The Heavenly Demon

By Alastor6376

27.6K 417 87

The heavenly demon. The almighty one who is heaven's equal,Ruler of darkness and madness and the son of Artem... More

the heavenly demon. The ruler of the heavens
chapter 2
episode 3:first words/Ares' abduction
episode 4: Ares' abduction pt.2
episode 6:meeting Pandora
episode 7
episode 8:shipping gone wrong
episode 9
episode 10:two Loki's?! pt.1
episode 11:two Loki's?! pt.2
episode 12:Two Loki's?! pt.3

episode 5

2K 37 7
By Alastor6376

3RD PERSON POV: after Ares abduction Artemis had decided its best to raise her son around the mortals rather than around the gods to avoid anymore situations like that and had taken a more suitable mortal form. She looked just like Y/n, she had long black hair, red eyes with two star pupils and a single scar under her left eye and even a fluffy tail. And had spent the past few years raising her son to be a gentleman, hunter and among many other things

Artemis:you ready to go champ?


Y/n was now six years old and had been begrudgingly dressed in proper attire much to his irritation

Artemis:I know you don't like being dressed in fancy clothes but your gonna have to wear them

Her son turns away from her still holding a pout as Artemis thinks for a second

Artemis:okay how about this, if you behave and wear that suit I'll get you some of your favourite ice cream, how's that sound?

Y/n turns to her with a smile


Artemis chuckles at her son before standing up as the boy takes her hand as they both smile

MEANWHILE: AT THE COUNCIL OF VALHALLA: the gods of the various pantheons had decided to have another meeting with Zeus taking the charge. Usually they decide the fate of humanity's however instead they had decided to speak about something else

Hermes:it sure is empty when the minor Gods aren't around

Zeus:well this doesn't really concern them now does it?

Odin:what's taking those fools so long?!

Apollo turns to her

Apollo:sheeesh take a chill pill Odin. They've got alot on their hands

Odin then rubs her temples

Odin:my apologies, being a mother is a new experience

Hera:tell me about it

MEANWHILE: Artemis and Y/n then stand infront of the doors to the council as Artemis crouches down to her sons level who looks nervous

Artemis:you don't have to come with me you know. You could always explore

She says as her son looks up at her

Y/n:what about you? I know not many of the gods like me...but they seem to not like you because your my mom...

Artemis rubs the top of her sons head messing his hair a little

Artemis:don't worry about them my little hunter. I'll be fine, I promise, now go on and have some fun with the Valkyries

She says as her son hugs her

Y/n:love you

Artemis smiles and hugs him back

Artemis:love you too, my little hunter

Y/n breaks the hug and runs off as Artemis takes a deep breathe and enters the room

Artemis:sorry if I'm late

She says as Apollo smiles at her

Apollo:your right on time sis!

WITH Y/N: while Y/n was exploring he had meet up with three girls that are the same age as him. The first girl had long red hair, and had yellow eyes with a black scarla while the second girl had green hair with a light green streak of hair and purple eyes. And the final girl had white hair, golden eyes and a golden crown like halo on her head

The first two where Odin's two daughters  Thor and Loki, while the last one was Lucifer herself only younger. The four of them instantly hit it off and got along with one another while hanging out with the 13 Valkyries and where currently running away from them playing tag

Y/n:catch me if you can!

He says before bumping into someone and falling on his ass as the boy rubs the spot where his head was hit


He says ad Thor, Lucifer and Loki come to a screeching halt and look at the figure in wonder with wide eyes as the figure bends down to the boys level

???:are you alright little one?

A soft gentle female voice says as Y/n looks up at the women

Y/n:I'm fine miss. I'm stronger than I look

He says as the women smiles at him

???:I can see that. What are your names?

She asks as Thor raises her hand

Thor:I'm Thor Odinson! Daughter to the leader of the Norse pantheon Odin! And this is my sister Loki

Loki gives the women a wave as the women looks at Lucifer

???:and you my dear?

Lucifer:l-Lucifer...that's my name. Have I meet you before?

She asks as the women chuckles at her

???:perhaps you've mistaken me for someone else

She says as Y/n stands up

Y/n:I'm Y/n, the son of Artemis. What's your name miss?

???:my name is Amaterasu. The sun Goddess of the shinto pantheon

She says with a smile as the children gasp as Loki grabs ahold of Y/n's shoulders and begins to shake him

Loki:do you have any idea who just bumped into Y/n?! She's probably one of the most strongest here!

Y/n:c-an y-ou please stop shaking me!

Amaterasu chuckles at them before bursting into full blown laughter before calming down at wipes a tear from her eye

Amaterasu:it's been a long time since I laughed this long

She says as Lucifer looks at her

Lucifer:miss Amaterasu, that doesn't sound like your real name. It honestly sounds like someone else's if not a tittle...what's your real name?

She asks with clear innocence in her voice as Amaterasu giggles at her

Amaterasu:your correct, Lucifer, this is not my true name

Kids:then what is it?

Amaterasu:it's Rinne Morningstar. Older sister to the current Maitreya and the head God of the shinto pantheon, its a pleasure to meet you

The children are even more shocked than before as Rinne giggles at them again before standing up again and looks at them

Rinne:watch were your going next time okay dears?

She says before seeing a man with long white hair and purple tips resting a large staff on his shoulder with a gray haori and black jeans. His hair was tied in a ponytail as his face was covered in shadows

???:you ready to go?

Rinne:the others are waiting on us

She says ad the man looks over his shoulder and at the children and smiles at them before walking away as the children stare at their fading forms as the man turns to Rinne

???:it seems you've taking a liking to them to say the least

Rinne:can you blame me? They're just like you, Lulu and Ruru when you where kids, especially Artemis' son. He reminds me alot about you

She says with a sly smile as the man sighs at her

???:real mature of you

He says as Rinne walks past him

Rinne:it also took you awhile to mature you know. Or did achieving Nirvana make you forget that, bro?

The man rolls his eyes at her and catches up to her as they see a man with long spiky black hair and magenta tips waiting for them with a few more people

???:about damn time you guys got here!

Rinne:calm down, oh mighty "savoir from heaven"

???:we weren't even that late mokey boi

???:oh great now we're bringing back names from when we were kids. Ha ha real mature of you

MEANWHILE: Loki and Thor were the first ones to break out of their trance and slowly turn to each other

Thor:was that...

Loki:who I think it is...?

They then begin to jump around and fangirl about the man and women that passed them as Y/n turns to them with Lucifer

Y/n/Lucifer:who the heck are they?

The daughters of Odin freeze and turn to them with shocked expressions



Thor grabs ahold of Y/n's shoulders while Loki grabs ahold of Lucifer's shoulders

Loki:what type of rocks have you two been living under?

The two deadpan at the Odinson siblings as a arrow points to Lucifer and Y/n


[Literally born from a rock egg]


[Literally just poofed into existence]

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