The Planet of Humans and dolp...

By user77164957

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A young boy named Max, who lives on the west coast of the United States, once met a reclusive old researcher... More

Prologue Ocean Planet
Chapter 1 Seaside laboratory
Chapter 3 The man in the high tower
Chapter 4 Children's Corner
Chapter 5 Inner Spanky Judge
Chapter 6 What there on the mountain
Chapter 7 The woman who is drowning in water
Chapter 8 Trust and entrust
Chapter 9 To the ocean
Chapter 10 Chase the beetle!
Chapter 11 Star luster
Chapter 12 Time to say goodbye

Chapter 2 Basketball Universe

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By user77164957

"It's good, your bike has a luggage carrier. I don't have one."On a sprinting bicycle, words flowed behind them, so Max raised his voice in Marlo's ear.When Max go to pick up his repaired bike, he met Marlo on Saturday, the season when the city will be covered by grown green."It's my errand, so I'll pedal." Max insisted so, but Marlo rejected it."I'm sure it's a new bike he just bought, so he doesn't want people to touch the handlebar," Max thought.Of course, Max never thought that Marlo was a stingy guy."There are things, I don't want to touch something important"However, Max felt sorry, when Marlo was breathing hard on a sloping road.There are few cars on the road to the city, so they can tour comfortably.The scented wind of early summer sometimes scooped up and sometimes stroked the hair of two boys on their bicycle.Dandelions spread white petals on the edge of the road.As approaches the summer, the amount of sunlight showers increases.Tall and short vegetation, every plant spreads its leaves to the limit, They are engaged in battles without rules.Even if they don't panic, the amount of sunlight will increase as much as they want.A few chestnut tigers were dancing lightly in the hot atmosphere.Some of the town's outsourced mowing contractors sigh and some burn their fighting spirit.Such a season has come again this year.The lush greenery of the roadside tree Jacaranda and the branches and leaves that stretch out to the heavens cast the shadow of a pattern of dapples on the asphalt.The bicycle passed through the curtain formed by the feather bugs swarming in the shade several times.On a steep road, Max jumped off, pushed the bike, and jumped on, when over the top of the hill."Isn't it a burden to pedal for two?""That's why, you don't care, It's a piece of cake for me."As they passed through the tunnel under the overpass, Max looked up.Then, the pattern of the block on the ceiling flowed from the bottom to the top of the field of vision at high speed, and Max could feel a magical feeling.Max wanted to tell Marlo, but it's dangerous now, so we'll take another opportunity.Recently, they learned how to read some road signs at school,There was also a "pedestrian area" in it, but even when they approached that area, they tried to run through without getting off the bicycle.When the policeman jumped into their eyes, Marlo hurriedly braked and Max jumped off the carrier.With a face like "we were going to get off here from the beginning", the two of us walked side by side and passed by the policeman.Apart from the "pedestrian area", first of all, the two-seater is prohibited.They used to do two-seaters a lot, so they had completely forgotten this violation.Even if the policeman went away, Max and Marlo didn't ride a bicycle and walked side by side.Marlo looks a little tired, and it's difficult for two-seaters to ride and talk.Anyway, The bike shop is just around the corner."Did you decide what to do at the recital?""Hmm, especially nothing..."At lunchtime last week, they remembered David's insisted voice."Hey, we should do something too."At Max's elementary school, students are supposed to perform on the stage at the end of the school year.Students who wanted to perform something were volunteers, and students who had no particular hope were automatically incorporated into chorus or recitation.At the winter party in December last year, Mikey and Erin's two-person hip-hop unit "Salz & Burg" had applauded by all of the audience in the hall.It's not interesting for David, who wants to stand out and hates to lose."I guess, we can't beat them, I think it's usually better to participate in chorus or recitation.""That way, Will David agree?..."The pattering noise of the bicycle wheels accompanied the walking rhythm of the two boys."Yeah, do you know the rumors of transfer students?""That's a lie! Because it's summer vacation in two months, right?""No, this is a real story, because I heard it directly from the guy Snicky ."Snicky is an information broker, and all the information about Max's elementary school is gathered in his hands.His real name is Ricky, but he is good at "sniffing", so everyone called him by his another name.Break time one-day last week, Snicky's sharp eyes did not overlook a woman walking from the parking in the back toward the school building and a boy urged by her.When