Miraculous Ladybug; Watching...

By thatagenderkid

14.1K 242 325

Paris' superheroes, their classmates, teacher, Marinette's parents, and Master Fu get transported to a theatr... More

Ladybug and Chat Noir: Origins Part 1
Stoneheart: Origins Part 2
Stormy Weather
The Pharaoh
Lady Wifi
Mr. Pigeon

The Bubbler

1K 27 43
By thatagenderkid

just wanna state now, sorry if sometimes they seem ooc. i honestly struggle keeping things in character and just write what i want tbh 💀 i also have my own ideas/theories/whatever of how they'd act and such, so sorry...

Max was the first one out of his room, being a person that can get up early. "Morning!" Jade greets, refilling the kwami's food. He smiles in reply, walking over and grabbing what he wants for breakfast; the hosts having already eaten.

"You also get up early?" He asks.

"Oh, no. We just need to be the first awake to set the food tables every morning." He laughs. The three talk quietly for a while, as everyone else makes their way into the theatre; Marinette and Adrien being two of the last of the group - not having to get up at ungodly hours of the morning for superhero duties means they got a lie-in for once.

Issie got everyone's attention. "As Lila's not up yet, I can tell you that she will be the only one to lose her memories when we send you back, as it would put you in danger if she knew. We're not telling you why, you will find out the further into the show we get. This is just a heads up." The group nodded, talking amongst themselves. A couple of minutes later, Lila turned up, making everyone look at her. "Well, good morning, sleeping beauty," Issie said sarcastically, making the group laugh and Lila huff. "You're a bit late. Hurry up and eat, we wanna get started with Nino's episode."


As soon as everyone was seated, Jade turned on the projector and Issie pressed play.

[ Theme Song ]

Scene: Marinette's room, Marinette Dupain-Cheng is sleeping and then is woken up by her cellphone.

Marinette: (wakes up) Huh? Happy birthday- ow! (She jumps down the stairs and hits her chaise.) Happy birthday! (She gets on her computer and turns it on, revealing her desktop background to be a collage of Adrien Agreste's pictures.) Ah! Happy birthday, Adrien. (She makes kissing noises towards the screen.)

Everybody in the theatre laughed at the scene in front of them while Marinette blushed and sank into her seat in embarrassment.

"You are never gonna let me live this down, are you?" Marinette asked.

"Sorry, bugaboo. But it's nice to know you're thinking about me." Adrien said with a smile.

Lila laughed disdainfully at what was shown.

Scene: Adrien's bathroom. Adrien is brushing his teeth.

Plagg: Happy birthday, Adrien! (Brings a piece of Camembert cheese wrapped with a red bow.)

Adrien: (disgusted) Ugh, Plagg! Get that filthy piece of Camembert out of my face! (He plugs his nose)

Plagg: Huh? (He eats the cheese.) Mmm.

"You know, Adrien, Plagg doesn't just give his cheese to anyone. That means he must really like you." Tikki stated. Adrien looked at Plagg who looked away, clearly confirming her statement.

Scene: Dupain-Cheng House. Marinette is walking down the stairs with a gift in her hands while her mom is in the kitchen drinking tea.

Sabine: Marinette, don't forget to clean your room after school today.

Marinette: Mom! It's Friday, and I'm already doing something with Alya.

Sabine: Fine, I'll go ahead and clean it, but don't blame me if I come across any of your private stuff, like your e-mails, your diary-

"While I can say that was a smart move to make her do her chores, I hope you wouldn't actually go through her private things," Jade said. "Kids need privacy from their parents or they won't trust them."

Issie nodded. "My mam learned that the hard way when I cut her out of my life."

"Oh no, I would never!" Sabine reassured. "We wouldn't ever disrespect Marinette's privacy like that, I just needed her to clean her room."

Jade laughed, "Yeah I get it, my mam uses threats like that on me, and I don't really live at home anymore."

Marinette: (makes a nervous face) Okay! I'll do it, I'll do it. (She goes up to her mom, gives her a kiss, and starts to leave.)

Sabine: Have a nice day, sweetie!

Marinette: (as she closes the door) Happy birthday- I mean, have a nice day!

"Nice cover, Marinette." Nathaniel snorted sarcastically. Meanwhile, Adrien furrowed his eyebrows at Marinette's gift which seemed familiar.

"I don't remember getting a gift from you, Mari," Adrien said.

"You'll see," Marinette answered.

Sabine: (surprised face) Hm? (shrugs) Hm. (drinks)

Jade laughed at the way Sabine just shrugged Marinette's strange behaviour off.

Scene: Agreste Mansion. Adrien is eating alone at a big dining table. He looks sad.

Marinette frowned at the sight of her boyfriend.

Nathalie: (walks in) Your schedule, Adrien. (She hands Adrien a tablet.)

Adrien: (takes it) Thanks, Nathalie. (Nathalie starts to leave.) Hey, um, my father get back to you about my birthday party? (His face lights up.)

Nathalie: Well, um- He doesn't think would be a good idea.

"'Doesn't think it would be a good idea'? Dude, what is wrong with your dad?" Kim asked Adrien angrily.

