Us In the Dark || S. Fisher

由 shewhowrites0

28.5K 660 993

Sal x fem reader [completed but under editing] Y/n can't sleep, like at all. No it's not insomnia, sleep para... 更多

Info and Warnings
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 7

1.4K 26 46
由 shewhowrites0

I didn't mean for this update to take so long 💀
But take a long ass chapter as an apology

"Y/n! From the looks of it, you might be able to get discharged soon!"


"Aren't you excited? You can see everyone again!"

"Not everyone..."

"You're still on that? Look Y/n, the people who you think you know are dead. Your family is dead, Larry is dead, Sal is dead, everyone else is dead. Got that?"


"Maybe we'll have to keep you longer than we thought... Hold still."

/ / / / /

Throughout history and in the media, horrible things tend to occur on Halloween night. I mean from the famous movie franchise, to people's candy getting drugged, to one of my favorite horror stories, there seemed to be a never ending pattern. I remember in this story, a son with a well known record of mental illnesses killed and decapitated his mother on Halloween night then proceeded to use her body and severed head as decorations. Twisted, right?

People all over town loved it since they thought it was extremely realistic. But then there was one person whose curiosity ended up revealing the terrifying truth. Upon closer inspection, they realized the body and head were infact real and screamed alerting people passing by. They called the police to have the son arrested but the son had other plans. He took off running making the police chase after him until they all reached the nearby traintracks. And right before he was caught, he jumped in front of a moving train, ending his life right before the police's eyes.

It's cases like this and much more that have me so invested with the human brain and how it works. Maybe then I can learn to understand the depths of my own mind and figure out what the hell is wrong with me. Or... I can just convince myself that I'm the sane one and that it's the rest of the world that's crazy, not me. If I can force myself to truly believe that, I just might be okay.

"Where's my water?"

I placed my afternoon medication in my pocket and left my room to grab some water. I've never been able to down pills dry and always had to take water along with them. As I entered the kitchen my phone buzzed; someone texted. I checked and found it was from Sal asking about Halloween this year. He and Larry wanted the group to go trick-or-treating since it would be the last halloween we got to spend as kids. They had a point. Since next year would be our senior year, we knew the whole getting ready for college thing would overlap into holidays.

I sent a quick reply and continued searching for bottled water while I started to gather my things to head out. I realized that Halloween was tomorrow night and I still didn't have a costume ready so I had to do some last minute shopping. When I left, Larry was outside raking up fallen leaves into piles. I resisted the urge to jump in them and make an even bigger mess of the yard. "Hey Larry! Lisa put you up to work now, huh?"

"Yeah. Dragged me out of the comfort of my bed and shoved a rake into my hands. Can you believe it? And I'm not getting paid as well, not cool mom," he said. Lisa popped her head out from the side of the building to interrupt his complaining. "And why should you get paid? I think it's time you helped just a little bit. Then you can go back to your room. Ahora, date prisa!"

"Si mamá! I'll talk to you later Y/n, see ya," and with that he went back to work and I continued on. The town was next to empty as I passed by deserted stores and food stops. I mean even for a Friday evening there was no one out here. A feeling of uneasiness settled in the pit of my stomach and I decided to hurry up with my shopping so I could head back home.

When I got back, Larry was no longer outside. The yard was cleaned up of all the leaves and you could actually see the dead grass again. I actually prefer when the leaves are lying all around. It makes the world a bit more colorful especially since we'll have little sunlight for the next 6 months. Even though I consider myself to be nocturnal at this point, I've always craved the feeling of sunlight on the skin.

Finally I made it back and made sure to lock the doors behind me. Sure I might be inside now but that feeling still lingered inside me. Rob was currently out so I was home alone and that did not help my uneasiness. I shot a quick text to Larry asking him to come over only for him to say that he and his mom went out for a bit. I quickly replied and then found Sal's contact and texted him as well. Fortunately he was available and said he was on his way.

