𝕓𝕝𝕒𝕔𝕜 𝕤𝕚𝕝𝕜 // ℕ𝕚𝕜�...

By Jamiesthing

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In which Filly's cousin meets the Beta Squad will they get along? will they accept her and her past? niko x... More

𝕓𝕝𝕒𝕔𝕜 𝕤𝕚𝕝𝕜
𝕤𝕥𝕦𝕗𝕗 𝕥𝕠 𝕜𝕟𝕠𝕨
𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕜𝕚𝕕𝕕𝕠'𝕤


962 32 12
By Jamiesthing

"Well I think you would want to sit down before we tell you the news" is what the light skinned man said. "haha no need for that just tell me" I said.

"Ok well........

Armani's Pov:
Monday 07:56 A.M.

"Ok well we got good news for you and bad news which one first?" the light skinned man asked me with a soft voice.

"Doesn't matter just tell me why u here" I said now getting annoyed. "Alright so the bad news is that your step-fathers house was lit on fire because of a gas leak ." The man said taking a little pause to see if everything was alright with me but I remained keeping a straight face on. Cuz I simply don't care

"Him and your mom are in the hospital with a 3th degree burn wound and they got too much smoke in their lungs the chance that they will live is 50/50." I nodded not even changing my facial expression
"Then we have Christal, Amir, Tione, Jayden, Shay and Layla your half sisters and brothers I believe?"
I nodded getting worried when I heard my little siblings names.

"As for the good news Christal, Amir, Tione, Jayden, Shay and Layla are unharmed they just have a little bit of smoke in their lungs "

I let out a sigh or relief I didn't know I was holding. "Where are they now?" I asked the officer ready to go pick them up while their parents where in the hospital fighting for their lives. "They are in the **** hospital" "Alright thank u" "Take care" and with that the officers left.

I ran upstairs and got dressed brushed my teeth and took my keys and ran downstairs. Where I was met with Filly. "Hey where you going?" "My siblings are in the hospital I'll call you" I said while putting on my shoes and ran outside.

I got in my car and sped away. On my way to the hospital I called Filly to inform him about what happened. When I got to the hospital I ran inside to the desk. "Hallo how can I help you?" The woman behind the desk asked me politely. "I'm here for Christal, Amir, Tione, Jayden, Shay and Layla Clemonté" "Can I have your name so I can search you up in the system"

"Armani Barrientos" "Oh you're their older sister am I right" I nodded "Alright they are in room 265" "Alright thank u" And with that I sped walked to the stairs and skipped steps.

I walked to the little store inside the hospital and bought 6 teddy bears and balloons. When I got there I knocked on the door and walked in. My face immediately softened when I saw my siblings. I said "Hey Guysssss" and Christal, Tione, Layla, Shay and Jayden said "Armaniii" while Amir said "Mamaaaa"

You see Amir is the youngest. He is 2 years old he didn't know better I'm the only female figure in the kids life I knew the kids looked up at me as their role model. To be honest I always took care of them like they where my own and so did Jakeem and Rico. We got them clothes, shoes and all the other stuff they needed.

The only thing is their father only allowed Christal to come visit me and sleep over. That's also the reason why she was the only one with a room in my house I let her pick everything out and place it like she wanted to. But as soon as I get the kids home I will let them choose the rooms they want and then take them shopping for their rooms.

I walked over to their beds and hugged all of them and gave them their teddy bears. "Hey sweetie's how are yall doing?" I said while gathering their stuff around and putting it in bags to take them with me home.

"We missed you" Tione said "I missed you guys too, but good thing is you guys are gonna stay with me for a little while" "Really" they asked me all happy.

"Yess and we are gonna shop, eat a lot of ice cream and do a lot of fun stuff yeah?" I said and saw a big smile on their faces. "Yesssss" "Alright little guys imma look for your doctors and ask when I can take you home alright?" they nodded and with that I pressed the red button.

The doctor came walking in. "Hey how can I help you?" she asked in a sweet little voice. "When am I able to take my siblings home?" "They will be released around 2 o'clock" "Alright thank u"

When the doctor left I heard voices come from my phone. I totally forgot that I was on the phone with Filly. "Oh sorry I totally forgot I was on the phone with you" "nahh you good, how are the kids doing" I turned my camera around and told the kids to wave at Filly

"Hi Cuzziecuz" Christal and Jayden said. "Hey kiddo's how do all of you feel? You good yeah?" "Yeah we good" they all replied while Amir just played around with his teddy bear and balloon.

I turned the camera back around so I Filly could see me again. I walked to the hallway and told Filly the news. "So the chances that their parents keep on living is 50/50 they both inhaled a lot of smoke and got burned really bad"

"Oh shitt are you going to tell them?" "No not now at least they will get discharged around 2 o'clock I will then take them home let them eat something and then take them shopping for new stuff and decorations for their rooms"

"Alright imma get you lot some food and come by." "Alright we are in room 265 on the second floor see ya later innit" and with that I hung up.

I walked back in to the room and sat down on the couch in the room. It was now 8:30 in the morning that meant that we had to stay a couple more hours before I could take them home.

"Hey guys I will go for a little walk yeah? Imma be back in a couple minutes is tha alright?" I asked the kids. They all agreed and I made my way to the service desk.

"Hey in which room can I find Aaliyah Hazard and Blake Clemonté?" "Are you family?" the man behind the desk asked.

