awesome, The only bad part was when you got me kicked out. I mean it was called Coon and friends, you kicked out the name of the brand."

"You took it way too far you killed millions with the help of Cthulhu, and you were just a dick." He said.

" I wasn't it was all your fault you took it too far," Cartman yelled back.

" Okay all the times you've taken it far, playing superheroes, detective, laundry matt, hunters, wizards, and ninjas forgot."Kyle listed.

" Yea sure, whatever you say," Cartman said sarcastically.

" Thanks, fatass," Kyle said half joking.

" For what!?"

" For admitting I was right, for once."

" No, I didn't stupid, it was to disagree to agree okay!?"

"As you said, whatever you say," Kyle said giving a witty smile.

They got back to digging around with both of the enemies at a draw, or were they enemies? Though both were slightly angry at each other as always, the. Kyle thought he saw what the boys had been looking for. Above the beam that held up a shelf contained notebooks in them. It was right next to that beam was Cartman.

Kyle walked over with his eyes set on the beam, but the noticed he was less than six inches from his enemy's face. He looked into his eyes once again, he didn't know why he kept doing this. It was almost like he was sucked into the depths of the earth with those eyes.

Cartman did the same exact thing, looking into his emerald shine. They were so perfect, so beautiful. They reminded him of glass stones in the sea that wash up. Perfectly colored and perfectly shaped.

But then they got too close, lips about to cave into each other, with their eyes closing. Their hearts were in the sink. Butterflies hatching in their own stomachs. It almost felt as if all stars aligned, but then.

" Popsikins I'm home from shopping, I got cheese poofs." his mother called to alert her son of coming home.

The boys let go of each other, and the look stopped. Each having blush all over their face. Cartman was going to be witty and say that was the gayest thing Kyle had ever done, But he participated. Finally, he spoke up.

" Kyle, you might be taking this gay thing too far, you might actually become a faggot."

" Shut up fatass at least, my mom doesn't call me "popsikins"

" I told you I'm big-boned," He said a little angered.

Kyle ran downstairs, and Cartman followed, chasing each other. Then they meant face-to-face with Cartman's mom.

" hey popsikins you brought a friend, over how nice,I'm guessing you brought Kenny and Stan too."

" Mom, please stop calling me that around my friend!" Cartman said in his slightly whiny voice.

Kyle just giggled, Catman then looked back and gave him an angry look.

" I'm sorry Eric, anyway may you help me with the groceries." His mother asked in a soft tone.

" Yea sure, c'mon Khal." Eric looked back.

Kyle and Eric helped Ms.Cartman, then ate cheese poofs when they were done. Nothing much else happened that day, but then the night rose.

" Bye Cartman, have a good night, fatass," Kyle said joking.

" You too stupid jew," Cartman said watching his friend leave.

Kyle turned around to see his enemy" Oh by the way, in the attic by that log pillar thing, that's where your books are."

" Thanks, jewtarad."

" Anytime, fat fuck." He then walked away.

Cartman watched as his frienemy walk away into the darkness with his phone being his own phone, like a drifting firefly. The farther he walked Cartman's heart sunk a little bit more at every echoing footstep. He didn't know why and he just didn't care.

Cartman then went up to the attic, to get the book he needed. Grabbing it from the notebook he needed. He then locked up the Attic and walked down to his room. Jumping and landing on his bed, he grabbed a pencil from his nightstand and started writing.

" Dear Journal." 

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