I'm Entirely Yours, Klaus (Bo...

Por BeckySmolder

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Danielle Rodriguez has been playing house with her boyfriend, Klaus Mikaelson, and his daughter hope for the... Más

CH. 1
CH. 2
CH. 3
CH. 4
CH. 5
CH. 6
CH. 7
CH. 8
CH. 9
CH. 10
CH. 11
CH. 12
CH. 13
CH. 14
CH. 15
CH. 16
CH. 17
CH. 18
CH. 19
CH. 20
CH. 21
CH. 22
CH. 23
CH. 24
CH. 25
CH. 27
CH. 28
Book No. 4 - OUT NOW ‼️💚🌈

CH. 26

210 14 8
Por BeckySmolder


Saturday, January 19th
6:06 PM

The sky was a bright orange, the sun going down was beautiful. Yet it did not change how ugly things had turned with Elijah's sudden and unwelcome appearance. The lanterns on the bridge had cut on seconds ago as silence surrounded the four of us. However, the tension between everyone was too thick to slice.

The three of us frozen, facing the suit clad Original. Minutes had passed before I shared looks with Marcel who looked just as incredulous as I felt. I could see a flicker in Klaus' eye when I turned to his neck. All of us wondering why the hell Elijah was here.

"Step aside, Niklaus, Danielle," Elijah was the first to speak up.

"Keep my name out of your mouth," I spat on impulse. "You do not get to tell me what to do. Your judgment is off it's rocker."

"Elijah, this is a private conversation. Your concerns can wait," Klaus told him, storming past Marcel and I to march forward to address his big brother face to face.

"No, they cannot," Elijah argued calmly, but that edge to his voice didn't leave. It only made me more livid. This guy needed to be kicked off his high horse, yesterday.

"Same Mikaelson drama. One of you is trying to make peace, the other one is eyeing me like I'm a rabid dog," Marcel commented, gesturing to Elijah in disbelief.

"Well, then tell me my concerns are unfounded Marcellus," Elijah retorted curtly, jaw clenching and eyes narrowed.

"Oh, what I got to prove myself? To you?" Marcel scoffed, voice raising. But he stood a couple feet behind Klaus, right next to me as he emotionally pleaded his case to Elijah. "Davina was like a daughter to me and you condemned her to a fate worse than death. So how is it my job to prove myself to you?!"

"Alright, that's enough," Klaus said, glancing back at Marcel. I opened my mouth to tell him off because Marcel wasn't in the wrong. And he needed to speak his mind. The only want to heal is through. Avoidance is not the answer. "Both of you," Klaus added before I said a word and his eyes on me were a warning. Then he turned his gaze back to Elijah.

"You tell me where it is," Elijah demanded then. Voice lowering down an octave. A chill ran down my spine as I caught on to what was happening. Oh, no. He knew. The serum. I gulped softly. I stared at Elijah but he was focused solely on glaring at Marcel. I could practically see steam coming out of his ears. If he were a bull he be pulling one foot back over and over, ready to charge like an animated cartoon character.

"What? This?" Marcel asked, pulling out a little bottle from his pocket.

I winced. This was bad. Very bad. My fiancé slowly turned, his whole face different. He was suspicious now. The worst thing he could be. It was a step away from paranoid. The accusation in his eyes and the snarl of his lip, made my blood run cold. Betrayal. That's what this was turning into. And I was afraid of the rage he would have when he found I already knew.

"What the hell is that?" Klaus questioned, malice in his tone.

"That, my dear brother," Elijah chimed in, his cadence back to normal but with this deadly tone. He was always calm for the most part. Yet this was different. I could practically see his metaphorical red door opening. "Is a wicked little gift from our friend Vincent," he finished his sentence.

"I guess he figured better me than Aurora and now that I got it, I can't help but think, why not take it?" Marcel mused. "I mean loyalty never got me anywhere and the only thing you respond to is a show of force."

"Marcellus, end this foolishness right now," Klaus rasped out. His voice equally threatening as his brother. It was his calmness when he was mad that scared me most.

"Or else what? I mean, I'm family, right?" Marcel quipped on the offensive. I gulped, frozen in place. Marcel was making his case. I couldn't find a single fiber in me that disagreed with him. And I knew the betrayal it would cause Klaus if I sided with Marcel. But... I would be lying to myself if I stepped down from what I believed in. "Why would this little serum have to change anything, other than the simple fact that I would be your equal?" Marcel asked.

Klaus's looked down at the ground then, as if trying to pull himself together and control his anger. I should have been beside him, holding him by his arm, willing him to calm down. But I was afraid of what would happen if I moved away from Marcel. We were standing too close for anyone to attack him without hitting me. I did not want them to fight.

"Oh, yeah, I figured you could never live with that," Marcel added with a scoff.

