Ties And Fate (Book 1)✔️

By NunenaClarke

163K 3.6K 305

Wang Linxue transmigrated into a novel and becomes the villanous second female lead of a wealthy family. In t... More

Chapter I.
Chapter II (Arc 1).
Chapter III.
Chapter IV.
Chapter V.
Chapter VI.
Chapter VII.
Chapter VIII.
Chapter IX.
Chapter X.
Chapter XI.
Chapter XII.
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII (End of Arc)
Chapter XIX (Arc 2)
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVIII
Chapter XXIX
Chapter XXX
Chapter XXXI
Chapter XXXIII
Chapter XXXIV
Chapter XXXV
Chapter XXXVI
Chapter XXXVII
Chapter XXXIX
Chapter XL
Chapter XLI
Chapter XLII
Chapter XLIII
Chapter XLIV
Chapter XLV
Chapter XLVI
Chapter XLVII
Chapter XLVIII
Chapter XLIX
Chapter L
Chapter LI
Chapter LII
Chapter LIII
Chapter LIV
Chapter LV
Chapter LVI
Chapter LVII
Chapter LVIII
Chapter LIX
Chapter LIX
Chapter LX
Important news!!!
Chapter LXI
Chapter LXII( End of Arc)
Very Important News!!!

Chapter XXVII

2.4K 60 3
By NunenaClarke

Thanks for reading... again ❤️❤️. Vote and comment on this chapter as well guys. And I hope my pacing of the story is good enough guys.

The next day, Wang Linxue went to school as usual but Xi Jinwei stayed home due to 'injuries' .

She had found herself in his bed last night and was stunned. He was still asleep so she quickly crept out of bed feeling weird her mind rejecting.

When she went to school, she was asked a lot of questions about Xi Jinwei and why he didn't come today without notice by students and teachers alike. He was one of the popular students in the school for his smarts and his looks were a plus.

Honestly, she was really exhausted emotionally and was planning what to do next.
First, her parents tense relationship made her tense and she was starting to wish she was an orphan again. Then she wouldn't have to deal with this.

Secondly,in the novel, the horrible things the original villainess did, Wang Linxue could not hope to replicate.

It went against her moral conscience. She had decided to go full villainess mode and now she was having second thoughts and doubts.

She could not make up her mind and was questioning why she was even brought into the novel in the first place.

Who sent her here? Was she to follow the plot line or carve her own path? What effect would it have and why?Who was she now ?

Ping had already stated in the past that he could not give her all the answers she wanted so basically, she was left with nothing.

School had closed and she had called her driver she would be walking home after school to clear her head a bit.

Ping hadn't said much recently and today he all but quiet but she was too stressed to ask.

As she walked the streets she saw a man sitting on the sidewalk begging for as quietly, asking anyone who passed.

He thanked those who gave him loudly and gave them blessings like, 'May you find happiness this year' or ' You'll find your true love tommorow sir.' to which most people laughed or just brushed off.

' It is illegal to beg on the sidewalks here though, the man could be arrested.' She thought and looked inside her bag for some money.

She didn't carry much on her though but what she had, she walked forward and placed in his hand.

Bending down she handed over the money but was shocked silly by who she saw.

" Here you g... What the? Uncle Lao! You-You w-what are doing here?" She pointed at the old man dropping the money in shock.

" Peace be unto to you child." He closed his eyes to pray.


" Uncle Lao, if you're here then..."

" Yes, you're not crazy girl. In fact, that is why I'm here in the first place. Waiting for you to find me. Follow me. I'll explain on the way." The man packed up his money and got up.

He looked like a very disheveled old man unlike in the bookstore and wore very dirty clothes like beggar.
She followed after him in silence.

He led her to a local temple which also served as a tourist attraction were people prayed, asked for blessings once in a while or just explored the landscape.
There was a priest there who sat in front of the temple greeting those who entered.

They walked around the place quietly , Wang Linxue looking at the old man leading her. She was starting to ask if this was a hoax.

Growing impatient, she asked

" Uncle Lao?"

He stopped by the wooden railing turning to her.

Is this old man trying to mess with her?

"Can you tell me something, anything?Why did you bring me here? Who are you?" She sounded so desperate.

He smiled," Because I wanted you to have a good life girl."

Her eyes widened as she blinked confusedly.

