frenemies (with benefits)

By darkre_onion

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"don't worry!" tanaka reassures, snaking a hand around your shoulder, "we're practically best bros!" "..more... More

sum characters for you
message from author hi


4.1K 123 127
By darkre_onion

whaddup 😁

wc: 2.7k

that night, tanaka walks you home to your front doorstep to see you off. you assured him you'd be fine making it home yourself, but he insisted seeing as it was "only right to see you guys' 'date' to the end"

"i guess i'll see you tomorrow then, huh?" he shoves his hands in his pockets as you walk up the steps to your front door.

"yeah, guess so,"

the front door of your house is already unlocked, your parents already notified of your arrival.

it's simply a matter of who will be the first to turn away. with an awkward smile and wave, it's you as you hesitantly open the door and slip through.

even as you enter your house, reaching down to pet bella's excited figure, you turn around for a second and watch tanaka make his way back down the sidewalk with a smile.

"whatchu smilin' for?" you hear your mom call to you as she makes her way over to the door to try and peak through the small window as well, "ohh, i see.."

"mama.. it's not like that, i-"

"so you got yourself a lil friend, huh?"

your face falls in your hands as you try and cover up the embarrassment making your way up the stairs to your room, "i promise you, it's not like that.."

"if you say so!" she teases in her usual cheery voice, steps heading back to the kitchen.

you slip your jacket and bag off, the scarf that tanaka let you borrow is still wrapped snugly around your neck as you fall back onto your bed.

the memories and feelings from tonight are still circling in your mind.. you've never really felt that way before. your heart steadily grew softer when your phone beside you on the bed gave a lil hum, the screen lighting to show your new messages:

tanaka: thank you for your help tonight 👊🏻 🔥

youre taken aback for a moment, a bit too excited before you finally settle down. holding your phone up in the air, the screen illuminating your face

:) it was pleasur-

no. delete.

yeah it was no big-

no. delete delete.

your brain can't keep up with your fingers and you type, trying to think of the right thing to say

you: ofc it was no problem

the couple seconds waiting for a reply feel like literal hours as the little three dots appear and disappear from your phone.

tanaka: i had a lot of fun too so like seriously, thanks bro. you're a lifesaver

you feel warm on the inside rolling around on the bed as you smile to yourself. you didn't know why you were so giddy, i mean it's not like that.. right?

you wait up for him, the little three dots appearing at the bottom of the screen as you wait for him to finish his text.

tanaka: i'm positive i can ask her out now! you gave me a fighting chance brochacho

you deflate a bit reading it again in your mind before setting your phone down. the weight of finishing school and all that extra stuff suddenly weighing on you as you realize how tired you actually were.

i mean, you shouldn't be too upset, right?

it wasn't like that..

the next day at school feels the same as always.

"i'm really sorry, y/n" takeda had come to visit you in your final class of the day, "we don't have any extra seats available on the bus, i apologize"

well, that was that. you got nothing to do at that stressful journalism club and no actual excuse to hang around the volleyball club boys any longer. it felt like an overstayed welcome at this point.

and tanaka certainly didn't need you anymore..

you had absolutely nothing goin on for you at the end of the day. in the past, you may have figured that a good thing.

all that extra freetime to do as you please, no one to nag at you or drag you around. you didn't mind being alone.

but today, after experiencing what it's like just to hang out with someone.. it felt odd.

it was an experience you'd have to get used to again. it was whatever, really; in the end, you knew it wouldn't be so bad. you've been by yourself so often already.

"not completely alone, i guess," you've arrived back home, slipping off your shoes and leaning down to pet bella as she jumps to greet you, "hey girl, guess it's just you and me today, yeah?"

her tiny bark before reaching up to lick your wrist was most definitely a yes. you lean down to give her some more love when you hear your dad speak up from the living room.

"you're home early," you look up to see him on the sofa, your mom right next to him as she fidgets with her ipad.

"yeah," you nod

"no journalism club meetings or nothing?"

