The white ranger || kimberly...

By pllgalxx

4.4K 108 20

Aria walker, a familiar face for the police, constantly in and out of trouble, with her best friend Jason Sco... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8

chapter 4

404 11 4
By pllgalxx


Gasping. Aria woke up. In her bed. Alive. How? Well, that's what she thought. She looked around, extremely confused she had just been run over by a train. How is she alive. She felt her face there was one cut on her left eyebrow.
She threw her cover off of herself and stood up. She didn't fall. She was aching, but not much. She walked twords the bathroom, twisting the handle to open the door, and it came off, but she didn't think anything of it.

"Shitty handle." She groaned. She walked in, looking at herself in the mirror. She had minimal bruising on her arms, but that was it. That's she could see. She looked down in the sink, and there it was, the coin with the glowing white rock inside it. She inspected it, twirling it around. She put the coin back down but maybe a little too hard as it cracked the sink.

She grabbed her toothbrush and then went to grab the toothpaste and went she did the toothpaste cap, flew off the toothpaste, and flying everywhere.

"What the fuck. That's so odd. What's going on ? " She asked herself she finally finished up on the bathroom. She changed her clothes grabbed her bag and as she was about to set off she saw the coin on the side she picked it up and shoved into her pocket .

She walked outside to grab her bike and as she went round the corner, there was a cat, bare in mind aria isn't to keen on cats ( au: sorry if you are just change it .) So it scared he as she went round, causing her to jump but not a little jump something abnormally high. She screamed as she did so falling back down on her back.

" what the actual flip-flop was that. " She cracked getting up and heading to school.

Once she arrived at school, she was walking down the hallway when some one grabbed her by the arm and pulled her into the girls bath rooms.
" what the- , oh hey." She said. There she was again Kimberly hart.
"Is something weird happening to you this morning."She says pulling out her pink coin as aria pulled out her white coin.

"Yeah something really strange like, so I was going to get tooth paste and I grabbed it and cap flew off and it went every where and then I was going outside and there was a cat and it frightend meant- "

" a cat scared you ." She looked at her like she was stupid.

" yes a cat but that'd beside the point , basically went it scared I jumped put at an abnormal height. Also how the frickle frackleare we still alive!" Aria told her.

"I have litually no clue, but we need to find the other later, come find and we'll get them, also I would like to say thank you for protecting me yesterday."

" it was no problem." At that point aria realised that they was quite close to each other and noticed that Kimberly was staring at her. She looked down at her lips. Until the 2 girls that has beef with Kimberly walked in. Aria gave them both a death stare.

" alright well I've got chemistry." Said
Aria look at Kimberly yet they were therther apart this time.

"Yeah I should go. Meet me at lunch. "
Kim said, aria watched her longingly as she walked out.

Aria was walking down the hallway hands in her pockets, music in her ears, when she saw Walmart version of Ed sheeran strutting his way down the hallway. "Ah shit." She muttered underneath her breathe. She brought her hands up to her ears and pulled out her ear phones. Standing on her tip toes trying to get a better look of what was going on. She heard a loud bang and some one say. "Billy cranston just knocked colt Wallace out cold!"

"See now that is not normal." She said too herself about the fact that Billy just knocked him out, like, what?. She started picking up the pace to try and grab Billy but when she got over she had disappeared. So she started to head down the stairs to see if he went that way when she saw Kim coming up the stairs. "Hey, i just saw Billy. He knocked out off brand Ed sheeran." She told her

"See now that's not normal."Kimberly said pointing at her.The both off them headed to lunch to go find Billy.

They found Billy sat whith a bunch of people from All the different friendship groups.
" Billy. " Kimberly said as she sat down next to Billy, while aria stood up behind her.
"Hey, Kimberly... Kimberly hart and aria walker." He said wearily.

"We need to talk." Aria said sternly.
Kimberly moved her eyebrows to the side, motioning that they must go. They all started to walk to the food area, when the girls that have some beef with Kimberly came walking past her.

"Nice hair." Said one of them and they all laughed. Aria fake laugh.
"Oh my god your so funny, nice one, high five. Ugh." Aria said mocking them in the girlie's voice she could. Kimberly just rolled her eyes.

Both aria and Kimberly turned to Billy.
"Billy look at me. Do you feel weird?" Kimberly asked.

"You mean like weirder than usual?" He questioned.

" Yeah. Different." She spoke, pulling the pink stone out of her pocket and placing it on the metal shelf along with aria doing the same whith hers.

"Oh" He pulled his out, and as he placed it down a red one appeard next to it.

"Listen, we know something happened up there, okay? I'm not the same." Jason told them.

"Me either. Oh! I'm strong."

"How strong?" Kiberly whispered

"Like, insanely strong."

"Yeah and I jumped like 6ft, and you know me I can't even jump over the bar in pe." She whisper shouted excitedly.

" I feel like we need to go back up there." Kimberly sighs.

All of a sudden the coins start to vibrate and then levitate. They all leap forward, compressing the coin back onto the surface. They still hard their hands on the counter when it stragely started to feel abnormally hot.

