Fantasy Male X Female Oneshots

By PriestessSummer

25.4K 442 45

Updated when new stories come to mind. Or requests now. A collection of Fantasy Oneshots featuring Fantasy... More

Welcome to the Family
Chased into Love
Y/N and the Bad Boy
Requests are Welcome!
Pirates ( Part 1 Shiki)
The Raven, The Rabbit, & The Girl.
A devil named Raven?
The not so Angel
Dark Masquerade V1(Mature)
Book of Devils: Usagi: The arrival of the Moon Rabbit
The Bad Room (Yandere)
The Den
Big Bad Hybrid
Just for my Wolf
Mirror Demon's Grudge
Stargazing with the Vampire
Remember Me
Dark Masquerade Returns (mature)

Shrinking Violet and her Love

223 5 0
By PriestessSummer

She called him Violet. He didn't quite understand it until he looked into it in the large library of the manor. The term she'd technically used was Shrinking Violet.

Well, she wasn't wrong. He had always tended to stay behind. Back out of what he wanted to do, and watch over his own manor.

Well, not anymore. That all stopped the day she mentioned him by name. She couldn't stop staring as she listened to him. His brother had been the one to relay it to him. He made his decision and brought her to him for a few minutes that day. Ever since she'd been on his mind, and talked to him often.

He had eyes for her for quite a time. Ever since her friend brought her to thebkindgdomnandntried to convince his brother to let him kill her. However. She had changed his mind, and many others, by dancing and singing with them. After that she would crash banquets frequently, and they always enjoyed her company.

She was also, in his opinion, a Shrinking Violet. Maybe not out of her human form, but in it, she certainly was. Speaking of her human form...

Y/N was currently lying on her bed across his chest, with Jiko sitting next to his him as well. Violet was lying against the wall, propped up on his elbows, watching her read. Jiao played with his hair and mindlessly her to while dating off listening to her music.

This was nice.

This was different.

It was a pretty, relaxing, gloomy day. Perfect for this kind of cuddles. He'd never been one to express that he wabted them, but damn this felt good. He was surprised Jiko accepted him as much as he did. He even helped Violet make plans to spend time with them later that night. Y/N was a loving girl.  She was  kind to people and easily went along with most things Jiko wanted.

It was weird but not unwanted. I'm fact he longed for it. For her. Jiko was open and seemed to enjoy extra company as well.

As he watched her, he couldn't help but notice her shirt had a very low back. She had angry looking red lines. It confused him. Her skin was beautiful. Hardly flawed. He looked over at Jiko as if to ask what happened silently.

Jiko looked away from him, guilt evident in his eyes. It only furthered his curiosity. Jiko's demeanor seemed to change a little. Hostility evident in his behavior. Mostly, to himself.


Y/N fell asleep late that night. Her human body shifted and changed. Her hair grew longer, and her skin was still very light and dotted with beautiful freckles. Seeing her wake under the glow of the moon was absolutely breathtaking. A luxury not many had seen yet. Maybe eventually, but not currently.

" My Love, can we skip the hide and seek? Just take us away for the night, beautiful?" His voice was silky smooth to his ears. One of many Vices that had gripped him for so long. It pushed him towards the edge every time. They all did.

The glint in her eyes was playful and downright mischievous. That is until she saw he was serious. Y/N simply smiled. " Fine then. I don't mind. But, you two will have to find me there. You will know what to do when you get there. "  She waved her hands in front of their faces, and things went purple around them.

Yes, purple. Lavander, Violet, Royal purple... any combination of purple imaginable. Hues of pink and soft blues dotted the skies and lined the ground as well. Violet noticed that some trees were slowly shifting, changing. They became one of his favorites. Sweet pea. It was beautifully floral, enticing, and relaxing.

Jiko looked just as stunned as Violet felt. He glanced over at him and smiled a little. " It is my first time here as well.  She has never brought me here before. Though it does remind me of the place I took her to give her her ring and make her mine. That was a long time ago now, though. "

" I wonder, it was light before. Why is it dark now?" He asked.

" It isn't dark. It is the time just before Sunrise and well into the night. " He answered nsered softly. " A friend has been here before. He told me a little about it. I have been dying to see it without asking before now. She doesn't bring many people here. Just those she trusts. " He paused as little giggles echoed around them. " Those must be the souls she tends to. "

" Souls as well, hmm? She's quite busy for a halfling. " Violet remarked impressed by the world she called her own.

" Indeed she is, and she always makes time for us. " Jiko smiled. " This space isn't known to those dead or alive or even human. Just the lost. A place for them to rest eternally. You will find Y/N is talented with magic, though dangerous as well-"

A swarm of pink and yellow fireflies flew in front of them. Violet watched them dance. " I feel like that is our que. "

" Indeed. " Jiko nodded softly as he took steps forward with Violet right behind him.

They walked for a while, through the soft breezes that carried petals and cast them down around them. Wisteria was everywhere, and so was newly blooming sweet pea and cherry blossom. Eventually, the fireflies led them to a nicely placed rock path.