"You hand it over right now," Klaus demanded. His eyes were full of rage. When he took a step towards us, I moved quickly to stand in front of Marcel. Klaus faltered then, squinting his eyes at me. I held my arms out at my sides, willing myself not to quake in fear. But I had never been more afraid of my fiancé in my life.

"Ans I will forgive this act of defiance as a moment of weakness brought on by your grief," Klaus finished his sentence, taking a couple more steps until I was the only thing between him and Marcel.

"Oh, that's funny. I thought you came asking for my forgiveness, but you like it better this way don't you?" Marcel questioned. "Me owing you. And all that pretty fair tale about me being part of the family. That only works if you're in control. Klaus Mikaelson, smiling down like a benevolent king. Showing mercy to all his subjects. But you still have to be the king! Don't you?" Marcel was nearly yelling.

He then place a gentle hand on my shoulder. I didn't jump. I felt him softly tug me and I stepped back, tears in my eyes, letting him fight his own battle. "The thing about kings, though... Eventually they all fall... Even you, Klaus," Marcel stated.

I let out a shaky breath, the lanterns around us flickered suddenly. I stepped around Marcel to give Klaus a pleading look. This was going terribly. And I wanted this to end. Marcel taking the serum or not. Did not change how we all felt about him. He was family.

"Trust him," I stated, staring right into Klaus' eyes. I worried it wasn't enough. My fiancé just admitted his first power struggle when Marcel became a vampire. I was afraid his ego and pride couldn't take Marcel being superior. Not because he didn't love Marcel.

"Give it to me now. I won't ask you again, Marcellus," Elijah said in this cold whisper as he inched himself forward to us.

"My name is Marcel. And I'm not giving you a damn thing," my friend spat.

"I can't allow you the means to destroy my family," Klaus chimed in, conflicted clearly.

"Your family," Marcel emphasized the word. "Right! Thank you!"

I closed my eyes for a moment, cursing Klaus. We needed to break the tension not make it worse. Marcel was like a bomb waiting to go off. They were not handling this right. They can't just attack him.

"Klaus, Marcel will betray us. I saw it with my own eyes," Elijah rushed out the words, pleading his case to his brother.

"He will betray you?" I spat, stepping forward, appalled. "He is more loyal than you and Klaus combined. Marcel has more integrity in his pinky than you do in your whole body. Hence your pathetic need for the suit and tie and your whole fucking charade."

"Danielle," Klaus scolded. "Not now!"

Marcel reached out again to pull me back by my shoulder. In that second, my heated gaze met his. Take it! I wanted him to take it. I wanted to see Elijah bow down. If anyone could be trusted with that power... I'd bet Marcel any day.

I jerked my head in a nod and Marcel winked at me. Or his eye twitched. I was heaving hard breaths, angry. At Elijah. At Klaus. At their whole selfish family. It was one thing to make these bad calls. It was another to lie and say they were the only choice. It was another to defend their actions! It was another to pretend they did nothing wrong! That the rest of the world was just collateral damage they didn't give a flying fuck about! They deserved to feel how many others felt about them. Marcel deserved to feel valued. To feel as an equal. If they feared him destroying them all, that testifies to their own guilty conscience and pitiful instincts. Klaus thinking Marcel would kill his whole family if he took the serum was a direct reflection of him. If roles were reversed... he'd do it. Without a shadow of a doubt. He'd take the serum. Yesterday.

Marcel spoke up again, addressed both of the brothers, "I asked—begged for your help and you left Davina to rot. You put down Lucien because he was coming for you, for your family, but the thing is, you made Lucien. You turned him, taught him, and then abandoned him! And you blamed Lucien because it's always somebody else's fault. But maybe you were the villians in his story. After all, that is the Mikaelson way, right? Kill, maim, torture, all in the name of family. Always and forever... I used to admire that vow. It gave me back the thing that had been beaten out of me... Faith in those you love... I was a fool... Always and forever is just an excuse to do whatever the hell you want. Maybe... It's time someone put an end to that."

"You are treading very close to a dangerous decision," Elijah warned on deaf ears, stepping closer and holding a hand up and pointing it at Marcel, "I'm asking you to choose wisely."

"Fair enough," Marcel commented casually. In the blink of an eye he was motioning to drink to when Klaus flashed forward.

"Klaus!" I screamed just as Marcel sent him flying on his ass across the bridge. My fiancé groaned loudly at the impact before bouncing to his feet.

"You can't stop me Klaus!" Marcel called out.

"I only mean to keep you from crossing a line you would most certainly regret," Klaus said as he stalked forward again. His face scrunched up in rage and annoyance. He couldn't hide it anymore. He was on the offensive.