"As a father, I have to agree with Kim, son," Tom said just as angry at on-screen Gabriel. "Does your father not know that he's making you miss out on one of the key parts of growing up and being a teenager?"

"I honestly don't know my father as much as I should do," Adrien said looking down, upset and ashamed. Everybody - except for Lila who's indifferent - gave Adrien sorrowful and downcast looks. Marinette interlocked her fingers with his and rubbed her thumb over his hand, Adrien giving her a sad smile.

Adrien: (turns sad again and speaks softly) 'Course not.

Nathalie: Happy birthday, Adrien. (She leaves.)

Scene: Outside of school. Adrien and Nino are talking. Meanwhile, Alya and Marinette are hiding nearby out of sight. Chloé and Sabrina are in the school but near enough to see what's happening.

Nino: (as he blows bubbles) Dude, seriously? Has your dad always been such a downer? You'd think he'd remember what it was like to be young and wanna party a little.

Adrien: No, I'm pretty sure he was a downer back then too. Well, at least I tried.

"Anyone who doesn't want a party is obviously a downer. No offence, Adrien." Kim said and Adrien gave him a smile to show that he didn't take offence.

"What about people with social anxiety who hate being at parties surrounded by big groups of people?" Jade asked, raising an eyebrow at him. Kim opened his mouth then closed it again, turning back to the screen and making Alix laugh. "Hmm. That's what I thought."

Nino: (wraps one arm around Adrien) It's your b-day, dude! Insist!

Alya: (encouraging Marinette) You can do it, you can do it!

Marinette: I can do it, I can do it!

"I don't know what you're doing, but you can do it, Marinette!" Rose said encouragingly, making Marinette smile.

Nino: You know what, I'm gonna have a little convo with your pops.

Adrien: Don't waste your time. He's not gonna change his mind.

Marinette: (pops up to look at Adrien while he's not looking) I can't do it, I can't do it!

Alya: (facepalms) Uh, no you don't, girl. You've been stalling all morning. Now's the time. (She pushes Marinette over to Adrien.)

Marinette: Ah! (She stops right in front of Adrien.) Um, he- Hey! (She is nervous as she holds her gift behind her back.)

"So, that's why you were acting so weird that day." Adrien chuckled. "I can't believe you were this nervous to give me a birthday present."

"My brain kinda shuts down every time I'm around you. It's not exactly news, minou." Marinette retaliated, rolling her eyes with a blush.

Adrien: (surprised) Hey.

Chloé: (as she watches what's happening outside) Wait! Am I seeing what I think I'm seeing? Don't tell me it's Adrien's birthday?!

"Wow, Chloé. Can't even remember your own childhood friend's birthday." Alix said sarcastically making the group laugh. Chloé frowned.

Sabrina: (checks her tablet, is surprised, and makes excusing noises while smiling sheepishly.)

Chloé: (facepalms) Ugh, do I have to do everything myself? Seriously, what are you good for? (She walks toward Adrien.)

'Was I really that selfish to forget Adrikins' birthday and blame Sabrina for it?' Chloe thought with a frown look on her face. "I'm...so sorry, Adrikins." She said quietly, shocking everyone. Adrien gave her a small smile.

Marinette: (nervously) I, uh, I wanted to, umm, gift you a make-- I mean, gift you a give I made- I mean...

Chloé: (she yawns while Marinette is talking and then shoves her away) Out of the way. (She acts sweet.) Happy birthday, Adrien! (She throws herself onto him and gives him a kiss on the cheek.) Mwah!

Adrien: (surprised) Yeah, thanks Chlo.

Marinette: (on the ground, to herself) Dummy. (Alya facepalms again.)

"It's one thing to forget your childhood friend's birthday, but to also push Marinette out of the way when all she was trying to do was give him a birthday present, is just rude," Marc told Chloé, shaking his head with a frown on his face. Chloé looked down ashamed. Sabrina put her hand on the blonde's shoulder.

Chloé: Did you get the gift I sent you?

Adrien: Uh, no.

Chloé: (pretending to be annoyed) What? Oh, those delivery guys. I bet it was too heavy so they had to go back and get another guy to help. Those slackers. (She wraps her arms around Adrien's shoulders again.) I'll make sure they get it to you by tonight. (She gives him another kiss on the cheek) Mwah! (She leaves, humming a happy tune to herself.)

"Oh yeah, they're the slackers, totally!" Luka said sarcastically, rolling his eyes. People nodded in agreement.

Nino: (chuckles and playfully punches Adrien's arm)

Alya: (to Marinette, still hidden) Get back there! Don't be a pushover, literally!

Marinette: (sounding defeated) Mmm. (Alya looks frustrated.)

Sabrina: (to Chloé) What did you get him?

Chloé: (mad) I didn't, you did. (She points at Sabrina and sounds really angry.) And it better be amazing, and it better not be late!

Sabrina: (cowardly) Mhm. (She nods.)

Chloé: (furiously) Ugh! (She leaves. Sabrina taps on her tablet quickly while looking scared and following Chloé.)