"uh.. nah," you shake your head, making your way up the stairs, "i kinda finished my panel a while back, so i was just kinda free to go today,"

he hums, reaching an arm over your moms shoulder, "well, dinners at five thirty, alright? nice to see you home today,"

you nod with a smile as you make your way up the steps, bella in tow as you push through the doors and fall on your bed again looking at the ceiling.

you wanted to ask your parents to take you to the game, truly, but they'd both be at work and you knew they wouldn't be able to swing it.

you had told club prez your predicament, and she had said she'd find a way to get you there. you weren't too sure about it but all you could do is nod.

the couple minutes in your room turned into a couple hours as you tried to find something to do. the sun had already set, the sky a pretty shade of oranges and blues. you had nothing to interest you at the moment.

instead you sat bored on your bed, listening to the sounds of your dad pan frying downstairs for dinner, mindlessly scrolling through your phone. your boredness slowly turned to hunger when you suddenly heard the buzz from your phone.

tanaka: hr parents?

tanaka: parents home?


damn no chill, you thought to yourself as he flooded your message box

you: are my parents home?

tanaka: yes!

you: why?

your brows furrowed as you sat up from your bed, what was he in such a hurry for?

tanaka: im at your house

you: what??

tanaka: i need you rq!

the doorbell sounded downstairs, bella immediately going to survey the premises as you realized he really was at your house. you opened your phone, texting him again


you: come to my window

you were left on read. peeking your head out the door of your room, you watches as your mom at the front door looked around the area.

"who is it?" your dad calls from the kitchen.

"mchht.. nothin but some pranksters,"

you breathe a sigh of relief as she closes the door behind her, going back over to her spot in the kitchen.

with a sigh of relief you turn around before startling yourself with the sight of tanaka staring right at you through your window.

bella trots back into your room to plop in her bed, satisfied of doing her due diligence at barking at whatever thing moves within an inch of the house. but she sees tanaka at the window and decides her work isn't done and immediately runs over to the window to bark some while you try and open it

"bella! no barking," you whisper to her, putting a finger to your lips as you opened up the window, tanaka's face poking in. your room isn't too high above the ground, but tanaka still has to stand on his toes a bit.

"so.. can i come in?"

you shoo bella out the room real quick knowing she'd just bark some more before shutting the door to your room behind you, and rushing over to the window.

"give me your hands,"

he reaches up for you to grab him, helping pull him up through the window.

he's halfway through the when you accidentally trip over your own feet, falling to the ground on your back while tanaka falls right on top of you, arms on either side of your head and faces practically touching.

"hey," he stumbles over himself, eyes wide before you quickly push him off of you and sit yourself up. 

"hi," you backed up against your bed, tanaka sitting on his knees with a quickness, "what are you doing here?"

"right!" he straightens up, you suddenly feeling a bit self conscious for not having tidied up while he looks around your room, "i need you to teach me how to kiss..,"


"teach me how to kiss! please," he leans forward towards you, hands clasped together in a silent prayer.

you blink for a moment, not truly surprised. if there is anything you've learned about him so far it's that nothing is off the table in weirdness when it comes to this boy, "and what brought this question on, might i ask??"

tanaka takes a breath before telling you the story of what occurred after school had ended. he was planning on trying to score himself a date this weekend using the "sage advice bestowed upon him by his master" before getting a little self conscious and backing out.

"i don't have any experience!" he buries his face in his hand as you try and shush him

"my parents are downstairs,"

"please," he asks again, seemingly not listening, "help me with this one. you're the only one i got, i rushed here soon as practice finished!"

you considered your options, tanaka pleading in front of you before you were pulled out of your thoughts. bella's muffled barks became louder and louder from the steps.

"shit," you stand up pointing to your open closet doors, "in there! hide,"

you shove tanaka into the closet, the door to your room instanty opening as your mom shoves her way through.

"bella," she scolds, "i'm not a stranger, stop barking at mommy!"

you watch the scene in front of you, standing awkwardly against your closet doors, tanaka shoved inside and quiet.