he rushed down to the first floor quickly, he saw the visitors get into the principal's room.Then, he closely attached to the door and eavesdropped.On the way, physical education teacher Mr. Goldstein appeared, Snicky pretends to passer-by, who had just coincidentally been there.It's the easiest performance for Snicky.Some students believed that "Snicky could be the CIA or the FBI,"For that purpose, it will be necessary to first make 5 or more subjects B plus and then bring them to A or higher by the time they graduate from high school."Absolutely, that guy has special circumstances, wicked guy, he caused something wrong, that's why he's transferring to here at this time, for example, burned a classroom curtain.""Wow, that's worse than Ned..."It was a few months ago that Ned broke a piece of glass in the classroom.If you want to live a peaceful and safe school life, Ned shouldn't be involved.No, it may be paraphrased as "You must keep avoiding from Ned's eyes on."As Ned and his entourages walked down the corridor, the other students had to go to the edge and clear the path.Only Aaron, the captain of the American football club, who had a tackle limit at the time of the 4th grade, was allowed to give a high five while passing each other.There are rumors that Ned assaulted the teacher.I wasn't sure if it was true or false."The school wants to cover up the fact.""And then, forced the teacher put up with he doesn't sue. because the school wants to avoid the net news. ""It's an erasing"Some students believe such words, they nodded, "It's possible..."Until two years ago, it was Ned's big brother who dominated elementary school.Due to its foundation inherited by Ned, for current students, uninterrupted oppression continued like a nightmare."Wicked transfer is a joke, it's Japanese and it seems to be pretty tiny. Let's make fun of pick on him!""No way! It's no good!""I know. That's also a joke. let's borrow manga from him rather than that. he's from the country of manga, I'm sure he has a lot. "Max thought, "Marlo is jumping the gun because We haven't seen the boy's face yet." but Max didn't object to it.As Marlo says, if we can borrow manga, Max is also very welcome.Even if the boy has a manga, they haven't noticed that those are likely to be in Japanese."Then that, the immediate problem is the signing document.""Yeah, that's right."M Alliance(Max and Marlo) and D Alliance(David and Daniel) have recently concluded an agreement, then to hold the signing ceremony soon.Even if I didn't do that, we used to be together at school with about four members."Before going to junior high school, we need something like a period."Someone out of the four said so.And the signing document wasn't finished, even though it's been a long time since they had the idea."you failed again, LL!"David rebuked Daniel as usual."It can't be helped... because the printer at home isn't working well...""Is it true? If it's a lie, I won't forgive you!""It's true, it's really true..."Daniel's full name is "Daniel L. Woods", and his name contains two L's.And since the last name is Woods, it was called LL or XL by some students (mainly David), and it had the meaning of "a Large wooden doll boy".The draft of the text was decided by discussions among four, and Max, who was the secretary, was supposed to hand over the draft written on paper to Daniel, then he'll type it on his home computer, and print it out.Initially, we intended to create a handwritten document.they were fascinated by Jefferson's elegant brushstrokes in the textbook.However, we were immediately reminded that we couldn't make something similar with their poor drawing.Rather, it didn't take long to change the opinion that the printout would be more dignified.And recent PC have elegant fonts by Jobs' good job.The role of typing was assigned to Daniel because he didn't contribute the most to think the articles.It was also the fact, that three pressed it against Daniel because typing was troublesome.Both Max and Marlo with a guilty conscience didn't blame Daniel, instead, on the contrary, soothed David"Printers sometimes get trouble...""Oh yeah, it's device trouble, it can't be helped..."Still, David did not lose his expression that he was not convinced.Max and Marlo also sympathize with Daniel being blamed, but they also feel frustration, when he fails to fulfill his mission successfully.In any case, the story doesn't go on if the signing document is not in time."What do we do, go to Daniel's house and help...?, He's probably not typing yet one line.""Hmm..., that's also..."They wanted to play freely, rather than doing such a simple task.The slightly dark atmosphere of Daniel's house also caused them to think twice."Why don't you go to your house and type on your Dad's computer?""If we do that, will David get angry again,' I should have left the type to Daniel!'