"God, Chloé. How can you treat Sabrina like that?! If you really cared about Adrien, you would've done the shopping yourself!" Alix said and everyone gave looks of agreement.

"Ok, you're right! You're right! I get it! I've been selfish and horrible! I'm sorry, Sabrina! I'm sorry, Adrikins! I'm sorry everyone! I promise I'll do better! For real! I swear I'll try!" Chloé shouted as she burst into tears. Everyone else is shocked by her outburst but they choose not to say anything.

"I'll help you be a better person, Chloé," Sabrina said with a small smile.

"Really? Even after the way I treated you?" Chloé asked as she wiped her tears.

"No matter how you treated me, you're still my best friend," Sabrina replied still smiling.

"I'll help you too, Chloé." Adrien offered.

"Even though you're on a long road to forgiveness, Chloé, I'll help you too. 'Cause that's what being Ladybug is all about!" Marinette said, Chloé nodded and Jade pressed play.

Alya: C'mon, you can do it.

Marinette: (looking determined) Hm! (A limousine arrives.)

Adrien: (to Nino) Gotta go. Photoshoot. (He gets into the limo and leaves.)

Marinette: (to herself, next to Alya) Why can't I just mean what I say?

Alya: Uh, say what you mean?

Marinette: Exactly.

Nino: (to himself) Looks like I've got some business to take care of with Adrien's old man.

"Well, that didn't go very well, did it?" Alya asked her boyfriend with a raised eyebrow, to which he shook his head with a sigh.

"It didn't, but I appreciate the effort," Adrien said which made Nino smile and give him a fist bump.

Scene: Outside Agreste Mansion. Marinette and Alya stand at the gate. Marinette tries to open the mailbox.

Marinette: This mailbox won't budge!

Alya: Ring the doorbell. (She points to the doorbell.)

Marinette: Are you kidding? What if Adrien answers the-

(Alya presses rings the doorbell, and Marinette panics and screams. A hidden compartment on the wall opens and a camera appears.)

"Why is there a camera in your mailbox, Adrien?" Jade asked with a raised eyebrow. Adrien replied with a shrug.

Nathalie: Yes?

Marinette: Um, hi. I'm in Adrien's class and I, uh- (She shows the gift to the camera.) Heh, did I already say that? Umm... (She looks more nervous.) Heh... (She smiles awkwardly.)

Nathalie: Put it in the box. (The mailbox opens.)

Marinette: Uh. (She puts the gift in the mailbox.) Thank you! (The camera retreats and wall compartment closes. Marinette is excited.) Oh! I hope he likes it!

Alya: You signed the note, right? (Marinette makes a surprised face.) Ah, girl, girl, girl.

"This wasn't the only time that's happened!" Alya said as she and everyone else laughed at Marinette's misfortune while the bluenette just blushed.

Marinette: (groans)

Scene: Agreste Mansion. Nathalie enters her office with Marinette's gift in her hands and puts it on her desk while sitting down.

Gabriel: (from intercom) Who was that, Nathalie?

Nathalie: A friend of Adrien's. She was delivering a gift for his birthday.

Gabriel: Did you remember to buy him a present from me?

Nathalie: (surprised) Uh-uh, but you didn't ask me to.

Gabriel: (angrily) Of course I did!

Nathalie: Yes, Mr. Agreste. I-I'll take care of it.

Gabriel: Good. (disconnects)

"Who doesn't buy their child a birthday present themself?" Sabine asked angrily.

"Now that I think about it, pretty sure my mother doesn't either," Chloé confessed. Everyone else then gave Chloe a look of sadness and understanding.

Nathalie: (covers her mouth, in fear) Uh. (She looks despaired, then her face lights up and she takes Marinette's gift.) Ah.

Adrien frowned, "Wait-"

(The doorbell rings and she composes herself.) Yes?

Nino: (from the camera outside) Uh, hi.

Scene: Inside Agreste Mansion. Nino and Nathalie are standing in the foyer, waiting.

Nathalie: He'll be here in a minute.

Gabriel: (as he enters) Adrien's not home yet.

Nino: Uh, I was coming to see you, du-sir.

Gabriel: Me?

Nino: Yeah, that's right. Look, I know you don't want Adrien to have a party, but it's his birthday, dude-I mean, sir. It's all he wants.

Gabriel: No. (He raises his palm.) That's final.

Nino: That's messed up. (Adrien enters without anyone noticing.) He never screws up in class, he always does whatever you tell him: photoshoots, fencing, Chinese, piano-

Adrien: Nino? You're here.

Nino: (to Adrien) Anything for my best bud. (To Mr. Agreste.) Show some awesomeness, du-I mean, sir, please. (Mr. Agreste looks at him angrily.)

"Not you calling Gabriel Agreste 'dude'." Jade snorted making Nino blush in embarrassment.

Adrien: Forget it, Nino. Really, it's fine.

Gabriel: Listen, young man. I decide what's best for my son. In fact, I've just decided that you're a bad influence and you're not welcome in my house ever again. Leave now!

"And I've decided that you're a bad father." Issie mocked.

Adrien: Father, he was just trying to do something cool for me. (Mr. Agreste leaves.)