"No!" Marcel spat. "You meant to keep your precious upper hand! Don't you get it? Whatever I have to do, Klaus I will find a way to hurt you. You will never be safe, not as long as I am alive. You can call me family all you want, I am done being your friend—" Marcel was ranting in Klaus' face now. I stepped up beside the two, putting a hand on each's arm to push them back from each other. Marcel was saying hurtful words. But I couldn't blame him. Nor did I think he meant them. He was grieving. He was in pain. He was taking it out on Klaus. I needed my fiancé to see that. To accept that instead of trying to retaliate back. Physically.

"Marcel," I spoke up. "Back up!"

"This day forward, I am nothing less than your worst—" Marcel was continuing before a dark shadow came into my peripheral and a weird crunching sound echoed in the air. Marcel gasped.

"Ahhhhhh!" I screamed as I noticed Elijah had flashed behind him. His hand in Marcel's chest. My friend let out the softest breath. Before anyone can do anything the crunch came again and Marcel started to lean forward before bumping against me.

I stumbled back, tears in my eyes as he fell over the bridge, past me. "No!" Klaus bellowed.

A sob left my lips as I looked at Elijah in fear. A heart in his hands. "You!" I screeched. I stepped forward quickly and slammed my hands on his chest. "What did you do?!" I screamed at him, hitting him over and over again. "You fucking murderer! You monster! You piece of shit!"

In the back of my mind I wondered why Klaus was quiet. Why he wasn't stopping me? Until I heard a loud splash. I spun around to see Klaus was gone. He jumped over the bridge.

I was only more angry when I turned back to Elijah, this time with a sucker punch. His whole head turned the side at the force. "That's enough," he told me.

"Until you stop breathing, it will never be enough," I growled. My leg went flying to his face but with his swiftness of vampiric speed, he caught me by the ankle.

He must have forgotten how much I trained. I sparred with vampires almost every day. He may be an original. But I was angry. And unlike him, I wanted to inflict pain.

I put all my weight on my left leg and spun my body around faster than Elijah could get out the word, "stop." His grip on my ankle loosened tremendously, allowing me to pull my right leg away from him just enough before sending my foot square into his chest with all the rage, grief, and strength in me.

For a third time tonight a splash went off. I had barely caught a glimpse of Elijah going over the other railing of the bridge. "Bitch!" I yelled out into the night sky.

I stood alone on the bridge then, shaky. I was unsure what to do. I barely wrapped my mind about what just happened. Marcel. Marcel? Marcel! "Oh, God," I whispered, sniffling.

I frantically looked for the car keys I must have dropped. When I found them I went running to the car. I needed to reach the water. I needed to find Klaus and Marcel. He couldn't be dead. No way in hell. I saw him move to drink the serum, but did he? It happened too quickly.

He had to be smarter than that. He picked a fight with Klaus. He knew Elijah was being a predator and he was the prey. My friend could not be dead. He could not be outsmarted by Elijah who was acting only on fear. Though I worried Marcel's grief made him vulnerable. He was acting and reacting on emotions too.


Saturday, January 19th
8:22 PM

I rubbed Klaus' arms up and down frantically, trying to warm his body. He spend nearly two hours in the river, looking for Marcel's body, but to no avail. I had tears in my eyes, but right now I needed Klaus as much as he needed me.

"The current took him," Klaus stated.

I furrowed my brows, wondering why he was saying that. I already knew. He got out the water a little bit ago. Then we made a fire which we stood next to now. However, it wasnt me he was talking to. Elijah had dared to show his face again, slowly approaching us.

"Niklaus, I saw Freya's vision," Elijah said quietly. Was that his defense to horrid murder of our friend?

"What did you do?" Klaus asked coldly, distraught and clearly in denial. "I could've talked him down. I could—"

"You could've what? You could've watched our family's extinction at the hands of Marcel Gerard?" Elijah interrupted him.

"He was one of us!" Klaus roared in return. I swore the whole woods behind us shook. A shiver went down my spine, goosebumps littering my arms.

"He despised us," Elijah retorted. Spewing the same, old, tired crap. Entitled to life. As if, as long as him and his siblings lived, everyone else ceased to matter. "Yes, he was our friend. Yes, he was our family. The moment Davina Claire was lost, he became our foe, and a formidable one at that. He was the leader of the Strix, entrusted with all our secrets and then, Klaus, we betrayed him. I had no choice."

Klaus scowled, staring at his brother with the fire reflection in his eyes. Klaus took two steps towards his brother until their faces were inches apart. "Do you really believe that?" My fiancé questioned coldly.

I glared at Elijah, moving to take Klaus' hand. It was time to go. I couldn't bare to see his pathetic face. Ever again. "Let's go home," I suggested to Klaus. "We have to pick up Penelope from the compound though."

Klaus merely nodded. He was defeated. A small glimmer of him died tonight. It was written all over his face. I wasn't sure what was to come of us now. There was nothing I could say or do to ease his pain or to fix this. I was hurting too. I had never lost someone close to me before. And it being a close friend, someone I depended on, a good ass man... I couldn't wrap my head around it.