?, And after all it's annoying... ""But we'll help him, David got tired of waiting."Prompted by Max, Marlo was reluctant but agreed.There are two problems, one is that the printer in Marlo's house is often malfunctioning actually these days.As a solution, pass the typed data to Daniel via USB memory.The second problem is that Marlo had previously submerged his USB memory and ruined it.During the break time, Marlo's USB memory for taking information education data home was jumped out of his hand.It drew a parabola to the aquarium of the goldfish in front of Max."I wonder if there is no choice but to sneak to borrow a USB memory from my big brother.""Will you be punished if that gets found?""He'll kill me, to say the least."Marlo replied with a smile while winking at Max, who looked into Marlo's eyes with anxiety."You don't worry, I'm always surviving."Sharp David may feel something that Daniel wasn't typing.Max and Marlo expected, that David would still look suspicious, but he wouldn't pursue it further.For a moment, Max thought, "I wonder if Dr. would lend me USB memory and a PC?", But Max was reluctant to talk to Marlo and others about him, so he withdrew that idea."We'll definitely finish the signing ceremony before summer vacation, then go to the Indian platform and swear."David's vigorous voice repeated in their ears. - - + - - + - - + - - + - - + - - + - - + - - + - - + - - + - - + - - The owner of the bicycle shop is a man with a thick voice and a big belly, and It didn't look like he was riding a bicycle himself.The contents of the drum belly are beer, and there are several empty bottled beer cases piled up behind the shop.On his reddish face was a nose that was about to become red rosacea, and his exhaled breath has a slight alcoholic odor.Still, the store's reputation is not bad, so it seems that drinking time and work time are properly separated.The shop owner memorized Max's face and he called out first than Max do."Yeah, you're here, it's finished."The bike was not only repaired, but also maintained and cleaned, so it looked newer than before."But with this terrible damage, I wonder that you were not injured."Certainly, it was a great accident.When Max was biking along the coastal road, an oncoming vehicle approached without taking enough lateral width.Fanned by the wind pressure as it passed by, the bicycle went off the road and rolled down the slope.Even though the bike bumped into many shrubs, Max managed to keep holding the handle and maintain balance.Bicycle tires continued to catch the slope.Although Max did not roll over, there was an iron pillar at the end, which collided head-on, and Max's body was thrown into the air.Then, the frame of the bicycle was squashed."Sometimes there are guys who broke the spokes, but It's rare this part is squashed, I guess just a miracle..."The front wheels that were distorted by the impact were replaced with new ones, and apart from that, it was necessary to shape the dented joint of the handle.Because there was resistance to handling by the dent.The shaped part was also painted. However, it was not possible to make it completely the same color as the frame, and it was a slightly floating color.The shop owner apologized for it."It's okay. I'll make it a color to commemorate the accident.""Oh, I'm sorry. but It's really strange. Usually, you've broken a bone in a big accident like this.Now, when I think back, I feel the time in the air for a long time, when my body was thrown.As the owner said, it was strange to get no damage, but the few parts of my body felt little pain, but only a few scratches.But for some reason, it seemed like a matter of course.Max thought, "a child has no matter to die any accident...?"Suddenly, as much as a spaceship landing in front of them, serious injury or death, They were unrealistic for children.Max once crawl up the road and try to ask for help, but the car which had passed by didn't notice Max, and never came back here.After that, no new cars passed by.So Max had no choice but to go down again and managed to push the broken bicycle up to the road.He had started to got home while lifting the front wheel that was crouching and stopped rotating.While dragging both, the bicycle that can't move and the painful body.Max trudged, A car finally stopped beside and the driver asked, "Is there something wrong?"That driver was Doc.The repair was a little big, so it cost a lot, but had heard about the price in advance.And, Max had enough money from his mother for that."Enjoy at school?""Yeah, well..."Max replied sloppy while avoiding the smell of alcohol.Why do adults ask children about meaningless things?Even after paying and waving to the shop owner and leaving the bicycle shop, the two of us didn't on saddles and they walked side by side for a while and talked."How was Marlo's honor class test?""Why ask me!, of course not good, no choice, go to a regular class, I originally intended to do that, so it's okay...""Don't talk about bad business"Marlo added the words, Max could only apologize.That's true. You don't have to force yourself to think about problems you don't want to think about now."What does mom say...?"He's sure, she wants me to go