"so," your mom begins, strolling around your room like she got all the time in the world room, "i just wanted to know what you were up to,"

"nothing!" you rush out, immediately backtracking, "nothing, ma'am,"

she hums, eyes narrowing, "alright alright.. your father said dinner will be ready in thirty minutes, so don't be late,"

"yes ma'am," you nod, a bead of sweat running down your arm as you silently beg for her to leave. after what seems like years, your mom makes her way out your room and you listen as she walks down the steps, bella in tow.

you breathe a sigh of relief when she's out of your sight, a little upset that she left your door wide open instead of closing it like it was before.

but you didn't have time to be upset, you got a mission.  you open the closet door, tanaka tumbling out of your closet looking pissed off.

"dude," he whisper yells, "was all that really necessary?"

"it was if you don't wanna get caught,"

"i don't understand why I couldn't have just come through the front door?"

"mm.. trust me, that never would've worked,"

you knew your parents, and they weren't just gonna let "strangers" into their house without proper three to four business days notice. even then, you didn't think they'd like the idea of you spending time alone with that stranger in your room..

"listen, you wanted help, right?"

"you mean you'll do it?" his expression immediately changing into a small glow as you sit him down next to you on the bed as you give a small nod.

now this time you was way out of your element. kissing was a hands-on learning experience and you've never made it that far before..

but, you didn't want to pass an opportunity to try it for yourself up. didn't want to pass up an opportunity to try it with him.. curiosity got the better of you. you'd just go through the motions and hopefully everything would work out.

"i don't know how to explain it," you start, gently grabbing his chin in your hand to pull his face closer to yours , "you just.. do,"

tanaka gives a gentle nod as his eyes stay focused on your soft lips. your breathing feels so heavy being this close to him as he wraps a hand around your waist, pulling you closer and closing the distance.

your eyes flutter closed as you take in everything; his lips were just a bit chapped, and he was as rough and passionate as he always was.

his arm around your waist stays firm as you reach up to trace along his neck, pulling him further into you and deepening the kiss. your other hand bunches at the sheets on your bed, trying to ground yourself.

after a couple seconds, you two part your foreheads still pressed together.

"points?" tanaka sighs, hand tracing down your lower back.


"how many points did i get?" he gives a small laugh seeing your still a bit dazed expression.

"i dunno," you shrug, "you'd have to do it again.. y'know, so i can be sure.."

tanaka hums in agreement, his eyes closing again to kiss you. this time, you get to see his face all tense and brows furrowed as he tries to focus. it's.. endearing.

your hand once again goes to trace the outline of his jaw, heartbeat still pumping as you slowly lean in..

but before you can close the distance, your eyes snap open at the sound of bella once again, her barks becoming louder the closer she gets to your front door, the sound of footsteps echoing up the stairs.

"fuck," you mumble, pulling tanaka off the bed again, and shoving him into the closet, accidentally falling with him in a tangle of limbs,

tanaka tries to protest, but you hush him, "we have to-"

"y/n you in here? come get your dog, she won't quit barking at me,"


your dad walks about your room, bella finally quieting down to sniff around like she's helping him look for you.

luckily, you made your way into the closet just in time, tanaka standing against the clothes that hung from the pole. you on the other hand were not so lucky, instead stuck kneeling in between him, barely enough space for you to even do that comfortably.

"y/n" your dad called again from inside your bedroom, picking things up from off the ground, mumbling to himself, "i know i told that boy to clean his room,"


you try and watch from the small crack in the closet door, waiting for your chance to finally move, but tanaka keeps fidgeting behind you

from your spot on the floor you try and send him the meanest "stop fucking moving or we both dead" look you possibly can, but he doesn't seem to catch the memo.

instead, he looks just as upset as you keep on slapping his hands away from the back of his head.

"you sure he in his room right now?" your dad yells to your mom as he exits. your mom replies to him incoherent to you from the closet as your dad fully exits your room

they still can't close the door after they leave, huh?

you try and look around from the crack in the door and are greeted by a wagging bella as she licks at your finger tips. he's gone but you'd wait until he was completely down the stairs

in the meantime, you were left a little bit of breathing room to open the closet a bit more and finally chew tanaka out

however, as soon as you try and turn around to look up at him, you feel a slight bulge poking at your cheek.

slowly, you look up from the kneeling position on the ground to see tanaka, avoiding your eyes and an obvious blush on his cheeks seeing as there was nothin his hands could do to help him now.

oh hell nah

hell fucking nahhhhhhh


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