Saturday, January 19th
10:10 PM

I zipped up my suitcase quickly and then paused to look around the cleared out room. The last of my makeup room/walk in closet was packed. I was leaving. For good. I wouldn't spend another day or night in this compound. I was done. This family was toxic. Loving Klaus was hard enough some days. I didn't have the means to keep tolerating his family. People I've grown to dislike, love, trust, and hate in the span of a couple of years.

Thankfully Klaus was on board. Finally, and officially he was moving in. Not just for a couple nights. Not once in a blue moon. For good. We were going to our home. We were going to get through this together and finally start our lives.

With that new found determination I wiped my eyes and cheeks for the umpteenth time. The tears wouldn't stop rolling. Every time I got lost in thought I heard Marcel's voice. In my head I was replaying snippets of conversations we had. Like quotes from your favorite author or lyrics that stick out to you from a song. It was mainly between him yelling when we sparred and train, the word "again, jab, again. Keeps your hands up!" Just played on in a loop.

If I closed my eyes I could picture him smiling, chuckling deviously, or throwing his head back laughing. He was my rock this year. I can't believe... we would never have that again.

A sob left my lips and Penelope whimpered, leaving her open dog carrier and plopping in my lap. I smiled weakly, petting my puppy. "I'm okay, sweet pea," I whispered.

She made another whining sound before jumping up and licking my face. I pulled away after a moment, getting her back into her carrier cause it was now time to go. I wiped my eyes again and headed out the room to check on Klaus who was supposed to be packing too. He had more stuff here obviously, as I left months ago and came back periodically for more.

"—Don't use Hope," I suddenly heard Hayley, tone raised and sharp with defensiveness.

I furrowed my eyebrows, looking around. She wasn't on the balcony of the first floor. Her room was too far from my closet and our bedroom. "Marcel was a son to me," Klaus retorted. That's where it was coming from. Next door. In our old bedroom.

I inched the foot away, eavesdropping as they sounded slightly distant. "Freya showed me what Elijah saw. The prophecies haven't been wrong once—" Hayley was saying when a loud scoff of disagreement came. "Klaus after everything that you have done, all the people that you've threatened, tortured, killed... all the pain that you have put him through, he has always forgiven you. You have to forgive him."

"No, he doesn't," I chimed in. Unable to stop myself. It happened hours ago and we're supposed to get over it. I peeked my head in first to see they sounded far because they were way across the room on the balcony.

"Dan—" Hayley opened her mouth.

"Shut up," I spat. "You hypocrite. At every turn you deemed my man unworthy of forgiveness. Mine, yours, Elijah's... Mere hours ago, in cold blood Marcel was murdered by your pathetic partner. And your first move is to try to coerce and guilt trip Klaus? Marcel saved your life how many times? Did that even cross your selfish, one tracked mind? Or was dick more important? You talk about my sex life, let's talk about yours. How the man you defend couldn't grow the balls to tell you he liked you? A thousand and some years and he's still a little bitch—"

"Watch it," Hayley growled lowly, flashing her eyes. "Elijah's done good by you—"

"When he accused me of being immature, a whore, and selfish for being compelled to abort my child?" I cut her off.

"Love," Klaus finally chimed in.

"I'll go," Hayley huffed.

"You should have never came," I quipped angrily as she walked across the bedroom to the exit right behind me. She looked pissed as she stepped around me to leave.

Klaus sighed, making his way to me. "This isn't good, love. She and I have a child to raise. We don't need a war with her," he said softly to me.

"I am not forgiving Elijah. Ever," I stated.


"Never. Nonnegotiable."

"You accepted Rebekah, Finn—"

"Rebekah doesn't like me. I don't care. Finn tried to kill you, tried to kill Hope—He failed those, but he did kill Kol and then met his own demise—which I call karma... Elijah murdered someone he claimed to love like family, in cold blood, in front of us, for no reason, and isn't even sorry about it."

"I know, lo—"

"If it wasn't for Marcel, Klaus, I wouldn't even still be with you. He gave me a place to stay. So I didn't go back to Wisconsin and move on. If I did, you wouldn't have even had the time to chase after me. That would've been it."

"I'm thankful that he was so good to you."

His arms wrapped around me as my face crumbled up and I started to cry. "He gave me a shoulder to lean on. He gave me a friend I could rely on. He kept me safe and sane. From day one he's shown me respect. Till his last breath he treated me like family. Real, valued family, something you and your siblings will never know or understand," I sniffled, pulling back and slamming my hands on his chest. "I'm talking about genuine loyalty not forced, obligatory, or reluctant. I'm talking about love, respect, transparency and building each other up instead of tearing each other down, lying, betraying one another and plotting to kill each other... Marcel wasn't family to all of you. And it shows."

