Finding Mr. Knight (DDLB) | ✔️

By BoundlessReverie

300K 10.1K 1.9K

✔️ | What happens if you fall for a man after only a few dates? And what do you do when he disappears from y... More

40. Epilogue


8K 266 22
By BoundlessReverie


We were about half way done bringing in Noah's furniture and there were two things I noticed.

Actually, three.

One, Chris was eyeing me up with a glare nearly the entire morning and has barely spoken a word to me. For good reason though, I suppose.

Two, Noah looked absolutely adorable trying to carry the large boxes off the truck.

And three, the black car parked across the street with windows tinted dark enough it was impossible to see inside. I couldn't shake the feeling that someone was in there watching me.

After everything that happened, I thought it was done. . . I thought I'd escape him and he'd leave me alone. I guess it was wishful thinking after what I did.

Yes, I might have taken something for myself and maybe did a few other things, but he deserved it. He got nearly everything of theirs, I didn't think it would matter. I just don't know what more he wants from me. Well, besides probably wanting me dead, but the fortune he has should already be enough.

That also brings me to Noah. . . Seeing the way I hurt him crushed me. Even though we haven't gotten to know everything about each other, it's clear he's very easily attached. I have no doubts me getting taken had hurt him deeply. It was even worse after finding out the fact that he was a virgin when we made love. I broke his heart and i'm going to fix it.

Despite everything that still may be going on in my life, I'm going to do everything I can to make up my actions to Noah. That means being a little over the top with the sweetness, the compliments, showing him I want to spend time together. . . He needs to understand I'm all in with him, even if its a little much.  It's nice seeing him blush when I call him baby boy, or if I touch him a certain way anyways. It's safe to say I have no complaints.

The connection we shared over that short period of time made me fall hard for him. I always thought those romance movies were bullshit and falling in love wasn't something that would happen for me, but being with Noah proved that to be wrong. When you find that person for you, you'll know with every fibre of you're being.

Noah will always be my whirlwind romance.

The truck was nearly empty when I noticed the black car's engine start. I felt something wasn't right and I couldn't have Noah out here.

"You guys head inside, I'm going to have a smoke and I'll bring the rest up." I plastered on a smile, hoping my anxiousness wasn't visible.

My little Noah ran up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I wanted to bask in the moment and hold him forever, but I can't risk his safety.

"Thank you for helping me today." Noah whispered in a shy, quiet voice.

"You're welcome sweetheart, now go inside. I'll be in shortly, okay?" I kissed the top of his head and forced out a smile.

Once it was just me out there, I put a cigarette between my teeth and lit the end of it, inhaling the sweet toxicity.

With the smoke in my mouth, I reached into the moving truck and pulled a couple boxes to the edge, looking anxiously over my shoulder.

I knew it was his men. The rage building inside of me had me shaking. It was anger, yes, but also the dread and abhorrence of them knowing what Noah looks like. I would approach the car, but I know his men are fully armed with weapons that could kill me in an instant.

After what I did, I have to admit I'm surprised they haven't killed me yet. I just hopes of get lucky and they would forget about me. I don't know why they care so much, well I mean of course I do, but it's not like what I did made him go broke.

It had me stricken with fear so badly that it had me debating whether risking Noah's safety was something I really should be doing.

I took another drag of my cigarette and nearly jumped out of my skin when the car pulled from its spot. It drove extremely slow until it came to a stop beside me.

The window rolled down just enough for whoever was inside to drop an envelope to the ground and not even a second later, they sped off.

My eyes downcasted to the ground; I moved quick to pick it up.

I sat on the back of the truck with the envelope beside me and closed my eyes.

Will it ever stop?


They had just taken my finger prints and left me in some kind of run down holding cell. It was grungy and smelled horrible.

Something didn't feel right, but I couldn't place my finger on what it was.

I sat there for god knows how many hours. They wouldn't let me make a call, they wouldn't tell me what's going on. . . Absolutely nothing.