With a sigh of relief I placed my phone on the table and started to unpack everything I had gotten. My costume inspiration was Beetlejuice since I had fallen in love with that movie and his character. I had the outfit already so all I needed was the makeup. I'll ask Ash about that later. While at the store I decided to also pick up some decorations for the house. The apartment was bare beyond belief and needed some type of sign that people lived here. The only rooms that had any character were my room and Rob's, both decked out on posters and other miscellaneous things.

Since Sal was on his way over, I could use his help in decorating and make it a fun little hangout. Minutes later when I was in the middle of taking my pills, because I finally got the water that I needed from earlier, someone knocked on the door. I placed the cap back on the water bottle and walked over, opening it to reveal Sal looking rather disheveled. "Before you say anything, I had just woken up from a nap when you texted me."

He had on a loose fitted graphic tee and some basketball shorts along with socks that had pizzas on them. The bottom strap of his mask was unclipped and his hair was down, messily resting just below his exposed collar bone. At first glance Sal has a lot of striking features. There's the most obvious one, his mask, but then there were littler things such as his eyes. They were hella blue and kinda scary, but at the same time they were beautiful and I couldnt help but stare. He had electric blue hair to match that he'd place in pigtails everyday. But on rare occasions, so like today, he'd wear it down and that made a major difference in his appearcen; a good one.

In all honesty, I always thought Sal was attractive despite how people normally look at him. The mask and pigtails isn't what you'd first expect but looks kinda slip away from view when there are other attributes to focus on. Other things about him that were way more important than the way he looks; even though I just can't seem to stop the need to look at him. I think I have a problem.

"Yeah, I can tell... Bed head." He made a dramatic gesture of slapping his arm over his heart and pretended to faint from my words. He even slid down the wall and everything. "You're so mean to me, Y/n. What have I ever done to you?" He whined, still sitting on the floor. "Well currently you're embarrassing me, get up!" I yanked him from the floor and dragged him inside then closed the door behind us both.

"Oh c'mon there was no one out there to see anyways." He said taking a seat on the couch. I sat down next to him and huffed before letting out a low chuckle. Sometimes he's such an idiot that it's adorable. I can't even stay mad or annoyed at him. "Yeah yeah, whatever. I called you over to use you for labor. Help me decorate, please?" I clasped my hands together and gave the sweetest smile I could muster up. He groaned dramatically—I was offended by that—and crossed his arms. "Why should I help you after you called me such an insulting nickname?" I rolled my eyes and dropped my nice girl act. "Because it wasn't an insult if it's true and, I know you're gonna help me anyways."

"What makes you say that?"

"Because, Sal Fisher, that is who you are. You're a people helper." A smug smile spread across my face as I got up to get us some snacks. "I won't just help any random people through. Just the ones I care about." I grabbed a big bowl and poured chips in as well as grabbing two cans of soda. "Aww, you care about me?" That was supposed to come out as sarcasm, and it did, but it felt more like a genuine question as the words left my lips.

"Of course I do. I care about you a lot... and the rest of the gang, too." I couldn't help but notice the slight pause between 'you' and 'and'. Not to mention how the tips of his ears were a slight shade of pink as well. I placed everything down next to the decorations and sat beside him again. "I care about you too, Sal. A lot." We held each other's gaze for a period of time before I couldn't take it anymore and looked away. As I pretended to be busy with the decorations, I could still feel his eyes on me.

I looked up again and caught him, he turned away quickly. I cleared my throat, "So I was thinking we'd hang a couple bats from the ceiling and place cobwebs in the corners. Then place these sticky spiders on the windows?" I could barely concentrate on what I was saying. All of a sudden the room felt hot? Why were his eyes burning into me? "Sure sounds like a plan."

"I'm gonna grab scissors and other stuff from my room, I'll be back." I got up a little too quickly and sped-walked to my room. I wasn't that passionate about art as Larry and Ash were but I still indulged in it every now and then. I had the scissors in my hand for while while rustling through things to make it seem like I was still looking for them. After about a minute of "grabbing the scissors" and other things, I returned to the living room and Sal was already sorting out the bats and cobwebs. I placed the scissors and tape down then picked up some of the stretched cotton and began to maneuver it into the shape of a cobweb.

