The Sweetest Thing

By Seager99

118K 1.2K 206

Imagine going on a road trip with your best friend who happens to be a guy. Your ex boyfriend who is still in... More

(1) The Sweetest Thing
(2) The Sweetest Thing
(3) The Sweetest Thing
(4) The Sweetest Thing
(5) The Sweetest Thing
(6) The Sweetest Thing
(7) The Sweetest Thing
(8) The Sweetest Thing
(9) The Sweetest Thing
(10) The Sweetest Thing
(11) The Sweetest Thing
(12) The Sweetest Thing
(13) The Sweetest Thing
(14) The Sweetes Thing
(15) The Sweetest Thing
(16) The Sweetest Thing
(17) The Sweetest Thing
(18) The Sweetest Thing
(19) The Sweetest Thing
(21) The Sweetest Thing
(22) The Sweetest Thing
(23) The Sweetest Thing
(24) The Sweetest Thing
(25) The Sweetest Thing

(20) The Sweetest Thing

4.4K 57 20
By Seager99

The Sweetest Thing

Chapter Twenty

I switched on the TV while I waited for Kyle and flipped through the channels. I wasn't really planning on watching so I just stopped at a movie that looked ok. Kyle didn't take half as long as I did and soon joined me back in the room. He was wearing a pair of black boxer shorts and I allowed myself a quick glance before looking away.

"Is there anything interesting on?" Kyle asked as he walked over to the bed.

"Nope," I replied, getting up and pulling open the covers.

"So what do you want to do?" he questioned, sitting down next to me.

"I don't know, get some sleep?" I suggested.

"Ok, sleep it is then," he said jokingly as he laid down and pulled the covers up over him. I laid down next to him and cuddled into his side.

It didn't take long for Kyle to fall asleep but I battled horribly. Thoughts of the last couple of weeks were haunting my mind as I tried to figure out what to do about Craig, Randy and my feelings for Kyle. It was long after two in the morning when I finally fell into a restless sleep.

The next morning I woke up to the smell of pancakes. I pushed myself up so that I was sitting and quickly looked around the room to see where the source of the smell was coming from. Kyle was standing not to far away in front of a little trolley.

"Smells good," I said, taking him by surprised, he must have thought I was still asleep.

"It was supposed to be a surprise," he stated, turning around to face me.

"It still is, I just saw it a little earlier than expected," I replied, making him smile.

"I ordered your favorite," he said as he picked up a tray and carried it over to me.

"Thanks," I smiled as I took in the full flavor of the pancakes and syrup on the plate in front of me.

Kyle joined me on the bed and we sat in silence while we ate. The food was delicious and I was hoping that it was a good start to a good day. I have honestly had enough of all the drama and really just wanted to relax.

"What do you want to do today?" Kyle asked when he was done eating.

"I have no idea but I guess we are going to the club tonight," I stated, getting up and placing my tray back on the trolley.

We just hung around in the room for a while and then decided that it was time to get dressed and go and see what everybody else wanted to do today. I didn't really feel like talking to any of them but Craig and Olivia's room was the closest to ours so we went there first. I knocked on the door but nobody answered.

"They're probably not here," I stated as I started walking away. Unfortunately I wasn't that lucky and at that moment the door opened revealing Olivia. She was wearing a little night gown and her face was flustered. It didn't take a genius to figure out what they were busy doing.

"Hey," she said, still out of breath. I cringed at the thought and had to look away from her.

"We were wondering what you guys wanted to do today," Kyle said, obviously noticing how uncomfortable I was.

"We're just going to hang around and then go to the club tonight," Olivia answered, looking from Kyle to me.

"Ok, we'll go at around eight," Kyle said, not looking really interested in the whole idea.

"Sounds good," Olivia replied, still looking at me.

I whispered a goodbye to her and then took off down the passage without looking back. I hate what Craig is doing to her and I absolutely despised the fact that I was a part of it.

Kyle caught up to me quickly and grabbed a hold of my hand.