"Yeah I'm Aaliyahs blood daughter and Blake's steph-daughter" I said getting nauseous of even thinking about the two. "Oh your Armani am I right?" I nodded "They are in room 275" I thanked the man and walked over to their rooms.

I walked in the room and was met with the two adults. Blake was fully covered in bandage while the woman I used to call my mother was laying down with her left leg, right arm and face covered with bandage.

I began laughing when I saw them. Karma is a bitch after all the things these two people made me go through they deserve this. The man that used to abuse me everyday was now laying there helpless fighting for his life.

I took a quick picture for their casket if one of them or even both died. HA im a devil innit but anyways I walked back to my siblings room and was met with Filly who was playing around with the kids.

I laid down on the couch and scrolled through my phone until I felt something or should I say someone laying on top of me. When I looked up I saw Amiri sitting on my stomach playing with my belly button piercing.

"Pookiee" I said while tickling him making him laugh. "Oi Filly where's the food at?" Filly picked up a bag and handed me the bag. I thanked him and stood up straight and picked up Amiri and attached him on my hip.

"OI everybody sit down so we can eat" I said to the kids as they did as I said. I handed them their food. They mumbled a thank you and ate. I sat down on the couch with Filly next to me and put Amiri on my lap. I helped him eat and after he finished I began eating.

Little did I know that Filly was recording me.

After everyone ate I passed Amiri to Filly and took all the garbage and throwed it in the bin. I checked the time to see it was 12.30 already. Amiri and Layla were sleeping and the rest was just chilling watching tv.

I picked up Amiri put him in bed and covered him with the blankets. When I turned around I saw Filly on the phone with the gang. "Yoo whats good Filly" I believe chunkz asked him. "I'm good what about you guys?" "we good but where you at? That doesn't seem like Ami's or your house" Sharky said.

Something that I've learned about Sharky is that he sees the little details. Filly muted himself and turned to me. "Can I uh tell them about the situation orr?" "Uh yeah I guess"

He unmuted himself again. "Im at the hospital with Ami" after Filly said that I heard a lot of "Is she alright? What happened?" "No no she is oke but-" Filly was interrupted by Amiri crying.

"Hey baby whats wrong? Are you in pain?" I asked concerned while picking him up. When I picked him up he almost immediately attached his arms around my neck. "Mami I- I had a b-bad d-dream about fire" he said while crying again.

"Hey baby it's alright your save now look we can go home soon and have a lot of fun does that sound good?" Amiri nodded and put his head down my shoulder. I looked over to the rest of my siblings who were all asleep.

I sat down next to Filly who had put his phone on a table against a water bottle. I waved at the camera and took out my phone for Amiri. "Hey pookie you wanna watch cocomelon?" he smiled and nodded. I gave him my phone and he kissed my cheek.

"So who could've known that the one and only Armani Barientos had a soft side" Aj said.
I gave him a unbothered look and focussed back on Amiri. "Also why have you never told us you had a child?" when he said that I busted out laughing.

" you is jarring" I said simply. "But you never told us why you in the hospital" Jada butted in. "oh yeah well my parents house was lit on fire and my little brothers and sisters were with them" I said nonchalantly while the rest all had shocked expressions and muttered a "I'm sorry" or a "Are they alright?"

"Yeah they are. Aren't you pookie" I said while tickling Amiri. He let out a little laugh. "Can we come by when you get home?" "Yeah sure" To be honest I still felt bad to be around them I guess I will just be dry to them again.

Soon I was snapped out of my thoughts by a knock on the door. I looked up to see it was the doctor. "Hey how are you guys doing so far?" "we're good" Jayden spook up. I didn't even know he was awake but okay.

"That's great to hear. Well I'm here to let you know you can go home earlier" "Alright thank u" "You welcome, I have prescribed medication for the children that you can pick up the service desk and if you have any questions or concerns you can always call to make a appointment" I nodded and she left.

Filly was still on the phone with the squad. I turned to Amiri and Jayden and asked them if they wanted to help me wake up their brother and sisters. When they woke up I gathered all their stuff that the firemen's could save and walked out to the service desk to get there medicine.

After we finished up Filly stepped in his car and took Christal, Tione, Jaydena and Shay with him cuz they wanted to and Amiri and Layla came with me.

On our way to my place I drove in the mcdrive and ordered food for the kids, the squad, Filly and I. I paid and drove home.

When we got home we was met with the squad sitting on the couch with the rest of the kids that drove with Filly.

"I brought food" when I said that everybody looked up and took place on the table while the adults sat on the couch. I sat down at the table with the kids so I could help them if they needed it and to make sure they don't spill anything.

After the we all ate we just chilled for a bit till I remembered I had to get them stuff and do their rooms and shit.

"Oh Fuc-dge I totally forgot we had things to do kids" "Huh what do we need to do?" Christal said. "Well you don't gotta do anything since you already got you room here but for the rest of the kids come upstairs with me"

I walked upstairs and they followed me. "Oke kids as you know you gonna stay with me for a while" they nodded. "so you can all choose a room for your selves and then after you made ya choices we are going to shop and get you clothes and decoration for your room does that sound good?" they all agreed. The kids all made their way to look around and chose their rooms.

"Alright is everybody happy with their rooms?" the kids nodded again.

to be continued.....


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