Nathalie: (steps in front of them) Goodbye. (Nino starts to leave, but Adrien catches him outside the front doors.)

Adrien: Nino, wait! I'm sorry. My father-he's pretty stubborn. It's just best to stay out of his way. (Nino looks angry.)

Nino: It's not fair, Adrien. Harsh, uncool. (Nino crosses his arms and leaves, leaving Adrien looking sad.)

"Yeah! He's a bad person!" Rose shouted.

"Woah, hey, no-" Adrien turned to her. "My father isn't a bad person, just a bad parent. Which I can see now." Jade and Issie look at each other, knowing the truth.

Adrien: Thanks anyway, Nino.

Scene: The Place des Vosges. Nino is sitting on a bench, looking angry. He starts blowing bubbles with his bubble wand.

Kid: But, Daddy, please! (A father takes his son by the hand.)

Kid's Father: No, it's not playtime. You've got your chores to do. (Kid complains.)

Nino: (angrily) Ugh. Adults ruin everything all the time.

"Excuse me?" Miss Bustier asked on behalf of the adults.

Nino winced, shrinking in his seat slightly. "Sorry. I didn't mean what I said. I was just mad." He apologised sheepishly and she nodded, understanding his anger.

Scene: Hawk Moth's lair. His window screen opens.

Hawk Moth: Desperate to help his friend, but feeling powerless. How frustrating! It won't be long before frustration turns to anger! (He takes a butterfly into his hand and black particles start to flow into it. It turns into an akuma.) Fly away, my little akuma, and evilize him. (The akuma flies out into Paris.)

Scene: The Place des Vosges. Nino is blowing bubbles. The akuma flies in and is absorbed into Nino's bubble wand. Nino looks up with an angry face and a glowing pink butterfly symbol.

Hawk Moth: (speaks from his lair. He, too, has the same pink symbol in front of his face.) Hawk Moth is my name and Bubbler is now yours. I will help you with these horrid adults and all you have to do in return is help me get something from Ladybug and Cat Noir.

Nino: Yes, Hawk Moth. (Nino stands up and purple-black smoke is released from the bubble wand and covers his body. Cut to a rooftop, where the Bubbler flies in and crouches.)

"Jeez, Hawk Moth! Get some fashion sense!" Jade yelled out loud in reaction to Nino's supervillain costume as everyone laughed in agreement.

"Honestly! That's the worst thing I've ever seen him wear! He looks like a toy kids would play with in the bath!" Adrien said in between laughs.

"Yeah, I would not date that." Alya joked.

Bubbler: No more adults means total freedom! This is SOOO sweet! Off the hook! (He takes out his bubble sword and flies over Paris, leaving a trail of purple bubbles behind him. The bubbles start capturing adults, then turning green and flying away while citizens scream.)

Woman: Help!

Man: Look out!

Children: (crying)

Hawk Moth: (from his lair) Perfect.

"Sorry if I trapped any of you in a bubble." Nino apologised to the adults in the room.

"It's not your fault, Nino." Miss Bustier said. "It was Hawk Moth's doing." Everyone agreed with that statement.

Scene: Dupain-Cheng House. Marinette is eating lunch.

Marinette: (to herself) Adrien must have gotten his gift by now. (Her mom opens the window.)

Sabine: What's that you said?

Marinette: (looks surprised) Um, I can't wait to get back to school this afternoon, hehe. (Her mother chuckles and then a purple bubble flies in through the window and captures her. Marinette looks scared. Sabine starts screaming.)

Marinette: Mom! MOM! (She sees her father also in a bubble.) Dad? Dad!

Tikki: Your parents! Hawk Moth must've released another akuma.

Marinette: I've got to find his newest villain ASAP.

[Transformation Sequence]

Marinette: Tikki, spots on! (looks unhappy; Marinette transforms into Ladybug.)

"Okay, Miss Super Show-Off!" Lila said bitterly with a sour look on her face, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms.

"Shut up before I come over there and slap you, I swear to God." Jade attempted to get up but Issie grabbed them with wide eyes.

"Uhh- Nice transformation, Marinette! Honestly, I'm in awe every time I watch the show!" Issie complimented and Marinette shot her a smile, people laughing at her attempt to break the tension. She pulled Jade back down. "Now behave."

(Cut to The Bubbler on a rooftop.)

Bubbler: And now, party time! (Kids cry. Ladybug runs out of the bakery. Purple bubbles appear in the sky, broadcasting a message from the Bubbler.)

Bubbler: Today is your lucky day, little dudes. The adults have taken the day off, so make the most of it. No chores, no homework, no more nagging, just fun, fun, fun, fun. This is the Bubbler's gift to you.

Ladybug: (to the kids) Don't worry, your parents will come back. I'll see to it. (to the teenager) You take care of them in the meantime. (runs off)

Kids and Teen: (cheering) Yay! Go, Ladybug!

"Yeah! You go, girl!" Alya cheered.

Scene: Agreste Mansion. Adrien eats lunch alone in the mansion's dining room. Adrien finishes his meal and gets up.