The name they called me by didn't sound familiar at all. I don't even know anyone by the name of Viktor, let alone the last name Morozov. No matter how hard I thought about it my mind was coming up blank.

I was nodding in and out of sleep with my head against the dirty cement wall when someone banged against the metal bars.

"I thought you'd like to know that your prints matched those of Viktor Morozov. Nice job trying to bullshit us. Almost fell for it." He chuckled condescendingly. "Looks like you're going back to where ever the fuck you came from." He added with a scowl.

"That's not right and you know it! I've never heard of the fucking person you're talking about! Let me out of here!" I yelled, jumping up from my spot on the worn out mattress.

"You can take it up with the Russian government you filthy immigrant." He spat down at my feet, making me wish I could strangle him.

"It's disgusting how you treat people! I've been in American nearly my entire life! I have all the documents proving so if you'd just let me get them from my house!"

"Enough with the bullshit! Do you really think we're going to fall for that set up? You're a delusional man, Viktor. You're the most wanted man in Russia, I'll be damned if you fuck this up for me. You're going away for a long time you sick bastard."

Most wanted man in Russia? What the fuck is he on about?

"You're not going to get away with this! You've got the wrong guy!" I shouted as he walked away laughing.

I slammed my fist against the wall, hard enough to draw blood then slumped back down on the small, most likely mould infested bed.

I couldn't say how much longer I waited. Could have been an hour, maybe ten. When you have no windows or a clock, it's impossible to keep track of time.

The officers cuffed me by the ankles and wrists, keeping a tight hold on either of my arms as they led me to some kind of garage.

One of the guys opened up the back and the other shoved me in, forcing me to slam my face to the floor of the vehicle. There was no windows in here either, basically another prison cell but on wheels.

"Told you you're going back to where you came from." The man who was speaking with me earlier said.

There was nothing I could say or do to get out of this situation. I had no choice but to sit there and wait. Are they really taking me to Russia? This all has to be some sick prank. None of this is making any sense!

I was thrown across the van when whoever was in the front floored on the gas, groaning when my body slammed against the wall.

We drove for a good while until it suddenly came to an abrupt stop.

The doors went flying open and there were two armed men standing in front of me. The harsh rays of the sun burnt my eyes, but there was nothing I could do to block it because there was a chain attached to my feet and hands, not allowing me to lift my arms up.

"Hurry up and get the fuck out." One of the men snapped.

I slid across the metal floor of the van as best as I could until one of them grabbed hold of the chain, harshly pulling throwing me to the ground.

"You fucking asshole." I grumbled iritatedly.

"Wanna say that again?"

I clenched my jaw and kept my mouth shut.

That's when I noticed we were on an airstrip, parked next to a plane.

Fuck, this can't be happening.

"I'll make sure you never step foot back in this country, mark my words." One officer said, causing the other few that were there to laugh.

"And I'll make sure you get put in prison for deporting the wrong person! My name is Aleksander, not Viktor!" I shouted.

"Yeah, and i'm a woman." One man said, laughing sinisterly. "Doesn't sound believable, does it?"

I scoffed. "You could be a fucking woman, who the hell knows!"

That earned me a swift punch to the jaw. I tasted metallic and spit the blood from my my mouth onto the tarmac.

They both grabbed my arms and dragged me to the plane even with me fighting against them.

"Let me go!" I yelled, knowing it wouldn't do anything for me. I'm getting sent to a place I don't know, possibly going to prison and no fucking way to reach anyone.

What am I going to do if they send me to jail? Clearly there's no way to prove I'm not this Viktor guy because how the fuck are my fingerprints not registering as me? It makes no sense!

The officers led me to a seat on the empty plan and removed the chain that attached my hands and ankles together.

"Better buckle in, it's going to be a long ride." He smirked and patted my shoulder, leaving me there alone.

I debated making a run for it, but when I poked my head into the aisle, there were two very large men standing there, speaking what sounded like Russian to each other.

I sighed and leaned back in my seat.

When I closed my eyes, the relization that I left Noah at my house hit me. He's probably so hurt and confused, and he doesn't even know where I am.

