Teen Wolf: The Second McCall...

By V01D_WR1T3R

36.2K 1K 247

We all know the story. Scott McCall gets bitten by Peter Hale, falls in love with Allison Argent, fights the... More

Season 3A
Ch. 1 - Tattoo
Ch. 2 - Chaos Rising
Ch. 4 - Unleashed
Ch. 5 - Frayed
Ch. 6 - Motel California
Ch. 7 - Currents
Ch. 8 - Visionary
Ch. 9 - The Girl Who Knew Too Much
Ch. 10 - The Overlooked
Ch. 11 - Alpha Pact
Ch. 12 - Revelations: Lunar Eclipse
Season 3B
Ch. 13 - Anchors
Ch. 14 - More Bad Than Good
Ch. 15 - Galvanize
Ch. 16 - Illuminated
Ch. 17 - Silverfinger

Ch. 3 - Fireflies

1.9K 59 24
By V01D_WR1T3R

Currently, Scott and Derek stood outside the vault door, waiting for Allison to come to terms with the fact that the reason her mom was dead was because she tried to kill Scott.

" She tried killing you," Allison repeated

" Uh, yeah, yeah," Scott confirmed, not meeting her eyes.

" Why didn't you tell me?" Allison asked. Scott closed his eyes in guilt but kept his head down.

"  I'll tell you everything, okay? I'll tell you a-anything that you want to know, but right now..." Scott began to promise, but Allison cut him off.

" Just tell me why. " Allison demanded. Only then, did Scott meet her eyes.

" I... I couldn't. Allison, I couldn't let that be the last memory that you had of her." Scott stated. Allison scoffed and began making her way to the entrance when the doors suddenly swung open and revealed an out-of-breath Y/N, leaning on the open door.

" Where?" He asked, catching his breath.

" Y/N?" Scott asked, walking over to his brother. He went to put a hand on his shoulder but got swatted off.

" Where... is Cora?" Y/N demanded.

" Ask her," Derek said pointing to Allison. Y/N looked at her, to which she confessed.

" I broke the seal of mountain ash keeping them in, and now their loose. There. Happy?" She asked. Y/N sighed, before popping his neck.

" Then where are they now?" He asked, pulling off his gray jacket.

" Did you run here?" Scott asked.

" Somewhere in Beacon Hills. And they are out of control, so we need to find them, and fast." Derek explained. " And we need all the help we can get," Derek said, looking right at Y/N.

" Is it time?" He asked to which Derek nodded. Y/N nodded and tied his jacket around his waist.

" Wait, how is my brother going to help?" Scott asked Derek, to which he smiled. Gesturing to Y/N, Scott watched as Y/N closed his eyes. But when he re-opened them, Scott saw something he did not expect.

Scott's eyes widened, as his brother's eyes turned yellow. " You're a..."

" A werewolf?" Y/N finished. " Yeah. I'm Derek's most recent beta."

" Since when?" Scott asked, flabbergasted.

Looking at Derek for confirmation, Y/N received a nod.


Days after Boyd and Erica had gone missing, Y/N walked into the loft to find Derek staring out the window. " Any luck on our missing beta friends?" He asked. Derek grunted. " I'll take that as a no." Y/N seated himself on the couch, before looking up at his friend. " Why won't you let me help you?" He asked.

" Because I won't let you put yourself in danger. Also, you're not like us. You can't heal as quickly." Derek explained, not looking at Y/N. Y/N nodded at that explanation but then came up with something. It was stupid, but it could help.

" What if I was like you?" Derek turned his head to look at Y/N, who was now standing up. " What if you turned me into a werewolf? Made me into another one of your beta's? Then there would be three werewolves looking for Erica and Boyd. Not two werewolves and a human that's seated on the sidelines." Y/N offered. Derek turned to face Y/N fully, to see him rolling up his jacket sleeve.

" You sure you want this? You do know it could kill you." Derek cautioned. Y/N shrugged.

" If I die, then I'll say hi to the rest of the Hales for you. As long as you explain to Scott that this was my choice, and you didn't influence me at all." Y/N promised. Derek nodded but moved him back to the couch, where he had him lie down.

" This is the painful part. Ready?" Derek asked. Y/N sighed, and nodded, as Derek bit into his arm. Y/N winced but felt warmth rush to his eyes. As Derek pulled away, the bite mark healed almost instantly, and Y/N's eyes were now glowing a bright yellow. Derek was slightly surprised at how fast Y/N's body accepted the bite. Normally, it took a newly bitten person to accept the bite a few hours before the eye color change happened.