"Do you want to go into town and look around?" he asked, obviously sensing that I wanted to get away.

"Yes please," I replied, thankful that he knew me so well. We made our way over to the elevator and Kyle pressed the little button on the outside. It opened within seconds revealing Randy, Emma and Oliver.

They quickly greeted us and then asked where we were going. We told them what Olivia said and then that we were going to head into town and look around. They didn't look happy about just hanging around at the hotel and asked if they could come with us. I could tell that Kyle wasn't really happy about the idea and to be honest I didn't feel like hanging out with them. Kyle looked at me for an answer but I just shrugged my shoulders, leaving it up to him.

"I was actually going to take Lucy to the movies, why don't you guys take the minivan and go explore?" he asked, letting them down easily.

"Yeah, we should go hear if Sophia and Aiden wants to come with," Oliver stated, taking the hint. Emma and Randy agreed and then followed him down the passage. I could tell that Randy really wanted to come with us and I actually felt a bit guilty about leaving him to spend the day with Sophia and Aiden.

"I didn't feel like hanging out with them," Kyle said as I looked up at him.

"I understand. Come on let's go then," I replied, pulling him into the elevator. We made our way out of the hotel and to Kyle's car without any further interruptions and by the time we drove out of the parking lot I was actually looking forward to spending the day alone with him. I wanted a day without drama and that is exactly what I was going to get. We drove around town for a while and then stopped at the mall, deciding that we really wanted to go watch a movie.

As we stood in the line to buy our tickets I couldn't help but notice young and old couples walking pass us. They all looked so happy. That is what I wanted more than anything. Somebody that I could love with all of my heart and that would love me back in the same way. Somebody I felt comfortable with but who could drive me insane with their kisses. I looked down at Kyle and my intertwined hands and sighed. I really wish things could have been different between us but Kyle is gay and had a crush on some mystery person. The fact that he didn't want to tell me who it is still irritated me but I made myself a promise to leave it alone while we were on the road trip.

Kyle held my hand all through the movie and I battled to concentrate. I'm not sure if Kyle was succeeding in watching the movie because he kept on glancing at me. When the movie was done we just walked around the mall, chatting and laughing.

We ate lunch at a food court that was set up in the middle of the mall and then continued walking around. As we stepped into a music shop a song that I recognized really well started playing. It was my and Randy's song. I listened to the words of the song as I browsed through the cd's and with the words came a lot of memories. By the time the song ended I was really sad and confused.

Maybe if I gave Randy another chance he could make me happy. Maybe if I gave myself fully to him things could be different between us, I thought to myself. I continued looking through the cd's and by the time we stepped out of the store I had made up my mind. I was going to give Randy another chance. I know it is settling on my part but I also know that Randy is a good guy and would do anything for me.

"I want to go to a clothes shop," I said as we started walking towards the exit. We had spent the entire day at the mall and had bought a few cd's and small stuff. It was fun but now it was time to go back to the hotel and get ready to go to the club.

"Ok, but we'll have to hurry if you still want to have time to get ready before we go out tonight," Kyle answered.

"I won't be long, I know exactly what I'm looking for," I replied.

We found a clothing shop that looked like they could have some cool stuff and then we went our separate ways to see if we could find something that we wanted. It didn't take me long before I found what I was looking for. I have never bought sexy lingerie before but I knew what I wanted as soon as I saw it. I picked out the little black lacey number and then went looking for something sexy to wear tonight. I found a little black dress that I liked as well as a pair of boots. I quickly paid for the stuff and then met up with Kyle again.

"Did you get what you were looking for?" he asked curiously.

"Yip," I replied, trying to act normal, but on the inside my nerves were killing me.

"Do I get to see?" Kyle asked, trying to peek into the bag. I pulled it away from him and laughed at his curiosity.

"You'll see soon enough, I'm wearing it tonight," I answered.