"The counters boiling." Jason said confused. Then everything on the counter started to melt including the trays that was ladies on it and cans of soda that began to burst spraying people, well in particular it was the girl who I'd a bitch. Aria and Kimberly looked at eachother aria had a confused smirk.

" eh, she deserved that one." Aria spoke nudging Kimberly.

"We're going back today." Jason declared walking off.

"Yeah bye yall." Aria ran off to go join him.

Later on, after school, Kimberly Jason Billy and aria headed back to the mine.
Kimberly and Jason in the front and Billy and aria in the back. They looked out the window and saw the van they were previously in practically compresed together.

"How the hell did we survive that." Aria spoke.

"Let's just keep going." Kimberly said with a cautious voice.

They arrived at the mine and walked all the way back to the wall. They were stood on a hill above it, and bellow them was the other guy who has the black coin.

"Guys, look. Look, it's that guy again." Kimberly announced, pointing down at him.

"Find anything interesting?" Jason's voice echoed through his hands.

"If I do, I'm keeping it." The guy yelled back up.

"We know that." Aria muttered, stuffing her hands in her pockets.

"We knownwhy you're here." Kim shouted.

"Oh, yeah? You guys wake up surprised to be alive and jump over a house?"

"Almost." Aria's voice called out.

"Yeah. Kinda. Look, we're different, all right? Everything's different." Billy recalled.

"Your zack, right?" Aria asked.

"Yup" zack replied.

"You still go to Agents grove?" Asked Jason.

"Ha! Sometimes!"
"You know, the other girl was here to about an hour ago." He told them.

"Hey, you mean that girl right there." Billy said pointing.

They all looked up above zack. There she was, yellow girl.

"Hey! Come on down!" Jasons voice echoed.

" sounds a little creepy." Aria giggled to herself, but then she felt an elbow contact her rib.

"we should figure this out together!" He continued.

Then she ran. She was off. Climbing up a steep wall like rock.

"Whoa" Kimberly said.

" Oh, screw this." Zack said to himself before seeing of after her.

" Hey, wait for me." Aria yelled out. Chasing after them.

Aria ran up there climbing up next to zack.

She could see Kimberly right behind her.

" Yo, keep up." Kimberly told aria with a smirk on her face as she went past her. Although, a smirk soon appeared on
Aria's face as she clasped her hand around Kim's ankle, pulling her down and speeding past her.

"Hurry up slow coach." She said looking down at her. Kimberly smiled and shook her head.

They caught up too yellow girl but there was a huge revein, so she had too.

"STOP!" Kimberly shouted to her before she could jump or fall.

" just... just talk to me." She asked and finally the others arrived.

"You have a coin. We have a coin." Aria you'd her.

" we should just talk about this. I mean, we don't know what this..." Kimberly started but yellow girl had run and jumped over the huge gap qnd landed on the other side.

"what is wrong with you." Kimberly whispered.

"Oh, you're crazy! But so am I." Zack yelled to her.

"Whoa, zack, wait, wait." Kimberly said cautiously.

"No, i got this." Zack then lauched himself across. He landed on the other side by the yellow girls feet. He grabbed her ankle but she shook him off.

"Let's go. Jump with me. Yeah." Kimberly looked at y/n psyching herself up.

"Ah shit, what am I doing." Aria said to herself. Walking over to Kimberly.

"I'm gonna jump across with them, and then you jump, okay? Piece of cake." Jason told Billy.

"No, no, no. Don't, don't! Jason! Hey!" Billy stammered. But all three of them was leaping over to the otherside.

"Fuucccccckkkkkkk!!!!" Aria shouted.
They made it to the other side with a crash.

"Ah shit. Ow, that hurt like a bitch!" Aria sat up holding her head. Leaves and twigs, tangled in there hair.

"You alright?" Kimberly asked lending her a hand to get up.

"Yeah that was a piece of cake. Right jase." Aria said, taking ahold of Kimberlys hand finding it hard to want to let go.

" right." He said with a groan getting up, spitting blood out of his mouth.

"You got this Billy." Jason shouted, rubbibg his hands.

"No, I don't!"

"It's fun."

" it's such a far jump."

"Yeah, didn't look to fun when blood comes spewing out your mouth." Aria said. Kimberly looked at aria with a death glare.

" Billy come on." Kimberly shouted.

" come on, let's go dude" zack shouted.

"We all did it."

"Yeah, you'll be fine i promise. Just jump." Kimberly told him agreeing with her. Billy started to pace, trying to figure out what's the safest route. They was all trying to motivate him, but suddenly he just turned and started running and he jumped.

"Yes! Go on, Bill!" Aria shouted fist pumping the air.

"Billy, you got this!" Jason yelled out, his hands out like he was gonna catch him.

Billy landed, so he was hanging onto the cliff, dangerling.

"Are you ok, come on climb up."

"I did it. "

"Billy, you did it. See what'd we tell you Billy? You got it."

"Told you." Kimberly said. Finally Billy stood up, doing a celebratory dance, but he was still on the edge and he had fell off.

"Oh my god!"
"Is he dead."


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