Ducktales Retold: The Life Of...

By Jozar143

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I made my own fanfictional character from the 1987 ducktales and the 2017 ducktales versions, a only eleven-y... More

Funso's Funzone Of Doom
Aiden Meets Lena
The Inventions That Turns Evil
Mark Beaks The Tech Billionaire
The Terra-Firmians That Live Underground
A God For A Day
Happy Birthday To Scrooge Mcduck
The Money Shark That Attacked Duckberg
The Only Child Day Adventure
The Young Mage And The Robot
Rescueing Agent 22
The Other Bin
The Tales Of Sky Pirites
Scrooge's Parents
Aiden's Horrible Mistake
Aiden Vs. Magica

Aiden Gets His Magical Powers/Aiden's First Adventure

606 13 2
By Jozar143

One morning in the Marina in Duckberg a seagull flies by to find somewhere to perch and it landed on Donald's houseboat and all the noises inside shooed it away.

Louie: Come on, hold still Uncle Donald!

Donald: GET OFF OF ME!!!

Aiden helps Louie take off the old sailor suit off of Donald while Huey's making breakfast. Aiden gives his adoptive Uncle a towel, while Louie explains to Donald that he can't wear his old uniform to the job interview, he says to his Uncle "You need the job you want, not the job you have which is no job". Donald tries to find another uniform to wear and tells Huey to not let Aiden touch the stove, he'll get hurt, Huey turns off the stove and tries to help Donald.

Huey: I'll get the iron.

Aiden: HUEY, WAIT!!

Huey accidentally hits Donald with the iron board and made him mad.


Donald: Yeah, I'm okay thanks Aiden but as for you two, stop helping me and put on the life vest, what if the boat goes down while the babysitter's here?

Huey and Louie: Yes Uncle Donald.

Both Huey and Louie put the life vest while Donlad calls the babysitter wondering where she is, the babysitter was in the middle of nowhere on the country side.

Donald: Crazy old bird.... where am I gonna find another babysitter at 10:00.

Donald, Huey, Louie and Aiden: 10:00?!

Aiden: You got to go right now!

The three boys put on a business casual suit on Donald and tells his nephews that he can't just leave them in the houseboat by themselves, Louie tells Donald that they can survive for a couple of hours.

Donald: "A couple of hours"....... well alright but just leave those life vests on and don't forget to put on your life vest Aiden.

Aiden: Yes Uncle Donald.

Donald doesn't have to worry about Aiden a lot, he's a good boy and does what he suppose to do but he's not perfect and it's okay, he's still the best adoptive nephew that Donald could ask for even though he never ever lets Aiden leave the houseboat, until Dewey starts the engine and just about when Aiden puts on his life vest.

Donald: Where's Dewey?

Louie: Sleeping!

Huey: Who's Dewey?

Aiden: (sighing) He's starting the houseboat.

Aiden leads his Uncle to his adoptive Brother Dewey starting the engine.

Dewey: All right, boy, we'll getto Cape Suzette and back before anyone realizes we're gone. So long Dorkberg! Hello........ Uncle Donald? What.....what's up?


Dewey: (whispering) You were supposed to him out by 10:00 Hubert!!!

Huey: (whispering) You were supposed to signal before you started the boat, Dewford!!

Louie: Aiden never gets to do anything with us outside if the houseboat for like....... forever just because our brother's different.

Donald: Boys... I know I can a little over protective of Aiden and I never let him outside and meet other people but now I think it's the right time to let him go with you boys to see your great Uncle Scrooge.

Aiden: Wait..... our great Uncle is Scrooge McDuck?

Dewey: The bajillionaire?

Louie: You're finally gonna free our brother's chain to the houseboat.

Huey: We're gonna meet Scrooge Mcduck?

Dewey: That guy's amazing!

Aiden: I heard that he's so epic, he defeated a rock giant and carved of himself out of its legs!

Dewey: I heard of that too!!

Huey: Well I heard that he's so smart, he solved the mystery of the Chupacabra. Turns out it was just a shaved bear!

Louie: And I heard he's so rich, he only hunts for treasure to swim in it.

Louie highers up the volume but Donald tells him to take down a notch and it is only for a couple of hours.

Dewey: A couple of hours with the most exciting duck in the world!

Aiden: Hey... Uncle Donald is exciting too!!

Donald: Awww thank you Aiden.