" Now the only thing left is to figure out how to lie about your new change to Scott," Derek stated. Y/N facepalmed. He forgot that newly turned Werewolves give off a certain scent.

" You wouldn't happen to have any soap or shampoo that uses Werewolf scent concealers?"  Y/N asked, sheepishly. Derek chuckled.

" No, but we know someone who might."


" So, Deaton made a shampoo mix for you that concealed your Werewolf scent?" Scott asked, shocked. Y/N nodded. " Why didn't you tell me?"

" You kept your transition a secret because you wanted to protect me. I kept mine a secret because I knew how you were going to react. Based on sophomore year's second semester. When Derek was going around turning teens into werewolves." Y/N explained as he walked out the door. Y/N cracked his neck before he ran into the woods.

The instant Y/N was out of sight, and he couldn't hear him anymore, Scott grabbed Derek by his shirt and slammed him against the wall.

" Why did you turn my brother?!" Scott demanded. Derek sighed.

" He offered to help. I wouldn't let him. But we both know how much Y/N will push when it comes to helping family. And when he was younger, we were his second family." Derek explained.

" How?" Scott demanded.

" Because Cora and I saved him from being beaten to death. While you and Stiles were off having fun, and your mother was busy at the Hospital, Y/N was busy being beaten down by a bunch of older kids.


Y/N bolted down the street, as he avoided oncoming traffic. Right behind him, was a group of teenagers he had somehow angered. Y/N was six years old during this time, as he raced down the streets, but felt the back of his shirt being grabbed, as he was thrown into an alleyway. Before he had any time to collect himself, he felt a fist slam into his face. Y/N felt his nose move in a weird position as his head spun. Slowly, he regained his sight as he saw the oldest and biggest of the teens walk up to him. " You know what you did, right?" He asked.

" I'm sorry?" Y/N asked.

" My little brother tells me that you were picking on him today." the teen said, as he moved to the side to reveal a kid about Y/N's age. And Y/N knew exactly who it was. The kid was one of the many people who made fun of him for being new in his school and only having a mom, and today was the day Y/N snapped back, saying that at least he has a parent who loves him, instead of two parents who couldn't give two cares in the world to him.

" I didn't do anything. If any-" Y/N was silenced by another punch. This time, in the gut. Y/N felt the food he had ingested a few hours earlier rise up, as he barfed it up onto the pavement.

" I don't like liars. Or kids who throw up." The teen said as he raised his fist.

" Leave him!" Someone called out. The group turned, and stood at the end of the alley, were two older kids. Y/N didn't recognize them, partially due to his blurry vision but he heard the sound of people getting punched reached his ears before he passed out.


Y/N slowly opened his eyes, as he regained consciousness. The sound of floorboards creaking around him alerted him that people were around him. Slowly sitting up, Y/N felt his nose and realized it was perfectly healed. It was offputting to him since he knew it was at least dislocated from all the punches he took. But he was snapped out of his thoughts by the sound of a door opening. Y/N sat up, realizing he was in a bedroom. And through the door, walked a younger Alan Deaton, A young Derek Hale, and a younger Peter Hale.

" Ah, good. You're awake." Deaton said, smiling. Derek had a neutral look on his face, while Peter just glared at the young boy. " Let's go through the normal steps, shall we? Can you tell me your name?" Deaton asked Y/N.

" Y/N McCall, sir," Y/N answered.

" Very good. Now. Do you remember what happened before you woke up?" Deaton asked.

" I remember being attacked. I remember someone yelling for them to stop, but I didn't see who." Y/N explained. Derek smiled slightly.

" Okay, we know he's fine. Can he leave yet? I want my room back." Peter demanded. Derek glared at his Uncle, as Deaton sighed.

" Forgive him. He gets cranky when he's tired." Y/N nodded, as he glanced at the two Hales.

" Can I go home yet?" Y/N asked. But before he got an answer, something fell over

Everyone in the room looked towards the doorway to see a young girl picking up a fallen vase they had bumped into. They seemed to be around Y/N's age, and Y/N was immediately captured by her.

" Cora, what are you doing?" Peter asked. The young Cora walked forward slightly.

" I wanted to see if he was okay," Cora answered. Y/N's face slowly grew a stupid grin, one that was seen commonly by his brother's friend Stiles. Cora looked at Y/N before smiling. " Hi. I'm Cora. Who are you?"


