Enigmatic Finales: A Klaus Mi...

By woahcandygirl546

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THE FINAL INSTALMENT OF THE ENIGMA SERIES ~Everyone's story must end when it's been loved enough~ Klaus Mikae... More

Chapter 1: Enough Beignets
Chapter 2: The Unconditional Kind
Chapter 3: Grandpa
Chapter 4: Anything to Protect Me
Chapter 5: From Two White People
Chapter 6: This Family Is Not Whole
Chapter 7: What if She's Real?
Chapter 8: God, I Hope You Find Peace
Chapter 9: You Need To Have A Party
Chapter 10: Who Have You Become?
Chapter 11: The Debut
Chapter 12: Unforgettable
Chapter 13: A Myriad or Two
Chapter 14: Pick The World
Chapter 15: Dangerously Co-dependent
Chapter 16: A Breakup Is Not a Death
Chapter 17: No One To Hold Me
Chapter 18: It's Too Late for Fear
Chapter 19: Little Enigma
Chapter 20: Back to New Orleans
Chapter 21: But I Loved Freedom More
Chapter 22: A Lot Of Hair To Braid
Chapter 24: Love Is Not Enough
Chapter 25: Excruciating Insurmountable Misery
Chapter 26: The Enemy Within the Walls
Chapter 27: Coexisting Peacefully Without Imminent Threat
Chapter 28: Arms Up
Chapter 29: They Were Just Friends
Chapter 30: Power and Love
Chapter 31: Oops?
Chapter 32: A Terrible Husband and An Only Slightly Better Father
Chapter 33: How Much I Love You
Chapter 34: Waiting
Chapter 35: Morning Delight

Chapter 23: Restored Memories

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By woahcandygirl546

~Klaus POV~

Klaus was having to quickly fill in all the members of his family who weren't residing in New Orleans about Fiore's arrival and so far he was having mixed results. Kol was excited to meet her—much to Klaus's annoyance—Davina nonplussed, Marcel was confused, and Rebekah was curious more than anything.

Klaus had yet to reconcile how he felt about any of it. He had just watched Fiore brutally murder two of her otherworldly counterparts and immediately directed her focus to Grace. He was happy the two were having the chance to reconnect but he couldn't help but feel slighted that she hadn't been that happy to see him.

In fact, she hadn't been happy to see him at all.

It had been a long time since Fiore had been so out of control and Klaus was struggling to reacquaint himself with this position. Fiore has always been harder to reign in and that was before she was revealed to be the most powerful being in existence. Worse still, Klaus was terrible at staying angry at her. Fiore was the love of his life and he wanted nothing more than to be with her at all times. There was no love like theirs and there was nothing worth risking that. Risking her.

"There you are!" Klaus felt Amelia's arms wrap around his waist and froze. "If you're going on a trip, least you could do is tell a girl! Especially if you aren't going to take me."

Fiore was upstairs and thankfully not focused on him, as the sight of Amelia would surely reawaken her murderous heart. In seconds, Klaus had taken Amelia and rushed to the quarter. He wasn't sure how he was going to explain Amelia to Fiore and hadn't even considered that he would have to explain Fiore to Amelia and now he had seconds to come up with an excuse.

"Klaus, what's going on?" She asked.

"Nothing, nothing."

"Then why did you rush me out of the compound faster than a four-horse wagon?" She asked with a pinched brow.

"It's for a surprise," he mumbled, hoping the lies would continue to flow seamlessly.

"For me?" She asked, eyes wide with glee.

"For...everyone," he said. "But it's not ready yet. So I need you to stay out of the compound for lets say the next week or so?"

"A week!" She pouted. "But that's so long!"

"I know, I know, but I must insist."

"Fine." She leaned in to kiss him, but he instinctively shifted so her kiss landed on his cheek. "Nik, you would tell me if there's something going on, right?"

"I promise." He replied, lying through his teeth.