"Shhhh," Klaus shushed me, cradling me to his chest and kissing the top of his head. I fell apart then and there against him. Sobs leaving my mouth, hard and loud. My whole body shook with pain.

"I miss him already!" I cried out. After the day we were supposed to have. The funerals... I expected maybe a spat with Klaus. But then the night would come and I'd be calling Marcel. He'd be chuckling at our lovers quarrel. He should he reminiscing about Davina with me. At the very worst he was supposed to be home alone, dealing with the aftermath of taking the serum and pissing the Mikaelsons off. Never in a million years did I imagine today would end in this tragedy.


Saturday, January 19th
11:20 PM

Klaus and I didn't make it home. We were headed that way. But my mind was racing. So I asked Klaus to just keep driving. He did. A bit aimlessly at first.

Now here we were in Marcel's loft. Klaus was thumbing through his bookshelf while I was cleaning up the kitchen, trying to hold back tears. Penelope was plopped on the couch, a sad look on her face. She was confused on why her owners were upset. And no amount of cuddles had eased either Klaus or I.

"When sorrows come, they come no single spies, but in battalions," Klaus suddenly read out loud. I froze at the sink, looking across the room at him in confusion. Then I realized that wasn't for me. Vincent and Josh were suddenly entering. "Hamlet," Klaus informed everyone on where the passage was from. "We taught Marcel to read with this very copy," he added, holding up the skinny book in his hand.

"Cool. Well he's not here, so..." Josh trailed off.

"He's dead," Klaus stated.

Josh's face immediately went into panic while Vincent's eyes lowered to the ground. I sighed, turning off the sink. I then ushered Penelope up whilst frowning at the two men.

Klaus headed for the door, waiting for me. I squeezed Josh's arm on my way out. There were no words left to say. I didn't have the energy. I could explain later if need be. But now it was time to go home. End this terrible day.


Thursday, January 24th
9:45 AM

"Baby girl, you have to get out of bed," my fiancé pleaded. "It's been days."

I just stared at him for a moment. "We should have had a parade. We should have had a funeral. We don't even have a body," I said.

"I know, love," he sighed, rubbing my arm comfortingly as I laid on my side. He was sitting on the edge of the bed in front of me.

"Why do I need to get out of bed?" I grumbled, slowly sitting up. "I get up to pee. I let Penelope out to pee. Isn't that enough?"

"No," he frowned. "I've never seen you like this... so defeated and... still."

I shrugged, "I feel like shit. All I want to do is scream or cry. Every time I start sobbing, I gag. I'm nauseous and irritated. Okay. My head has been hurting for days. I am defeated, Klaus."

"Baby girl," he sighed, wrapping an arm around my shoulder and tugging me into his chest. "It's going to be okay."

"Says who?"

"Me," he chuckled before kissing the top of my head. Then my temple, my cheek, and my jaw. It was then I flinched at the ticklish feeling of his beard brushing my collarbone. "Marcel wouldn't want you falling into depression. School starts in a few days. You're young with so much left to live for."

"You want something," I accused.

"Your doctor's office has called twice this week. I haven't seen my daughter in days. We missed therapy a couple times now. What are we doing, Danielle?"

"Grieving," I scoffed. "What Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday erased your pain? A day per decade used to forget about Marcel?"

Klaus scowled, "I didn't forget Marcel."

"Well, you've barely said anyth—!" I was in the middle of saying when a phone went off, ringing loudly. I rolled my eyes. It was his. Of course. Klaus frowned, grabbing it off the nightstand. "Who is it?" I questioned.


I rolled my eyes again before sliding back down into bed. "Bye," I muttered.

"Dani," he hissed. He shook his head and stood up from the bed to answer the phone, "Yes, Hayley? Now isn't the best time... I don't know what time I'll be there... Ugh! Look, I'll be around sometime this afternoon. I'm in the middle of something."

I raised a brow as he huffed loudly, hanging up the phone then. "So you already planned to go there?" I mused unhappily.

"What? Are you mad at Hope now too?"

"No, I'm mad she's stuck in the house with those despicable people," I grumbled.

"Okay, enough. You need to get it together. We have a child to co-raise," he stated, moving towards the bed and reaching his arms out then tucking them under me. "If Hope was with us, you'd be no good, crying under the covers."

"Put me down!" I yelled the moment I was lifted up. "Klaus, come on!"

"No. Take a shower. Get dressed. I'm going to take Penelope for a long walk. You pull yourself together. We have a reality to get back to."

"I hate you!" I screamed after he left me in the en suite. I felt like a teenager again being grounded by my parents. But unlike then, I heard Klaus chuckling compared to my dad's huffing and puffing, grumbling under his breath or my mom's sassy "you too!" No. I heard Klaus laugh it off and felt a wave of content flow through me. I didn't say it in a mean, angry way. Part of it was childish, dramatics yes. But he didn't take it to heart. Which made me feel like it was a big joke to me too. Of course I didn't mean it.