As we worked in silence, this hang out started to feel more awkward by the minute. I decided maybe some music will help this quiet atmosphere. I pulled out my speaker from my room and started playing a chill playlist. That definitely helped since now Sal was humming along to the song that was playing. I sat there in silence just listening to him hum along. Something tells me deep down that this boy knows how to sing as well as play the guitar. It's a shame I haven't heard him do either... yet.

As I continued, the thought of him singing as well as playing crossed my mind and now, I was frozen in my place. I was so deep in the fantasy that I didn't realize Sal was talking to me until he tapped me on my shoulder. "Y/n, are you okay?"


"I asked if you were okay? Are you?" I shook my head and laughed, "I am. I was just lost in thought." I placed the cobweb down and took a sip from my can of soda. "What were you thinking about?" The question caught me so off guard that I almost choked. What was I supposed to say? That I was fantasizing about you playing the guitar and singing as well? NO!

"Ummm... I was just thinking of the other day when you said that there was something under the building that you'd rather show than tell me." And that part was true. The thought hadn't really left my mind and I was worried about what all the tenants were living above. Was Larry and Lisa okay due to their place being the closest to whatever it was?

"Oh that.. Um, well I could show you a bit later if you want?" He shrugged his shoulders and got up to place a spider on the window in my room. We had finished the kitchen and parts of the living and had some stuff left over so I decided to decorate my room as well. "You don't have to show me yet, just tell me about it," I said a little louder so he could hear me from the other room. "Well what do you want to know?" He semi-shouted back.

"How did you come across it?" He chuckled a little bit and sat back down beside me. "It's a funny story actually. It all started when we were sneaking around Mrs. Packerton, a former math teacher's place, and Ashley fell down a laundry shoot thing. The shoot led to a sub-basement, even further below Larry's place."

I was shocked. He continued to explain how this place was actually a temple and that it was used for cult activities. He even found a journal down there but left it in case someone went looking for it. By the end of it all, we finished and were just sitting on the couch with me still listening to him talk. "And that's basically what it is. But it's hard to explain without you actually being there to see it." I nodded and placed my head on the back of the couch as I let out a huff of breath. Why did this small town have big secrets?

"Does this cult have a name?"

"Yeah, The Devourers of God... stupid if you ask me." My face shifted to a look of horror at the mention of that name. Those were the same words I had read in my dream on my first night here and I should know, that dream had never left the back of my mind. "You know what's funny? I actually had a dream about them. Well, not the members specifically but the name appeared in my dream." I took another sip of my soda. It was flat now but that didn't matter anymore; nothing else did. Sal shot up and looked at me in disbelief. "You had a dream about it? How- how is that possible?" I looked over to the other side of the room and stared at the far wall in the kitchen. I couldn't find the right words to say to ease him as well as myself into the conversation.

"I didn't know it was a cult when I had the dream, this is the first I'm learning about that. And I have no idea how it's possible." Sal sat in thought for a moment before answering. "I have a theory but you may not like it..." Oh I know that voice. That's the voice he has when he has some crazy idea or plan. It's always worth hearing out in the end though; makes for an interesting adventure further down the line.

"I'm listening."

He repositioned himself so that he was fully facing me now; his right leg bent on the couch while his left was dangling off the side. I still cant get over those stupid pizza socks he had on. "Maybe you're connected to it somehow. I mean, I always thought that all dreams, no matter how weird, had some hidden meaning to them." He paused to make sure I was still with him. I was.. kind of. "You don't think it's odd how you had a dream about something you didn't know even existed?"

He had a point. How is it that I dreamt of something that is real without any prior knowledge about its existence? "So what do you think I should do?" He propped up his head with his arm and looked towards the front door. "There's not much you can do besides just waiting for another dream to happen and hoping that it gives you another sign or message. Until then, we'll wait it out."


He turned his head to face me. His eyes trailed up from my lips, to my nose, then my own eyes. His gaze lingered before he turned away and got all jittery with his hands. "Yeah. I was thinking I could help you, only because Todd and Larry and I have been trying to debunk it for a couple years now, ever since I moved here actually. Ash never really took part. She's the group skeptic." I nodded and took another sip of my flat soda. I should really throw it away now. "Anyways, you could be a missing puzzle piece to help us figure this out and uncover what this town really is."