"Alright then. See you in a week." She waved and began to head to her place, but not before calling out one last remark. "But this surprise had better be worth it!"

There was a pang of guilt in his chest as he once again hurt the woman who had done nothing but love him. He knew he felt something for Amelia, but it wasn't like what he felt for his Blossom. Klaus was unsteady on his feet whenever Fiore called him Nik, but the lovesick lilt in Amelia's voice did nothing for him. Still, as she walked away, he knew that for the first time, gaining Fiore meant losing someone great.

"So, your Johnston's daughter?"

Amelia had been pointedly avoiding Klaus upon his return from the war, but Klaus had spent the first few weeks devoted to no one but Fiore. Now he had settled in somewhat and he was ready to have his curiosities about the intruder in his home satisfied.

Amelia flinched and Klaus could hear the splinters of her paintbrush coming apart as her grip on the brush tightened.

"Yes, I am," she said, not taking her eyes off her canvas. "I wasn't sure if Fiore would tell you."

"You thought my wife would lie to me for you?" He asked with a raised brow. "You two must have gotten close."

"No, that's not what—I wasn't implying anything." She put down her brush and turned to him properly. "I just didn't think I would be the topic of conversation between you two ...Not that you two seemed to be having much conversation so far."

Klaus laughed at this, and Amelia managed to break out in a smile, "Well, in the few conversations we have managed to have in between our other...activities, you have been discussed."

"All good things I hope."

"Great things." His smile was genuine, and Amelia's eyes lit up at the sight of it. "Fiore has told me you have been a great comfort to her in the last few years. I cannot thank you enough for taking care of her in my absence."

"It was my pleasure. Truly." Amelia said, meekly casting her eyes to the ground, before meeting his eyes with a teasing smile once more. "You are a very lucky man, Mr Mikaelson."

"I am indeed," Klaus laughed once more before gesturing to her canvas. "I'm also told you paint."

"I do." He leaned over to get a look at her work and she swiftly shieled her work from his view. "Mr Mikaelson, as a fellow artist, I am sure you know how detestable it is to have one's work viewed before it's complete."

His eyes narrowed in suspicion and Amelia knew it would be a mistake to push her luck any further. Klaus might have laughed here and smiled there, but he was first and foremost a ruthless killer who did not take well to disrespect.

"However, in this case, I will make an exception as I am in dire need of a second set of eyes."

She stepped aside and Klaus joined her in front of the canvas. The rough outline showcased a man on his knees, surrounded by an angry mob with pitchforks and other weapons at the ready.


"Yes, it is." She said with a weak laugh. She paused before saying her next words. "It's my father."


"I meant what I said that day. My father was a cruel evil excuse of a man and I want nothing to do with him." Her eyes narrowed in on the painted depiction. "But I do wish you had kept him alive. If only for him to watch his empire crumble. To see that he is nothing without the people he stole. To face the angry mob."

Klaus nodded and mused silently alongside her for a moment longer.

"I'm not sorry I killed your father when I did." Klaus began. "We didn't know consequences were coming—we still don't. But I made sure he knew just how worthless he was before death came. You send an angry mob to make noise, but you send an assassin when you want someone dead."

Klaus' words sparked something in Amelia, and she quickly outlined a new shape in her painting. He watched patiently as she worked until she pulled back with a grin.

"I realised what it was missing—an assassin."

And in that moment, Klaus knew what a great thing it was to be seen.

~Grace POV~

Grace didn't even know where to look as at a speed to fast for her eyes to comprehend, the Fiores were fighting each other. Kicks, punches, scratched and pulls were flying by in a flurry and expertly blocked by the only person who knew them best—themselves.

Slight as it was, there was an advantage and it was not to her mom. Whilst her mother had devoted the majority of her life to being part of the Mikaelson family, the other Fiore had dedicated her life to being a peak specimen of existence and in the battle it showed.

Grace didn't know what she was going to do, but she knew she wanted it to stop, especially since her mom was getting the Enigma version of an ass kicking.

