The Planet of Humans and dolp...

Por user77164957

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A young boy named Max, who lives on the west coast of the United States, once met a reclusive old researcher... Más

Prologue Ocean Planet
Chapter 1 Seaside laboratory
Chapter 2 Basketball Universe
Chapter 3 The man in the high tower
Chapter 5 Inner Spanky Judge
Chapter 6 What there on the mountain
Chapter 7 The woman who is drowning in water
Chapter 8 Trust and entrust
Chapter 9 To the ocean
Chapter 10 Chase the beetle!
Chapter 11 Star luster
Chapter 12 Time to say goodbye

Chapter 4 Children's Corner

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Por user77164957

At the table in the park after school, the usual four were lined up.Daniel is struggling to get rid of the seeds of beggar lice on the hem of his pants."What are you doing, LL!, because you had sleepy walking around!"The usual rebuke of David, the partner of the alliance, flew.Why we came along the same road, only he always be in a disaster.Just recently, the bird droppings were only on the saddle of Daniel's bicycle.I can't forget the appearance of Daniel who scrapes the bird droppings with teary eyes at the edge of the leaves.When criticism of Daniel began to extend to the previous security tag case at Brendan Mart, The two members of the M Alliance knew it was time to appease David.There were several groups of the same grade in the park, but when we passed by, just said "Hi!", and took seats at the table in the corner, away from them.After soothing David, the four of us shared today's homework as usual.On this day, we were able to finish our homework smoothly without derailing wasteful chats.Not long ago, they spent a lot of time playing and chatting, and in the end, they submitted it unfinished.As customary, their teacher gets angry.Recently, the wisdom and self-control spirits of 11 years old have been acquired by fellows.However, they do not check whether each other's answers are correct, just copy them in full.If someone is wrong, all four mess up the same's big gambling.The most real gambling would be whether Ms.Causery would understand the collusion of the four.After completing their homework, they started making the slingshot as planned.They used the method described in "Introduction to the Outdoors" borrowed from the school library as a model.At first, they started by picking up the reasonably shaped branches that would be the material.It took a long time to choose the branches because the branches were too thin and the shape was not moderately Y-shaped.When they found something that fits their purpose, the four began to spread the material on a table, mold the branches, and make a notch at the point where the rubber hooking.From the commentary in the article, they knew in advance that a stationary cutter wasn't enough and needed a big knife.All four had taken their knives out of the house in secret.It's a reason, that they sat at a table away from the other kids, to keep their distance from others' line of sight.If the librarian or teacher knew the knife description on the slingshot, the book would be excluded from the library."Hey, I think this slingshot is also sold at Stanley's store.""Don't say that, it makes sense because we make it ourselves."While listening to such exchanges at their side, Max thought, "If I go to buy, I'll have less pocket money, so don't worry..."The slingshot had a special purpose.It is used as a weapon to exterminate wild dogs that appear recently near the school.The main gate of their school faces the national highway, and the back leads to the hills.Apparently, the stray dog settled in the woods of the hills."Apparently" means that <The Guy> appeared in the school playground at one time, On another occasion <The Guy> rooted through the garbage yard behind Brendan Mart.Because <The Guy>'s radius of action was wide, no one could see where he lived.However, since there are many sightings near the elementary school, it was speculated that the sleeping area was probably somewhere in the forest behind the school.If he has stamina that could move over a wide area, He has First-class agility and had slipped through the nets of dog-catchers many times.Finally, two weeks ago, a student was chased, and after that, an announcement was made every day on the school broadcast saying, "Be careful of stray dog around the school."Tommy is the man who chased, "It was really dangerous!, I was about to be bitten nearly!", he looked a little happy for some reason.At first, all four of them were going to obey the teacher's message, "Keep away from the stray dog."The tide turned after Marlo discovered traces dug up by an animal under the playground fence."He must be invading the school through here."If they are ambushed there, should be able to encounter <The Guy>."But are we waiting forever?""Why don't we just leave the food and lure it in? I think dogs have a good nose and will come from afar.""You genius, Max!""It's a deal!"Even if it is impossible to capture it, after we struck it, Tommy will thank deeply the four.Because we were revenge on his behalf."But what if we get bitten? we might die if we have rabies...?"David repelled the bearish Daniel's remarks."That's why we should do it, Tommy was saved, but next time somebody may be bitten.""Yes, the dog-catchers are unreliable. We have to get rid of it!""That's right! Even if we get bitten, If we're a man, we have to be daredevils!"