"What do you mean by that?" I asked. "I mean ever since I moved here this place gave me weird vibes, and it still does. Did I ever tell you my dad and I moved in right after a murder happened?" "WHAT!?" He nodded and took a sip of his flat soda. "Yeah. And I could even argue that weird and unexplainable shit has been happening to me since birth." I related to that statement a lot. From the dreams that haunt me since birth, to my mother dying, the shadow thing that follows me, moving so suddenly, my father going M.I.A, me possibly being a part of cult? Yeah, something was definitely up in this town and in our lives.

Imagine they were somehow connected? Nah, even that's going a bit too far.

Sal and I finished making the decorations about an hour ago and were now just watching a movie, still glued to the couch. Rob came home and was pleased with our work, happy to see how great of a job we did. I persuaded Sal to stay for dinner and we enjoyed the rest of the night before It was time for him to go back home. I got ready for bed and laid down with the hopes that I would have another dream to help me understand what it is that I needed to do. Unfortunately when I did fall asleep, nothing happened.

The first time in a long long time where absolutely nothing happened...

/ / / / /

The next day I slept in a lot later than planned. I was awoken by the sound of my phone ringing loudly in my ear. My fingers flew to the screen and pressed the decline button determined to fall back asleep and stay asleep but, seconds later, it started ringing again. Maybe it was an emergency? I rolled over and accepted the call muttering out a tired "hello?" into the phone.

"Y/n are you really asleep right now? It's like 2pm," Sal's voice came through the phone. I let out a sigh and took the phone off the charger, then rolled over onto my back. "I was asleep... until you called." I tried to sound annoyed, which I was, so that he knew that now wasn't the right time. "Yeah yeah, I'll make it up to you later. But I need you for something right now. Can you meet me outside the apartments?" I rolled my eyes. "Stop rolling your eyes and just meet me outside."

"Fine. I'll be there in five."

I hung up and contemplated falling back asleep. But Sal did sound like it was an urgent matter so I couldn't bail on him. I dragged myself outta bed and to the bathroom to do my morning routine. Today was Halloween. Tonight the squad would be out on the town doing some much needed trick or treating. My outfit of the day was comfy cozy considering it was cold as fuck outside. I grabbed my wallet, keys, and phone then left the apartment to meet Sal outside like he asked.

"There you are. I was starting to think you'd bail on me," Sal said. He was wearing his normal black hoodie, maroon ripped jeans, and blue converse, only this time, he added fingerless gloves and earmuffs to keep warm. "Trust me, I was considering it," I said as I gave him a quick hug. I don't know why I did that but oh well, what's done is done. I'm just relieved he hugged me back. "Glad you didn't. Anyways, I needed some last minute stuff for my costume and wanted to talk to you about something."

"The cult?"

"Yeah... Is that cool?" We began to walk towards the downtown area where all the shops and food spots were located. "Sure, that's fine." A strong gust of wind picked up and blew some leaves off the trees. At first the conversation was about what he needed. He mentioned paint, leather gloves, a plastic knife, and possibly an army green jacket. If anything though, he was sure Larry had a jacket close enough to what he needed. We reached the first store and Sal browsed looking for gloves while I just wandered around. I didn't really need anything but something shiny definitely caught my eye that I will be buying a bit later.

We checked out our items and walked back out into the cold. "So, you said you had a dream about there being a cult but you didn't know it was real and located here?" Sal asked out of the blue. "Yeah, It was on my first night here." He nodded as we continued down the sidewalk. The town was empty. For some reason nobody was ever outside. Even when it was warmer out. "My guess is that it's—and this is a bit of a stretch—that it could be something supernatural?" I stopped walking and blinked in confusion.

"I told you it was a bit of a stretch." I looked around making sure nobody heard that even though it was basically just the two of us. "Yeah but supernatural?" I shivered when another gust of wind caught me off guard. Sal stepped closer and grabbed onto my hands and pulled me closer to him. He gently placed them in the pocket of his hoodie and held them between his own. Instantly I felt warmer but I couldn't tell if it was because my hands were now sheltered or because of him. "Think about it. It could be some kind of connection you made or your parents made. I'm banking on it being your parents since you had no idea," he continued on as if what he just did was normal for friends.