Donald gaves Aiden a kiss on his forehead and made the triplets grossed out and they were on their way to Mcduck Manor. Meanwhile Scrooge funding is beging cut by the old buzzards, Scrooge heads to the vault to put some gold coins in it and heads back to the Mansion, Launchpad Mcquawk drives him back on Scrooge's Limo and suddenly Launchpad hits the brakes and Scrooge wonders why aren't they're moving and sees his nephew Donald Duck trying to get in the Mansion.


Aiden: Does he always call you a "Deadbeat" Donald?

Donald: Only when I'm in his driveway..... you all stay here for minute okay.

Donald and Scrooge come face to face and the four boys watches as they both talked and argu with eachother and soon they stopped arguing and Donald takes his four nephews out of his car and introduced them to their Great Uncle.

Donald: Huey, Dewey, Louie, Aiden meet Scrooge Mcduck.

Aiden: Hi, Uncle Scrooge!

Scrooge immediately gives Aiden a big hug like he haven't seen Aiden a long time.

Aiden: Wow..... he's really friendly when he wants to be.

Scrooge: Bless me bagpipes, you've grown so big Aiden and so did your brothers...... How old are ya kids.

Huey: We're twelve and Aiden's eleven.

Aiden: But I'm also gonna be twelve next year.

Donald: Remember no lies, no tricks, no trouble.

Huey, Dewey, Louie and Aiden: Yes Uncle Donald!

Donald: I wasn't talking to you.

Donald was actually talking to his Uncle and they gave eachother the stink eye and they all walked in the Mansion and everything was huge from the inside and later on the boys wear asking a lot of questions.




Aiden: How come you never visit?

Louie: Because your so old and moving is so hard?

Huey: What's the deal with you and Uncle Donald?

Dewey: You owe us a lot of birthday presents?

Louie: You used to be a big deal, what ever happened to you?

Scrooge: BEAKLEEYYYY!!!!!!

Aiden: Uh-oh!

Scrooge pushes the boys into a empty room and tells Mrs. Beakly to watch.

Scrooge: Huey, Louie, the third one, Aiden... welcome back lad.

Scrooge rubbed Aiden's head and walks out, Mrs. Beakley gives the children a bag of marbles and even she was happy to see Aiden, Beakley gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek, she walks out of the room, and Aiden blushed when she kissed him while the triplets were both grossed out and disappointed that they now have two boring Uncles, Aiden feels like he's a prisoner again and while the triplets trying to figure out a way to get out of here, Aiden was playing with the marbles and noticed a black string in the bag, he pulls it out and it was a golden crystal in a black necklace, he puts it in his pocket and Dewey sees the marbles that Aiden's holding and has an idea on getting out of here. It took really longer than they expected but he managed to break the doorknob and opens the door.

Dewey: Come on, guys, let's go touch some expensive stuff.

Suddenly Dewey and captured along with Huey, Louie and Aiden. They were all tied up in a mysterious room.


Webby: Who send you? Ma Beagle, Glomgold, ANWER ME?

Aiden: Look buddy, we don't want any trouble, we just.....

Louie: UNCLE SCROOGE!!!!! (sobbing)

Webby: "Uncle Scrooge" Oh my gosh the nephews!!

When Webby turns on the light they noticed the kid that captured them was a girl and she likes searching Mr. Mcduck's Family.

Webby: What are your blood types? What's Donald really like? Who's the evil sibling?

Huey, Dewey and Aiden: Louie!

Webby: Tell me EVERYTHING!

Dewey: We live with our Uncle.

Louie: On a boat!

Aiden: And He adopted me when I was really little... and you have a nice pink bow.

Webby: Go on.

Huey: Kinda it we're just a normal boring family.

Webby: "Normal" "boring" HAAAA!!!!

Webby takes a picture of Huey, Dewey, Louie and Aiden and she shows the boys the family tree of clan mcduck and puts the picture of them on the family tree.

Dewey: And you are?

Webby: Oh, right. Webby Vanderquack my Granny's the housekeeper.

Aiden: I think we've met your Grandmother... she's really nice, just like you.

Webby: Uhh, are we friends now?

Huey: If we say yes, will you let us live?

Webby: (scoff) Good one new best friend.

Louie: So, friends, what do you do for fun around here?

Webby: Oh! I'm the best of fun.

Webby opens a vent the leads to the garage while Scrooge is getting ready to go to Atlantis and both Mrs. Beakly and Scrooge were having a discussion about families while the kids were crawling through the vents Dewey over hears Scrooge saying "Family is nothing but trouble". Dewey ŵas hurt to hear Scrooge say that and they made out of the vents, both Aiden and Webby did a front flip and done a perfect landing but Huey, Dewey and Louie didn't.