Adrien: (sarcastic) Wow. That was a birthday lunch break to remember. Yay! (He walks into the foyer and stops.) Nathalie? Father? (He shrugs sadly, then walks outside to a crowd of his classmates cheering.)

Teenagers: Yay! Woo! Happy birthday!

Bubbler: (standing on top of a bubble) Hey, hey, hey, birthday boy. Guess what? Daddy's gone. While the cat's away, the mice will play. (Adrien looks at the Bubbler with a strange expression until he realizes who he is.)

Adrien: Nino?!

"So, you can recognise Nino as The Bubbler, but you can't recognise Marinette as Ladybug?!" Jade asked Adrien then pointed to Marinette. "And vice-versa?!" Marinette and Adrien just shrugged. Jade groaned. "God, this show is frustrating."

Bubbler: The Bubbler's brought all yo homies together for one single-sole purpose, to ce-le-brate!

Teenagers: YEAH! (The Bubbler jumps down from the bubble into a DJ booth)

Bubbler: Let's get this party started! (Everyone cheers. The Bubbler plays party music, and people start to dance. Adrien looks surprised and runs back into his house.)

Bubbler: Come on, everybody, I brought you here to party! (Pan over the teens dancing, but looking sad.) So dance or you'll join the adults up in the sky! Hahahahahahahaha! (Fireworks are shot.)

Hawk Moth: (from his lair) It won't be long before Ladybug and Cat Noir show up to meet their doom! Mwahahahahahahaha!

Scene: Adrien's room. Adrien looks at his ring. Plagg climbs up to his shoulder.

Plagg: What's your problem? Relax! You're getting the party you've always wanted.

Master Fu sighed. "Plagg! You should be encouraging him to save Nino! Not go party!" Tikki scolded Plagg.

"Well, excuse me if I feel sorry for my chosen's lonely life, sugarcube," Plagg said as he took a bite out of his cheese, which he was glad the hosts gave him more of.

Adrien: But Nino's been akumatized! I've gotta help him!

Plagg: You may never get this chance again! C'mon, let's have a little fun while your father's away! Then we'll save Nino, trap his akuma, and all will be good. (Adrien turns and looks sad.)

Adrien: Okay, you're right. This might be the first day in my life that I actually get to do what I want for once.

"You gonna lecture me now?" Adrien asked Marinette.

She sighed. "I should. But given your situation, I can understand why. Besides, you realised quickly that saving your best friend was more important." She gave him a small smile which he returned.

Scene: Rooftops. Ladybug is running towards the fireworks.

Ladybug: (to herself) It's you and me, Bubbler. (Cut to the Agreste Mansion. Everyone is dancing and Adrien is enjoying himself.)

Adrien: Yeah! (walks over to a sad-looking Rose) Hey, nice party, I guess, since it's my first one. (Rose smiles and gives him two thumbs up, then keeps dancing and looking sad. Adrien turns around and sees everyone dancing but with a grim expression. Cut to Chloé motioning Sabrina to do something near the DJ booth.)

Sabrina: (frightened) I'm requesting a slow dance.

Bubbler: It's a bit early for that, isn't it?

Chloé: Ugh. (She shoves Sabrina down and puts on an innocent face.) It's for Adrien. His first slow dance. Mm? (makes a sweet face)

Bubbler: OH! You know it, girl. (He changes the music to a slow dance. People pair up and keep dancing and looking sad. Chloé walks up to Adrien.)

"Nino, how could you make me dance with Chloé?" Adrien asked exasperated.

"Hey! Blame Hawk Moth, not me! I don't remember anything, dude!" Nino said raising his hands in surrender.

"Was it really that bad dancing with me, Adrikins?" Chloé asked sadly.

"No, Chloé! You're like a sister to me and a slow dance just felt awkward." Adrien explained making Chloé feel better.

Adrien: Is it me, or does everyone seem a bit weird?

Chloé: Forget about them, let's go dance! C'mon! (Cut to the balcony. Ladybug watches the Bubbler going to change a record and at Chloé and Adrien dancing. Chloé tries to kiss him, but Adrien looks uncomfortable. Ladybug looks aghast.)

Ladybug: There is no way this is happening. Lucky Charm! (The Lucky Charm superpower gives her a record.) A record? (Ladybug looks out and her thinking vision shows her the empty record spot in the DJ mixer, the volume modifier and a ledge on the building across the street. Ladybug chuckles, then throws the record. It hits the ledge, bounces over to the DJ booth, hits the volume all the way up, lands on the empty spot and begins to play dance music again. Everyone breaks their pairs and keeps dancing. Adrien moves away from Chloé. The Bubbler realizes that the music changed.)

Bubbler: Dude! Who just hijacked my mix?

Ladybug: Yours truly. (Ladybug's alarm sounds.) Better bug out quick before I change back to normal. (jumps out of the balcony to the outside of Agreste Mansion.) Spots off. (She changes back to normal. Tikki comes out of the earrings and lands on her hands.)

Tikki: Marinette!

Marinette: It was an emergency.

"You mean jealousy?" Alix asked Marinette teasingly while Marinette blushed.

Tikki: Yeah, if by emergency, you mean jealousy.