Kyle drove us back to the hotel and then we headed back up to our room. I took a quick shower and then started putting on my makeup and doing my hair. Kyle took a shower after me and was completely dressed by the time I was done with my hair and makeup. I turned around and couldn't stop myself from checking him out. He looked extra hot tonight, it was almost as if he was trying to torture me. He had on a pair of black skinny jean, a long sleeved shirt with a band t shirt over it and his big studded boots.

I looked away and seriously reconsidered getting back with Randy. He is a really good guy but he's never managed to affect me in the way that Kyle just did. Feeling confused, I grabbed the bag with my new clothes in and headed into the bathroom. I slipped out of my gown and put on the lacey lingerie. It fit me perfectly and when I looked into the full length mirror on the back of the door I couldn't help but think that I looked sexy. I wanted to look sexy, I just wasn't sure if I wanted to look sexy for Randy.

I pushed the confusing thoughts out of my head and slipped into the little black dress. It fit me like a glove and barely covered my ass. It wasn't something I would usually wear but I wanted to make an impression tonight.

I took another look in the mirror and then opened the door and stepped into the room. Kyle's eyes almost popped out of his head and his mouth dropped open, letting me know that I had accomplished what I wanted.

"You look hot," he stated as he walked over to me.

"Why thank you," I joked as I took a hold of my boots and slipped them on. Kyle didn't say anything so I looked up at him and noticed that he had a really worried expression on his face.

"What's wrong," I asked as I took a step closer to him.

"Why are you dressed like that? It's not like you," Kyle asked as his eyes lingered over my body.

"I wanted to look sexy," I replied, shrugging my shoulders.

"You don't have to dress like this to look sexy, there has to be something more to it than that," Kyle stated, waiting for me to explain.

"Ok, you're right, there is a lot more to it. I was thinking about everything today and decided to give Randy a second chance," I stated. I was planning on telling Kyle but I wanted to wait until we were at the club where we could sit down and talk.

"But you're not in love with him, you told me so yourself," Kyle said, looking confused.

"I know but he is a really good guy and I figured that if I try a bit harder I could maybe fall in love with him again," I replied, trying to make Kyle understand.

"What exactly do you mean by try harder?" Kyle asked, looking concerned.

"I'm going to sleep with him tonight, maybe then I will feel differently about him," I answered.

"You can't do that Sweet Thing, you can't give your virginity to somebody you don't even love!" Kyle shouted, looking both disappointed and angry.

"Why not? I'm eighteen years old and I'm not going to find a better guy then Randy now am I?" I yelled back, starting to get angry.

"Yes you will," Kyle stated, looking me straight in the eyes.

"Who's going to be better for me then him?" I asked, daring him to reply.

"Me," he whispered, his voice full of emotion.

I stared at him in disbelief, I couldn't believe what I just heard. A million thoughts ran through my head but I couldn't turn one of them into words. I couldn't quite place the expression on Kyle's face and was about to ask him if he was ok when he stepped forward and crashed his lips against mine.

I've been fantasizing about kissing him and what it would feel like for a while now but never in my wildest dreams could I imagine that it would feel so amazing. The touch of his lips against mine sent little thrills of pleasure through my body as my skin broke out in goosebumps. My stomach went crazy with butterflies and my heart beat went into overdrive.

It took only a few seconds for the initial shock of what was happening to wear off and for me to throw myself into the kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck as I kissed him as passionately as possible. He responded immediately by wrapping his arms around my body and pulling me closely to him.

The feel of his body pressing tightly against mine caused me to moan in the back of my throat and I could feel his lips turning up into a smile as he kissed me. I was the first one to pull away, not because I wanted to but because I needed to get some air. I kept my arms around his neck and looked up at his gorgeous face. He was breathing heavily and looking at me in such a way that caused my body to ache for him.

"Lucy!" I heard Olivia calling from outside as somebody knocked on the door. I considered ignoring her but whoever was knocking wasn't giving up.

"I should get that," I whispered as I removed my arms from around Kyle's neck. He didn't say anything but nodded his head in agreement.