Dewey: You don't get out much do you?

Webby: Uh, Granny's a little overprotective, she trains me to be prepared for anything but then she says I got everything I need here.

Aiden: Just like me, back at the houseboat, Donald Duck, our Uncle he's always overprotective with me and my brothers, especially me.

Huey: Yeah, He never goes outside at all, because he's very different from all of us.

Dewey: Donald will think that he might be very dangerous and weird to be around with other people.

Webby: Well.... I don't see nothing wrong with Aiden, I think he's cute.

Aiden: Really? You think I'm cute?

Webby shakes her head yes and Aiden blushed red again and she tells him and the boys the one she's gonna see the world along with her four new friends, they're gonna be explorers, they're gonna eat hamburgers.

Aiden: Don't worry Webs, we bring you a hamburger and it will be on me.

Webby: You're really are my best friends!

Webby takes Aiden's hand and heads to the door of the garage, she gives the boys a tour of the of garage thinking it's a museum  full of treasures that Scrooge found from the past, Aiden, pocket started to glow and it was the crystal that he found, it showed him a path to who knows where, he was starting to think that this was no ordinary crystal after all so he follow the magical path while the other three followed Webby as she shows them a lot of cool stuff. Aiden's magical trail stops at an old backpack with the same shape like his crystal, he opens the bag and sees an amulet case for his crystal that he wear around his neck while using it and a real spell book for magical powers with note for Aiden that says, "Congratulations, Aiden you've found the items that will make you a great sorcerer one day, remember to use these powers for good and not evil, love Mrs. Beakly and Scrooge Mcduck.

Aiden: Aw cool, I get to be a sorcerer, I gotta my brothers and Webby.

Suddenly he hears screaming and rushed in to see that Huey, Dewey, Louie and Webby were being chased by a ghost pirate, this was it, Aiden's chance to a great magical hero, he puts crystal in the amulet, puts on the amulet around his neck and puts the backpack on that holds the spell book and tries to battle the ghost.


Ghost Pirate: Looks like we got ourselves a little hero here, don't we matey?

Louie: What's Aiden wearing around his neck? It looks like an amulet.

Webby: Who cares! My friend and your brother is gonna be killed, we gotta do something!

Dewey: Don't worry, I'll save him..... hang on little brother, I won't him.... huh.

The sword the Dewey took out to protect Aiden, was magical too and was targeting at the gong that will unleashed the evil creature call Pichu the gold hunting dragon Pirate but what was the point he's already dead. Louie wanted to help but he decided to sit this one out, Louie accidentally unleashed the headless man horse and charges at Aiden and all of sudden he was shooting magical beams out of his hands and aimed it at the headless man horse all the kids were surprised that Aiden just did that even he was surprised that he did his first magical attack on a opponent.

Huey: Did our little brother, used magic against the headless man horse?

Dewey: That's awesome, our Aiden is a wizard.

Webby: Actually more like a sorcerer.

Louie: Uh guys... can we worry about that later and focus on them.

Huey: Alright, theirs only five of us and three of them if... wait never*mind they teamed up.

As the ghost pirate holds the magical sword and rides the headless man horse it all up to Aiden and his new magical powers the boys and Webby tried to stop but he's already out there fighting the bad guys.

Aiden: HEY UGLY, what's it take for sending you back to the after life?

Ghost Pirate: The head of Scrooge McDUCK!!!!

Aiden cracks his neck and both his hands and amulet starts to glow yellow and asks "Would you settle for his hat"? And fight began while the ghost pirate charges at him, Aiden shoots yellow beams at his faces and he dodges the pirate charging at him and hits the gong again, the children were worried that the it was twice, they can not let anything else it the gong. But they also cheered for Aiden taking down Captain Peghook, the Deuse Excalibur and the Headless Man Horse all by himself, Captain Peghook swift the head of a statue of Scrooge.

Aiden: Theirs your head!

Aiden gives the head to Captain Peghook and yells "I SHOULD'VE BEEN MORE SPECIFIC" and the head drops onto The Headless Man Horses neck and cheers that he's no longer a freak now he has a head now in horse callop and thanks Aiden for giving him a head, waves goodbye and leaves.

Dewey: Way to go Aiden!

Huey: You were amazing.

Louie: Yeah, you were like some super magician or something.

Webby: He's more then that.. he's an apprentice to become a sorcerer, nothing can go wrong.