<daredevil> is the word, crowned by the hero of dramas and animations, is brave and sweet.It tickles school boys' hearts.Marlo who had suggested first, and bullish David were eager to get rid of the dangerous dogs that spread rabies.They have full of motivation to become school heroes.Of course, it's still unclear if <The Guy> has rabies.But if they think they're fighting a wicked opponent, It has them couraged do it.Another reason for staying at a table away from the other kids is, that the only four members are enough to be heroes.If Adam interrupts anything finds our plan, he'll be sure to say "Wanna join!"This subjugation drama will decorate the end of the elementary school lives for four."If we hit him, will he go somewhere else?""Well, that's probably the case. I didn't think so much... "After David replied with evasive answers, he commented to three, "Let's make it for the time being."It looks like he has felt awkward.By the way, the slingshots sold at Stanley's store are used to ward off harmful birds.They have a powerful type of rubber, so children can't get them.Their work continued silently for a while, but David suddenly muttered."Soon, term of elementary school will be over..."The emotional voice of David, a person of momentum, was rare."We just go to the junior high school that the next to, nothing changes."After looking over the faces of the three, David wanted to say something, but he couldn't find the words.After a short pause, "LL, be sure to make the signing document in time by the day of the adventure." he just reminded Daniel.The three stood ready for the word "adventure" that David said."What ?! Adventure?"Seeing the suspicious facial expressions of the three, David rephrased"No, I made a mistake. It's a ritual day."It's always David who drives Max and the fellows into some adventures.The three tended to be at the mercy of it, which was a little unreasonable."Are you going to build a Styrofoam ship again, right?""Enough!, We're about to drown!"The ship by Styrofoam, that they made.they collected Styrofoam from the back of the grocery store and spliced them.After launching into the pond, disassembled and scattered in 20 sec."I won't do it. Don't worry. I was fed up."David shrug, but the three have been alert yet.David could say, "This time we are going to challenge ourselves with a wooden raft."Or, "It's already summer, so we don't want to get cold even if we fall into the water."Max said "we were drowned", but only two members fell into the water actually, David and Marlo, who got on the ship ahead.The hardship of struggling to find some towel for the two wet mice, and after we did shift blame onto each other, that point at issue was about combining Styrofoam loosely.They were remarked to hearts as bitter memories.The adventurous spirit was scattered with the ship, and the four failed to become Tom Sawyer.That is why all four were subtle that want to get a new adventure.Even inviter David is so.All four noticed that the excitement was gradually diminishing.They wonder why, Even if they did the same thing, they didn't feel the same as before.Dive into an unknown experience, immerse themselves and forget about time.Such feelings as heat are getting cold.Instead of them, It will be sprouted a small lump.The boyhood of immersing themselves in the adventure was about to leave.Perhaps not just four people, but everyone from this age will start wandering around, "Is there anything fun in the world?"The stray dog extermination was an event that seemed to be exciting for the first time in a while, but I also foresaw that everything would not be restored as before."Go to the Indian Platform and do the ritual! This is what we do absolutely!"There was no objection to the three. That would be suitable for making the last memories of elementary school.In the end, Daniel had lost the draft paper itself, not to mention the printout and typing.The visit of Max and Marlo the other day was also meaningless"At all. It was the correct without depositing a USB memory..."Max and Marlo nodded with their eyes on each other.When David knew it, It goes without saying that Daniel was slaughtered.Fortunately, the content of the draft was short and it was easy for four people to recall and rewrite it.On the mountain where the ritual is held, there is a rock ledge called the "Indian viewing platform", which has a bare rock