"See? Tikki knows what I'm talking about!" Alix laughed and hi-fived Tikki while everybody else, including Marinette, laughed.

You know what happens once you use your Lucky Charm. You only have minutes before-

Marinette: I turn back, I know. But I figured, the Bubbler, he's not going anywhere, we have time to get you some food to get your energy back up. Then, we'll get right back out there, I promise. (She puts Tikki in her purse, enters the party and starts looking around. She heads to the food table, grabs some cookies, and puts them in her purse for Tikki.)

Marinette: I've got to find a place where I can transform, fast.

Alya: Where have you been, girl? I was so scared something had happened to you.

Marinette: Me too! (they hug)

Alya: I'm sure Ladybug and Cat Noir will show up in a minute to save us all. They never failed us. Meanwhile, come with me, I've got something for you.

Marinette: Uh, there's something I've got to do first.

Alya: It's about Adrien.

"Ah sorry I distracted you from Ladybug duties, girl." Alya apologized.

"It's okay, you didn't know. Getting distracted by something Adrien-related is a habit." Marinette admitted which got a smile from Adrien.

Marinette: Okay.

Tikki: (urgent) Marinette, the Bubbler.

Marinette: Okay, okay, in a sec. (She runs after Alya. Cut to Nathalie Sancoeur's office. Alya and Marinette sneak in. They see Marinette's gift on Nathalie's desk.)

Alya: Look! Now you can sign your gift. (Marinette gasps)

Marinette: Ah, yes! (Cut back outside. Ivan is not dancing, and the Bubbler confronts him.)

Bubbler: Hey, you. Why aren't you having fun?

Ivan: None of your business.

Bubbler: Then I'm going to make it my business. (He chuckles and takes out his bubble sword. Cut back to Nathalie's office. Marinette is signing a post-it.)

Marinette: "Love, Marinette". There. (She sticks it to the present and gives the present a kiss.)

"Why didn't you just write it on the paper?" Adrien asked frowning.

"I...didn't think of that.." Adrien chuckled lightly, giving her a side hug.

Tikki: Right, we're good. Spots on, Marinette.

Marinette: I can't do it now, Alya's here.

Alya: What'd you say?

Marinette: Go ahead! I'll meet you in the yard. (Alya leaves and Marinette lets out a sigh of relief. Behind her, Ivan can be seen in a green bubble through the window)

Alya sighed, 'Can't believe I fell for that.'

Marinette: No! You were right, Tikki, I never should've waited this long. (Cut back to outside. Adrien is on top of the DJ booth and has a mic)

Adrien: Hey, Paris, how you doing? (He raises the mic in excitement, but the people don't respond. The Bubbler, behind Adrien, threatens everyone with his bubble sword, and they cheer. Adrien jumps out and Ladybug can be seen on the roof.)

Adrien: Ladybug? (Ladybug throws her yo-yo. It hits the power strip and unplugs everything. Ladybug retracts her yo-yo.)

Ladybug: Sorry, Bubbler, but the party is over.

Bubbler: Why you gotta be like that?

The group laughed at the delivery of that line. "The best line in the whole episode!" Jade said after calming down.

Ladybug: You made all the adults disappear, that's why! And now you're imprisoning anyone who isn't having fun. (Adrien runs into his house.)

Bubbler: You will not bust up my party! (He takes out his bubble sword and casts two bubbles at her, which she deflects. The crowd scatters. Cut to Adrien in his room.)

Adrien: I think I've been a complete idiot.

Adrien nods, agreeing with his on-screen self.

[Transformation Sequence]

Adrien: Plagg, claws out! (Adrien transforms into Cat Noir)

(Cut to Ladybug and The Bubbler fighting. Ladybug throws her yo-yo at one of his bubbles, but it just bounces back toward her. Cat Noir enters and hits the yo-yo with his staff, and the yo-yo goes up in the air)

Cat Noir: Looks like I made it just in time.

Ladybug: I had it under control, (the yo-yo falls on Cat Noir's head), but thanks.

"That hurt, you know." Adrien pouted. "I swear your yo-yo hates me."

Marinette laughed fondly, rolling her eyes. "Sorry, kitty."

Hawk Moth: (from his lair; to The Bubbler) Get the Miraculouses. I want those powers, NOW! (The Bubbler throws a stream of small red bubbles to Ladybug and Cat Noir, and they fight them. The Bubbler snaps his fingers, and the bubbles turn green and start circling around them, some sticking to them

Jade giggles quietly at Chat trying to shake the bubbles off of himself.

until they are both captured in one big bubble. Ladybug struggles against the bubble as the Bubbler laughs.)

Bubbler: Give me your Miraculouses before you run out of air.

Ladybug: Dream on, Bubbler.

Bubbler: Total party poopers, just like adults.

Ladybug: Kids need adults.

Bubbler: False! Kids need freedom, fun, let loose and live it up. Adults are controlling and bossy.

Ladybug: But adults keep children safe and protected. They care for their kids, they love them!

Cat Noir: (talking to himself) Most adults do anyhow. (Cat Noir is talking about his civilian self's father Gabriel.