Y/N was currently running through the forest, as he tried desperately to locate either Boyd or Cora. Which he thankfully was able to do. He ran upon the scene of Cora being slashed to the ground by Isaac, who grinned. Y/N grits his teeth as he jumped down behind Cora, as she got back up and threw Isaac into a tree. Y/N noticed a woman freaking out, and Y/N realized that if Cora was left unchecked, she could kill someone. Y/N ran forward as Scott showed up and drop-kicked Cora backward. Y/N used that to grab Cora mid-air and threw her to the ground.

" Sorry." Y/N said quietly, as Derek showed up and growled. Cora looked at the four werewolves surrounding her and ran. " Wait!" Y/N called, as he raced after her, followed by Derek and Isaac. Unfortunately, Cora was much faster and was able to lose the three in the darkness and coverings of the forest.

" Lost her." Y/N explained, angry with himself that he wasn't able to catch up.

" What do you mean you lost her?" Isaac asked. " You were right behind her." Derek lightly slapped Isaac on the shoulder, gesturing to Y/N's pain.

Y/N grit his teeth as he looked towards Isaac and Derek. " I mean she's gone. She's fast. Faster than any of us." Y/N gazed into the sky. " The moon's not doing us any favors."

" How come you're not going berserk right now?" Isaac asked, noticing Y/N wasn't catching his breath or straining in any way.

" Because I have someone to keep me grounded. I've always had an anchor, I just never mentioned it." Y/N said. Isaac nodded, impressed at the younger McCall's self-control, while Derek looked down. He knew exactly who his anchor was. And she was getting further and further away from Y/N, unable to control herself.

The night wasn't going any better, as Scott got a call from Stiles that a kid had been killed by the community pool, with their throat ripped out. Scott suggested the idea that they call Chris Argent. The only Argent Y/N had a decent relationship with. Y/N was about to agree since more help couldn't hurt, when suddenly, he got a flash of images in his mind. A barn, somewhere nearby, and in his heart, he knew exactly where it was. But where he got this knowledge was unknown.

Pulling Derek aside, he looked at his alpha. " Derek, I know where one of them are." Derek looked at Y/N in surprise. " Before you ask, no. I don't know how I know, but all I ask is that I go alone." Y/N looked Derek right in the eyes. Derek saw determination, and it wasn't going to be put out without a fight. Derek sighed.

" Go. But be careful." Derek allowed. " I've already lost one beta. I can't lose another." Y/N nodded, as he sprinted off. His arm burned slightly, but Y/N was too concerned with getting to the barn to notice.

" Why is he so invested in finding your sister?" Isaac asked. Scott walked up to the two of them, knowing the answer to Isaac's question.

" Because he's in love with her. And he's never fallen in love with anyone else."


Scott and Y/N both sat at the dinner table of the Argents, since Gerard had asked the two of them if they wished to join his family for dinner. The brothers had no choice but to comply, since the Bestiary wasn't in Gerards office, and the dinner ended up being very awkward, since Scott and Allison had recently broken up. Gerard picked up on this.

" Why is everyone so quiet?" Gerard asked, looking around at the table. " Is it that uncomfortable that they dated?"

" Did you ask them if they'd be uncomfortable?" Chris asked, concerned for his daughter's safety, and if she was uncomfortable or unhappy with the turn of events.

" Ok, I know it's been a few centuries since I was a teenager, but even back then, we dated and broke up all the time." Gerard stated like it was obvious.

" We're fine." Allison explained, trying to stop the conversation. " Right Scott?" She asked, to which Scott quickly nodded.

" Totally fine." Scott confirmed.

" Just a little trouble in paradise." Y/N mumbled. Scott side-eyed his brother.

" Then why did you break up?" Gerard asked, not caring about his nieces' emotions. Y/N looked up from his plate as he prayed silently that his brother wouldn't say anything stupid. Unfortunately, he did.

" She - dumped me?" Scott said, unsure of how to answer. Y/N facepalmed, before leaning into his hand.

" You did not just say that, why would you say that?" Seth asked a quietly as he could.

" Can we please talk about something else?" Allison pleaded.

" Very well. Y/N? What about you. Anyone special in your life?" Gerard asked.

" Nope." Y/N replied, minimally.

" But what about-" Scott blurted before seeing the deadly glare Y/N shot at his brother, making him go silent.

" Who exactly is he talking about?" Gerard pried, which made Y/N take a deep breath.

" Her name was Cora. I fell in love with her when I was six years old and I have never fallen in love since." Y/N explained, which surprised Scott.