on to university."Is there a university that my mom wants me to go to, just like choosing a profession?"In my future profession, whether I'm going to college or not, and many other things these days, Max and his mother aren't on the same wavelength.Marlo told me, "Don't talk about it," but after a while, he was still concerned about his career, and he started talking to himself."Dad said to my brother, When you graduate from junior high school, you'll go to a nearby high school and help my work as an interior decorator in the family business, Maybe he wants to say the same thing to me..."Marlo said, looking far away, without turning to Max."I don't hate my Dad or brother, but I don't like working face-to-face all the time and I want to go to other cities," Marlo said.They don't completely remember the contents of the draft, so they decided to go to Daniel's house to get the draft paper."I guss Daniel already needs a lot of attention.""Exactly right."Max and Marlo murmured, they are blaming others for those, they loaded the type task to Daniel and almost forgot the contents of the draft.Daniel is always scolded by David. it couldn't be helped either. Daniel always disturbs us.I didn't say it, but both Max and Marlo thought in their hearts, "He's definitely LL Wooden dole."It seems unexpected that David, an active character in the class, chose Daniel as an ally.With the communication function of the mobile game, friends can exchange items used in the game.Even four often played and exchanged.David had previously deceived an item from Daniel as if it were a scam, and the two protested to David, saying, "That's too terrible."David reluctantly returned the item, but the atmosphere after that wasn't pleasant.Still, when Daniel was suspected of shoplifting at Brendan Mart, it was David who protected him first.The store manager, who checked the camera inside the store, saw a video of another child mischievously throwing a security tag into Daniel's bag, and on the contrary, apologized for his mistake.David urged the store manager to check the video. David may feel something that can't leave Daniel alone.It could be felt by both of us.The unity of D Alliance seems to be stronger than it looks.How about M alliance?For a while we were walking silently, Marlo suddenly asked Max."By the way, is it true that you go to a stranger's house?""Yeah, it's true, but it's okay. He's a good person and it's no problem."Max noticed that the voice that answered was in a hurry, and he was disconcerted that something might be misunderstood."So you, that's fine."It seems Marlo didn't care, and then he didn't ask anything.Max was grateful to Marlo for receiving it as the word says and not doing any extra snooping."Hey, before we go to Daniel's house, why don't we go to Stanley's store with this money and buy something?"The Stanley Grocery Store has shelves for children's products such as snacks, chocolate bars, and small joke goods.That is a small social gathering place for children.when you visit there after school, you'll get several faces those you know."You have a lot of potentials, I'll hire you a part-time job when you're in high school."The owner, Stanley, cast the same words on almost every child who visited.We usually treat and be treated each other, with snacks or juices.Max didn't feel like he was sponged me off, but Max hesitated to spend this money today because it was given to me by his mother for repairs."It's just a little bit, Your Mom won't find out. why don't we go!"But Max didn't want to give a curt answer to Marlo, who has glittering eyes with anticipationAs a matter of fact, since to heard Marlo's word "Stanley shop", Max was very interested in it.Max just didn't want to be the one who would easily take the invitation, so he pretended that didn't make up his mind for a while.Max knows well, the timing of Marlo getting tired of waiting. After all, he is a close friend.Max was a little mean and pulled it to the last minute before replying"Okay, we'll go to Stanley's shop!"Max looked into Marlo's eyes and said so."That's just like you! Max!"The evil proposer broke into a broad smile.The two boys lifted the front wheels, turned around the heads of bikes, ran up and gained momentum, and jumped onto the saddle at the same time.The destination was changed. - - + - - + - - + - - + - - + - - + - - + - - + - - + - - + - - + - - Today, Max showed off to Doc what he learned at school."The population of the United States is 320 million. Even if I get one dollar from each person, it will be 300 million dollars!"He didn't seem to have any writing work on this day, so he sat down on the sofa in the living room and spent all his time with Max.Today's flavor of the glass is a blend of mugwort and black tea.Max came by bicycle from the repair, so his body shouldn't have been as hot as he was running last time, but the ice was still full of glass.Max was sweating a lot, Doc lent me a towel.Black tea was ready-made, but mugwort was handmade by Doc himself.Doc told Max that people in the old days used to grind mugwort and use it as a wound medicine."