The Path Ahead

By JairusTLS

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After defeating Shinra's forces in a long and desperate battle to protect Fort Condor, Aerith and her friends... More



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By JairusTLS

Aerith smiled fondly as she watched Cloud and Jessie hurry out of Fort Condor's mess hall. Or rather, Jessie eagerly tugging Cloud by the arm, giggling her way out the door. Tifa and Biggs' departure was more understated and reserved, but in reality no less excited. Aerith couldn't blame them. Like Cloud and Jessie, they'd been apart for a month now, finally reuniting here just in time to help defend this place from Shinra and its assault force. The fortress had held, but not without cost. Many lives had been lost, and others badly wounded.

Nearby, Lena sat in her wheelchair, paralyzed during the fight with the monstrous Grandhorn. Although she was calm and cheerful on the outside, Aerith sensed the pain, fear, and sadness Lena was only barely keeping in check. She would walk again one day—Aerith's magic, when she'd saved her, had seen to that—but it wouldn't be anytime soon. Her road to recovery would be a long and hard one. Still, Aerith knew she'd push through it with her typical resilience.

As if he'd sensed her real feelings, Wedge took Lena's hand as he sat by her at the table, the food for once forgotten. Only she had that effect on him. And after a few smiles and quiet words, they were sharing soft kisses together. Although Aerith was happy for them along with Cloud, Jessie, Biggs, and Tifa, it also reminded her that unlike them, she didn't have anyone special, no one to hold her and make her feel cared for in a way that no one else could. Not anymore.

Zack was gone, had been gone for years. Aerith had held out hope for a long time, refusing to admit the harsh truth to herself long before she'd felt the terrible reality of it herself. She'd sensed it that day, but the truth was, she'd known all along. He was never coming back. He never had, not in all the times this journey had played out. And it had, again and again. She had only the vaguest sense of the cyclical nature of what she and her friends were doing, only that they'd all done it before. Over and over again, and in mostly the same way.

It wasn't just about time, though. Aerith felt it was more than that. As if an untold number of alternate selves had made a similar journey, were making it even now, or had yet to even begin it. She could almost feel them if she concentrated hard enough, her other selves. The planet was more than just what she could see and touch.

It was a multilayered, living, breathing entity made up of countless variations of their reality, each existing independently of each other in the same place and time but unable to detect, interact with, or interfere with one another. At least, usually. But there were always exceptions, as Aerith was learning. She and her kind were one of them, more aware of the planet's true nature than anyone. Perhaps there were others as well, points of intersection where different worlds could meet. But that path, she felt, was meant for another to take, not her.

That moment in the sewers when Cloud had touched her and she'd seen his visions of Jessie's fated death in the Sector 7 pillar, a death that she'd never escaped in most of the other variants but which Cloud had saved her from in this one, was when Aerith had first known that more was going on with their journey than it seemed.

She could also sense what lay ahead, the deep darkness that waited for her, and she knew what it was, what it meant. But she didn't want to think about it right now, or the loneliness it brought her. So she turned her attention back to the party, sipping her drink, talking with those of her friends that were still there, and listening to the music. Jessie wasn't the only one who could wear a cheerful mask.

As the hours went by and the party went late into the night, Aerith watched the rest of her friends leave to go get some rest. But she stayed behind, still wide awake and not tired just yet. To distract herself from her pain and her morose thoughts, she danced a bit more, not caring a bit that she was just about the only one out there now. There were only a few people left at the party by this point anyway.

One of them, a young and handsome bald man, caught her eye. He was Edwyn, commander of the forces here. She'd talked with him a bit earlier before settling in with her friends, but now that they were gone for the night, she thought she'd pick up where she left off and try to get to know him a little. When the song she was dancing to had ended, she went over to the table where Edwyn was sitting.

"Hey, there!" she waved.

Edwyn smiled. "Aerith. Enjoying the celebration?"

She laughed. "Definitely! Looks like you are, too. Not many people left here besides us party animals, eh?"

"Seems that way," he agreed. "Please, have a seat."

Aerith sat down, noticing the faint scars here and there on his face and arms. "You're looking better, Edwyn. Though I'd advise you to take it easy for the next few days. You've been through a lot."