I sighed deeply as I stared at my reflection. I looked pale. My hair has been in a bun for about two days. Which is disgustingly the last time I showered. Because what's the point when you don't get out of bed cause you have nowhere to go and your best friend is dead?

Klaus was right. Marcel wouldn't want this for me. I gripped the black countertop, fighting back a wave of tears. "Get it together, Danielle. Back to reality," I spoke to my reflection.

I stared at myself until my tears welling up in my eyes went away. No more crying. Klaus and I were going back. To the quarter, to the compound, to his family. "For Hope," I reminded myself.

I needed to shower, do my hair, do my makeup, and pick out the perfect outfit. When I look good, I feel good, and when I feel good, I do good. That's the motto.


Thursday, January 24th
12:10 PM

I grabbed my purse as I got out of my car. I decided to drive to the compound. That way we left when I was ready. Or I could leave Klaus here if this got too much for me to bear. I warned him on the car ride I wasn't apologizing for anything I said days ago. I couldn't. I wasn't sorry. I meant every word. With all the shit they have all given me at some point... Hell would freeze over before I apologized.

Klaus rounded my side of the car before I could even shut the door behind me. He grabbed my hips and gave me an uneasy smile. "We're going to play nice, right?" He questioned.

"We're going to see, Hope," I retorted, pulling my pig tail braids over my shoulder with my hands. My hair was too wet to do much with because Klaus came home from walking the dog, rushing me to hurry. I didn't bother with makeup outside of filling in my eyebrows, moisturizing my face and putting on sunscreen, mascara, and a dark nude lipstick.

I wore a pink sweater vest shaped dress that came mid thigh. Large gaps showed my rib cage and chest with the v-neckline. Of course that only revealed my white bralette. And I topped the outfit off with mauve colored heeled booties with tan polka dots, and nudish-pink shades leather purse. I felt... alright. Certainly not my prettiest.

"We should have gotten you coffee, maybe you'd be less cranky then," Klaus commented teasingly with a smirk. I rolled my eyes then. My fiancé proceeded with a good attitude, kissing my forehead. "You look cute."

I narrowed my eyes, "you're just saying that."

He scoffed, "I am not."

"You're sucking up to me. Trying to butter me up with flattery before we get inside," I continued to accuse.

"You complain I don't compliment you. When I do I have ulterior notices. Damned if I do and damned if I don't," Klaus frowned.

"What do you think marriage is?" I quipped playfully, slipping my hand in his. He cracked a smile and I leaned in to give him a short, quick kiss. "Fine. I'll play nice. For you and Hope."

"Thank you, baby girl," he whispered softly.

Just as we headed around the garage to the round the building to the front door, my phone began ringing. "You go," I instructed Klaus.

He frowned for a minute, but went on without me. I stood on the other side of the wooden doors, digging in my purse for my phone. I winced. Oops. My doctor's office.

"Hello?" I answered timidly, ashamed that I hadn't called them back.

"Hi, is this Miss Danielle Rodriguez?" A woman questioned.

"Yes," I responded. "Is something wrong?"

"No, no," she said. "The doctor wanted to go over your test results. Hold on a second, let me patch you through."

I sighed, taking in the hold music. When my doctor picked up, I recognized her voice immediately. She asked how I was doing, said I had no major concerns, and then went over a couple results from my blood test. Then I had to make a follow up appointment for as soon as possible. Which happened to be Tuesday.

When I got off the phone, I stood there. Stunned with the news. My blood test showed a lot of things. Thankfully one being I was STD free. Another being I was iron deficient which had started a mildly concerning anemia.

My phone buzzed in my hand, confirming the two doctor appointments I just scheduled. I forced my phone back into my purse then made my way through the open courtyard.

I froze when I spotted Klaus was only a room over, through the courtyard but downstairs by the two spiraled staircases. Hope in his arms. He wasn't far. Did he hear my phone call? Was he about to go insane?

"What better life might have awaited you, were another man your father?" I heard him softly whispering to his child which definitely kept me from moving. He was opening up to his daughter. My heart clenched at his profound pain. His doubt and insecurity.

"All those who have loved me, have lived to regret it. But I do know this, my littlest wolf, I will do right by you," he continued to his daughter.

"Klaus," I spoke up, slightly concerned. I hesitantly entered the room, walking over to where he stood in the middle of it, cradling Hope to his chest.

"Ani," Hope greeted.

"Hi, Princess," I smiled happily, rubbing her back as I reached around Klaus. "I missed you so much."

"Misted you," Hope pouted, making grabby hand towards me.

Klaus handed her over, giving me an odd look I didn't recognize. "Who was on the phone?" He asked me.

"Oh, the doctor's office," I said as nonchalantly as I could. But my heart started to race and I heard the breathlessness in my voice. I sounded scared or like I was hiding something from him, the exact opposite of the confident carelessness I was trying to portray.