$ 300 million isn't a big deal. You can't do anything with it.""Then, do you have $ 300 million?""...."After a brief silence, Doc replied."... no, I don't have it...""See that!"It would be unreasonable to talk about the national budget to a boy who is proud of his face.Still, an extra word came out of his mouth."So are you going around the United States and getting $ 1 from each person?"Now it was Max's turn to shut up."It was a child's shallow thinking."he almost add insult to injury, Doc refrained from speaking on the way.It seems better to round up this topic early.And avoid talking about crowdfunding that has recently emerged."To jump out into space, you need enough thrust to shake off gravity..."In a previous conversation with Max, he said he reread the new interpretation of gravity theory published on the internet."The etymology of "gravity" comes from the Latin word "gravis", but I think it's more natural to recognition of it as a force that is attracted to the "ground"."In reality, not only the ground as the earth, but all substances have the power to attract each other.However, since the earth is the largest substance closest to us, its gravitational force is felt most strongly.Only the ground seems to be attracting objects."The table and sofa are attracting each other, and I and the wall of the room are also attracting each other. There is also an attractive force between you and Kate, attracting each other.""I wonder, I told about Kate in front of Doc...?" Max murmured aloud."Energy Press Gravity Theory"He prefaced this theory was only published online and was not a formal dissertation of the academic society.And it seems that the content that denies the conventional theory of gravity is quite absurd for scientists."Einstein announced" E = mc2 "to the world more than 100 years ago.This is a formula that shows that matter is a mass of energy, but this "Energy Press Gravity Theory" states that it is wrong."● Behind the matter, there is another <phase>, and the matter receives energy from that <phase> and maintains its existence.● It is <space phase>, and due to the supply of energy to <space phase> → <material phase>, matter exists in <material phase>.● Double structure of <material phase> and <spatial phase>. The universe is a space filled with coins that are two sides of the same coin.● For heavy matter, it is necessary to supply more energy from <space phase> to <material phase>, and the energy of <space phase> is reduced by that amount, the density becomes thin, and it is pushed from the surroundings.● The phenomenon of receiving (pushing) pressure from the surroundings in this <space phase> is similarly reflected in <material phase> because they are the same coin.● Therefore, looking only at <material phase>, it seems as if a heavy matter has strong gravity and attracts surrounding matter more strongly, but it is the opposite, and the heavier matter is pushed from the surroundings.● Energy is supplied from <space phase> to <material phase> every moment, and it is a momentary phenomenon.that the energy density of <space phase> decreases, but that phenomenon is Since it continues continuously, it seems that the pressure difference of energy, that is, gravity continues to work.Doc separated the story, he saw Max's expression.Doc got that Max don't understand the content, but I decided to continue explaining the theory for a while.The next stage is the main point of this theory.● Behind the universe is an <infinity energy source>.● The universe is created by supplying energy every moment from <infinity energy source> to <space phase>.This system creates time and space.Furthermore, the energy supply from <space phase> to <material phase> continues to maintain the existence of matter."It says that the universe is a mass of energy. Why don't you think it's a bold theory?"Until Doc harangued, he looked at the sofa, he saw that Max with glazed eyes.Doc was a little confused as to whether he should keep it as it was and decided to call out."Are you sleepy?"Max, who suddenly raised his face, immediately shook his head and answered, "Yeah, I'm okay."Max was drowsy not just because it was difficult to catch the story.Max hasn't slept soundly lately.In the daytime, even when Max was in the classroom, his breathing was shallow, his body was tired, and this was not the first time Max had taken nap in front of Doc."It's really okay, I'm sleepy because it's difficult to hear about gravity!""Is that so?" Doc asked suspiciously, Max said, "I'll wash my face and get a refill for my drink." then he left to the kitchen.Max who has a refilled glass came back to the living room."Or it might be interesting to think this way."Doc resumed the lecture with Max's face in front of him.Hit one end of a drum placed horizontally on the ground with a fast rhythm and the other with a slow rhythm.Place the bean in the center of the drum and it will roll towards the slower side.The slow vibration