surface and protrudes into the air like the bow of a ship.From that height, we can get to see the whole town at the foot of the mountain where we live.The white and smooth rock surface makes the heat of the rock soak into your body when you lie down on a sunny day.It had a mysterious atmosphere that was different from the surrounding.The Indian Platform was a favorite spot for people, especially children.It calms the mind and makes you feel different from everyday life.As the name suggests, it was used as a place for native American rituals.The folklore has ceased, and no one knows what ritual was performed for what purpose.There were only a few black marks left on some rocks, probably burning the fire for the ritual.What was done there in the past can only be imaginedBut even if you're not a native American, it's a great place to do rituals.The young people of this town also perform a certain ritual there.When the Four are elaborating on the signing draft, someone says, "Why don't we do the vow ritual on the Indian Platform."Something flashed in the member's head.There was another sanctuary for children in this town.That is the "Wish Rock" where the reef protrudes offshore.Children believed that if they prayed on the rock, any wish would come true only once.However, the hurdle to get there is high, and you have to swim a little over a mile to reach it.Another hurdle was that for several years, adults and schools have banned swimming to Wish Rock.Because it seems that the child who tried to swim in the past drowned.It is not known whether the child was saved, so there were rumors among school students that "it may be a story adults made to keep Wish Rock away."Even so, children often heard from some of the elders that they reached by swimming even now.Therefore, some kids were secretly looking for opportunities.Because it wasn't easy to get there, "Wish Rock" was more valuable than the Indian Platform among children.There is the cape that leads to Wish Rock.That cape has the cove on its root.There is no need to worry about drifting away offshore by ocean currents.Adults also allowed children to play in the cove.Last year, a junior high school student jumped into the sea and tried to swim directly.He was full of confidence.But immediately after leaving the cove, he was blocked by a strong tide and hurried back.Immediately after leaving the cove, he was blocked by a strong tide and swam back hurriedly."You scaredy-cat!""Are you all talk?!"Their friends ridiculed that, but It can't replace a life.It would have been a wise decision.Max noticed Daniel dropping his shoulders.Perhaps his handling force of the knife was too strong, he had broken the rubber hooked point.It seemed impossible to repair it."too bad, LL. you need to make it from scratch again."Yes, David ridiculed, and Daniel was unresponsive to the words, and he He is about to say, "I'll stop making and also ridding the dog.""I kept another branch, so I'll give it to you."Daniel replied in a dark tone to Max, who offered a spare branch."You know, Max. I always am kicked in the teeth...""Nothing like that, You are the champion of last year's dive."A group of elementary school students, including four Max and others, also had jumped into the cove and the junior high school students were playing nearby.As a matter of course, it came up the story, "who can jump in from the highest place"During other children shrug their feet and turn back, surprisingly, it was Daniel who succeeded in diving from the highest point.It was just a falling with limb flapping rather than diving.Nevertheless, Daniel was able to win the praise this summer from everyone."I'll be the best this year because I sprained my foot last year," David interrupted."It's not such a big deal at all. It's a child's play..."Daniel muttered, which insinuated to David and to despise himself."Ah!"Marlo shouted."Don't suddenly yell.""I was asked by Ms.Causery to make the manuscript of the recital!"Correctly, Ms.Causery ordered Marlo and Mia not only to make the manuscript but also to be the moderator at a recital.Marlo, who hates to stand in front of the audience, was negotiating with Mia, saying, "I will make all the manuscripts, so you will be moderator alone."Ms.Causery who wanted to set the pair of boy and girl in front of the mic made a bitter face.On the strength of Mia's words, "I don't mind,", he managed to convince her.Marlo remembered that the deadline was tomorrow.It was both lucky and unlucky.Marlo first glanced at Max and then looked at the other two faces.All three keep silent and look away from Marlo.It means the intention of "We will not help"Marlo has to make an early decision.Whether, tonight to stay up late to write it up, or tomorrow apologizes to the teacher and asks him to postpone the deadline."That's right! that's the recital. we should be on stage!""What? the band plays? it's impossible to master an instrument