"Something's wrong? Are you sick?"

I laughed softly, shaking my head. "No," I answered honestly. I bit my lip as I stared at him. I wanted to share the information my doctor gave me. But I wasn't sure if his reaction.

"Ani, play?" Hope questioned.

"Sure, baby, in a minute," I told her, putting her down and squatting low to her level then. "You go play. I'll be right over."

Hope giggled, clapping her hands before jotting off towards her toys scattered in front of the long brown velvet couch. "Danielle," Klaus called for my attention, voice sharp and demanding. "What did the doctor say?"

I pressed my lips together fighting a grin. I shyly stepped over to him, reaching my hands out to grab his face. "She said my blood test results came back. I'm not sick so you can please, stop stressing over that. But—well, I do have mild anemia from iron deficiency," I rambled. "She says as long as we get me on some iron supplements I'll be fine—"

"Thank god," he sighed relieved. "So you really were just sick with worry? Or does lack of iron make you nauseous?"

"I don't know all the symptoms of anemia," I snorted.

"Smart ass," Klaus scowled. I kissed him then, relieved I wasn't sick. When I pulled away, my fiancé looked at my oddly. "What was that for? Is it something else? How soon do you need iron? Is there a reason for concern? You have that guilty look, like you're trying to ease me into bad news."

"It's not bad news," I assured, caressing his scruffy cheeks. I gazed lovingly into his worried dark blue eyes and continued to calm his nerves from another issue on his monumental pile of issues. "The anemia is the only concern. I promise, Klaus. And the doctor isn't worried either. She just wants to keep this from being a bigger issue long term—"

Klaus' entire body shifted, "Elijah," he spoke, interrupting me. My entire body deflated. I knew coming here was a bad thing. Of course Elijah would disturb us. He seemed to be the root of all my grievances these days.

I stepped away from Klaus, refusing to even look in Elijah's direction. Thankfully he was behind me. I headed over to join Hope as I had previously promised the toddler. She didn't hesitate to hand me a toy for each hand.

"What do you want, Elijah?" Klaus questioned his big brother as I listened in intently.

"I'm not foolish enough to ask your forgiveness, so I'll say it again.. I had no choice. We protect this family at any cost," Elijah told him.

I held back a scoff, instead grinning at Hope who was scowling at me for not drinking my fake tea cup. "Sorry," I whispered before taking a pretend sip and the gasping. "Hot, hot, hot!"

Hope giggled as I fanned myself with the hand that held a Barbie doll. Hope waved her hands at me as I stuck my tongue out dramatically.

"You think I' m not aware how heavy that burden is?" Klaus continued their conversation.

"No, I think that this time..." Elijah trailed off for the right words. "That burden is simply too much to bear."

Hope took the teacup away from me and I couldn't help the sigh that left my lips. As much as I missed Marcel and it pained me that he was gone. I knew Klaus was dealing with the same loss, along with those guilt for not returning Elijah's forgiving streak, and the hurt from being divided from his family.

Elijah left the room as suddenly as he had come. My fiancé joined Hope and I then. "Sorry, did we still need to talk?" Klaus asked me while Hope placed her tiara on his head.

I could hear the tiredness in his voice. I had more to say of course. I was in the middle of a sentence. But Klaus had enough on his mind. My doctor stuff would only add to his controversial feelings in this moment and time. I saw it in the forced smile he gave Hope, like it took every bit of energy in him.

"No, it's fine," I told Klaus, rubbing his arm affectionately before turning to the baby. "Isn't daddy a pretty, princess?"

My fiancé glowered, yanking the tiara off which causes Hope to get fussy. "Daddy is a king," Klaus told us both. "This tiara is for girls. I need a crown."

"Oh, so you want a crown?" I teased. "How mature of you."

"Oh, sod off," Klaus said, playfully hitting his shoulder against mine. "Hope, baby love, make Dani a princess instead, huh? Please?"

"No!" Hope snapped. "Da-da pin chest."

Klaus pouted but lowered his head for the tiara to be placed on him. "Da-da drink." She handed him a teacup then gave me mine back. I giggled at Klaus, watching Hope showering him with beaded necklaces.

"You are gorgeous," I smiled, amused.

"The things I do for you girls."

My heart skipped a beat, "We love you."

"Yeah?" He asked. "Then give me a kiss."

I happily obliged, kissing him passionately before Hope's clammy hands pushed our faces apart by our chins. "No kissy. Natty."

"Nasty?" Klaus scoffed. "Give your father a kiss. This instant, young lady."

"No," Hope defied him before he dug his fingers into her poked out belly. She screeched out her laughter as he tickled her and kissed all over her face as she collapsed in his lap and arms. I watched on adoringly.

"Nik, playtime is over!" A voice shouted.