Edwyn nodded. "As have we all. And I have you to thank for being in one piece after all that. I... don't think I did earlier."

"You were worried about your men," she said, understanding.

He didn't argue. "Still, I'm grateful. So... thank you, Aerith. For the help and healing you've given me... I-I mean, all of us."

Aerith took his hand. "You're welcome."

The contact between them made feathers swirl in her stomach, but she didn't let go right away. After the battle, she, Jessie, and Tifa had all tended to the wounded, mending what hurts they could. Edwyn, as the commander, had wanted his men's injuries looked after before his own even though he'd barely been able to stand at first. It wasn't until Aerith had made him sit down that he'd finally allowed her to use her healing magic and abilities to see to his wounds. Fortunately, none of them had been too serious, and he was recovering well.

Aerth had also noticed him noticing her throughout the party, and his verbal slip just now confirmed what she'd already been sensing. He was attracted to her. And she'd have been lying to herself if she'd said it didn't go the other way as well. Edwyn wasn't much older than her, just a year or two shy of thirty by her guess, and easy enough to look at. She had to admit, she'd done her share of looking earlier when she'd known the others weren't paying much attention to her.

"How long do you think you'll be here?" Edwyn asked.

"At the fort?" Aerith said. "I'm not sure. I don't think it'll be all that long, though. We're kind of on a quest, you see."

He chuckled. "I'm not surprised."

"Oh?" she raised an eyebrow.

"Just look at what you've done already," Edwyn reminded her. "We all thought we were going to die before you and your friends came. But with your help, we not only survived, we won."

Aerith smiled. "Heroes aren't always what you think, Edwyn. Some might not stand out so much, but there's nothing wrong with that. The things they do for others speak for themselves."

It took a moment for him to realize what she was really saying, but when he did, he smiled gratefully at her. "I... thank you, Aerith. That's very kind. I'm just a soldier, nothing special, really."

"You fought as hard and as bravely as any of us," she said.

"I had to," Edwyn replied. "Not just for my men, but for my family. I have two young children. My sister's with them in Darnath, the town I told you about before, where we all sent our loved ones to before you and your friends arrived. I haven't seen them in months."

Aerith gazed softly at him, understanding. "You must miss them a lot. What about their mother? Is she with them, too?"

"She died... three years ago," Edwyn sighed.

"I'm sorry," Aerith said, gently squeezing his hand.

He gazed at her fingers laying on his. "Thank you, Aerith. It hasn't been easy, but I'm alright. I've had time to heal."

"I can tell," she said. "But she'll always be a part of you."

Edwyn nodded. "She is. But... that doesn't mean I don't have room to share my heart with someone else. Because I do."

Aerith felt her own heart skip a beat. She knew what he'd really just said, that he'd all but admitted he was interested in her. Although they'd only known each other for about a day or two, they'd experienced a lot together in that short span of time—fighting side by side in a desperate battle for survival, staring death in the face, tending to the wounded in the aftermath—and she considered him a friend. But could she risk the chance of letting it grow into something more, knowing the path ahead of her and where it would almost certainly lead?

With an effort, Aerith pushed those dark thoughts aside, stood up, and offered Edwyn her hand. "That's... nice! Now how about a dance? I feel like moving around again. How about you?"

"Dance?" he blinked. "I... don't know how. Not really."

"I'll teach you," Aerith smirked.

As soon as Edwyn took her hand, she giggled, playfully pulled him to his feet, and led him across the room to the dance floor. Or rather, a part of the mess hall where the tables had been pushed to either side to make a place for people to dance. The song was a faster one, the steady beat easy enough to move to, and Aerith went right into it. Amidst the music and motion, she was able to forget for a while what was ahead of her, the long journey she was on and its bitter, inevitable end. At least it would be for her. But that was still yet to come.

She forced the thought of it away again and beckoned to Edwyn to try moving a bit himself. He did, though a little self-consciously at first. Edwyn was a quiet, reserved sort of man, very different from Zack, but at the same time, very much like him in the way he genuinely cared for his friends and those under his command and would go to any lengths to help and protect them. She supposed that was part of what attracted her to him, that same selflessness that Zack had always had, even if he'd often been more outgoing and flamboyant.