from now on.""That Salz & Burg will be on stage, so no matter what we do, we'll be compared..."The disappointing word "We can't beat that", so none of them said it."Air-band is OK? Is there any instrument at home?""On the contrary will they look down on us?, 'They can't play?'"Three understand David wants to compete, but also let him forgo."so, a violin is in my home..."Max came up with an old dusty instrument in the wardrobe."Why is there something like that when no one plays...?""Which is Salz and which is Burg?""Maybe Mikey was Salz and Erin was Burg... or vice versa?""It doesn't matter which one. You don't have to memorize!"David said rushingly.The correct answer is that Salz is Mikey.because his last name is Salt, Salz has the same meaning in German."My name has nothing to do with Burg!" Erin protested.There was a bit of a dispute between the two, but Mikey offered to provide five cheats for the test, so Erin buried his hatchet.Then A hip-hop duo was born that made the audience excited at school.Mikey's seat and Erin's are separated by four seats.Neither the teacher nor anyone has yet figured out how to convey information between the two."They said the valedictorian for the closing ceremony will be Kenneth from the next class.""Oh, beats me! He even forgets his own name sometimes!""I guess this school is finally over." The role of the valedictorian was a trivial one, as he simply announced to the assembled parents before the recital, "I have graduated and will be a junior high school student from next school year.Still, a representative is a representative."I prefer Rose will be the valedictorian.""I agree."Rose is a perfect girl, with excellent grades, and athleticism, moreover, she is the winner of this country speech competition.Still, she never is proud herself, to give gentle words to any person.She is the "holy mother in the school"All students and teachers, all the people in the school are charmed by Rose's dainty smile.She is the one who should be the valedictorian.Who stupid one decided to choose Kenneth."Kenneth was the only one who raised the hand."For several years now, it is no longer the highest achievers who are selected as valedictorians.The reason for this is claimed by monster parents who say, "My child should have been the best on the most recent test."After that, the school took the raise hand system.If there is more than one applicant, then a raffle will be held.Furthermore, the call for candidacy was rotated among the classes sequentially from year to year.If candidates are from all classes, it is difficult to coordinate.Teachers wanted to save time and effort.It was also the block against the claim parents.The teachers can say "This year's selection is from a different class.""Some idiots just don't know how to be modest.""Rose could even be the first woman president.""Oh, she's so much better than irritatedly Hillary."Incidentally, two of these four like Rose as a girl.They still didn't have any thoughts of confessing or anything like that.Even if they were to confess, they still lack the courage to do so.Either way, she is a star as a prize beyond their reach.From the topic of graduation, Max remembered something and asked David about it."By the way, did your brother who proposed at last year's prom get married?"For some reason, Marlo looked bitter next to Max."Oh, that's the story..."″Don't touch that story! ″Marlo said so with his eyes.But, it's too late.David was narrating the story with a faraway look as if he were the one who had broken up."It's been over for a year now."After graduating from high school, David's brother was going to enlist in the Marines.He drove alone to New York to go on a pleasure trip Before he was taken into custody.On the way there, he received a one-sided e-mail from her saying that "As I thought, I could not marry you."She left town, and he lost contact with her, and his graduation trip was replaced by a heartbreak trip to the continent wandering.David's brother returned a year later, that is, just recently. Naturally, a story of enlistment was off the table."He works in an ironworks on the outskirts of town.""I know that place. It's near the cat house."Daniel who can not read the situation carelessly interrupted."My brother, every night he complains, 'She said yes with tears in her eyes...'"Looking up into the air, David murmured."Maybe she shed a tear because your brother stepped on her foot at the dance.""Hey! I won't forgive you if you insult my brother!""Sorry, sorry, I'm just kidding. Don't be so angry."Max remembered that one time he played at David's house and his brother taught us how to dribble a soccer ball.I felt bad that I didn't know that such a thing had happened for a year.But, it was not unreasonable, since David was not willing to talk about it.But if he was that mentally weak, he wouldn't have lasted in the Marines anyway."I guess it's a good thing. It would have been dangerous if there had been a war or something.""How much is the Marines' salary?""No idea..."Max and his friends are still a little way off from being at the mercy of women's hearts and tears."Ouch!, I cut my finger."At those words, the three all leaned forward at once to look into David's hand."Oh, my God, you're bleeding.""Don't worry, it's just a little bit. Lick it off and it'll go away.""I have some adhesive plaster."Max unzipped the side pocket of his backpack, took out an adhesive plaster, and handed it to David.Someone had put plenty of adhesive plaster in this side pocket, saying, "Kids get hurt outdoors."Who put them?The adhesive plaster was the last one, but I gave it generously.