"Stop! Please!" She cried out, though she wasn't sure which Fiore she was saying it to.

It didn't matter in the end as neither listened. Grace watched in a paralysed horror until the other Fiore stuck her hand through her mother's chest and gripped her heart.

"It's a shame," She said as Grace's mother began to cough up blood. "A child should not bear witness to this."

"Please don't do this!" Grace pleaded and the other Fiore turned to face her.

"If only you had pleaded this hard with your mother before." Fiore said. "Perhaps you could have prevented her from her grave mistake."

Grace was about to reply but was struck with silence once Fiore was spluttering too now.

"Says the one foolish enough to turn away from her enemy," Her mother said as she too gripped Fiore's heart.

Grace knew she was seconds away to a race to the finish line and she wasn't sure who would come out on top. Considering she didn't want either of them to die, she knew she had to work quickly.

"Look, you are both as strong and powerful as each other!" Grace began. "Do you know how I know that? You are both literally the same person! Fiore, I know you are more than your power, show that and don't kill my mom. Mom, I know you better than I know anyone in the world and I know you are better this. You did it to keep me safe, but I'm safe. You two aren't. So what if you both just relax, and no one has to die?"

The two enigmas looked at each other with wary eyes, but slowly they released their hold on each other. They took a moment to recover and allow their chests to heal, whilst Grace silently praised herself for attending her Conflict Resolution classes.

"Look at you, problem solving." Fiore said with a smirk as though she hadn't tried to kill her mother seconds ago. "I knew I would've done a good job."

"As much as I would like to take credit, this is all Grace," her mother said with a proud beam.

Grace embraced the praise of both Enigmas and was feeling on Cloud 9 only for her to feel hands drag her to safety.

"Grace, stay behind me." Her aunt Freya had said with her glare trained on the Fiores.

"What? Aunt Freya, it's okay." Grace insisted, but Freya was not convinced.

"No, it's not," Freya continued. "We're just assuming this is our Fiore because she won, but that doesn't mean its true. For all we know, there are hundreds of them sent by Anastasia to destroy us."

For less than a second, Grace considered her aunt's words, but one glance at her mother and Grace was sure, this was her Fiore.

"Just as we had started to get along." Her mother said with a sigh. "Thanks for the protective detail sweetheart, but I wish you had put it in place before I had to leave hiding and save you all."

"Why should I take your word for that?" Freya sneered. "What have you done to show us that you actually care about this family—that you care about any of us? Would you believe you?"

"She has a point," Fiore said, earning her a glare from Grace's mother. "What? It's true. I wouldn't believe, and I don't think you would either."

"Fine." Her mother huffed. "What would you have me do, Eternal Fountain of Truth Freya/Luna?"

"Restore our memories."


"Why not?"

"Because I don't know that I'm staying."

Grace felt a pang in her chest as she stared at her mom, filled with betrayal. Her mother didn't make eye contact and Grace knew she was telling the truth.

Freya rolled her eyes, "How convenient for you. Grace and Klaus obviously love you and that might blind them., but I promise it won't blind me."

Freya raised her hands and began to chant her spell. A great force shot through the room towards the Fiores but her mother only waved her hand, and it was immediately dispelled.

"I will allow you one, because you're protecting Grace, but try that again and I wont be so kind." Her mother said, allowing her eyes to light purple.

"If you think—"

"Freya, it's okay," Elijah said as he too entered Grace's increasingly crowded bedroom. "This is our Fiore. I'm sure of it."

Freya arched a brow, "How do you know?"


"It's alright Fiore, it was only a matter of time," Elijah sighed before turning to Grace in shame. "I know because...Because I have been meeting with Fiore in secret since she left."

"What?" Grace looked between Elijah and her mother, shaking vehemently, hoping to find out this was some sick prank. But they both confirmed the truth she did not want to know. "Elijah, you...You knew?"