After a minute or two, Edwyn began to relax, and Aerith supposed it helped that there were only a few people left in the mess hall by now, which made loosening up a bit easier for him. Taking hold of his hand again, she spun away until she was as far as she could go, her other arm stretched out behind her. As the song came to an end, she reversed the move, twirling gracefully back to Edwyn. The music stopped just as he caught her, and their eyes met. In that moment, Aerith found her heart beating faster from more than just the dancing.

When another, slower, song began a moment later, she let him lead her into another dance. Though she'd done this with Barret earlier, as a way to get him to have a little fun, it wasn't the same. Aerith hadn't felt the butterflies in her stomach then that she did now. With Barret, she'd been more relaxed—he was just a friend, and that was all—but Edwyn was different. She liked him, enjoyed how it felt to be in his arms. Nice, warm, gentle... so much like Zack. She hadn't realized how much she'd missed it until now. And so much else as well.

As the music swelled, Aerith's emerald eyes never left Edwyn's blue ones, and she was very much aware of how close he was, the feel of his hands clasped at the back of her waist as hers were draped loosely over his shoulders. Her delicate face seemed to move on its own toward his, tilting upward as his descended to meet it. All of Aerith's instincts told her to back away, to not indulge these feelings Edwyn had brought out in her—the path she had to walk wouldn't allow her such comforts, not with where she knew it would eventually take her.

But she just didn't care. In that moment, the ache of loneliness and longing overpowered her sense of duty, and she let her lips close softly over his. Aerith felt her heart slam against her chest as Edwyn returned the kiss, tenderly for now but with a hint of the passion he was capable of, should she wish to explore it. And right now, she did. Planet forgive her, she did. It had been so long. So very long.

But then, there in the midst of it, she was hit with a sudden wave of panic. Aerith gasped and pulled away, her thoughts reeling. What am I doing!? I can't let myself get too close, not when... A sliver of pain swept through her chest like a shard of ice, reminding her of what she sensed had to be. But what if she was wrong? Did she really want to throw this away because of what she felt might be? Jessie was living proof that fate could be changed. So were Biggs and Wedge. But then, why was she so sure that her own wouldn't be so easily avoided?

"Aerith?" Edwyn gazed worriedly at her. "Are you alright?"

"I..." she began, stepping away.

Then she turned and hurried out of the mess hall without another word. Aerith wasn't really sure where she was going and she didn't care. She just needed to get away and compose herself, try to figure out what she wanted and if there really was no way out for her from her destined fate. The heavy weight of it had been lingering in the back of her mind for some time now, haunting her thoughts and her sleep. It had grown over time, like some demon that fed on her fears. Cloud and the others didn't know. She didn't want to worry them.

But as she made her way outside, across the courtyard that was still full of debris from the battle, and up the stairs to the wall, Aerith found herself afraid for a different reason. She'd never told anyone, never said a word, but fear had become her most constant companion. Fear of the future, of that terrible moment yet to come. Of her life being bound to a rail and being unable to break free and make her own choices, losing all that she could've been and known to a cruel and unchanging fate. It felt so unfair. But that wasn't what scared her now.

Aerith was afraid for Edwyn. That if she let things continue as they had begun, if she let herself grow too close to him, it would eventually hurt him, causing him pain and heartache when her time finally came. He'd already been through that once, with his wife, and she didn't need her keen Cetra sense of perception to know it hadn't been easy for him to deal with. How could she do that to him again?

"Aerith?" his voice called softly to her.

She heard him behind her but didn't turn around just yet, her eyes gazing past the wall at the ravine. "I'm here."

He moved to stand next to her. "Did I do something wrong?"

"No," Now Aerith did look at him. "It wasn't you, Edwyn. I was just nervous, I guess. It's... been a while. And I wasn't expecting to feel that way about anyone again. I'm sorry I ran off."

Although that was true enough, she didn't feel comfortable sharing the rest with him. She'd barely told Cloud and the others much of what she knew. There was so much ahead for all of them, a long and difficult road through danger and darkness. And she still couldn't say for sure if she would see the end of it. None of her predecessors, her other selves, had, save for a very rare few. Could she be one of them? Jessie's survival against all odds gave her hope, but she just didn't know. Still, she would savor whatever time she had as much as she could.