Klaus and I turned to see Kol, coming to wreck a short lived happiness. He was rushing through the courtyard to us with Freya, Elijah, and Hayley hot on his heels.

"What is it now?" My fiancé asked the lot of them. They all stayed a few feet back except from Hayley who came to scoop Hope up in a frenzy. Something was wrong.

"I did a spell," Freya began explaining. "To track your enemies, Klaus... They've all flocked to New Orleans."

I gasped, starting to stand up. Kol stepped up, to give Klaus and I hand to our feet. Klaus tossed the tiara and beads off of him. "Then we must prepare for a battle," Klaus responded, looking around at everyone one by one. Then he landed on me. "You have to go. It's not safe here."

"I'm taking Hope to mine and Jack's old apartment. I'm a window jump away if you need me... Dani's always welcome," Hayley chimed in, staring awkwardly at the floor as she gave me the invitation.

"She'll go with you," Klaus decided for me. I turned to say something to him but he didn't let me get a word out. "She can protect you. And if she joins us, someone has to watch Hope."

I knew I needed to resolve things with Hayley. I didn't expect it to be this soon or practically forced out of me. "Thank you," I spoke up.

"I'm going to start tracking your sirelings," Freya said, heading away

"I'll get the weapons," Kol smirked, leaving right after.

"Well, we do have an advantage. No vampire may enter this stronghold as long as the deed remains in Freya's name," Elijah said.

"So what? You hide in here while the enemies mass at the front gate?" I frowned, concerned for everyone's safety. Old vampires were gathering. This was going to be a real fight.

"Well, if they are so determined to die at our hands, let them come," Klaus smirked, tossing an arm around my shoulder.

I shook my head, shrugging his arm off me and then yanking him by it to pull him into the nearby kitchen. "You'll be outnumbered," I pointed out to him. "Don't be cocky. This is insane. It's the reason we went on the run."

"You didn't want to run, remember?" He retorted, casually shrugging.

"Why are you so relaxed?"

"I don't handle grief well. My brothers and I are pissed with one another. What better way to reunite then being forced to fight together to protect our own lives and each other's?"

I sighed deeply. He was right. His toxic family needed a fucked up reason for a resolve. I gripped onto his forearms tightly. "You kick ass and you make it back to me, quickly and safely. Okay?" I demanded.

"Love, I'm going to be fine."

I stared into his eyes, "You have to be. I need you, Klaus."

His facial features softened, "grief has made you mushy." I gave him an annoyed look then but it didn't last as he cupped my face. "I'll come to get you as soon as we've won and then I'm taking you out on a date. At the end of it, you're going to force me to the bed to have your naughty little way with me."

I blushed, nodding, "I like the sound of that."

"I love you," he smiled, leaning in to rub his nose against mine. "But you have to go."

"I love you too," I whispered, pressing my lips firmly to his and letting them linger. After a moment I pulled myself together, calming my fears and worries. I rushed away from him, leaving the kitchen and searching for Hayley who was by the front door.

She was waiting for me. I told her I was ready, grabbing my purse by the couch and Hope's toys. The mom had a full diaper bag on her shoulder and a book bag on her back. "Let's go," she muttered, leading the way outside and quickly over to her apartment building across the street.

~Picture: Danielle on January 24th 👢

Shit is hitting the fan. I repeat the shit has hit the goddamn fan ‼️

There's a lot to unpack this chapter. Where do I begin?! First and foremost—ELIJAH KILLED MARCEL. Who saw Dani's reaction coming? Poor baby was grieving for days over her bestie.

But only five days because Klaus of course couldn't help but return to his family. For Hope he claimed. Does anyone expect less of the Mikaelsons than to make up after the recent tragedies of betraying one another?

Not to mention in those five days Dani spent in bed. She and Klaus haven't gone to their couples counseling. Which I think was working. Do you agree? Do they seem to be communicating more or better???

In that time she also missed a couple phone calls from her doctor. Isn't it cute how Klaus worries about her? Every time she gets hurt or the harsh reality overwhelms him, such as losing so many people lately, he goes over board to protect her. Treating her like fine china of course doesn't always go well with Dani but I love Klaus' softer side. Don't you?

Speaking of his softer side... can we just talk about how cute Hope is?! She's talking and walking. She has her daddy and Danielle wrapped around her little fingers. Is there anything better than when those three have a moment?

Anyways, back to the tension in the family. Our little miss Danielle didn't hold back when telling Hayley to stay in her lane so to speak. And now they're sort of being forced together because enemies of Klaus' have flocked into New Orleans.

Ancient vampires are out for blood. Another battle awaits. But the war is almost done. Who will be the victor, The Mikaelsons or their endless list of foes. Best part is that's not even the juiciest things about the next chapter. So stay tuned.

If you liked this chapter leave some pink emojis for Danielle's dress 🐽🩰🌸

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