Ahead, they saw a small Pavillion. Or at least it looked small from afar. As they grew close to it, it was huge. An open building, something between Roman and Greek. Deep green vines climbed each of its pillars,  and a set of perfectly carved stairs took them upward under its canopy.

Y/N was nowhere in sight. Instead, the Pavillion was deserted. Violet wondered if she'd backed out. Decided she felt too shy to meet them here. It was a beautifully laid out place.

" Don't think that way Vi. She is shy, but probably just gathering stuff she wants to use. " He said softly.

The fireflies gathered in a ball over the water already a crystal clear blue. They flew downwards, and just before touching the water, they dispersed. Jiko chuckled. " Okay then. Better get in then. " He started stripping down in front of Violet.

He flushed slightly. He wasn't used to this the way his brothers were. He was used to being the stay at home one. Quiet. Alone. " Are you sure about this, Jiko?"

The man, because that was surely what he was, laughed. His chest heaved heartily, and he was chiseled. A God himself cast down to hell. He had to be. Every feature was defined and perfect. Even his scars. " If she hadn't wanted us here, she wouldn't have brought us. This place is far too new for it to have been a coincidence.  Come now, Violet. Get in with me. Of course, without those. " He said, referring to his traditional robes. " Lose those. "

He was flustered for a moment before remembering his promise to himself. He wanted noticed. He deserved his happiness too. Just as his brothers did. " I am nothing like you. I'm not so well-defined. " He protested.

" You are fine the way you are. " Jiko leaned back against a side of the fairly large tub. His sature was still as kingly as the day he was first crowned king. Yet here he was, now a prince. " I would hurry if I were you. The winds are changing. " He sighed contently.

It was as if he bathed with her often enough to know these things. Then Violet remembered.  He did. He stripped his clothing, folded them neatly, and placed them beside Jiko's pile. After he walked into the water with Jiko's knowing stare going straight through him. " Please don't stare.."

" I'm just watching a beauty walk through water. Nothing more. " He waved simply as if it were a normal thing to say. For him, it was.

He shook his head and sunk under the water for a moment. When he came back up with only his eyes and nose showing. He stared back at the mighty devil in front of him, and yet the normal intimidating eyes were soft and regal. Absolutely accepting.

" She's coming. " Jiko whispered softly. His eyes darted around for a moment until they rested in one direction. His body was rigid until he saw the head of his beloved come into view. 

Violet watched her silently. She was beautiful in normal moonlight, and this light made her ethereal. She glowed with calming hues of lavander. He was stunned. Sheblooked even more beautiful than the night before during the hunt. How? He wasn't sure it was possible. But here she was.

She came into full view, and Jiko was right. She was honestly decorated in Roman or maybe Greek style. A glowing garment pinned perfectly on her shoulders. It would come off with a single touch if necessary.  It was white sheer and blew in the wind just the right way. Her hair was decorated with springs of Wisteria, flowers of sweet peas just for him, and it fell around her hips curtain like. Jiko stood as she walked into the hot water. The flowers fell from her hair and set off different scents, and turned the water soft colors. It was dizzying.

He greeted her and pulled her hair to each side of her shoulders. He took a breath and turned her back to me. The red spots on her back were no longer just red. They were heavy scars. " This.. is what she had me do. To show the heavens that she would never belong, not them. She would not be a puppet. Since they took her sisters, I would take hers. She will never fly again. My beautiful Y/N gave up any and all chance of going to heaven. She belongs to us. " He spoke sadly. Remorsefully.

She touched his cheek and smiled. " I would do it again, my love. Just to shove it down their throats. I've drank poison. I've killed. And I would do it again. This is nothing to fret over. It's just a scar. " She kissed him, and his envy smiled for a second. Violet longed for that. A willing kiss from his Princess.

She glanced back knowingly, " Soon my Shrinking Violet. " He frowned at her. She was one to talk. Her entire personality shifted here. Yet he liked it.
Y/N sat Jiko down again, and he watched with heated eyes as she came to him.

He couldn't help but notice that her garment was see-through from her hips down where it was wet. Her tail hung beside her, gently swaying. As if it was lulled. " I won't knick you if you don't want me to. I know it has a powerful toxin. Being a mixed breed of Succubus, Angel, and Shifter of sorts, if you will, can be one hell of a combination. "

" For now, please don't. Maybe next time. " He answered, nervous with knots in his stomach.

She nodded, " Now, let me spoil you. Allow me to wash you and massage the tension away. "

She simply started with his feet, kneeling in the water. He had to admit her touch felt amazing, and he hardly noticed her trailing up his legs and thighs. Violet was slightly alerted when she washed his waist and hips. From the corner of his eyes, he noticed Jiko smirk and heard him chuckle.

"She is very thorough. Nothing will happen. " He assured watching. His heated stare was hungry now, anticipating what would happen.

Y/N moved to his back, and to do so, she'd sat in his lap, ignoring his very much excited member.  She brought his head into her chest as she worked, almost humming a soft melody he couldn't quiet place as she did.