Gazing into Edwyn's eyes, Aerith took a deep breath, let it out, and came to a decision. Whether it was wise or not, right or not, she didn't care. So much depended on her, but... when had she ever been able to see to her own dreams and desires? Her own needs, hopes, and wishes? She'd spent so much time looking after everyone else even before she'd met the others and begun this journey that she'd barely had time to see to herself. But as she'd told Cloud in Wall Market, she was a flower girl, not a saint. And she ached with yearnings of her own.

"Forgive me?" Aerith asked, smiling playfully at Edwyn.

He gently took her hand. "Of course."

Her choice made, she touched her lips to his. "Thanks. I hope you don't mind picking up where we left off."

"I was hoping you'd say that," Edwyn quipped.

Then he wrapped his arms around her, drew her close, and pressed his mouth against hers. Aerith let herself go, losing herself in the kisses she shared with him and the pounding of her heart, things she'd missed far more than she'd realized. As her lips locked and unlocked fervently with his, she felt a hunger growing inside her, one that she hadn't fed in a very long time. Too long. Normally, she never would have considered doing so soon what she was contemplating now, but her circumstances didn't allow her the luxury of taking her time.

"Edwyn..." Aerith murmured in between kisses. "I was wondering if... you'd like to... go somewhere... a little more private. It's late, but... we still have a long time... until morning."

He pulled away for a moment. "Are... are you sure?"

She took his face in her hands. "Yes. I don't know yet when I'll have to leave, but I want to spend as much time with you as I can for as long as I'm still here. That is... if you don't mind."

"I'd like that," Edwyn said, kissing her. "Very much."

Aerith happily returned the favor. "Thanks. So... can we go to your quarters? Better than being out here, don't you think?"

He offered her his arm. "Much better."

"Then let's go!" she laughed, sliding hers through it.

Together, they left the wall behind arm in arm, walking back down the stairs into the courtyard as the night sky twinkled with stars above them and the reactor loomed overhead at the top of the hill. Then, her dress swishing softly around her as she moved, Aerith went back inside the fortress with Edwyn. At this hour, the halls were mostly empty, and from the quiet in the halls, she guessed that the party had finally come to an end. She and Edwyn rode the lift in the corner upstairs and made their way to the back of the second floor.

This was where the officers' quarters were located. Edwyn took her down the row, mentioning that his were at the far end. She was eager to see what they were like. But as she was walking leisurely with him past one of the closed doors, Aerith realized she could hear the soft sounds of heavy breathing from somewhere on the other side as well as steady moans of pleasure and a very familiar voice.

"Oh, Cloud..." Jessie murmured.

Aerith stopped and clapped a hand over her mouth to keep herself from giggling as she shared an amused glanced with Edwyn. Looked as if her friends were still at it. Not that she was at all surprised. Jessie was completely in love with Cloud and, after being separated from him for a month as she'd recovered from the injuries she'd sustained in the plate collapse before setting off on her own journey to catch up to him here, certainly hadn't hesitated to make up for lost time.

Leaving Cloud and Jessie to their shared passion, Aerith let Edwyn guide her further down the hall and thought about Tifa and Biggs, who no doubt were also enjoying themselves downstairs. Earlier at the party when they'd had a moment alone, Aerith had told Tifa she'd bunk with Yuffie tonight—the standard quarters were typically shared rather than individual, and Tifa had been Aerith's original roommate. But since she and Biggs had finally admitted how they felt about one another, Aerith had wanted to give them some time alone together.

Now she wondered what she was going to tell Yuffie. If everything went as well she hoped, Aerith wouldn't be spending the night down in their shared quarters but rather up here with Edwyn. The thought of it heated her blood, and she quickened her pace, deciding to worry about what to say to Yuffie later. Edwyn kept up, his own steps eager, and just a moment or two later, they finally reached his door.

His quarters were spacious, fitting for the fort's commander, with a sitting area, small kitchenette, and separate bedroom. Aerith was most interest in the latter, she had to admit, although she waited patiently as Edwyn closed and locked the door behind them. Then, with a sweep of his arm, he showed her his modest home.