"Grace I—"

"I asked you and you lied right to my face!" She snapped.

"I know, and I am so sorry. I am so sorry Grace." Elijah murmured, his shoulders sagging low.

Her uncle at least had the decency to seem ashamed, but her mother only continued to be unimpressed. Grace wasn't going to let her off the hook this time.

"Promise you are going to stay and you aren't going to wipe my memory." Said Grace.

"You know I cant."

"NOW!" Grace yelled and the very foundation of the compound began to shake. "Enough lies, enough secrets! You are going to let us deal with this together and no one is going to be in the dark! Promise me or I swear I will never forgive you. I will never speak to you ever again and you will be everything you promised me you wouldn't be."

Fiore was wavering on her feet, but she still seemed the most moved by Grace's words. She peered into Grace's eyes, searching for a sliver of mistruth but finding none. So instead, she nodded her head soberly and Grace finally released a sigh of relief.

The compound ceased it's quaking and in walked Hayley, smoothing down her dishevelled hair, "Okay, which one of you made the earthquake? Kind of awesome, but I nearly broke my record player, so ultimately—not cool."

~Fiore POV~

The New Orleans Mikaelsons were gathered in the courtyard, warily watching me place crystals in the corners of the room. Grace's threat was too grave a risk and I was being forced to restore my family's lost memories.

I returned to the middle of the room and took in the last looks of suspicion before casting the spell. I closed my eyes as I began to chant, allowing the magic to wash over me. I ignored the cries of pain as I forced myself back into the gaps of their minds until it was done.

When I opened my eyes, I was looking at new people. Freya's suspicion had turned to a knowing smile, Elijah had turned from nervous wreck to unburdened gentleman, but Hayley's wariness had turned to bright red vitriol. She was staring at me like I was the monster living under her bed.

I was really regretting coming back here.

"So is everyone up to date, then?" Klaus asked, receiving tight nods in response. "Great, because we need to figure out how to kill Anastasia."

"You can't." The other Fiore and I said in unison, sharing a smirk.

"I told you; Anastasia is the physical embodiment of Time." Fiore said with a shrug. "Trying to kill her is impossible."

"We've faced the impossible before." Freya said confidently.

"Not like her," I said with a shake of her head. "Not to mention, she's already started The Convergence, which would make her even more powerful than she already was."

"What even is The Convergence?" Hayley asked. "You guys keep saying it like we're all supposed to know what it means."

"The Convergence is a way to merge every timeline into one." I explained.

"It doesn't sound that terrible when you say it like that," Hayley said with narrowed eyes.

"It might not be," I said. "In fact, nothing bad might happen at all. But considering the great lengths Anastasia has gone to ensure it, I can't imagine that's true."

"Alright, so how do we stop it?" Klaus asked.

"No idea." I sighed in exasperation and ran a hand across my face. "I can't find anything about it, she won't tell me anything and it has already started. For all I know there is no way."

"So all that time you spent 'saving us' did you actually achieve anything?" Hayley asked with a roll of her eyes.

"I suppose you would have done better?" I asked with a raised brow.

"Well I'd at least be just as successful considering I don't know how to stop The Convergence and neither do you."

"I might."

All eyes turned to the gate where a sheepish looking Elliott stood, hands fidgeting awkwardly at his side.

His mother took a staggered step toward him, clutching her hand to her chest. "Elliott?"

"Hey guys...It's been a while, huh?"

A/N: The girls are fightinggggggg!

But in all seriousness, I have loved writing about the Fiores, it has been so fun so far and it only goes up from here!

Also Amelia...girl...stand up! Klaus does not rate you at all, like please have some self-respect girl it's embarrassing at this point!

One thing about Klaus Mikaelson, his heart lies with his GIRL! HIS WIFE!

And Fiore acting like a crazypants killer is not going to get in the way at alllll!

Until next time when the family reunions go from good to bad to good to bad to ???

Love you as always! X

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