side is not attracting the bean, but the high vibrations are pushing the bean."In space, energy works to make the density uniform, and the matter settled automatically by energy press."Max, who stood up and wiped drowsily, listened carefully and tried to understand."would you imagine inside a basketball? The air can't be dense in just one place.""This is because there is always a force inside that tries to equalize the density of air."The universe is the same as basketball, and the action of trying to equalize the internal energy works, and that action creates gravity and the place where matter is settled.That was the essence of this "Energy Press Gravity Theory".The pressure inside the basketball is always uniform, and the interior space is stable unless a human hits the ball.If the universe just wants to maintain energy stability, it is best not to make substances that cause density bias.But in this universe, for some reason, there is always an energy bias, which creates matter and gravity, gives birth to stars, gives birth to lives, and shapes the world in which we live.This "Energy Press Gravity Theory" picks up the Ether theory that was denied in the past that "outer space is full of intermediary", and the space full of energy is the true nature of the universe.It states that it has the effect of propagating and relaying pressure and matter.Not only that, energy is constantly flowing from the infinite source behind it.Its infinite source supplies the energy, for inside the atom, where the electrons can keep orbit and also each nucleon are connected.It was no wonder that scientists ridiculed "Energy Press Gravity Theory," which states such a thing."Will that infinite energy never disappear?""Hmm, who knows? According to the conventional theory, the universe will reach "thermal death". This" Energy Press Gravity Theory " doesn't say "how much infinite".Seeing Max's anxiety, he continued."This theory is just a hypothesis. also, we don't know how long the universe will reach "thermal death" in the future.""Before that, all the hydrogen in the Sun is fused with helium, and the Sun reaches the end of its life.""The death of the Sun is billions of years away, so we don't have to worry about anything."Or is <infinity energy source> eternal, as the oriental scripture says "No increase and No decrease"?When this system is revealed, when humankind will discover the whole of true of the universe.Seeing Max's head full, Doc decided to omit the other topics."Matter moves in space, relay of energy source ","The speed of light invariance is the terminal velocity when crossing the energy density","Duality of light particles and waves"etc...A few minutes ago, there was a shower, which made me feel that the temperature has dropped a little.Even in this state with little rain, due to the terrain and the wind from the sea, it sometimes rained on the ground in this town.Still, the rain in May was rare."By the way, it was raining that day when I first met Max, and his clothes were a little wet...""Why don't you walk a little outside to stay awake?"Doc went down the porch of the entrance porch with Max, who nodded obediently.The two stepped on the soil as the branches of the Incense-cedar in the garden shook in the wind and spilled the drips on the ground.There was enough interesting vegetation in the garden of the site, but they went further and continued walking along the coastline until they reached the area where California poppies grow.The Poppies have originally orange color and add bright by the light of the west sun, then the orange petals are appeared to have arisen from the ground by synergistic effect. They felt a little wistful, with the sign that the sunlight will move into the darkness."Look over there"In the direction he pointed out, Max saw a white rocky cliff rising from the sea.Sunlight also projected oranges here, dyeing some parts of the rock surface, creating a mottled screen of white and orange."That white is the color of limestone, and this area is a limestone layer."He explained limestone is generally a stack of dead bodies of ancient creatures that are pressed and solidified."Are ancient creatures dinosaurs?""Yeah, the bones and skeletons of dinosaurs, mammals, and other creatures also contain calcium.""But most of the constituents of limestone are the dead bodies of sea-dwelling microorganisms such as radiolarians and foraminifera."Calcium, which is a component of the body of such microorganisms, is combined with carbon and oxygen and accumulates for tens of millions to hundreds of millions of years to form limestone. Perhaps Max had walked for a while, his cheeks also regained good ruby color, and returned to his usual cheerful boy."And the movement of the plates deep beneath the Earth pushed the limestone stratum to the east of the North American continent, and the stratum were uplifted, creating limestone lands in this area."The California poppies in front of them are so full of blooming because this plant prefers alkaline soils of