"Well, this is it," he chuckled. "The rest of the officers' quarters are smaller, only one room and a private bathroom, but being commander does have its privileges. What do you think?"

Aerith laughed. "I like it. Very cozy."

Edwyn joined her. "Thanks. How about some wine? I actually have a bottle of Banora red. Been saving it for a special occasion, and I think between our impressive victory in the battle today and having you here with me now, tonight most definitely qualifies."

"It certainly does," she smiled.

While Edwyn carefully took out the bottle and two slender glasses, Aerith sat down on the small sofa. There wasn't really much in the way of decoration in his quarters, but she wasn't surprised. The people here hadn't really had a lot of money and resources for months since Shinra had cut them off and put them under siege in order to kill the condors nesting atop the reactor and steal the rare materia that was somewhere deep inside it. Still, she thought a pot of flowers would brighten up his living area and make it a lot more cheerful.

Although much of the land in this region was dry and barren, with brown, rocky hills and steep ridges, there were still patches of grass and flowers that grew in places. Aerith decided she'd have Cloud take her to one of them tomorrow so she could gather some blossoms to decorate the fortress and liven it up a bit. She doubted they'd be leaving here just yet, so there was still time. Maybe some yellow marigolds and lavender sage would fit nicely in here. She'd seen some of them growing near the wide, rugged ravine leading to the fortress.

Sitting next to her on the sofa, Edwyn set the bottle and glasses on the little coffee table and poured some wine for each of them. Then he took one glass and gave the other to Aerith. When he lifted his, she did the same, knowing what he had in mind.

"To the condors and to today's victory," Edwyn said. "Which would never have been possible without you, Aerith."

She giggled. "To victory, the condors, and a nice first date."

He clinked glass against hers. "I'll drink to that."

The wine was good, and as she and Edwyn sipped at it, they talked for a while, learning more about each other. Aerith shared some of her life growing up in the Midgar slums, and he told her stories of his time here at the fort and his youth in South Argen, the large and prosperous town sitting at the southern entrance of the largest mythril mine in the region. As she learned more about him, how he'd grown over the years from a rash and reckless boy into the steady and more responsible man he had become, Aerith felt closer to him.

"You've come a long way, Edwyn," she said softly.

He smiled. "Hasn't been easy, but... it's worth it. I've never been to Midgar, but from what you tell me, it must've been dangerous growing up in a place like that. You're stronger than you look, Aerith. And also, um... very beautiful. I'm still in a bit of a daze..."

Aerith took his hand. "Thanks. And I know what you mean. Being here is just as much a surprise to me as it is to you. It's a really nice one, though, and I'm having a great time. But, well..."

"What is it?" he asked.

"May I?" she asked sheepishly, reaching toward his head.

Edwyn chuckled. "Oh. Of course."

With a little a squeal of delight, Aerith slid her fingers lightly over his shaved scalp. "Mmm, very smooth... Sorry, I've just never been this close to a bald man before, and I was curious."

"No need to apologize," he assured her. "I'm glad you like it."

Aerith smirked. "I do. It's kinda cute."

Then, with her hand still resting on the back of his head, she gently pulled him to her and kissed him. Edwyn's arms enfolded her, and for a while, they snuggled there toget her on the sofa, lips meshing and their tongues dancing. Aerith's heart hammered her in her chest, longing for more, and she had no intention of denying it. Whatever lay on the road ahead of her was a worry for tomorrow. But right now, she would take this moment, this night, for herself. And if things went well, as many as she could for as long as she was here at the fort.

Before long, Aerith was pulling her arms out of the short sleeves of her red jacket, and with a tremor of anticipation, she let Edwyn slide it off her shoulders. He dropped it on the sofa as they stood up, his hand in hers, and led her to the bedroom. When they stepped inside, Aerith took his face in her hands and kissed him again, her mouth open to let his tongue find hers. And it did. For a moment, they just stood there in a passionate embrace, lips locking and unlocking.