Aiden: Except that.

Scrooge walks in the garage mad at the boys that they disobeyed him that they were not leave the play room.

Scrooge: Why aren't you in your rooms?

Louie: Because we were in your secret museum to look for you..... cause we love you.

Scrooge: "Secret museum" this is the garage.

Huey, Dewey, Louie, Aiden and Webby: OOOOOOHHHHHH!

Scrooge: Unbelievable, I invite you into in my home.



Aiden: And you also gave me a necklace with a magical amulet with a crystal inside of it, plus  we justed wanted was to hang out with you Scrooge.

Scrooge: Well now you have and look at all the mess that has got me.

Dewey: I guess family is nothing but trouble, right Scrooge?

Aiden: (gasp) Is that true Uncle Scrooge? Are we nothing but trouble?

Scrooge changes the subject and tells the children to get out but when they were telling him they're sorry Scrooge hits the gong the last and pichu the gold hunting dragon lives and it was after Scrooge's money bin, Aiden hitched a ride to stop the dragon and Scrooge hitched a hide also to save his adoptive Nephew and he orders the kids to go back to their rooms but they want to rescue Aiden and Scrooge instead so Launchpad volunteers to help out. Soon Aiden wasn't let the dragon going near his Uncle's money bin while Scrooge tries to save his nephew for doing something foolish but his heart was in the right place though, Pichu tries to shake them off his back but it didn't.

Aiden: Hi Uncle Scrooge!

Scrooge: Hi Lad! But it's gonna take more then some fancy flying to shake old Scrooge and young Aiden you cash cannibal, WHOO.

When both Aiden and Scrooge were about to in between the buildings Aiden magically jumped super high over the buildings while Scrooge went through them and he really got hurt and Aiden landed on the Dragon.

Aiden: SCROOGE! are you okay?!

Scrooge: I'm alright lad, but I'll take more then bruise spine to shake old Scrooge you bad dragon dog.

Pichu stopped for a second to get a good look at the money bin and Aiden punch the dragon in the eye and made both Scrooge and Aiden fall in the water but all of sudden they were rescued by Huey, Dewey, Louie, Webby and Launchpad. They all brainstorm on how are they gonna stop the dragon and Webby suggested a mystical artifact like Medusa gauntlet like the one Louie snatched before they weren't looking but was gonna return it and he did.

Dewey: Now, how are we gonna get down there?


Huey: Launchpad, we need to swing him out. Nosedive towards the bin and get ready to pull up!

Launchpad: Yes sir random kid I just met!

The kids were getting Scrooge ready to turn Pichu back to a stone dragon when he was before.

Louie: Any questions?

Scrooge: Since when is Launchpad a pilot?

Scrooge jumps out and all the kids hanged on to the rope and when Pichu can eat Scrooge's gold he was turning into stone and but Scrooge falls into his bin but he wasn't hurt at all, he really does swim in money, the kids cheer for Scrooge for not being killed Launchpad was getting distracted and crashing to the ground but Aiden saves them by a new power of his magic, he created a force field around them and they were all safe and not hurt at all but the Sunchaser was totalled.

Scrooge: In the short time I know you, you wrecked my home and my money bin, unleashed several ancient evils and almost got me and Aiden killed two!

Huey: Four times if you count each monster as an individual time....

Scrooge: (laughing) That was incredible, [looks at Dewey] when you pulled me into the airplane and said "no time" [looks at Webby] and who would have thought of a Medusa Gauntlet?! Brilliant! [looks at Huey and Louie] Oh and you two swung me out and pulled up just in time and you Aiden bravely went to the dragon to save me money bin and saved Launchpad and the kids from the airplane crashing with your magic.

Aiden tries to give both the backpack that carries the spell book and the amulet that holds the magical crystal to Scrooge but he allowed Aiden to keep it cause his magic saved his family and tells he'll make a great hero as a young sorcerer and calls Mrs. Beakly to clear his schedule because he's taking the children on a field trip.


Huey, Dewey, Louie, Aiden,
Webby and Launchpad: YEAH!!!!


Louie, Aiden, Dewey, Huey,
Launchpad and Webby: YEEEAAAAHHH!

Aiden: What's a "young mage"?