limestone."Before, I heard about nature and science from my Dad like this..."Now I'm walking with another adult man and listening to another story.The fact, that the big hands of the adult are not placed on my shoulder is also different from the past.Max thought, "I don't mind if he put it on...".Unusual for the evening time, a bee was flying.It gets into the petals of California poppies in search of the final harvest before returning to the nest."When I walk in the field like this, I can't help to feel the wonder of nature."The shadows of the two were longer than when they set out for a walk."Planets can be broadly divided into rocky planets and planets of a gas giant, the Earth is a rocky planet."Rocks have various formation processes and compositions, but they are generally from the magma inside the Earth that cooled on the surface and solidified the molecules.In other words, Rocks are spawned by heat and pressure."The crushed rock becomes stone, what is even more finely crushed becomes sand.""Then, sand even finer crushed and that will become soil?""No, it's not. Most soil components are deposits of dead plant tissue, that is dead plants.""Then, limestone is a corpse of creatures, and the soil is the corpse of plants?""Right, soil which made from plants grows new plants there again.""Then, how did the first plant grow without soil?""It's a good question. There is a life that sticks to rocks and grows without soil such as fungi and algae.""It seems that they became the first foundation and created an environment for further evolved plants to grow."Some problems in this world may be solved if we could create soil in the desert areas where life is scarce, grow trees, and expand the oasis of birds and beasts.Plants are sunlight converters.Converts the received sunlight, or electromagnetic energy, into intermolecular binding energy.Using the binding energy, inside the plant, atoms and molecules are attached and detached to form a mass of larger molecules such as amino acids and lipids, just like a child playing with blocks, and the growth and life of the plant itself.Animals take a mass of molecules made by this plant in their mouth, undergo a digestion and absorption process, and then reassemble it into another mass of molecules, which is used to shape the tissues of the body and use it as energy for activity.On animals and plants, their bodies and energy of activity are made by the electromagnetic energy from the Sun.Of the electromagnetic energy that the Sun emits into outer space, only 1 / 2.2 billion reach the Earth.All the creatures on this Earth have been kept alive by the energy of 1/2.2 billion.On the other hand, non-living molecular block masses such as rocks combine with electromagnetic energy of heat and pressure inside the earth.The flow of wind and water, the movement of the muscles of living organisms, cell division for growth, and electrical signals that transmit nerves, All are by electromagnetic energy.Everything is made up of the phenomenon that the plus and minus of electromagnetic energy stick to each other and separate from each other."So all the scenery we see is shaped by the electromagnetic energy from the Sun and the gravitational energy of the Earth.In other words, it's a co-production and collaborative work of electromagnetics and gravity."<Terra>The Latin word for the Earth also has the meaning of soil.A place where a corpse of life grows a new lifeA planet where life constantly appears and evolved.That is this Earth, Terra.Since the birth of the first life on Earth, its activities have continued uninterrupted.Plastic is also made up of basic atoms such as carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen.It is an artificial combination by humans at the factory.Even the same basic atoms, when combined in the body of a plant or animal, form blocks called organic compounds that are different from what humans made in a factory.They are the materials of life, and they become "something alive" that is different from the products at the factory.Gazing Max's eyes straight, he said."Something wants the existence of life.""... you mean God as something?""Yeah, I wonder what it is.""The existence that made space and time exist in the universe, made matter exist, and created life.""That existence may be trying to make the "soul" dwell in life and let us accomplish something..."And the universe is probably a vast stage that was created for that purpose, for the human beings and souls.I guess that such a system of generation and development of life will not be born accidentally.I think some kind of intention is working.If the person who controls it is called a God, that is probably so.Where I'm walking right now, when a few months ago, I witnessed an owl hunting, in the still a little sunshine.Owls, unlike other birds, have feathers with jagged tips.This feather gliding counteracts the small convection when cutting the sky, which allows approaching the prey without making noise.Many individuals who have jagged feathers were