" To answer who I am, I am Yue Lao. God of Love and Marriage. I brought you into this dimension to give you all didn't have back in your past life." He sighed.

" God of Love and Marriage? Why would you want to help me. I'm just...me . Wang Linxue the orphan. Why would you want to help me."

The old man chuckled, " Nothing special. I grace random people from time to time. No pressure."

" But to answer your question. I am god. I get bored up there once in a while so why not."

Wang Linxue brow twitched in annoyance. " So your help is because you were bored so you sent me into a book to live as a villainess."

" Nope. Just anything you want. I know no Ping didn't tell you this but the moment a foreign entity enters into a dimension, the plot line doesn't hold. Think of it as a butterfly effect."

" Ok so, how do I get out of here then?"

The old man paused," You want out of here?"

Wang Linxue pursed her lip in thought. Did she actually want out of here?

" I don't know Uncle Lao. But if it actually come to it, I want to know."

" Very well." The old man nodded, " The answer lies in your necklace. If you ever want to get out of this world, you have to come to pray to me with your necklace on a full moon. I'll take you back to your own world."

" That doesn't sound too difficult. Thank you"

" Mm, but in exchange for this information, I can no longer give you Ping and he will return to me is that understood?"

" But why?" She knew she didn't always get along with Ping but having the voice in her head suddenly gone was so uncomfortable . He was like another limb to her. Annoying but necessary.

" Can't I keep him? Tell him I'm sorry for annoying him all the time. I'll be better."

" I'm sorry, Ping has no matter in the choice and neither do you."

" Live your life Wang Linxue and live it well.


The day was starting to turn a bit cold but Wang Linxue didn't care as she ran home leaving Yue Lao behind.

Her hair fluttered with the wind blowing and she quickly bypassed people on the street almost hitting a woman who glared at her.

The distance from the temple to her house was quite far so after running for some time she stopped and squatted panting.

She was getting out of shape recently.

" Is she okay?" A childish voice said in the background.

Footsteps got closer to her and the shadow cast by the sunset made her raise her head.
"Are you okay Miss?" A man who was passing by with his son asked her worriedly.

She looked up and shook her head and got up.
" I'm fine."

The man nudged his son forward and the little boy handed her a bottle water.

" Thank you." She rubbed the boy's head to which he shyly retreated to his father's arms.

" Take care, ok. If you feel sick, go to the hospital, alright?"

Wang Linxue was a bit stunned by the random act of kindness. She had been so fixated on the fact that she was in a book, she didn't see the normal things that happened around her.

" Mm!"

She arrived home soon and her bag was taken away by a maid to send to her room.

The maid looked anxious and were fidgety.
Did something happen here?

She climbed upstairs only to hear something crash to the ground and break loudly.

She saw that it came from her parents room and she quickly stood by the door to listen.

Her parents were arguing loudly and it was a bit incoherent. She had never heard her parents argue loudly before and her heart almost jumped out of her chest.

When the argument started to settle she could finally here what was going on.

"If you do this, we are over Linkai, over!"

" I don't care Luman. Do as you wish. But Zhirou will have more shares than Linxue because I owe her that."


" Do you here what you are saying? You're giving your illegitimate daughter more shares than your own daughter you raised."

Wang Linkai was quiet after that and sighed. Fang Luman had already packed her things into her car and just a few things were in the room.

" Let's divorce."

Wang Linkai sat down on the bed and said no more.

" I'll bring the paperwork for you to sign later on. And do me a favour and tell Linxue all what you are doing and make her decide if she wants to stay with you or me."

Fang Luman took the suitcase and stared to roll it out when she stopped without turning back.

She spoke in a sad tone," When you come to your senses, you give me a call. If not, then..."

She opened the door only to find Wang Linxue standing by the door with a frown.

" Xue Xue... You're home?" Fang Luman asked suprised.
Wang Linkai came to find his daughter with his wife by the door.

" Mom?"

Her mother looked at her husband resentfully but came forward and caressed her cheek, " We'll talk later." She said and walked down the stairs with her suitcase.

" Dad? What is goin...?"

" Go to your room Linxue." He cut her off rudely and went back inside.

Wang Linxue clenched her fist tightly, her heart drumming wildly . What in the world was happening now? If there's one thing, her father had changed. How she wished for Ping's guidance now.

She went to her room and shut the door. She leaned against the door and closed her eyes exhausted.