Meanwhile back at the job interview, Donald falls asleep and job for being am accounting was done yesterday Glomgold Scrooge's arch enemy recruited him as a new sailor. Later on that afternoon Scrooge, Launchpad and the kids were getting ready to go to the lost city of Atantis and Donald calls Scrooge about the boy's bedtime business on what they have to do and while they were on their way to their first adventure Aiden practice his spells with his spell book with his brothers Huey, Dewey and his new friend Webby watching him practice his first spell levitate an object, it almost lifted of the ground but it didn't work, Aiden wasn't not a quitter so he keeps on trying. Louie on the other hand is talking to his Uncle how things are at the Mansion but he tells a little lie about so the Donald does not found that they were attacked by monsters and Dragons and that Aiden's magic and what not. Webby asks Louie that why  didn't he told Donald the truth but Louie tells Webby that she didn't tell Mrs. Beakly that their gonna to a underwater city and she tells him why cause she didn't tell her grandmother anything Louie immediately tells her to call Mrs. Beakly right now and to lie which she's not good at.

Scrooge was happy that he's back adventuring again, Dewey volunteers to help with the expedition but Scrooge wants him and the other kids to be in a safe distance and out of danger Dewey asks " What is this submarine equipped with?" Scrooge answers, "Seatbelts"! Dewey thinks that he was joking.

Dewey: Classic Scrooge-Dewey banter, the seasoned-but-tired explorer passing the torch to his cocktail young successor.

Huey: I'm pretty sure he doesn't know our names except Aiden's.

Dewey: I'm sorry, what!!

Huey: I think he called me Herbert once.

Dewey: Don't be ridiculous Huey, when are we gonna s set sail, Scrooge?

Scrooge: in a moment Sonny Jim.

Dewey gets all moody and Huey tries to offer a family fun time to him but he says "I'll cram it down your down your throat".

Louie: Guys lightin up, were on a deep sea expedition with Scrooge Mcduck plus our younger brother can do magic that make me rich.

Aiden: Uh Louie, your not trying to make me use my magic for schemes are you?

Louie: No, no, no of cause not buddy what I said was you gonna make a great magical hero some day.

Aiden: Thanks Louie.

Scrooge tells Launchpad to chart a course to the lost city of Atantis everyone was cheering and he added "at about 16:00 hours" and Dewey, Louie and Webby were disappointed about that.


Aiden: Well I better get to learning my levitation spell and all the other spells in my spell book to past the time.

While Aiden learns to get levitating spell to work and Huey, Louie and Webby were asleep Dewey was bored out of his mind, Dewey decides to in front of the submarine to be the first mate and tells Scrooge that the map is taking them the long way, he tries to find them a shortcut but Scrooge didn't let him.

Scrooge: The shortcut between two points isn't always a straight line.

Dewey: Okay but yes it is, so if you just go......

Scrooge stops Dewey for changing the map and when Scrooge was staring at the ocean and Launchpad was sleeping, Dewey changes the map and puts it back before Scrooge finds out, Dewey gets back in his seat and says "Shortcut archived, he'll thank me later". Aiden thinks that Dewey should've listen to Scrooge and not messed with the map, soon they all screaming in terror of the monsters and disasters that they had to face.

Scrooge: You kids'll be the death of me.



Huey: Uncle Scrooge, can we make a pit stop? I have to use the bathroom, but it's um.... occupied.

A monstrous merman tries to attack Huey while opening the door but closes it. Scrooge tells him that it's the middle of the ocean and their are no pit stops. Launchpad founds a conspicuously unmarked tanker and when they were pit stopping their Donald was sharing his photos to his new co-workers of his family with baby Aiden's first steps, and Aiden as a toddler when he learned how to swim and when Aiden turned seven he, Huey, Dewey and Louie watches their Uncle Donald climbing a fake crand canyon that he bought the supermarket and they asks what kind a creature is Aiden and where he never was shown in public, they think to themselves that he would make them a fortune. The goons detected intruders in the tanker, it was Scrooge, Launchpad and the kids, Donald can't believed what he is seeing.

Donald: Wait until I get my hands on...... I'M GONNA KILL HIM!!!

Glomgold: Oh better idea nab the jewel and kill them all.... somebody's angling for employee of the month.

Donald didn't want to see his family getting hurt by anyone especially Aiden meanwhile Scrooge is telling the legend of the great barrel reef but the children were asleep except for Aiden he paying attention of the whole thing and suddenly they made it to their destination.

Huey, Dewey, Louie,
Aiden and Webby: Woah!!

Scrooge: Yes good Atantis "Ooh Aah" thanks for spoiling the moment.

Aiden: Hey look the whole place is upside down!

Scrooge: Oh well that's a new one.