survived, because advantageous for hunt.then each survivor repeated mating, and as a result, were all owls evolved into creatures with jagged feathers.Is it true?Something with great intelligence may have given this jagged feather to the owl for survival and evolution.Even with that narwhal's horn, that cannot be explained by conventional theories alone.It feels like someone designed it for fun.Are we human beings the final bear fruit of creatures?Are we human beings the final destination of the evolutionary journey?Or is it still in the middle of long infancy?After thousands of years of struggle, mankind has finally reached the point of democracy.It seems, we conquered Poverty and discrimination once,But, new snakes as disaster are rising their sickle, and to be overcoming the world. Is this a temporary swing back?Or will the democratic political system become a dead letter and the world will sink into the history of anguish again?Will we hand over such a little hope world to children?"I'll show you an interesting video next time.""What kind of video?""There was only one path of the sea covered with drift ice, and pods of narwhal came from both, and bumped heads.""And then?""After meeting for a while, the pods joined and swam toward one side.""Perhaps we exchanged information with each other and decided to go to more possibilities.""They didn't eliminate another pod with that longhorn."Even marine mammals can discuss and reach an agreement,Humans can do the same acting, instead of spearing others.It's not impossible to realize such a world.Even if it's still on the way.Hundreds of billions of planets and exoplanets with the possibility of life have been observed.Is there a planet that, like this Earth, meets the miraculous conditions for life, in terms of just the right gravity, the balanced atmosphere, and the amount of water?Is the intellectual entity that evolved there also suffering from relationships with others and the ideological and political systems, just like us?"It's only been about a month since I met this boy..."After we loaded the broken bicycle into the hatchback, the boy occupied the passenger seat.he looks concerned, of course, I thought it was a shock of the accident.Even after the boy has come to this hermit house, Doc occasionally saw that Max has out-of-focus distant eyes.Couldn't he overcome the loss of his father?Or, Is he nervous, because he is going to be a junior high school student.Or, is the other person nearby him nervous?I once asked him, if it was okay to come to someone else's house that his parent doesn't know.I also knew that my reputation in this town is not good.It may not be the only reason, that country town is exclusive."We can get a lot of mugwort leaves there, you drank it today, right?", Doc said.On our way back from the walk, he pointed to a place near his home, "Will we pick up them?""No, I still have enough mugwort and I don't have scissors now. try next."Before, when he asked me with a sad voice, "It is no good, I visit here?", I couldn't immediately return the words.I should visit her and introduce myself.At least I should just call her, but I keep missing the timingI'm afraid my sloth, might be an unexpected pitfall.But is that the case?The reason why postpone contacting her is that I want to put the forbidden word far away."The story I mentioned earlier, In the future, the flow of energy from infinity to the <space phase> will be clarified.""If we can control the energy pressure gap, your favorite thing may be invented.""favorite what?""That's a UFO"Perhaps he had breathed outside air and seen the scenery to change his mood, Max returned to his usual energetic boy.I intended to provide an interesting topic to further cheer up.Max showed a gesture of putting his finger on the tip of his nose and stretching it.Namely, It means a liar as Pinocchio."No way Doc, UFO is impossible"Max's expression, which proudly says so, Doc was relieved that his outspoken act.he decided to memorize as 2nd miscalculation, all children don't jump up to the UFO issue."But if we told a people 200 years ago,' There are flying vehicles in the future.', they wouldn't believe it""In the same way, what we think is impossible now, can be realized in the future.""Then, Doc, will the space elevator be realized in the future?""That's true... you got a point."the shower is already up, and the roads are dried.His bicycle won't be slipped, and at this time, Max should be able to return home before still sunlight is enough.I turned on the lamp on the pouch early and watched Max straddle the bicycle."Be careful on your way home."The boy swirled his bicycle widely, let go of a hand, and waved a lot towards Doc.Doc also responded by waving a farewell hand from the porch at the entrance."it's rather me who wants him come here..."Doc stared at his back which go away and muttered softly.There may be little that adults can do for children.Children will always have to come up with their answers.

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