I slowly made my way over to the door and took a deep breath before opening it. Olivia and Sophia stood outside looking very impatient.

"Are you ready to go?" Olivia asked, faking a smile.

"Yeah, let me just grab my purse," I said as I turned around and walked back into the room.

"It's time to go," I said as I walked over to the bed where my purse was lying.

"Ok, let's do it," Kyle stated as he followed me out of the room.

Sophia glared at me with hatred as she took in my appearance. She was wearing a little white skirt and top that showed almost everything so if she was worried that I looked like a bigger slut then her she really didn't have too.

We made our way down to the first floor and as soon as we stepped out both Randy and Craig looked directly at me. They both had the same expression on their face too, making me wants to run away and hide.

Kyle must have sensed how uneasy I was because he gripped my hand in his and led me over to them.

"You look gorgeous," Randy said as we reached them.

"Thank you," I whispered, smiling at him and then quickly looking at Kyle. He had an angry expression on his face so I squeezed his hand hoping that it would reassure him. It seemed to have helped because I could visible see him relax.

We started making our way out of the hotel and down the road. We had decided to walk since the club was only a few buildings away but I was seriously hating that decision now. Randy kept really close to me although I was holding Kyle's hand and Craig kept on glancing at me. Olivia seemed oblivious to it but I could tell that it was irritating Sophia.

There was a queue outside of the club's entrance but luckily it didn't take us long to get to the front. The bouncers let us in without asking us for ID's and I was really grateful for that fact since both Olivia and Sophia is still under age.

As soon as we stepped inside the doors the music overwhelmed me, it was insanely loud and I could feel the vibrations pump through my body. The place had two dance floors on the ground floor, a huge dance floor on the second story and a chill out space on the roof. The club was really huge and kind of intimidating. It was packed with people that were visibly taking drugs and making out all over the place.

"Maybe we should stick together," Emma suggested as she took in our surroundings.

"I don't need a baby sitter," Sophia retorted as she grabbed Aiden by the hand and pulled him onto the dance floor. I could tell that his ankle was still hurting but he didn't argue with her, probably not wanting to get into a fight. Nobody said anything for a while as we stared after her in disbelief. I guess we should have been used to her rudeness by now but it still managed to shock us.

"Come on, there's an open table over there," Olivia stated, pointing to a table on the other side of the dance floor near the bar. We all headed over there and sat down. When the song was over Sophia and Aiden joined us at our table. Everybody chatted for a while and then we went to go get drinks. Kyle and I stuck to sodas but the rest of them all ordered alcohol.

"I really can't handle another hang over," I said as explanation when they all looked at me strangely. It was the truth and of course there was the fact that I actually wanted to remember what happened tonight and not make a complete fool of myself.

Kyle and I sat at the table with the rest of them for a while but after an hour or so I just couldn't take it anymore. Kyle was really quiet and I was freaking out so when a song that I liked started playing I got up and pulled him onto the dance floor. It was a very sexy song and most of the girls were dancing like they were strippers or something. I spotted a lot of them looking at Kyle longingly but he only had eyes for me so I decided to give him a bit of a show.

I have no idea where I got the guts from but I started swaying my hips and grinding my body against him as I moved the music. He looked a bit surprised but I could tell that he liked it from the look on his face. He placed his hands on my sides and moved with me so that our bodies were touching at all times.

When the song ended I was a bit embarrassed by my actions but nobody else seemed to care except for our little group of friends at the table. They all had different expressions on their faces but I could tell that not one of them was very happy about what they had just seen.

"I don't want to go back over there," I said, turning my attention back to Kyle.

"Then we don't have to," he replied, leading me off in the opposite direction. There was only one open bar stool so Kyle grabbed a hold of it and pulled it away from the bar.

"You can sit," he said, acting like a real gentleman again.

"Thanks," I said, hoping that he heard me over the music. I sat down on the chair and felt as Kyle moved in between me and the wall. He rested against it and pulled me back so that I was sitting with my back against his chest. His face was right above my shoulder and I could feel the heat of his breath on my skin.