There's no way for him to know anything is wrong either. . . It's not like I have my cellphone to text him either. Fuck! He's going to think I don't care about him, or that he was just some one night stand. The thought of that hurts so badly.

Noah is sensitive. He's adorable, funny and so shy. . . Whenever I get back, he'll be my first stop. There is no way i'm getting stuck in Russia for the rest of my life.

It's not my home, this is my home and it always will be.

Literal hours went by until I felt the plane descending, and once we were finally on the ground, the two Russian men were in the aisle beside me.

They said something in Russian which I couldn't understand, but I stood up cautiously, shuffling my feet until I was standing between them. One was standing in front of me and the other behind.

The guy behind me pushed me forwards, nearly making me stumble. "Быстрее!" (Faster) He snapped.

There was a blacked out SUV parked in front of the planes exit and before I knew it, something was thrown over my head and I was shoved into the back seat.

"You will not move unless you want to be killed." Someone said with a thick Russian accent. The only accent I've ever heard like that is from Anya, the woman who raised me in America.  That's probably where I developed my accent, but it is nowhere near as strong as theirs.

"Aren't you police? Why am I in the back seat of a car with my head in a fucking bag?!"

"Ah, an idiot you are. You will see very soon."

The vehicle stopped, I heard the door by my feet opening and someone shoved me to the ground.


The vehicle sped off and the covering on my head was torn off.

I shifted my eyes up only to be met with a spitting image of myself.

"Hello, brother."


My eyes shot open to someone snapping their fingers in my face. I grabbed their wrist and held it tightly.

"Fuck, Chris? What are you doing?" I shook my head to rid my daze and released my hold on him.

He rubbed at his wrist with his free hand, taking a small step away from me.

"What the fuck was that for?!" He shouted.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to grab you like that. I didn't know it was you I swear—"

"So if it was Noah, you'd grab him like that?!"

"No! No, fuck. I would never hurt Noah. I'd never lay a hand on him." My words came out so fast I could only hope he understood what I said. When I glanced down, I noticed the envelope and quickly slid it behind me.

"The aggression is telling me otherwise." He frowned, crossing his arms. "I told Noah and I'll tell you too, you hurt him, say goodbye to your dick."

"You have to believe me, I would never harm him. I— you just startled me. I didn't hear you coming up, it's just instinct." I pleaded.

"What's got you so jumpy then? What, afraid someone's after you? Did you commit some sort of crime and make some enemies? Drug dealer? Theif? Maybe the Mafia?"

"Look, I don't appreciate you belittling my character. I haven't done anything wrong. I don't do drugs, I'm not in the Mafia, I'm not some ruthless criminal and I definitely do not do harm to other people!" Unless it's self defense. I sighed. "I get you being upset, but I told Noah what happened. It was out of my control."

"Yeah, he told me you were deported, but something doesn't sound right. Two years without any contact to anyone here? Sounds made up. I know for a fact something else happened. I can see it on your face."

"I didn't know Noah's number, Chris. I had no way back. There's a lot of things you don't know and for yours and everyone else's safety, I can't tell you."

"Our safety? How ominous." Chris rolled his eyes.

"You know what, it's clear I'm not welcomed here so I'm going to go. At least tell Noah I'm sorry and I'll see him another day."

"I'm not trying to be a dick, but come on. You have to see it from my perspective."

"And I do, I get it. I look like some untrustworthy asshole who up and left Noah with no valid reason, but that's not it. You don't understand how severe the things are that happened when I was there. I'm not just talking out of my ass, Chris."

"Just know one thing, Noah is everything to me and the thought of him has been the only thing to get me though the last two years. I may be selfish but I couldn't bear another second without him. I'm sorry if you don't understand what happened to me, but I told you all that can be said." I lit up another cigarette and walked off, giving Chris no time to respond.

I'd love to get the truth off my chest. Nothing sounds better than having someone to talk to about everything, but I can't risk it.

I could never forgive myself if the boy I love gets hurt.


A/N - What do you think really happened to Alek?;)

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