The next day she arrived at school a bit later than usual and class was almost about to begin.

She entered class and most people had arrived.

" Linxue, why did come just now? You're never this late." Long Yue asked .

"Nothing much."

Today she would sit in front like she mostly does as an assistant prefect of the class and Cheng Qi handed over somethings for her to fill for the class.

" You won't even let me rest." She groaned to which he smiled and shrugged.

She saw Xi Jinwei surrounded by a group of girls who seemed to be asking him questions and giving him gifts.

When he saw her sit down, he flashed her brief smile and she turned away a bit shy when those standing beside him turned to see who he was looking at.

Ling Zhirou saw their interaction and gritted her teeth in hatred.

During lesson a girl raised her hand to complain,
" Teacher, your method of memorization is far different from the other classes."

The teacher who stood in front of the class teaching midway spoke a word of advice, " Well ,you are in a different class so of course it will be different. It's one of your last terms in school here Su Li.

Your college entrance exams is just at the corner so I hope you students diligently study."

" Yes teacher!" The class chorused.

When it was lunch break, Wang Linxue, Chi Minxia and Long Yue were on their on their way to the cafeteria when they were met by Ling Zhirou.

Her long was tied to in a ponytail framing her delicate face gently. She looked so innocent and pure it made any man want to protect her from danger. Her delicate features were becoming an eye sore to Wang Linxue to be honest.

'' Can I speak to you sister?" She spoke to her neither warmly not coldly.

Chi Minxia spoke up, " What do want to say that you can't to all of us, huh?"

Ling Zhirou ignored her," If you want, don't come with me. Don't blame me for being ruthless."

Wang Linxue laughed. She could finally see what Yue Lao meant. Ling Zhirou's character wasn't fixed and she could be good if she wanted if that was what she felt like doing.

" I'll see you guys in the cafeteria, ok."

" Be careful." Long Yue warned and left with Chi Minxia who was also reluctant to leave their friend's side.

Ling Zhirou led her to the school lounge were there were quite a few number of people sitting.

She stopped and turned to Wang Linxue who had her arms folded.
" Let me get this straight. You will leave Xi Jinwei alone. Do you hear me?"

" Wow. No small talk before we get to that. Tsk tsk"

Ling Zhirou smirked and leaned closer to her and whispered,
"I hear your parents aren't doing that well. Are they going to have a divorce? I wonder what could have happened."

" What did you do?" Wang Linxue had a bad feeling about this.

" Let's just say, I know somethings our dear father doesn't want anyone to know. So, he can't outright do anything to me or it will get released so he has to do whatever I say." Ling Zhirou giggled her eyes out of focus a bit and sighed loudly.

Looking at the somewhat crazed expression on her face Wang Linxue temper started to rise.

"Why are you telling me this?" Wang Linxue's hand twitched in anger.

" Because I can. Who would believe you if you said this. Hmph! Stay away from Xi Jinwei or else I'll do more than just break your parents apart." She laughed .

She was really doing all this because of Xi Jinwei? Unable to suppress her rage, she pushed Ling Zhirou to ground and charged at her hitting her while Ling Zhirou was on the ground not fighting back.

Xi Jinwei who was told by Ling Zhirou to wait for her a few meters away while she spoke to her sister rushed forward to break Wang Linxue from her sister.

A few other students came in between to stop her from going towards Ling Zhirou to beat her to death!

Xi Jinwei had her in a tight grip, restraining her hands by her side while she struggled.

" Let go off me! Let me go!" She shouted angrily.

" Calm down Linxue. Breathe." He coaxed her gently struggling against her.

" Leave me! Ah! "She tried hitting whoever had restrained her but his grip was overpowering so she stopped and breathed heavily.

There was no way she could break free so she quietly spoke, " I'm calm. Let me go."

Xi Jinwei didn't trust her in this state so he didn't let go and carried her in a princess carry and led her away from the small crowd that had gathered.

Ling Zhirou who was helped up was led to the school clinic for treatment of her wound her elbow.

She scraped it when she was pushed down to the ground.

She saw Xi Jinwei carry her sister out and she clenched her palm in jealousy.

But she then smirked she realized Wang Linxue fell into her trap completely and had a reaction even better than she expected.

Soo... what do you think huh? Comment and vote and tell me what you think okay? See you in the next chapter.

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