"Awh, kitten. I'm sorry I didn't hear that." Marinette said as she turned to her boyfriend and pulled him into a hug.

"It's okay, m'lady. Not much you could've done without revealing our identities anyway." Adrien responded with a smile and a grateful kiss to her shoulder blade from where his head is tucked in the crook of her neck, sighing at how safe he felt in his girlfriend's arms.

Lila noticed and silently growled.

To the Bubbler) You must bring the adults back!

Bubbler: Nope, never. Know what, since you care so much about these adults, why don't you go float with them for a while? (He runs at them and kicks the bubble high up into the sky. Ladybug and Cat Noir scream and the teenagers gasp.)

Hawk Moth: (from his lair; to The Bubbler) What do you think you're doing Bubbler?! You're supposed to seize their Miraculouses!

Scene: Green bubble up in the sky. Ladybug and Cat Noir are trying to burst the bubble.

Ladybug: Use your Cataclysm!

Cat Noir: Couldn't you have said that five hundred feet ago?

"Ok, Smarty Pants. Why didn't you think of it yourself then?" Marinette jokingly retorted, running her fingers through his hair. The rest of the group, Lila excluded, laughed.

Adrien huffed, his breath causing her to shiver slightly, not used to being this close to him. "Because you're supposed to be the Smarty Pants out of the two of us!" He playfully argued back.

"Well, can't argue with that," Marinette facetiously replied with the group still laughing at their joke argument. "But we're both pretty smart."

Ladybug: We can't stay stuck in this bubble together forever. (Cat Noir smirks, Ladybug facepalms)

"Ugh, the flirting again? Hit him with your yo-yo again, Marinette!" Chloé cheered, surprising everyone but making them burst into laughter.

Adrien sat up out of Marinette's hold, "Chloé! I thought you were on my side!" His friend just flicked her hair over her shoulder and looked back at the screen. Marinette snorted at his offended look.

Cat Noir: Cataclysm! (He touches the bubble and it bursts. They start falling)

Ladybug: Should we see if you land on your feet this time?

Cat Noir: No, thanks!

Ladybug: Your stick, there! (She points to the Eiffel Tower)

Cat Noir: Got it! (He throws his staff so hard it gets stuck in the Eiffel Tower. Ladybug takes his hand.)

Ladybug: Hang on! (She throws her yo-yo. It catches around the Cat Noir's staff, and they swing and land safely.)

Cat Noir: Good thing cats aren't afraid of heights.

"Mine are," Issie said causing Jade to laugh.

Ladybug: We've got to get to his bubble sword, that's got to be where the akuma is. (Cat Noir's ring alert sounds.)

Cat Noir: Better hurry.

Scene: Agreste Mansion front. The Bubbler tries to get the party going again.

Bubbler: Where is everybody? Get out here and party!

Ladybug: Sorry to burst your bubble.

Alya: (from the crowd) Ladybug! (All the teens start to cheer her on.)

Ladybug: No one wants to party with you anymore, Bubbler.

Bubbler: What's wrong with all you guys!? Why you gotta be such haters!?

Jade snorted, "Another iconic line from The Bubbler."

(He grunts, takes out his bubble sword and captures all the teens in bubbles.)

Ladybug and Cat Noir: NOOO!

Bubbler: Outer space is the next stop for your precious peeps, and they're never coming back! (The Bubbler jumps from roof to roof and Ladybug and Cat Noir pursue him. The Bubbler flies to the Eiffel Tower. Ladybug and Cat Noir start climbing it while he throws explosive bubbles at them. Cat Noir's ring alert sounds again. His icon shows that he is very close to switching back.)

Cat Noir: I'm gonna switch back soon, hurry.

Ladybug: Lucky Charm! (The Lucky Charm superpower gives her a big wrench)

Cat Noir: Your... plumbing skill is gonna help us out? (Ladybug shrugs and The Bubbler throws more explosive bubbles at Cat Noir. He dodges them, ending up atop a beam.)

"I'm gonna have to agree with Adrien on that one," Luka said. "Are your Lucky Charms always so random and confusing, Marinette?"

"Pretty much at first. But then I eventually figure out how to use them." She replied shrugging.

Cat Noir: Could use a little work! Is that all you got? (Ladybug begins thinking and her thinking vision shows her a vent, a vent pipe, the screw connecting them, and the wrench)

Ladybug: Got it! (She runs towards the pipe while Cat Noir is still dodging bubbles. She loosens the screw and the pipe comes off. It goes up to where Cat Noir is standing.) Cat Noir, cover me! (Cat Noir takes the pipe)

Marc hums when he realises what the wrench was for, writing down his observations.

Cat Noir: Go on! (The Bubbler throws more bubbles at him, but the air flowing from the pipe deflects them. The Bubbler raises his bubble sword once again, but Ladybug throws her yo-yo and snatches the sword, bringing it to her. She breaks the sword in half with her knees. The akuma flies out of the sword.)

"Uh, oh my god! You two work so well together, it's insane!" Alix exclaimed and everyone else, except for Lila who just scowled, cheered in agreement.

