South Park Oneshots & stuff...

By Albahacabs

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ONHOLD UNTIL I FINISH MY OMORI BOOK Oneshots, Preferences, Headcanons... Request anything you want! This will... More

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๐ŸŽSome Headcanons๐ŸŽ
Butters, Jimmy and Scott catch up!

๐ŸŒHow you guys met๐ŸŒ

91 4 6
By Albahacabs

Some of the preferences are gonna be longer than others, for example, Cartman's one is longer that Kenny's one in this case
Also, if you're male, non-binary or any pronoun but female, you look female in Cartman's preferences


-Narrator's pov-
It was monday and you walked to school, well, not exactly school, but the bus stop

Your family wasn't rich, but had a lot of money. Your parents used to have two cars, but your father wanted a better car, so they sold both of them and bought an (insert expensive car brand name)

The problem is, your mother had an accident this weekend.
She was luckily not hurt much, but the car was hit so hard it was completely useless, and it was impossible to fix it

Why am I telling you this? Well, your parents used to drive you to school, but since the car they used to drive was destroyed and they hadn't bought a new car yet you had to go in the school bus, which you weren't happy of

-Y/n's pov-

I've been walking to what my parents told me was the nearest bus stop for 10 minutes now and still haven't arrived
For now, im just impatient to go to see my friends (the girls) and tell them about the accident, luckily they'll feel sad and give me money

I started seeing a sign now, and there I see four boys too
Before I could take a closer look I heard one of them say...

—Guys look! A whore!— 


-Stan's pov-

—I know right? They're sooo pathetic— I heard Shelly say from the kitchen, she was in a call with one of her friends

I was about to say something even if she was in a call, but decided not to since she would probably hit me

She continued talking shit about someone, I didn't knew who she was talking about though
When she ended the call I decided to ask her

—Who was that person you were talking about?— I asked
—Why do you even care turd?— She asked back

—Im just... curious— I told her
—Ugh, they're just a stupid person. They're super annoying and the biggest turd I've ever met. I actually saw them sitting on the floor in the middle of the street looking depressed, fucking attention seeker...— She answered complaining about her

—Oh, uh... okay Shelly, I'll go now— I said and went away from there
—Finally, im free from turds— I heard her say

I felt bad for the person Shelly was talking about, even if I didn't know them.
I decided that, since Shelly said they were in the street, maybe I could find them and talk to them, so I exited the house

-Y/n's pov-

I was sitting in the street, I didn't have any other place where I could feel a bit calm
My house is a pretty calm place, yeah, it's calm until my parents start arguing, that is basically every day

There's also this girl, Shelly. I haven't known her for long, but she keeps tormenting me with her friends, at least she just hurts me mentally I guess

I put my head on my legs, and heard a voice



—Okay class, so after one month I finally have the exam results— Mr Garrison said
You started cursing in your mind, you were sure you were gonna fail since you didn't study, and the rest of your class seemed worried too, well, everyone except Kyle

Kyle always got nice grades, he was the top student

—My parents are already mad at me, what am I gonna do Bebe?— Wendy asked
—Don't worry Wendy, Im sure you did good— She answered trying to calm her down

—Okay, the grades aren't really good, they're actually horrible, but whatever. Oh, and im gonna say them outloud because I don't give a shit if you're embarrased— Mr Garrison added

Mr Garrison started saying the grades outloud and everyone so far had failed the exam

—Okay, Kyle Broflovski...— Mr Garrison said —You got an A—
—Could been better, but still, great!— Kyle said
—Now, the last person... Y/n L/n— Mr garrison said looking at your exam

You gulped, thinking you failed

—I don't know how this happened, but you got an A+, congrats I guess— Mr Garrison said

You were shocked, and didn't expect this to happen, but you weren't gonna complain

Kyle looked at you and his jaw dropped, but you didn't notice he was looking at you. He had never had a conversation with you, neither he had gave you much attention, he didn't even know your name until now

After class, he decided to talk to you

—Hey uh... y/n right?— He asked not sure if that was your name
—Yeah, need anything?— You said closing your locker and looking at him

—I just wanted to say that im really impressed you got a higher grade than me, Im not calling you dumb! It's just that well, I usually have the highest grade in the class, so... yeah— He said

—Heh... yeah, im surprised too, I thought I failed— You laughed a bit at your comment
—Well, you gotta teach me your ways, wanna meet in the library this afternoon?— He asked

—Sure, I don't know what im gonna teach you tho, I put all the answers randomly in the test and it was pure luck that I got that grade— You said —So, see you at... 4:30 p.m?—
—Alright, see you!— He said and went away, celebrating that it went well


