The Adventure Kids Play Blue'...

By AdventureGirl5

1.5K 63 10

The Adventure Kids are in for one of their most unique and musical adventures ever right here in The Big Appl... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6

Chapter 5

154 8 0
By AdventureGirl5

"Here we are" The driver said, pulling up in front of the theater. 

"Whoa!" Everyone looked out to see how unique and colorful this theater was.

"How come we've never heard of this theater?" Ann asked the other Akids, since they knew all the theaters in New York. 

The gang got out of the cab, being excited that they had finally arrived at their destination. 

"Remember, the adventure is the best part" The driver told Josh. "Now, go get that part"

Josh smiled. "Thank you, Mr. Cabdriver. That means so much to me"

The driver nodded. "Go ahead, kid. Go and make your dreams into reality"

"Bow bow!" Blue barked happily. 

"Thank you" Josh waved goodbye as the cab driver drove off. 

The Akids smiled, watching Steve walk up to Josh and place his hand on his cousin's shoulder, telling him. "We are so proud of you"

"We really are" Mr. Salt added. 

"And so are we" Teeders said. 

"You can do this" Kali told Josh. 

With that, Josh was ready to fufill his dreams with his friends by his side. The gang soon entered the theater, coming in to find the place quiet and empty. 

"Whoa! Cool!" The gang said, having a look around. 

"This is really it, Blue!" Josh smiled. 

"Bow bow bow!" Blue barked. 

"Look!" Ann pointed out. "There's the piano!"

"And the rainbow curtains!" Brock added. 

"And the stage" David said. 

"This is so exciting!" Tickety beamed. 

"Hello!" Josh called out. "I'm here for my audition with Rainbow Puppy"

The gang then saw a jaintor on stage, cleaning up. He looked to them and said. "Auditions are over"

The Akids looked surprised to hear this. 

"What do you mean they're over?" Cynthia asked. 

"Sorry" The janitor replied. "Miss Rainbow Puppy, she left for the day"

Josh couldn't believe this. "I... I missed it?"

"You missed it" The janitor replied before leaving. 

Everyone frowned, looking to Josh in sympathy as he started to break down. 

"I... I missed it. I missed my one chance?"

"Bow bow bow bow bow" Blue frowned to her owner, licking his face. 

Steve and Joe came up to their cousin. 

"Josh. I'm so sorry" Joe placed his hand on his shoulder. 

"There will be other chances" Steve said. 

Unkowningly to the gang at this point, the New York mailbox, trash can and coffee cup had entered the theater, watching them. 

The gang all comforted Josh while he said in disraught. "It's over. It's really over"

"Bow bow bow bow..." Blue's ears drooped in sadness for her owner. 

"My dream of preforming on Broadway was just that..." Josh frowned. "A dream..."

The Akids then turned around, seeing Mr. Salt talking to the mailbox, trashcan and coffee cup. At this point they weren't too surprised that the New York objects had come to life, with all the crazy stuff that's happened today. Then again what hasn't?

Josh looked to his cousins in sadness. "Hey, I'm sorry I disappointed you guys. Come on, let's just go home"

The Akids frowned as they watched Josh start to leave. They had failed their mission. How could they possibly fix this now?


Everyone turned around to Mr. Salt in surprise. 

"Josh, you know you've worked hard!" The salt shaker told him. "Don't ever give up!"

"Yeah," Teeders agreed, telling Josh. "You had a dream to sing in a Broadway show, right?"

"And you know..." Ann mentioned. "You can do anything that you wanna do. So go!" 

"Yeah! Yeah, go!" Steve encouraged his cousin. "Go make your dream a reality"

"Yeah, Josh" Joe added. "Just sing from your heart"

"Bow bow bow bow!" Blue barked. 

Josh looked at his friends and family who supported him and smiled. He soon slowly walked up on stage while everyone watched anxiously. Josh tried singing but stuttered his words, becoming nervous again. 

"Come on, Josh. You can do this" David encouraged. 

"It's okay, Josh" Mr. Salt assured him. 

"Just take it one step at a time" Cynthia added. 

Blue then reminded Josh of the pratice vocal runs they had learned from Ali Stroker, and taking a deep breath in order to find your rhythm from Taboo. Josh did his vocal runs and took a deep breath. 

"Hear that, Josh?" Brock smiled to him. "That's your song"

Kali told Josh. "Remeber, life is all about the adventure"

"Life is all about the adventure" Josh said, before looking around the theater realizing. "And this has been a really great adventure" 

Josh looked into the fourth wall, asking the readers. "Do you think I can do it?"