Ladybug: Get out of there, you nasty bug. No more evil-doing for you, little akuma. (She opens her yo-yo and it glows pink.) Time to de-evilize! (She swings it around, captures the akuma and closes it.) Gotcha! (She opens the yo-yo again and the akuma is purified.) Bye-bye, little butterfly. Miraculous Ladybug! (She throws the wrench up in the sky, and the Miraculous cleansing light returns every adult to safety. The Bubbler falls on his knees, the black smoke covers him and he turns back to Nino.)

Nino: Who? Dude. (Ladybug and Cat Noir bump their fists)

Ladybug and Cat Noir: Pound it!

Scene: Hawk Moth's lair

Hawk Moth: You can't run forever Ladybug and when I catch you, I will crush you! I will DESTROY YOU BOTH! (His window screen closes)

Scene: Nathalie Sancoeur's Office.

Gabriel: (on the intercom) Nathalie? Did my son like his gift?

Nathalie: Actually, I was going to check right away sir.

Gabriel: Good. (He disconnects)

Nathalie: (She despairs, looks around, and takes Marinette's gift. She sighs, and crumples and throws Marinette's post-it note in the garbage. She goes to the dining room where Adrien is eating.) A birthday present, from your father.

Adrien: Thank you. I mean, please say thank you to my father for me. (Nathalie nods. Adrien looks happily at the gift.)

"I can't believe she did that! Marinette, why didn't you tell me that gift was from you?" Adrien asked turning to her and grabbing her hand.

"I'm sure you'll find out," Marinette answered softly, interlocking their fingers.

Scene: Outside school.

Chloé: (Screaming at Sabrina) What do you mean not for a week?!

Sabrina: (scared) There were no adults yesterday to deliver it.

Chloé: So what? Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous! (She storms inside, followed by Sabrina.)

"Sorry, Sabrina. I should've known that was a legitimate reason. And to be honest, I did kind of deserve that." Chloé quietly apologized to Sabrina.

"It's ok, Chloé," Sabrina said with a genuine smile.

Alya: (to Marinette) Ha ha! Serves Chloé right.

Adrien: Hey girls! (He gets out of the limousine, wearing a scarf)

Marinette: (to Alya) Hey, that's my scarf! He's wearing my scarf.

"Marinette, you bought him a scarf for his birthday? I expected a lot more from you." Lila joked in her fake sweet voice while also being condescending.

Marinette rolled her eyes. "I didn't buy it, Lila. I made it." Adrien lightly squeezed her hand in silent support, getting one in return.

Adrien: (to Nino) Hey, dude.

Alya: Yo, nice scarf, Adrien. Off the chain.

"It is a nice scarf. You're really talented, Marinette." Nathaniel smiled at her, getting one in return. Marc frowned, remembering the red heads' old crush on Mari. His frown didn't go unnoticed by Nathaniel, who placed his hand on his boyfriend's thigh, which made the writer smile.

Adrien: Yeah, can you believe my dad got this for me? (Marinette looks surprised) He's so awesome. He's been giving me the same lame pen for three years in a row.

"A pen?! Wait until I get my hands on that terrible excuse of a father!" Tom said loudly.


"Sorry, sweetheart.." Adrien huffed out a laugh.

Nino: Wow, I guess anyone can change. Adults can be cool when you least expect it.

Adrien: Speaking of adults, I know my father said you were a bad influence, but-

Nino: We're good, Adrien, don't sweat it. We're buds. Always and forever.

Alya: (to Marinette) You gotta tell him you were the one who knitted the scarf.

Marinette: But he seems so happy about his dad. I don't want to spoil it for him.

"M'lady...You didn't have to do that. You could have told me if was from you."

Marinette smiled and cupped his cheek. "I know, but I wanted to. I love you, Adrien. I want you to be happy. Even if it means letting your horrible father take credit for my birthday present for you." She rubbed her thumb over his cheekbone.

He laughed, blinking away tears. "I love you too." She lightly pulled him in for a passionate, but loving, kiss. Everyone, except for you-know-who, gushed at the sight. She dropped her hand back down to her lap after they pulled apart.

Alya: Aw, Marinette. (They hug.) You're amazing, girl. You know that, right? And someday Adrien will figure it out too. Promise. (the bell rings and everyone walks in.)

"Figured that out a while ago." He pulled her into a hug. "Thank you, Marinette. Thank you for being your selfless, sweet, wonderfully amazing self. I couldn't ask for a better Ladybug." She chuckled pulling out the hug, while everyone nodded in agreement about Marinette's selflessness.

Lila however, is boiling with so much rage she feels like she's about to explode, but she controlled herself as her fake reputation is much more important.

"So, what's next?" Juleka asked Jade, speaking up for the first time in a while. (i swear i haven't forgotten about her. it's hard to write for a character that hardly speaks in canon lmao)

"The Pharaoh!" Jade answered as the screen showed a picture of Alya holding up her phone.

"Oh, yeah! Someone made my double life a lot more difficult that day!" Marinette said, looking at Alya, who sheepishly looked away.

"Let's go!" Alix shouted, wanting to see their brother's episode.

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