—Hey dude!— You greeted your new friend, Kyle
—Hey, how are you?— He asked

You've been friends with him for like, two weeks. You're a new kid in school and he was really nice to you

—Pretty good, who are they?— You asked after noticing he was with three other boys
—Oh, they're my friends and Cartman— He answered and the fat boy seemed annoyed

—Hi— The guy with the hood said between muffles
—Im sorry, what?— You asked not understanding what he just said

—He's Kenny, it's hard to understand him at first because of his hood— Kyle said and Kenny nodded

—Well, nice to meet you Kenny— You said and shook his hand
—Nice to meet you too!— You managed to hear

—Wait, you said "Nice to meet you too", right?—You asked
—Yep— He answered
—Nice! Im already good at understanding you— You said


—Girls stop, everyone knows Kenny is the hottest boy in school— One of the girls said
—What? No! Craig is way hotter— Another one said
—Well yeah, but he's gay— The girl from before said

You were sick of this, everyday the girls discussed on who was the hottest guy on school, and since they never agreed, they kept on fighting

—Girls, this gave me an idea— Bebe said catching everyone's attention —We should make a boy popular so he buys us stuff—
—Nice idea Bebe! Who though?— Lola asked
—I was thinking about Clyde— Bebe added

—Perfect! Let's make a plan— Red said
—Who's Clyde?— You asked and all the girls turned their head to face you
—You don't know who Clyde is?— Wendy asked in shock

—No?-— You said and got cut off by Bebe
—Go talk with him now! You can't be our friend if you don't know all the decent looking boys!— Bebe said

—Uhhh... Sure? Who is he?— You asked
—That boy right there— Bebe said pointing at a brown haired boy

You got up from your seat and went to talk to him

—Hi— You said and he looked at you
—Oh, hey, can I get your name?— He asked in a flirty voice
—Y/n, the girls told me to talk to you— You told him
—Heh, of course they did...— Clyde said


—Okay, truth or dare Cartman?— Kyle asked

You had been playing truth or dare with your friends for about 5 minutes, since the five of you didn't know what to do during recess

—Truth— Cartman answered
—Who are the people apart from jews that you hate the most?— Kyle asked
—French people, duh— He answered as if it was obvious

—You can't just say that! You don't know anyone who's french— You told him
—Dude, we all know a french person— Stan said

—Wait, really?— You asked
—Yeah dude, Pip— Kyle told you

—Who?— You asked
—Pip dude! The annoying frenchie— Stan said

—I still don't know who you're talking about— You told them
—That guy right there— Stan said and pointed at a blond boy with a brown newsboy cap

—Oh alright— You said and got up —I'll go talk to him then— You said
—What? You don't want to do that, trust me! He's annoying as hell— Kyle said
—I do want to, I want to know as much people as possible, plus, you guys said he was annoying, so im going to see if that's true— You said going away

He was sitting down on the floor, since he didn't have any friends that would let them sit with him
When you arrived at where he was you coughed to gain his attention

—I already gave you my lunch today Crai- Oh, hello there ma'am!— He said, at first thinking you were Craig

—Did you think I was Craig?— You asked
—Well yes, im sorry— He apologized
—No, It's okay don't worry. Why are you sitting here and not in a table?— You asked

—No one will let me sit with them— He said scratching the back of his head a bit awkardly
—Well, then you can come sit with Cartman, Kenny, Stan, Kyle and me— You told him
—No! It's fine, they wouldn't want me to— He told you

—Okay, then I'll sit with you here—


-Y/n's pov-

I was walking on the street, heading to the supermarket since my mother had sent me to buy bread and stuff like that

Suddenly, you heard some kind of squeak coming from the floor
You looked around, trying to find what kind of animal or object was making that noise, when you fell something on your left foot

You looked down, and noticed an animal. It kind of looked like a hamster, but it was bigger
You took it up with your hands and it started squeaking more

—Whoa, calm down buddy. What animal are you?... Hm— You said looking curiously at it —Wait, are you a guinea pig? Oh, I love guinea pigs!—

You looked at it more closely and noticed it looked kind of scared

—You ran away from your owner, didn't you? Alright, I'll help you find him, her or whatever their pronouns are— You said and started looking around to see who to ask first

You started asking people if the guinea pig was theirs, but everyone said "no" or looked at the guinea pig in disgust

You were about to give up when you heard someone

—Have you seen a guinea pig? It's like this size and-— You heard a boy say to a woman, but the woman went away without giving a shit —Oh, okay I guess you have better stuff to do— He said and flipped the woman off when she wasn't looking

You quickly ran to him, being careful so the guinea pig didn't fall and touched his shoulder so he would turn around