" Well then she must be a very special person." Gerard declared.

" She was. Unfortunately, she perished in a fire that I was too weak to save her from." Y/N finished. The whole table went silent, as Y/N rose from his seat with his plate and made his way to the kitchen to clean up the mess he made on the plate. After he had finished washing his dishes, he turned to see Chris, who had a somber look on his face. " If your here to apologize for your father's lack of boundaries or your sister's hand in the death of the Hales, don't bother. I don't blame you."

" Then why talk about it? Why bring it up to us of all people?" Chris asked genuinely.

" Because you care. You follow a very good ethnic code. You hunt monsters, not those who live in peace with normal people like me. So, in my mind, you're the best hunter around. Not because of skill, but because of your morals." Y/N put his hand out. " So. Care to put that behind us?" he asked. Chris shook Y/N's hand while nodding.


Y/N cautiously entered the barn his eyes glowing bright yellow. " Cora?" Y/N called out. But what he didn't expect was when the doors to the bark slam shut. Y/N took a deep breath before he looked around, his surroundings glowing faintly. An ear-piercing roar caused Y/N to flinch as a pair of claws pierced into his back. Roaring in pain, Y/N was thrown to the side, by the one person he was searching for. Cora.

" Cora!" Y/N roared. Cora roared back, as she leaped forward with her claws out. Y/N dodged, before he grabbed her shoulders and pinned her to the wall of the barn. " Cora, it's me!" Y/N yelled, trying to reach any form of humanity in Cora's feral state. Cora's eyes dimmed for a moment before they flashed brightly and Cora slashed Y/n across the chest, followed by her throwing Y/N back. Y/N got back up, but Cora was already in front of him and pinned him to the wall by his throat and raised her claws to pierce his chest. But suddenly, Cora's shoulder glowed brightly, which blinded both Y/N and Cora and launched the duo back. Y/N regained his vision first and what he saw, surprised him.

Y/N clutched his shoulder as he gazed at the mark that laid on Cora's shoulder, as the blast had ripped off a bit of Cora's sleeve. Cora shook off her confusion before running out of the barn, crashing through the doors. Y/N was super confused as he raised the sleeve of his shirt, to reveal a small mark, which perfectly matched the mark on Cora's shoulder.

Derek, a little while later, found Y/N in the barn, still clutching his shoulder. " What happened? Where is she?" He asked. Y/N didn't answer or move, as he was too confused about what he had just seen. " Y/N?!" Derek called, snapping him out of his trance.

Derek saw Y/N's eyes as he lowered his hand. They were full of confusion and pain. " Derek. I need your 100 percent honesty with me. Why does Cora have the exact same mark in the exact same place as me?!" Y/N said, showing his shoulder to Derek. Derek was shocked. He had only heard rumors of something like this, but never fully understood.

" I promise that I don't have an answer. But. We are going to figure this out. You hear me?" Y/N listened very carefully to Dereks heartbeat and didn't hear a single irregular heartbeat. Y/N nodded and followed Derek back to the school. The plan was to have Chris Argent, who had agreed to help them hunt and capture the wild werewolves, use one of his emitters to draw them to the school. Y/N was content with this plan, and it worked. Him, Scott and Derek were able to guide Cora and Boyd into the basement where they locked every entrance so they couldn't leave. But one thing put a damper on their plans. One teacher had stayed late. Ms. Blake. She was down in the basement sorting through materials she needed for the next day.

" We can't just leave her in there with them." Scott declared. Derek nodded, and reached for the door, but was stopped when Y/N pulled the door's lock, unlocking the door and swinging it open.

" You're not going in there." Derek ordered. Y/N gazed back at his alpha.

" With all due respect, no. If you go in alone, you're either going to kill them, or they'll kill you. If I go, I can handle Boyd, and hopefully reach Cora. But if you want to go with me, you can deal with Boyd while I deal with Cora. Sound good?" Y/N offered. Derek nodded, as the two of them rushed into the basement, with Scott, begrudgingly and full of fear, locking the door behind them.

Hours passed before the moon finally set and the sun rose. Isaac rushed down to the basement to meet Scott and the two of them rushed into the basement to see Derek and Y/N, bloody and bruised, with Boyd lying unconscious on the floor, and Cora in Y/N's arms. Both were tired, but Y/N managed a weak smile before his brother rushed to his side, hugging him. Y/N was happy that no one else had died but had one question plaguing his mind.

Why did he and Cora share an identical mark?

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