Everyone got out of the submarine and started on their adventure to the upside down temple, Glomgold and his henchman followed them and Gabby tries to kill one of Scrooge's family members and she has her eyes on Aiden, Donald couldn't let her do that so he made her miss her shot  and she got mad but Donald came up with a explanation and says " If we get rid of them now, we can't torture them later". Glomgold thought it was a brilliant idea that he wants Scrooge alive and that he nap that jewel and shove it in his smug face, they all continuing following the Mcduck family to the treasure. Meanwhile Scrooge, Launchpad and the kids were looking for Dewey when he first went in to the death traps and when they found him, he was okay but Dewey was disappointed that the buzzsaws were upside down and wasn't fun for him and Scrooge gives Dewey an advice to "don't touch anything". And when the kids and Launchpad follows Scrooge to the treasure Dewey kicked a rock and it bounced onto a wall and then it hit one of the traps full of snakes and the snakes attack Launchpad, Aiden tries to help but Scrooge stops him.

Scrooge: I appreciate your confidence lad, but you're not ready to use your kind of magic to help besides Launchpad gets bitter by snakes all the time, he'll be fine. I got a lot to learn about magic, you can do it Aiden.

Aiden: Don't worry Uncle Scrooge, I'll be the best sorcerer ever.

Scrooge: Oh I bet you will lad.

Both Scrooge and Aiden were bonding together and the kids are watching and were grossed out except for Webby cause she thinks it's cute. But Huey, Dewey and Louie thought it was even worse then Donald were giving their adoptive younger brother kissing and cuddling his face and Aiden doesn't even care, he just takes it and really likes. When Scrooge and Aiden noticed the kids were staring at them while they were having a moment, they blushed red and the moment has stopped and they keep moving forward and Launchpad is still alive but he was covered with snakes and snake venom in his whole body.

Aiden: LAUNCHPAD... are you okay?

Launchpad: Ah, a little snake venom never...... (gibbering)..... HI NICE TO MEET YOU I'M EVERYONE'S FRIEND!!!!

Launchpad falls on Huey and he lets out a big scream, Donald makes a quick stop to the bathroom. When Louie and Webby help Huey getting Launchpad off of him, Dewey, Aiden and Scrooge were at another death trap and it was a bridge with blue lasers that activates the fire and when Donald fakes his way to use the bathroom which he's really trying to find Scrooge and his boys soon he found both Dewey and Aiden with Uncle Scrooge, when Dewey went forward to the bridge Scrooge stops him.

Scrooge: Even a basic death trap still has the word "death" in the title.

Scrooge demonstrates to both Dewey and Aiden on what he means, he puts his cane to the blue laser and fire bursting out and it burns Donald's butt and when Aiden see his point he doesn't won't to go through with it, Scrooge was glad that he and Aiden were on the same page.

Scrooge: We'll find another route, it's safe for amateur adventures.

Dewey: That sounds like a challenge!

Scrooge: I have to stress that is not a challenge.

Dewey: Is exactly what you say to dissuade the weak of heart from accepting the challenge!! Well challenge accepted, c'mon Aiden with your magic and my awesome skills we'll let nothing get in our way.

Aiden: Uh Dewey, you realized I can't really control my magic powers, I can barely levitate a pep can, plus your gonna get us both killed.

Scrooge: Aiden's right lad, you should listen to your brother and me.

Dewey: Quit worrying Scrooge, we got this.


When the two boys were crossing the bridge, Donald tries his best to keep his nephews from getting burned by the fire, and once they made across so did Scrooge without touching the blue laser and Dewey still got his foot on a blue lasers that Donald's still having the shield over the fire.

Aiden: Wow Scrooge, that was so awesome.

Dewey: Yeah sure if you want to do the easy way.

Scrooge: Why wouldn't you want to do the "easy way"? You got to work smarter lad not harder like Aiden.

Dewey: Ugh, "lad" me and Aiden don't call you "old man" or "Scotty  McTopHat".

Scrooge: Respect your elder.

Aiden: Yeah and why would I ever want to say those things to Uncle Scrooge, he's the greatest Uncle in the world just Donald!

When Donald herd those words out of Aiden's mouth, he was really happy that one of his nephews appreciates him.

Dewey: No, Aiden not like Donald he never did anything fun of his life remember?

Aiden: So what, do you remember remember ten-years ago that Uncle Donald found me in front of the houseboat? He took me in and he's the one that have me a family that I could be a part of (sobbing) and..... and your the only family I have...... I'm scared of losing you all.