He was about to ask what you wanted but he saw the guinea pig

—Stripe!— He said and took it from your hands hugging it, but pulling back quickly since he was embarrased —I uh- how did you find him?— He asked

—He was running around the street, so I picked him up and looked for the owner— You answered
—Oh, well thank you then— He said, waved at you and walked away


—You have to stop drinking coffee y/n!— Your mother shouted
—But I like coffee!— You shouted back and your mother took the cup of coffee you were drinking away from you —Hey!—

—We know you like coffee, but you're addicted, and it can be bad for your health!— Your dad said

—Im not going to die because of drinking coffee!— You shouted
—You can If you drink too much, so you're not drinking any coffee from now on— Your mom let you know

—Ugh, whatever, I'll just go for a walk— You said and walked out of the kitchen, where you were talking with your parents

You opened the door and walked out of the house. You weren't just gonna go for a walk, you were coing to a cafe to get more coffee

Your father once let you try a bit of coffee as a joke, thinking you weren't gonna like it, but you enjoyed it so much that you became addicted

You looked for a cafe on town, you were sure there was at least one cafe, every town has a cafe...

And suddenly, you found what you were looking for

—Great!— You said to yourself opening the cafe's door

You looked around, trying to find a waiter or someone that worked in the cafe that could take your order

You noticed a kid and decided to ask him

—Hey, do you know where the people who work here are?— You asked
—Gah! I uh- My parents do, but they leaved my here! It's horrible being in here alone!— He said looking paranoid

—So uh... you can take my order then?— You asked and he nodded —Then can I get a/an (coffee of your choice)?— You asked and he nodded again going in the kitchen

You decided to sit in a table and a few minutes later he came back with your coffee

—Here you go...— He said trying to calm down and placing your coffee in the table
—Thanks!— You thanked him

You finished your coffee and was about to leave but you heard him say something

—Wait! Can you stay here? The underpants gnomes might come for me if im alone!— He said
—I uh... Sure, I don't have anything better to do anyway— You said confused on what the underpants gnomes were, but decided not to ask


You were a new kid in school and didn't have any friends here
Yesterday had been your first day in the school, but kids didn't pay much attention to you, and continued living their lives as usual, not even talking to you

You were both happy and upset about that at the same time, happy because that meant you didn't have to talk with complete strangers, upset because you couldn't make any friend that way

At lunch, you had to sit in the floor since no one would let you sit with them
You noticed another kid that was sitting on the floor and thought you had an oportunity to make a friend, so you stood up to talk to him

—Hey! How are you?— You asked not knowing how to start a conversation
—Oh, hello! I don't think I know you ma'am— He said

—Well, that's because im new here— You told him
—Oh, I don't want to sound rude, but then im guessing you don't have any friends, right?— He asked

—You're right! And I wanted to ask if you wanted to be friends— You told him
—I'd love too!— He said standing up and really happy —Then may I get your name?—
—Of course, Im y/n— You answered

—Nice to meet you y/n! My name is-— He said but got cut off by a girl
—Pip! Leave her alone— A blond girl said pushing Pip aside
—Yeah!— A brunette said and the blond started pulling your arm

—Come on, you're coming with us!— The blond girl said
—I uh... Sorry dude, but I gotta take any oportunity to make friends! See you after school!— You said and walked to the girls table, feeling bad about the blond boy

You sat on the table with the girls and they started introducing themselves

—And last but not least, that's Wendy— Bebe said and a girl with black hair waved at you smiling
—Nice to meet you— Wendy said


You were in the bus station, talking with your friends Kyle and Kenny and waiting for Stan to arrive, Cartman was there too, but he isn't your friend of course

You then saw Stan arrive and waved at him, stopping the conversation

—Hey dude!— You greeted him
—Why did you take so long?— Kenny asked

—I found Wendy when walking to the bus station and she wanted to talk to me, she told me Bebe wants to see you, Kyle— He said

—Me?— Kyle asked
—Do I know anyone else names Kyle?— Stan asked
—Right... Why though?— Kyle asked
—I don't know dude, she just said Bebe wanted to see you after school— Stan answered

—Oh, that bitch...— You said to yourself, but the others heard you and they starter staring at you because of it —What? She's a bitch—

—Yeah, what if I don't want to see her after school?— Kyle asked
—No, you know what? You're gonna meet her after school, and im gonna have a little talk with her— You said 

You hated Bebe, like a lot. You had never talked to her, but you saw her spitting on people's head and making fun of people, so you didn't even have to talk to her to know she was a bitch


—Oh, heeey Kyle!— Bebe greeted him with a huge smile and then noticed you were there, making her smile fade away —Sorry, I just wanted to talk to Kyle—

—Well, I'll let you talk with my friends when you stop being such a bitch!— You shouted pointing at her