................................................. "You do?"

"Thanks for always believing in me" Josh smiled into the fourth wall. 

Josh now looked confident and ready to sing from his heart while the Akids and rest of the gang watched. 

"Bow bow bow bow" Blue barked, as if telling Josh not to give up. 

With that, Josh started singing. 

"Hands up, head down. It's kind of hard just to get things right. Don't give up now. I know my dreams are worth this fight~"

The gang started to notice this magical blue aurora swept over Josh. 

"Whoa, magical!" Mr. Salt said. 

"And I can feel my world changing. Like my dreams are enchanted~"

Josh climbed up a ladder as the magic swirled around him. The gang was in awe. 

"Is it the lucky charm in my pocket? Or someone I've always been?"

Brock, Ann and Cynthia helped Tickety and Slippery place some spotlights on Josh. 

"Maybe I'm magic. Maybe I'm magical, something incredible! Maybe I'm magic~"

"Bow bow bow bow bow bow!" Blue sang along. 

"If what I feel is true, the magic's in you~"

"Whoa!" The gang awed. They couldn't believe their eyes. 

"Josh's happiness is magic!" Ann said. 

Soon, everyone was singing together. 

"Maybe I'm magic~"

"Happiness is magic!" The gang sang with Josh. 

"Maybe I'm magical, something incredible! Maybe I'm magic~"

"Happiness is magic!" The gang sang.

"If what I feel is true, the magic's in you! Maybe I'm magic~"

"Happiness is magic!"

"Maybe I'm magical, something incredible! Maybe I'm magic~"

"Happiness is magic!"

"If what I feel is true, the magic's in you!"

"Bow bow bow bow bow!" Blue barked happily while everyone applauded for Josh.

"Josh, that was incredible!" The Adventure Kids cheered.

"Thank you. Thank you, friends!" Josh smiled to them. 

Josh then looked into the fourth wall, telling the readers. "And thank you for making this a day and an adventure that I will never forget"

Josh smiled to all of his friends, old and new. "It really is all about the adventure"

"Amen to that" Kali smirked. 

"I love singing" Josh said. "It's not about getting the part"

"Who says you didn't get the part?" An unfamiliar voice then spoke up. 

Everyone turned around seeing a dog with rainbow colored fur walking on her hind legs like a person, come into the theater along with a man. 

Josh gasped, knowing exactly who it was. "Rainbow Puppy!" 

"Yes! It's... Meeeeeee~" The talking rainbow colored dog answered in a singing tone. 

The Blue's Clues gang all excitedly gathered around Rainbow Puppy while the Akids stood back for a minute in confusion, not remembering this character at all from the show. 

"Okay..." David stared into the fourth wall. "Now I definitely know I'm on drugs" 

The man with Rainbow Puppy introduced himself to the gang. "I'm the director of Rainbow Puppy's Broadway musical"

The director then turned to Josh. "We saw you perform on the jumbotron in Times Square, and well... We want you to be the star of our Broadway show"

Everyone gasped over this, looking to Josh wondering what his answer would be. 

Josh couldn't believe this was happening. But managed to answer with. "Y-yes. Yes. Of course. Yes! Yes! Yes! I would love to!"

Everyone cheered over this, being so happy for Josh. 

"Way to go, Josh!" The Akids told him. 

"But how?" Josh wondered how Rainbow Puppy and the director could've seen him preforming on the jumbotron. 


Everyone turned around to see the New York City mailbox, trash can, and coffee cup. 

"Your kindness and your happiness is..." The mailbox started first before the coffee cup answered. "Magical!"

"You made us come alive and fulfilled our dreams" The trash can said. 

"So, we wanted to do the same for you" Mr. Salt stepped forward, explaining to Josh. "I had the idea. We broadcast you singing your song on the jumbotron"

"Thank you!" Josh smiled. "All of you"

"Aw, Josh. We knew you could do it" Joe told his cousin. 

"Bow bow!" Blue barked. 

"Yeah. We all did" Steve added. 

"Who's your hero now?" Mr. Salt looked to Josh, asking hopefully. "It's me, right?"

"Yes, Mr. Salt. You are my hero" Josh said before looking to all his friends and family. "You all are" 

"Aww" Everyone felt touched by that. 

"Let's make a Broadway show!" Rainbow Puppy soon announced. "And Blue, you must be our dance choreographer"

"Bow? Bow bow bow bow! Bow bow!" Blue barked, being thrilled. 

The gang cheered, ready to put on a show. 

Josh smiled, saying. "My dream is a reality" 

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