Aiden started crying and Donald started shed some tears too, cause Donald realizes that Aiden really cares a lot about him a d his family and that he doesn't want to see them get hurt just like Donald. Scrooge comforts Aiden and gives him a harm hug.

Scrooge: Shhh.... shhh it's okay Aiden, I'm here, Uncle Scrooge is here.

Dewey felt bad for making his younger brother cry and he thinks it's awesome that Aiden cares about him and everyone else that he loved.

Dewey: Hey Aiden, I didn't mean to make you upset or anything, it's just.......

When Dewey remove his foot from the blue laser, the fire destroyed the bridge while Huey, Louie, Webby and Launchpad on their way to crossing it but it was too late.

Scrooge: You four find another way 'round! We're going to......

When Scrooge notice Dewey kept on moving forward while Aiden stays with his Great Uncle, Scrooge didn't worry about Aiden because he's a good boy even though he's not perfect but he always listen to him and the two follows Dewey and when Glomgold and his henchman found Donald he was manage to found a short to the treasure chamber, later on Scrooge thinks to himself "Maybe I can just hire a family for Aiden that can listen to me like Aiden. Later Dewey, Aiden and Scrooge spotted a fat duck who was rich and Scottish just like Scrooge, he finally made to the jewel of Atantis.

Aiden and Dewey: Who's that?

Scrooge: Flintheart Glomgold, the poor man's version of me. Which to be fair, still makes him insanely rich.

Aiden: Yeah and he's insanely fat too!

Dewey: Nice one bro!

Glomgold tells his henchman to load up the sub with treasure that they found, Scrooge, Aiden and Dewey notice that Donald was taking hostage.

Aiden: Oh no! They got Uncle Donald!!

Dewey: WHAT? We gotta save him, let's go Aiden.

Scrooge: Wait, lads!

Aiden and Dewey were too busy being heros and weren't listen to Scrooge.


Donald: Boys!

Glomgold: No!

Dewey: Okay we weren't prepared for......

Aiden: He said LET GO OF OUR UNCLE!!!

Aiden strikes his magic beam so quick and powerful that made Glomgold flying through the air five feet away, the other henchman charging at him and Dewey with he hid behind Aiden, suddenly Aiden was levitating the henchman up in the air and throws them where Huey, Louie, Webby and Launchpad are. Donald was shocked to see that his adoptive Nephew can do magic and can cast spells, he doesn't know are to feel about this despite of the fact that Aiden saved his life from that big baddie.

Aiden: Quackoroonie! I DID IT!!

Dewey: You sure did little brother, you stopped the bad guy with your awesome magic!!

Donald: BOYS!

Dewey and Aiden: UNCLE DONALD!!!

Both Dewey and Aiden cane up to their Uncle and they all did a group hug together.

Donald: What are you two doing here? You both could've really gotten hurt.

Dewey: But we didn't!

Scrooge: It's  true Donald, they didn't get hurt at all.


Donald: Yeah, I told you to keep the boys safe!

Scrooge: They're perfectly fine.

Donald: Oh yeah! Where the other two?

Scrooge: Back safe in the room with the fire and the snakes.

Donald: WHAT?

Glomgold: So you three are here to stop me and my newest employee from getting the jewel of Atantis aren't you.

Scrooge: [turns to Donald] Your new job is with my sworn enemy?

Donald: I can't keep track of all your sworn enemies!

Glomgold: Now, now, Donald has been a model employee...... and an excellent prisoner.

Donald: Yeah! Wait, what?

Glomgold knocks the Scrooge's cane out of his chest and got back up on his feet.

Scrooge: Hiring my own nephew in order use him against me? Now that is good planning.

Aiden: Yeah, it's like dealing with an older, fatter version of Louie.

Glomgold takes Donald up to the way they came and pushes him down with Scrooge, Aiden and Dewey, which it didn't make sense that he could've just left him with them.

Glomgold: Have fun being the second richest duck in the world for the next five minutes.

Glomgold throws his cane to the trap button and it was falling towards Aiden, he levitate it with his magic.


Aiden: Whatever you say Flinty.

Aiden tossed the cane to Glomgold so powerful that he was lift up in the air five feet away from them.

Scrooge: Nice going lad!

Aiden: Thanks Uncle Scrooge!!

Dewey: Come on guys we gotta stop the water!

Aiden, Donald and Scrooge: RIGHT!!!