"I mean I guess but my parents never gave me shady vibes. I mean sure they had their secrets but not a big enough secret like being a part of a cult," I shrugged my shoulders. "The only reason I would know for sure is either gaining access to this cult's records of its members or heading back to my parents house. And I don't wanna go back there." He nodded his head and rubbed his thumb over the back of my hand. "Alright, cult it is then. There's just one problem." He says looking off to the right. "And that is?"

"I don't exactly know where it's located. I mean I have my suspicions but not enough proof or evidence to confirm them." I nod my head as well. "Well where do you think it is?" He sucked in a sharp breath before answering. "I think it may have something to do with the Phelps Ministry that sits on top of the hill near the apartments. And I only say that because most cults take place in temples and churches n' shit. Since the temple belbow the building has been unoccupied for years now, it only makes sense to me that it would be in the only church in town." I nodded as I took in what he was saying. "So you think meetings are held there and memebers meet there regularly?" "Yup." Suddenly the snap of a twig echoed from a nearby alleyway. I jumped at the sound because I thought it was just us here but I guess I was wrong. Sal looked at me, giving me a look that said "stay put, I'll be back," and so I did.

He went to check who was essentially eavesdropping on us and I trailed behind. Yeah I know I said I'd stay put but I was curious and I can handle myself. Sal and I turned the corner to look but the person was already gone. He looked back at me and I shrugged my shoulders. "C'mon let's get the rest of your stuff then head out." I walked ahead of Sal and looked for a craft store so he could pick up paint, then we went to an outlet for the jacket. By the time we went back home it was around 3:30pm. We still had a few hours before it was time to start getting ready so I just hung out at Sal's to help with his costume.

"Hey Y/n?" Sal broke the silence between us as he layered on paint onto a mask he was gonna wear tonight; I was hot gluing shit together haphazardly. "Yes, Sal?"

"Why is it that you wouldn't wanna go back home to visit your family?" His question caught me off guard. "Um-" "I know, I'm sorry, it's kind of personal. You don't have to answer." I put the glue gun down and rested my arm on the table, propping up my head. "I guess it's because no one from home wanted to visit me." He continued to paint, "What do you mean?" I brushed my fingers over the material I was working with to district my hands with something to do. "I mean I've been here since August and got no calls or anything from my father or friends back home. It's like they forgot about me. So if they dont wanna call to see me, then I don't wanna go back home to visit. Petty, I know."

I picked back up the glue gun and continued working on the costume. Sal stayed quiet for a moment but then replied, " No it's not petty, It's understandable," and that brought a smile to my face. "My father has been pretty distant too. He had a previous alcohol problem and spent late nights working all the time. I'd assume with the move that he wouldnt give on me anymore and make time for us. I guess not." My smile faded. For the split second I met his father, he seemed like an okay dude. But I never would have thought he'd be neglectful towards Sal. That's just awful. "Well, here's to shitty fathers." I took up my can of soda I had previously gotten and held it up. Sal took up his own can and toasted it with mine, "cheers to that."

A couple hours later, I went home to start getting ready for tonight. I decided I could use some company so I had invited Ash to get ready with me. It had been a while since it was just the two of us so I thought, why not? Moments later, the doorbell rang. "Ashley, you made it!" I gave her a giant hug and dragged to my room. "I brought everything we could possibly need!" She squealed in excitement. One by one Ash laid out makeup pallets, brushes, fake scars, and much more. "I went a little overboard," she gave a shy smile.

"A little?" I say examining the dark colored themed pallet I'd using for tonight. "Well I only really see how far my art skills can go on paper, never on my own or anybody else's face." I handed her the pallet with a warm smile, "Go for it."

About an hour after doing both her own makeup and my makeup, we finally got dressed and met with everyone outside the apartment building. Everyone looked so good in their costumes, I just couldn't help but take a quick picture. Ash let me borrow her polaroid camera for the night and I gladly accepted. After a quick headcount we made our way around the neighborhood.