Then Aerith pulled away, plopped onto the bed, and playfully held her feet out. Edwyn got the message at once, smiled, and carefully took her boots and socks off. Then he kissed her toes, one by one, before his lips traveled delicately across the tops of her bare feet. Aerith giggled in spite of herself—she'd always been ticklish. After Edwyn had pulled off his own boots and socks and had set them aside with hers, he sat down on the bed next to her and took her in his arms again. Aerith's lips met his almost instantly, drawn to them like a magnet.

As their kisses grew more fervent, Aerith eased further back on the bed and pulled Edwyn down with her. She could already feel his desire for her, and it made hers for him burn even hotter. Her hands explored him as his found her, caressing her bare shoulders and settling onto the straps of her dress. At the same time, his mouth left hers and found the hollow of her neck, tracing it with gentle kisses that left her mewling in delight as she nibbled his ear. It soon turned into a throaty moan as he slid both of the straps partway down her arms.

"Edwyn..." she murmured as she gazed softly up at him. "Just keep going, okay? Hold me and make me yours tonight."

He kissed her. "I will. That's a promise."

Then he began unfastening the buttons that went down the blouse of her dress. At the same time, Aerith untucked his shirt, then pulled it over his shoulders. Edwyn let her take it the rest of the way off, and she liked what she saw, a nice, firm chest toned and muscled from hours of hard work outdoors. She dropped his shirt on the floor and kissed him, letting her hands run lightly across his bare skin. It felt good. So did his fingers as they carefully pulled her blouse open.

Inside it, Aerith wore a plain, strapless pink bra. A soft, eager gasp escaped her lips between kisses as she felt Edwyn slide his fingers over it. The gentle swell was just large enough to fit almost completely in his hand—Aerith didn't really mind that she wasn't big and busty like Tifa, and her back was better off with her lighter curves. Jessie's were bigger, about in between hers and Tifa's, and Aerith wouldn't have complained if hers had been a bit more like that. But regardless, she was happy with what she had and gladly let Edwyn explore them.

Aerith's blood flared with heat at his touch, and as his fingers swept lightly over the thin cotton, she pulled her arms the rest of the way out of the straps of her dress and swirled her tongue eagerly around his, all thoughts of her possible fate and the dark path ahead of her that led to it long since forgotten. Right now, all she wanted, all that mattered, was this moment, being here with Edwyn. Tonight, she would let her heart have its way. Aerith burned with longing as he carefully pulled one side of her support down, revealing what was within.

Aerith mewled as he grasped it. "Oh, Edwyn... yes..."

Well, what do you know...? she thought happily to herself. I guess I won't be getting left out of the fun after all...

Although she was glad that her two best friends were able to share a night of passion with the men they loved, Aerith had never expected to have one of her own. And yet here she was, wrapped contentedly in Edwyn's strong arms and laying in his bed with him, more aroused and alive than she'd felt in years. She couldn't help feeling amused and very, very grateful. No matter what might happen tomorrow or the next day or in those yet to come, she was happy now.

Rational thought left her as Edwyn continued attending to her, the things he was doing with his mouth and fingers sending sparks of heat through her body. Aerith whimpered in delight as her heart hammered in her chest. Once Edwyn had finished seeing to one of her curves, she decided to help him along by pushing the blouse part of her pink dress down until it was bunched around her waist.

Kissing him deeply, Aerith sat up slightly, just enough to allow him to reach under her back and unfasten the clasps of her bra. It joined his shirt on the floor a moment later. She held Edwyn to her for a moment and pressed her bare chest against his, savoring the contact, the feel of his skin touching hers with nothing in between. Then, her lips fused to his, she laid back down again, taking him with her as his hand quickly found her other curve and took care of it with the same care, attention, and passion that he'd shown to the first one.

While he gave it plenty of attention, Edwyn slipped his other hand inside the skirt of her dress, slowly but steadily making his way upward from her calf to her thigh. Aerith ached for his touch to go further, but he was surely taking his time, driving her wild with need, and although the heat flaring through her felt like heaven, she wanted so much more. It felt like an eternity before his fingers finally brushed against the hem of her modest, candy pink cotton underwear.