Aiden opened his backpack and looked into his spell book to find a spell that can stop the water faster, Donald can't stop thinking about Aiden having magical powers and that was a big responsibility for an eleven-year old and he was proud of him, Donald fills the hole with gold to stop the water but it didn't work as he thrown a a fit, his butt got stuck in the hole and some little holes of water were poking out too so he used his hands and feet to stop them.

Donald: (sigh) I knew it! I knew I couldn't trust you to keep the boys safe!

Scrooge: Not the time, Donald.

Donald: Crazy old man! All you care about is your next adventure. This is the Spear of Selene all over again!


Aiden: What are they talking about Dewey?

Dewey: Beats me.

Aiden:  Well whatever is, we got to stop this argument cause this is not helping us get out of here.

Dewey: Your right Aiden, let's go.

Dewey and Aiden stopped the biggering and tells Donald the Scrooge was trying to keep them out of trouble, Dewey was explain to Donald that he was so got caught up on something and then he stops and see another jewel and it was blue, it was on the floor the Atlantis is upside down and the blue jewel was supposed to be on the floor surrounded by all of this treasure and both Aiden and Dewey just figured out that is the real jewel of Atantis

Aiden: Uncle Donald, you got to let the room flood so I can grab the jewel.

Donald: That's crazy! I'm supposed to what, let go? I mean I'm not saying that I don't trust you cause after what you saved me from Scrooge's sworn enemy.

Dewey: So c'mon Uncle Donald let the room flood so Aiden can save us with his Dewpendous magic.

Donald: OKAY, LET'S DO IT!

Aiden helps Donald out and the room starts to flood all the way to the top and Aiden grabs the jewel and he starts pulling it out soon the water stops flooding and Aiden successfully got the jewel of at Atantis, Donald adds "We're gonna be okay"  when the door opened and Scrooge, Donald, Dewey and Aiden went back to Launchpad, Webby, Louie and Huey as they were fighting Glomgold's henchman and Glomgold is not in the fight at all.

Aiden: Wait, where's Glomgold?

Glomgold was talking to his employees to the walkie-talkies.

Glomgold: Hey, team. Wanted to thank you for keeping Scrooge's kin busy while I escape  with the jewel and blow up Atantis with my most hatred rival.

Henchman: But I thought employees are were greatest treasure of all!

Glomgold: Don't be ridiculous! Treasure is the greatest treasure all. That's why it's called treasure! Glomgold out!

Glomgold tries to blow up the Atlantis with everyone inside it. Scrooge, Launchpad, Donald and the kids make their escape, and Glomgold's henchman ask Aiden if they can bum a ride with him and his family and said yes because he wants to be the kind a hero that does the right thing no matter what. Both Donald and Scrooge were proud of Aiden making that choice and some day Aiden would make a great sorcerer one day. Meanwhile the reporters were clamoring at Glomgold for receiving the jewel of Atantis but suddenly Scrooge Mcduck with another jewel of Atantis and all the reporters were clamoring on to him now and tells hi that they have the jewel of at Atantis but Scrooge adds that jewel that Glomgold has is cursed. Glomgold was taking by a giant tentacle and drags him to the ocean and he shouts "CURSE YOU MCDUCK".

When all the kids were out of the submarine Aiden was frozed when all the reporters staring at him and was shocked to see a unique creature wearing clothes just like them but they weren't scared of him at all they really liked him. A being with five fingers on each hand and was never seen in public for ten years and they all felt bad for him living a sheltered life at the houseboat for that long. Aiden tells the reporters that he can do standing on my head, they all laughed and decided to make Aiden part of Duckberg and he doesn't have to live in  a sheltered life anymore. Donald talks to Scrooge and admit he can be over protective with his four nephews and adds " no matter what I do to keep Aiden safe from the outside world his brothers will alawys try to make him to be free and get in to trouble, so maybe you can teach them to get out of trouble".

Huey: Uncle Donald?

Donald: it might be okay if the boys saw you once in awhile.

The boys starting cheering and Donald also adds "sometimes like birthdays or federal holidays nothing too....." suddenly the houseboat exploding cause Dewey left the engine running Scrooge let's the boys and Donald stay with him in the Mansion.

Roxanne: There you have it. Reclusive adventure capitalist Scrooge Mcduck is back, with family in tow, solving mysteries and rewriting history.

Later on that day Donald moved his houseboat to Scrooge's pool, the boys and Webby were playing with Uncle Scrooge and Dewey was staring at the same picture with Scrooge and Donald battleling some pirates but when Dewey fixed the picture he was surprised of what he saw.

Dewey: Mom!

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