"Eugh, I didn't realize talkthig in these teeth would be so annoying," Ash said with a slight lisp. I had warned her that the teeth would be a bit much but she insisted it was a necessity for her vampire costume. "Well at least you don't have these straps that keep falling down," Todd, who was chucky, was also having issues with his costume.

"Is anybody else experiencing wardrobe and prop malfunctions?" I asked mainly as a joke but was surprised at the unanimous yes from the rest of the squad. "I'm actually having a great time with no issues whatsoever," Larry spoke up. "Yeah well that's because you cut holes in a sheet and called it a day." Sal, who was walking on my right hand side dressed as Jason, called out to Larry behind us. "Actually, I cut holes in a sheet and called it a ghost." We all laughed at Larry's quip and continued on to the first house of the night.

Hours go by and it's nearing midnight. One last house still had their lights on so the group dragged their feet to the doorstep. For a town this small, I'm surprised we had to do that much walking. Larry rang the doorbell and a few seconds later, a tall man with blonde hair came out wearing a nasty scowl on his face. He looked, no, glared at us all before scoffing and slamming the door on our faces. "Well that was rude," I finally say.

"I think that's a sign for us to head back now," Todd said. He grabbed Neil's hand, who had decided to tag along with us, and walked ahead of the group. Larry then followed with Ash as they argued about who gathered the most candy. That was the start of a war as candy flew at each other's heads, nearly missing mine and Sal's. For a moment I just stared at the closed door in front of me. Why did that man look so familiar and an awful lot like- "Y/n?"

Sal placed a hand on my shoulder snapping me out of my trance and gave me a look that said that we needed to leave. We strolled along the empty sidewalk, side by side, in a comfortable silence. The rest of the group was pretty far ahead, leaving us alone for the time being. It was just us, the sound of our feet hitting the concrete, and the occasional car that would pass by. The feeling of tiredness passed through causing me to lag behind. Sal noticed and stopped in his tracks as soon as he realized I wasn't next to him anymore. He turned to face me and I stopped walking to meet his gaze.

"You seem exhausted," He started, "Are you okay?" I nodded my head and walked up next to him again. "Yeah, just exhausted, as you said." He paused for a moment, "Want me to carry you?" I snapped up at his question. Was he being serious?

"Yes, I'm being serious." Can this fucker read my mind? He placed his bag of candy onto the floor and turned around gesturing to me to get on his back. I was hesitant at first. He didn't look like the type to have enough strength to carry me—up a hill might I add—but, my feet were screaming at me so I hopped on anyway. He hoisted me up, picked up his candy, and began walking again. "Thanks."

"No problem."

As we walked I placed my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes slightly. I had no intention of falling asleep but my body had other plans. I was probably out for a few minutes before a cold gust of wind rushed by, jolting me awake. In my half asleep state, I noticed something out of the corner of my eye and picked my head up to see what It was. I started into the surrounding bushes that lead into the forest and squinted my eyes to try and make out what was staring back at me.

I didn't have to look for too long to realize it was that damn shadowy figure again. I was so tired I couldn't be bothered to care at this point. Sometimes, I feel like I should walk towards it and stop running away... "Sal I don't mean to pry but, could you walk a bit faster?"

"Sure. Is everything okay?"

"Um, yeah it's just... I'm getting a bit chilly, that's all."

He nodded and picked up the pace. A few minutes later we reached the apartments and Sal put me down so that we could join the others in the treehouse. I climbed up and he climbed after. Everyone was already bundled in blankets and covered in candy wrappers staring intently at the mini TV Larry set up. Sal and I found an empty spot on the floor and sat next to each other. I placed my candy bag down and grabbed a blanket for us to share.

"What took you guys so long?" Ashley asked. From the looks of it, she and Larry's candy war took place in here as well judging from the candy wrappers in both their hair. I just shrugged my shoulders, placed the blanket over us, and got comfortable. The movie was only a quarter of the way through before my eyes got heavy again. I decided to rest my head onto Sal's shoulder like I had done before and closed my eyes. I could feel him tense up a bit but didn't think too much of it as I was already half asleep. Then within seconds, I was out completely.


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