Before long, it was off along with her dress and the rest of Edwyn's clothes. They were scattered on the floor as Aerith clung to him under the blanket and sheets, her lips locking and unlocking with his and her legs out wide. She moved with him as they made love, their skin dotted with sweat. At first, Edwyn had warmed her up as he'd slowly removed the last of her clothing, tenderly exploring every part of her body with infinite care. Then she'd returned the favor and done the same for him. She quite liked what he'd had waiting for her.

Aerith swept her tongue around Edwyn's as heat spiraled inside her and she began rising steadily toward her climax. She'd untied her pink bow earlier, setting it and her special materia carefully atop the dresser before untwisting her braid, and her loose hair was spread around her now in a wide fan as her head rested on the pillows. As she and Edwyn kept moving, sharing passionate kisses and intimate touches, she rolled them both over until she was on top, taking control for a while, and the blanket and sheets slipped down to her hips.

"You feel amazing, Aerith..." Edwyn breathed as she sat up enough to let his hands find her curves. "I mean it."

"So do you, Edwyn," she smiled.

He drew her into another kiss. "Now take us home..."

Aerith moaned as she rode him. "We'll... get there together... so... just... keep going. You're... doing great..."

"And you're... incredible..." Edwyn replied.

As she moved faster, Aerith sighed softly at his touch, and her slim body started to quiver. She was getting close now, she could feel it. And from how ragged and intense Edwyn's movements were becoming, she knew he was, too. As if he'd read her mind, he wrapped his strong arms around her and rolled back on top of her again without even missing a beat, his body just as covered in sweat as hers. She felt herself rising up to the peak as she trembled in eager anticipation.

"Oh, Edwyn..." Aerith moaned in between kisses.

Then, moments later, she came, arching her back and crying out as a searing blaze of pleasure swept through her body, wave after wave. As she tightened her already firm grip on Edwyn's broad shoulders, Aerith curled her toes, clamped her legs tightly around his waist, and smashed her lips against his. His mouth moved passionately against hers, and he was so lost in her embrace and her fervent kiss that he didn't get out in time before he climaxed. Aerith gasped, her eyes going wide as she felt his warmth erupt inside her in a sudden burst.

Once he'd finished, Aerith just laid there with him for a moment to catch her breath and try to process what had just happened. She hadn't expected him to unload inside her like that, and while she didn't think anything would come of it, she couldn't afford to take any chances. She would go to the quartermaster's shop in the morning and pick up some pills. And other protection as well. If she wanted to keep spending time with Edwyn like this, she didn't have a choice.

He noticed her surprise as he panted for breath. "I'm sorry, Aerith. I... didn't mean to do that. To... let go in you. I was... going to pull out first, but... I guess I wasn't... fast enough..."

"Shh, it's alright..." Aerith smiled. "Don't worry about it."

"But what if—?" Edwyn began.

She cut him off with a tender kiss as the warm, wonderful pleasure he'd given her began to subside. "You're really good, Edwyn. Amazing, more like. But I don't think you got a hole in one."

"I hope you're right," he said.

"I am," Aerith assured him. "And it was wonderful, you know? The way it felt. Caught me by surprise, but I loved it."

"Aerith..." Edwyn said, lightly caressing her bare back as she lay in his arms. "I just wanted to say thank you. For tonight. I never expected anything like this to happen. But I'm glad it did."

She kissed him. "So am I, Edwyn. I'm happy to be here."

He stroked her cheek. "Same time tomorrow?"

"Well, only if you treat me to dinner," Aerith teased.

He smirked. "I think that can be arranged."

"Then it's a date," she promised. "I don't know how long I'll be here at the fort, but whatever time I have, I want to spend with you, Edwyn. I won't keep you from your duties, of course. And I'll help out as much as I can. But I'd like some time for us, too."

Edwyn touched his lips to hers. "I feel the same way."

Happy and content, Aerith returned his kiss with her own, sharing her feelings through the affection she showed him. For a while, she and Edwyn stayed that way, sharing tender kisses within each other's arms. Wrapped securely in his warm embrace, Aerith felt safe and protected, like nothing could touch her and that anything was possible. Even that fate, once so firm and unyielding, might somehow be changed. For the first time, she found herself daring to believe.

Closing her eyes, Aerith fell asleep in Edwyn's arms.

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