″Because that someone told me to give it to a friend. But who was that...? ″"Damn! They're gonna be the stars of the stage again..."David groaned as he wrapped the adhesive plaster around his finger."Marlo, brother say he was going to play in the band on the middle school stage too?""Marlo, you mentioned before, that the band in your brother was going to play on the middle school stage too?""Oh, that's the story..."The same line as David's a few minutes earlier was now uttered by Marlo. Marlo's brother was in charge of drums, and he brought his sticks into the classroom, pounding away at the desk every recess."I have to keep beating on it all the time, or I'll lose my instincts."That statement is half true.The other half is to appeal to his classmates that "I play drums in a band."Especially for class girls."They got rejected at the examination... because band name is Sex Bazookas..."Naturally, the school demanded a change in the band name and radical lyrics.They rebuffed that request, saying, "We can't face Sid if we give in here."As a result, they won't be on stage."We're anarchists. We don't belong on a school stage. It was for the best."All members were full of themselves.Of course, they are not anarchists. Only they have wanted to look better and were slightly crazy.In other words, they are normal(?) junior high school students.However, the performance and singing are at the bottom level of the range, so even if they had changed its name and lyrics, it would have been difficult to get on stage anyway.Max had to listen to them talk about how two guys were going to fail.Still, Max is envious that the two of them had older brothers.Because he is an only child.Max would like to use that phrase once, "I won't forgive you if you insult my brother!""When we get to middle school, why don't we start playing some instruments?""Form a band?""It's a little too late."None of the four were into music, and the three knew that David's proposal was simply to do "something that would make me stand out," so they let it slide."Max, you didn't get in the honor class, aren't you?""Yeah.""Why not? Did you fail the honor class exam?""Yeah, poor condition at the exam...""So, that's too bad.""If you were in good, would have passed."It is grateful words, but Max didn't respond."Why didn't you get into the honor class?"Instead, Max recalled his mother's grim expression as who blamed him.We used a tree milestone as a target to test the completed slingshot.None of the four works were useful, as the rubber was not strong enough or did not fly long enough or straight enough.The slingshot which Daniel managed to complete was better than others at least, which made David grumpy.David and Marlo's slingshots, which were pulled too hard, broke at the end because the branch could not withstand the deflection."I went to the shooting range with my Dad the other day and shot a real gun!"It wasn't the first time David had told us this story."If I had that one, I can be finished off the wild dog with a single blow."David posed with his handgun, aiming at the target."If you do that, it's in big trouble.""Even if you have it, can you get to hit ?""Every bullet I fired hit the target."This was hyperbole. in reality, his hit average was about 20%.The gun's recoil still seems too much for a boy's physique as 11 year old."What are we going to do? Shall we make it up again some other day?"I just don't feel like we can make it well."They were starting to lose their motivation that it wouldn't work, not to mention making slingshot, even ridding <The Guy>."Go to hell! Stupid dog!"The junk slingshots were thrown away, throwing stones by hand and competing for how much they could hit.In their mind, they are imagining fighting the dog with their courage.If that managed to cheer up their motivation.Afterward, four talked about which girls in the class were already wearing bras.It was lively but embarrassing.As the shadows of the western sun began to lengthen, someone's remark, "I have to go home," was the signal to disband this day.The slingshots that were left behind there, for a while remained, but when Max noticed a few days later, all four were gone.

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