We could still see our group of friends from where we were sitting but the dance floor was in between us, making me feel a bit better. Kyle wrapped his arms around my body and held me protectively. His touch was warm and made me feel safe. I looked down at his arms that were around me and then at my hands.

I noticed the ring and the fact that it was still on my ring finger.

"I should probably put it on another finger," I said as I lifted my hand and started pulling it off.

"No, leave it there," Kyle whispered into my ear, causing my body to break out into goosebumps. I stopped in mid movement and watched as he took my hand in his and pushed the ring back into place.

"Kyle," I breathed, unable to form a proper sentence as all sorts of thoughts ran through my head. What did he mean by asking me to leave it there? And why would he want me to?

"Please, I'd like to imagine that you are mine, even if it is only for one night," Kyle breathed, making my heart speed up in my chest.

"What do you mean?" I asked, still looking at his hand that was now holding mine.

"You're my secret crush Sweet Thing, but the thing is that it's not just a crush. I am madly in love with you," he said, taking me by surprise but making me the happiest person on earth at the same time.

"I'll keep it on for as long as you want me to," I replied, feeling like I was in my own personal heaven.

"Then it will stay there forever," Kyle replied as he moved his lips away from my ear and gently kissed right below it on my neck.

My heart thudded in my chest and I swear it skipped a beat as he moved his lips and kissed a bit lover down. He continued placing kisses down my neck and then made his way back up again until his lips were touching the lobe of my ear.

"I really want to kiss you right now," he breathed, making me wish that we were somewhere alone instead of in a club full of people.

"I really want to kiss you too," I replied in anticipation as I felt his hands move to my waste. I wasn't sure what he was going to do but quickly caught on as he spun me around on the chair so that I was facing him.

I looked up into his sparkling eyes and felt myself falling even more in love with him, if that was even possible. He placed his hands on both of my hips again and pulled me closer to him so that I was straddling him with my legs. The feeling of his body so close to me almost sent me over the edge and I had to remind myself that there were people watching although I really wasn't caring much about it at the moment.

"You don't know how long I've waited to do this," he whispered as he cupped my face in his hand and softly pressed his lips against mine. This time I responded immediately, wrapping my arms around his neck and gently grabbing some of his hair in my hand. He moaned in the back of his throat and I smiled as I deepened the kiss.

When we finally pulled away from each other we were both breathing heavily. We just stared at each other in amazement for a while as everything sank in.

"There's something I have to do," I said, when I finally found my voice.

"What's that?" Kyle asked, smiling at me.

"Come on, you'll see," I said, getting up from the chair, grabbing his hand and leading him over to where Olivia and the rest of the group were sitting at the bar.

"So the rumors were true?" Olivia asked when we reached them, obviously referring to the rumors that were going around at school about me leaving Randy so that I could be with Kyle.

"No, they weren't. I actually left Randy because I thought that I was in love with Craig," I stated, wanting to get everything out in the open. I knew that everybody was probably going to hate me after this but I just wanted to get it off of my chest and move on with my life.

"What?" Olivia exclaimed, jumping off of her seat as anger filled her face.

"Luce," Craig said pleadingly, obviously not liking where the conversation was heading.

"No Craig, she needs to know," I said looking at him and then turning my attention back to her.

"I didn't sleep with him but we did make out a few times. I told him that I wasn't going to see him anymore while he was dating you and he promised that he was going to dump you. I'm honestly not sure if he was really planning on it but it doesn't matter to me anymore. It didn't take me long to realize how big an asshole he really is, I just can't believe you haven't seen it yet," I said and watched as the expressions on everybody's faces changed.

Olivia was freaking out and I could tell that she was going to start crying at any second so I continued talking, wanting to finish what I had to say before she did.

"That's not all, there is something else you should know that is even worse. He's been having some sort of affair with Sophia. I'm not sure how serious it is or for how long it's been going on but I saw them kissing and saying some really nasty stuff to each other," I stated. Olivia's eyes grew big as she turned toward Craig and slapped him across the face.