" Ahh, she's started..." Ji spoke softly to himself.

Violet sighed contently and hesitantly brought his hands to her hips. This
.. was unreal. Just another dream, right? He would wake soon in the manor alone again, yeah? Y/N moved again. This time, her hand traced up to his hair and scrubbed it clean. Soft and silky. H could feel it. The water had changed. Was it softly glowing? Maybe?

" Before she goes further, Seo.. " The use of part of his real name snapped him out of his daze, and he raised his head to see Jiko next to him now. Fuck he was intimidating this close. And naked. He had no care innthe world except for this. No competition innhis mind. Violet was just another peasant in his eyes, an Oni below him. " Stop thinking like that. You are no loser. " He promised taking a hand and bringing his wrist to his lips gently. " I can promise you that. "

Violet gulped. He gave a quick nod, andnflinched shocked when Y/N kissed his neck and shoulders gently.

" She works in ruins. Symbols. Activated with Anni timate touch. Every trace upon your skin has been one. Now, before she goes further... once she is yours, you are mine. " His tonenwas dead serious as he held Seo's wrist still close by. " A few of your brothers are mine already. Nothing to be worried over, but you will submit to me. On occasion. Nothing more. It's nothingness either. If you recall in history many men have done the same. Nothing is wrong about it. Do you understand so far?"

Seo nodded a tiny bit. He and Jiko had planned things previously, yet he hadn't understood what the night truly meant, and he was nervous. Mostly because this prince was massive. Not just tall, but well...

" Good. Then my beloved, she is yours for now. Make her forget how to think if you wish, but before the night is done, you are both mine. " He grinned. " You will be okay. I'm much more gentle than I look. She has opened my mind much more since I took her as my beloved. I would not turn away someone in need of a home or good bed. This isn't just a night for a deal, Seo. We're taking you in. As our own. A loving relationship.  Just... watch out for the Incubus. He gets possessive every once in a while. " He smiled softly. He stood and waded behind her. She leaned back onto him, trance like making quick work of his torso in ruins that glowed as well. " Come on. Be a good little Violet. " He damn near purred.

Seoho shuddered, and his hands on her hips gripped harder. His nails drew blood, and his markings showed. His self-control was wanning. He was about to lose himself. " What has she done to me Jiko?" He asked through gritted teeth.  He found his mouth watering for a taste of her.

"It just allows you to relax, let out pent up energy, show your true self. " Y/N answered. " It's just comes put when it's been shoved aside to long.." She moaned as his nails drew blood.

" I'm not that pent up. I think rather I want you to see it. I'm not perfectly handsome.." He groaned as her blood mixed with the water. It created an even more enticing aroma. 

" You think they are? " She asked softly. She traced the markings on his cheeks and shoulders. Y/N smiled, " I like biting to.."

His eyes snapped to her. Jiko had rested just hands on her shoulders, the fabric covering her. It fell away easily, forgotten. He drank her in, and Jiko lifted her ever so slightly.  Violet's hands just went with the flow after that. He quickly brought her down onto him, and refused to go easy. He pace was rough, and his hips spasmed just from the way she felt. " Fucking hell. " He groaned. 

She threw her head back against Jiko and moaned instantly.  She was so loud and tightened around him just right with every thrust. She held him tightly and eventually leaned into him for support. He held her as if she would break, cradling her close, afraid she would disappear. His mind wanted to trick him, and yet he knew this was real. All the while, Jiko watched them and whispered sweet praises to them both.

He saw her tail behind her and reached for it. Instantly, he moaned, but so did she. Louder. She moaned his name. She called for him and begged for more. He was more than happy to oblige. Seo watched her, slowed down, and smirked when she opened her eyes. He wrapped her tail around his wrist to keep her immobile and spur him on.

After all she had asked. And, who was he to ssy no to his Princess?

Y/N collapsed against his chest and bit down on his shoulder to keep from screaming and breaking her voice. However, her bite did little to phase him. She didn't even break skin. Jiko had a sly grin on his cheeks. He very much enjoyed watching his beloved being taken by someone. He very much enjoyed the overstimulation she felt. He enjoyed doing it too, and tonight he would do it to then both. Until he was tired.

The only way he grew tired was by his beloved. She could take his energy down dramatically,  and it helped him sleep peacfully, honestly. Which was normally much needed.

Seo grew close and sped her up again, and as she tossed her head back to scream, she was cut off by Jiko. He caught her in a firm kiss and held her by her neck. The sight alone was enough to throw Violet over the edge, and he let go panting hard. The scents mingled and lingered. He wouldn't go down.

Jiko smirked. He took his beloved and  continued where Violet left off motioning for him to stand and join him.  The boy did so, unable to refuse an invitation like it. It cause the grin to grow, and a deep chuckle to come from the Devils mouth.

Jiko suddenly stopped and sat Y/N down beside him. " My turn, Violet. " He grinned. To which he blushed and tried to back away. Yet he stopped seeing the devilish eyes filled with plead and want. Beside him, she sat breathing heavily but resting.

What a long night this was yet to be.

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