—Guys, look!— You shouted to your friends
—What's wron- WHOA!— Kyle said

You were showing them your phone, you were at school and it was lunch time

—How did you manage to get it in school?— Stan asked
—Long story, but now we can watch Terrance and Philip!— You said happily

—Oh sweet!— Cartman said and got near you 
—You better get in the back Cartman, your fat ass will make us unable to see— Kyle saod
—Oh shut up you jew!— Cartman shouted back

You started watching Terrance and Philip with your friends, being careful that no one saw you had your phone

—I know right? Shows these days are soooo immature, Terrance and Philip for example, with their fart jokes!— You heard a girl say from behind and you turned around

—Hey! Terrance and Philip is great, and fart jokes are funny!— You said 

—Yeah sure, I guess everyone has a different opinion, but still, ew— She said

—Have you even seen a complete episode of the show?— You asked
—Nope— She answered
—Then try and watch one!— You said showing her your phone, where you were watching Terrance and Philip

She stared at the phone for about a minute

—Uhh... Not the type of show I like to watch, but I guess It could be worse— She said
—See? It's good!— You said and went back to watching the show with your friends


You were at the spelling bee contests, but just watching it, you were a bit late, making you unable to see the introduction of the kids that were gonna participate
Cartman got eliminated on the first round, and you weren't surprised by it, you were actually expecting it

Two kids that you didn't know ended up winning, after Kyle was eliminated (In here Kyle doesn't take a liking to Rebecca)

Kyle was really angry, and started venting on how he was annoyed because those kids won

—Kyle, im not calling you dumb, you got a pretty hard word to spell, but those kids sure are smart— You told him

—And now you're defending them?— He asked, mad
—No, you would have probably won if you didn't get that word, but they're smart too— You answered

—Yeah, sure, but no one even knows who they are! They said they're homeschooled or sum— He said

—Oh, I didn't know that! I've always been interested on how different homeschooling is than going to school, I'll talk to them— You said
—Sure, see you tomorrow?— He asked and you nodded, walking away

You followed the kids until they arrived at their house, so you knocked on the door
—Rebecca, see how's there— You heard a male voice say from the inside

The door was opened and revealed the girl from the spelling bee contest

—Yes?— She asked


You were new in school, and had met Heidi in the first class, she was really nice
She had invited you to sit with her and her friends during recess, and you said yes of course, any oportunity to make friends is good

So there you were sitting in a table with a bunch of girls awkardly, without saying anything
The girls were just talking about the stuff they usually talked about *cough*, boys, *cough*

The brunette looked annoyed by this, so she stopped the conversation

—Girls! There's a new student in our table!— Heidi said and all the girls stopped talking and looked around the table to see who the new person was

—Right!— A blond said —Sorry Heidi—
—You shouldn't apologize to me Bebe, you should apologize to her— Heidi said
—That's true sorry uh...— She stopped talking since she didn't know your name

—Y/n, it's y/n— You answered
—Oh, okay, sorry then y/n— The blond said and Heidi smiled


-Y/n's pov-

Soooo... the pc principal is giving one of his long af talks right now, It's pretty boring not gonna lie
I started hearing a girl talk about (insert videogame name), which I really like, so I decided to listen to what she was saying

They started talking about my favourite character and I had the urge to join the conversation

—They're a really well writen character— You said and they stopped talking and looked at you, you started regretting commenting something the second you said that

—Yeah, they're my favourite character— The girl with black hair said
—Same!— You said, a little bit louder than you should

—LESLIE SHOUT YOUR MOUTH!— The pc principal shouted and everyone went silent

—Wanna continue talking about it after school?— You whispered and she nodded


You were a new student at school, so you were pretty nervous since people were probably gonna pay attention to you and stare at you

But luckily, you weren't the only new student
There was also a new girl at school, who seemed pretty nice

You guessed that, since she was new, she didn't have any friends, that would be your chance to make a new friend at your new school, so you decided to talk to her at recess

—Hey, mind if I sit with you?— You asked
—Nope!— She answered and patted the spot next to where she was sitting

You sat down

—So, I heard you're new, right?— You asked
—Yeah, Im Nichole— She answered
—That's nice! Im y/n, im new too— You said

—Cool!— She answered and you both went silent for a few seconds

—So uh... How did you get a table all for your own?— You asked
—Oh, well, the girls invited me to sit with them, but they went to the bathroom to talk about something important I think, they'll be back any moment, and I can introduce you to them, they're really nice!— She suggested

—Sure!— You answered

Yeah, don't mind that, im just happy I finally finished this chapter lol. The chapters might take a while to make (since there are 15 characters in this shit) so please be patient
See you in the next chapter!

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