"Randy," I half shouted over the noise to get his attention. He was staring in disbelief at Olivia and Craig who was literally screaming at each other now.

"Randy!" I shouted again, a bit louder this time. He pulled his attention away from them and took a step closer to me.

"I really like you but you need to get over me. I know I hurt you and that you love me but we are never going to get back together so please stop trying," I said and watched as his the sad expression on his face changed to one of complete and utter heartbreak.

"I'm sorry but I'm not going to change my mind," I said. He nodded his head in understanding and sat down on the nearest available chair.

Sophia and Aiden had joined into Craig and Olivia's fight so I had to shout really loud to get their attention. They all turned around and stared at me with hate filled eyes.

"I'm going back to the hotel now and in the morning Kyle and I will be going home. I know this road trip was my idea but I admit that it was a really bad idea and I don't think I am welcome anymore anyway. You guys can continue on the trip if you want or go home but I can't take a minute more of this," I said, trying to stay calm.

Olivia started shouting profanities at me so I took it as a good time to leave. I was still holding Kyle's hand so I turned around and led him out of the club.

Once we were outside Kyle pulled me to a stop and turned so that he was facing me.

"Are you ok?" he asked, his voice full of concern.

"Yeah, actually I think I'm better then I've been in a while. I know they all probably hate me right now but Olivia needed to know the truth," I replied honestly.

"What about what you said to Randy? Earlier tonight you were ready to sleep with him and now you've basically told him you want nothing to do with him," Kyle asked.

"I guess I just realized that you were right. I don't have to settle and it wouldn't have been fare on me or him if I did," I replied.

"Ok then, what do you want to do now?" he asked, smiling at me.

"Exactly what I said at the club, I want to go back home," I answered, sure that it was what I wanted.

"Ok, let's go then," Kyle replied as we started walking back to the hotel again.

It was after eleven at night but most of the shops on the street were still open. I spotted a little diner across the road with big ice cream signs that kept on flashing and without having to say a word Kyle led me across the street and into the diner. The place wasn't to full so I took a seat at one of the booths while Kyle ordered us some ice cream.

I took the time to think about everything that happened tonight but mostly I just thought about the ring on my finger and Kyle kissing me. I wanted him more than anything in the world but the fact that he wanted me too didn't make any sense to me.

"Here you go," he said as he returned with two small tubs of ice cream in his hand.

"Thanks," I replied, taking the one he was holding out to me. I tasted it quickly and smiled at the fact that he knew my favorite flavor. I thought that he was going to slide into the seat opposite me but instead he sat down next to me, causing my heart to speed up all over again.

"I'm sorry for throwing everything at you so suddenly, I just couldn't let you get back with Randy. I mean if you really loved him I wouldn't have stood in your way but I knew you didn't," Kyle explained, looking at me with pleading eyes.

"I know and it's ok. I'm just confused," I replied, turning in my seat so that I was looking at him. He did the same and I found myself face to face with him. His mouth was so close that all I could think about was leaning forward and kissing him.

"If you think you are confused, imagine how I felt when I realized that I'm in love with you," Kyle smirked. His words made me blush as well as forget about all of my doubts. I mean I still had a lot of questions for him but they could wait until tomorrow, there was only one thing I needed to hear him say at the moment.

"Promise me you won't hurt me," I asked, forgetting about the tub of ice cream in my hand and letting it fall. Kyle placed his on the table next to mine and leaned forward so that our lips were almost touching.

"I promise that I will never ever hurt you," Kyle whispered and then softly pressed his lips against mine, causing the world to blur out around me. All I could see was him and all I could taste was the sweet flavor of his lips on mine.

"Let's get out of here," I breathed when we finally pulled away for air. Kyle nodded his head in agreement as he slid out of the seat and held his hand out to me. I took it happily and followed him out of the diner.

