Dark past, Bright Future.


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My name is Blair young I was born in London but I'm from Glasgow and I'm currently 17 years old. My story st... More

[1] - Childhood
[2] - Teenage Years
[3] - Football
[4] -Arriving
[5] - Settling In
[6] - Starting Strong
[7] - Team Building
[8] - The Truth
[9] - Falling apart
[10] - Steady Progress
[11] - Memory
[12] - Hatrick
[13] - Group Games
[14] Bittersweet Ending
[15] - Celebrations
[16] - Gains
[17] - Big Decision
[18] - The Move
[19] - Signing
[21] - A Year Older
[22] - Party Time
[23] - Date?
[24] - First Kiss
[25] - Dream Debut
[26] - Walk in the Woods
[27] - Secret Kisses
[28] - New Roomie
[29] - Opening Up
[30] - Victory
[31] - Celebrating
[32] - Hickeys
[33] - Favourite picture
[34] - My Story *part 1*
[35] - My Story *part 2*

[20] - First Training

2K 33 2

I take a quick shower after the gym then join the rest of the girls in the canteen for lunch.

I grab some food before Jen calls me to her table. I sit with her, Katie, Beth and Viv.

We make some light conversation and I get on very well with Beth and Viv they are very easy going people. I'm picking up vibes they might be dating but I don't wanna ask.

"So Blair you're from Scotland right?" Viv asks me.

"Yeah well I was actually born in England but my parents are both Scottish and I've lived in Glasgow my whole life until now." I explain.

"Ah cool now we have a trio of Scots." She laughs.

"And 1 lonely Irishwoman." Beth adds laughing.

"I may be on me own but I represent us pretty well." Katie defends.

We chat for a while longer but I kinda zone out as I look at Leah from across the room this time she catches me staring and I blush looking down evading her smirk.

"dè mu dheidhinn a bha sin?." Jen says to me curiously. (what was that about?)

"ni sam bith" (nothing)

Jen gives me a questioning look.

"chan e fìor rud a th' ann tha mi dìreach a' smaoineachadh gu bheil i fìor mhath a' coimhead." I tell her. (it's nothing really I just think she is really good looking.)

"Hey no secret languages, what are you taking about?" Beth interrupts us.

"It's Gaelic genius, and I dunno Blair care to share." Jen smirks at me.

I shake my head at her.

"It's nothing I was just telling Jen how welcoming everyone has been." I say rather convincingly.

"Well you should have just said I love compliments." Beth laughs.

"We know." Viv laughs.

Beth mock shoves her as we get up to leave.

The girls go back to training and I have to go to a bunch of meetings. With the medical team then the S&C coach then the nutritionist and finally one with the player lifestyle coach.

After all my meetings I go out and watch the last 30 minutes of the girls training. Once the girls are finished Jen drives us home.

I offer to make tea for everyone while they shower and change. I want to make a good impression as a house mate. I make spaghetti bolognaise the only good thing I got from my mum was this recipe.

We all sit down with our food and watch a movie after we chat for a couple hours before we go up to bed.


I wake up abruptly in the middle of the night after having another nightmare. I can't seem to get back to sleep so I get up and splash some water on my face. I go downstairs and get a glass of water.

The dream was another bad memory from my childhood. I was maybe 8 and I had been running away from my mother after I escaped her grasp during a beating. I slipped and fell down the stairs I broke my arm. I remember my mum making me lie and say I fell of my bike to the nurse she threatened me that if I told the truth I would get taken away and my 'new family' as she phrased it would do far worse to me then she did. I couldn't even comprehend what would be worse at that age so I stayed quiet and went along with the lie.

I remember liking having a broken arm because my mum hit me less. I also remember how twisted my mum had made me and in the coming weeks after I got the cast off I tried to find ways to brake another bone to evade the beatings.

I took myself back to bed and managed to get to sleep after a while of staring up at the ceiling.


"Blair, come on you've gotta get up." Jen shouted as she banged on the door.

"Yeah I'm up sorry." I shouted back with a raspy voice.

"Alright we're leaving in 20 so get ready." I heard her walk away from my door.

Shit I slept through my alarm. I got up and raced to get ready I had a really quick shower before throwing some clothes on and rushing downstairs.

"Look who decided to finally wake up." Katie laughed as I entered the kitchen.

I didn't have time for a proper breakfast so I had a smoothie and I would grab something to eat at the training ground.

Once I was ready we quickly got in the car Steph drove us and Katie called shotgun. We got on our way and Jen turned to me in the back seat.

"Are you okay?" She asked clearly sensing something was off.

"seadh tha mi ceart gu leòr cha robh agam ach fear eile de na rudan cuimhne trom-laighe sin." I whispered to her. (yeah i'm fine I just had another one of those nightmare memory things.)

"Dè thachar?" She asked. (What happened?")

I explained to Jen my memory.

"Shit, a bheil thu ceart gu leòr?" (shit are you okay?)

"Tha mi gu math tinn feumaidh mi dìreach fòcas a chuir air trèanadh." I say. ( I'll be fine I just need to foucs on training.)


"Alright girls, now you're all warmed up we are just gonna get straight into some games before working on drills." Jonas explains after our warm up.

"Okay can I have on this team Manu, Steph, Leah, Frida and Blair. Playing them will be Sabrina, Jen, Lotte, Lia and Caitlin."

We take our places while Jonas tells the others the rest of the teams. We play a little round robin tournament and our team plays really well we win all our wee games and I score 4 goals and assist 3.

After that we break out into a passing drill which I found fairly easy then finally before lunch we did a shooting drill that I was really good at and Jonas seemed impressed with me.

Overall I was really happy with my first training session. I was relieved I had managed keep my mind clear and remain focused.

As we walked inside I felt someone come up from behind me and graze hands with me. I looked up and it was Leah I couldn't help but smile and she smiled back equally as bright.

God her smile killed me.

"You played really well there I'm impressed." Leah said to me.

"Thanks I'm glad you find me impressive." I tease her.

Leah blushes slightly.

"I definitely do." She smiles.

"Lucky me." I joke.

"Yes lucky you." Leah agreed. "Their isn't may people I find ...impressive."

And with that she walked off ahead of me before turning round and giving me a cheeky wink.

I laughed out loud and received some questioning looks.

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