My golden boy - pablo gavi

By lloverg1rlll

467K 6.3K 574

When you are made to fake date a footballer which you have never even heard of More

Hes so rude though
Couldnt of worn it better myself
Instagram official
Why are you on my fyp
Birthday dinner
You're my favourite player
Haley > him
Super copa
Cute moments
Morning after
Laser eyes
Erm whats going on
Post breakup
Yes exactly like the guy from dora
I really want to hate you right now
Presents cant buy forgiveness
For a kiss
You owe me
You could come
1st day
Until i found you 🚨smut🚨
This is it
Extra chapter


12.1K 172 29
By lloverg1rlll

It's 2 days later and you haven't really spoken to Pablo much. your sat on the sofa watching tv with Rosie when the door goes "bagsey not me" rosie says and you sigh and get up to answer it.

You open the door and there was a random guy with a massive bouquet of lillies . He hands them to you and you say Thankyou and close the door "don't tell me they are from who I think there from" rosie says "I think they are" you say opening the little card on it "every Lillie is a sorry" you read out from the card placed in them "that's cringey" rosie says resting her head back on the sofa

"I don't know why you forgave him" she says "I didn't we are slowly working things out but I definitely haven't forgiven him but atleast he's trying" you tell her "well I'd never forgive him" she says "well how many chances do you get to date a rich footballer" you say making her laugh

"Omg they are gorgeous" your mum says while walking down the stairs "are they from Pablo" your mum says "yeah they are" you tell her "aww he's so sweet" your mum says "yeah the sweetest" your sister says sarcastically "shutup Rosie" you say throwing a pillow at her "can I put them in a vase" your mum asks "go for it I don't really want them" you say "lily he got you them as a gift. you guys are very rude I would be in tears if a guy got me this big of a bouquet of flowers" she explains "dad literally got you a massive thing of roses and you said he could of done better" Rosie says "well I'm allowed to do that you guys aren't" she says

"How come Pablo hasnt been around the past couple of days" your mum asks "cause he's a Gilipollas" your sister says and your mum gives her a stern look "language Rosie"

"He just did something stupid and we got in a big argument but it's fine we are getting back on track" you tell your mum "good we all love him anyways I need to go to the store" she says grabbing her bag and keys and leaving.

"Why won't you tell her he cheated on you" Rosie says "because it's not as simple as it looks okay I wouldn't of told you if you weren't there" you say "how is it not as simple as he's cheating scum" she scoffs

"because me and Pablo weren't actually dating it was all for the media" you let out "wait what" Rosie says "yep we've never actually been boyfriend and girlfriend" you say "and then you fell for him" she whispers "yep so technically he didn't cheat he just really hurt my feelings" you say "wait really" she says "yes really but don't mention it to anyone or your dead" you say "I won't I swear. So are you guys going to start fake dating again" she asks "well he told me he felt feelings towards me so maybe something real this time" you say "he's still a dick in my opinion" she laugh "he is a dick" you say




Did you like the flowers

I did it was very nice of you

I got lillies cause you're called lily

I never noticed

Anyways do you want to hang out
we can do anything you want

I promised Rosie I'd take her shopping

Let me take you shopping I'll pay

You can't buy my forgiveness you
Know so I don't want anything

Alright then I'll pay for rosie

She says sure but don't expect
her to talk to you then called you
Something which I won't repeat

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