We walked across the street and back to the hotel not expecting any more drama but unfortunately it didn't quite work out that way. As I set my foot through the door I heard somebody calling my name. I recognized the voice immediately and wished that I could just disappear for a moment but I couldn't, so instead I turned around and faced Olivia.

"This is all your fault!" she yelled, charging at me as she threw her arms around in the air. She reached me very fast and I'm sure she would have hit me if Kyle didn't grab a hold of her. She kicked and yelled as he dragged her away from me.

"I hate you!" she screamed, tears running down her face now. I felt horrible but there was nothing I could do to make her feel better. There was nothing that anybody could do for her at the moment. She needed her best friend or her sister and both of us had betrayed her.

Luckily as Kyle was pulling her away from me Randy stepped out of the elevator with some bags in his hands. I looked from him to the lady behind the counter. She had a worried expression on her face and the telephone in her hand.

"Everything is ok," Randy assured her as he walked passed her to Kyle and Olivia. As soon as he reached them Kyle let go of her and Randy took her into his arms, trying to calm her down.

There was nothing more we could do so we headed up to our room. I felt horribly guilty because in a way she was right. It definitely wasn't all my fault but I did play a big part in it.

"I'm so sorry about that Sweet Thing," Kyle said as we stepped into our room. He closed the door behind him and then turned to me. I'm not sure what the expression on my face said but he basically ran over to me and pulled me into his arms, holding me tightly as he brushed his fingers through my hair.

"It's ok, I deserved it," I whispered as I too started crying.

"No you didn't," Kyle protested.

"Stop acting like I'm all sweet and innocent, I'm a horrible person!" I complained, pulling away from him.

"No you're not," he stated calmly as he grabbed a hold of my arm and pulled me closer to him again.

"Yes I am, I don't deserve to be happy after what I've done," I whispered, looking up into his eyes.

"Yes you do and I am going to make sure that you are," Kyle stated before leaning forward and kissing me like I've never been kissed before.

The world around me faded out and all my problems seemed to disappear. The only thing that mattered at that moment was the feeling that consumed my body. Every single part of me was electrified with pleasure as his hands gripped my waist and pulled me tightly against him.

I used to think that my best kiss was the one I shared with Craig but it paled in comparison to this one. I could feel how much Kyle loved me as his lips messaged mine. The kiss was filled with just the right amount of love and lust and in that moment I knew that he was the one for me. He is the one I want to marry and have babies with, he is the one I have always loved and always will.

"I love you," I breathed as I pulled out of the kiss. His face lit up and I could tell how much those three little words meant to him by the look in his eyes.

"I love you too Sweet Thing," he replied as his lips came crashing down on mine again. The kiss grew in passion and so did my need for him. I moved my hands from around his neck down his body and to the end of his shirt. I slowly lifted it and slipped my hands under, running my fingers over his body. He moaned in the back of his throat and pulled me even closer. I took this as sign that he liked what I was doing and moved my hands back down his body. I gripped his shirt and started pulling it up. We had to break the kiss for me to pull it over his head but as soon as I let it fall to the floor his lips were on mine again.

We kissed for a while as I let my hands explore his body. I wanted more so I moved my hands to the button at the top of his pants and started undoing it but he stopped me before I could. He placed his hands over mine and took a step back.

"Not now, not like this," he said, shaking his head.

"Don't you want me?" I questioned with a shaky voice.

"Of course I want you, just not like this. You are upset and confused. I don't want you doing anything that you'll regret in the morning," he answered, begging me with his eyes to understand.

"I won't regret it," I replied, stubbornly.

"I'd like to believe that but I'm not taking any chances, you mean way too much to me. I'm not going to screw this up," he stated, taking another step back. I knew he was right about being upset and confused so I reluctantly agreed.

"Ok, we'll do this your way," I said, taking a deep breath.

"How about we get some sleep? It's going to be a very long drive home," Kyle suggested.

"We could make it fun though," I replied, teasingly.

"Oh I'm sure we can," Kyle replied, playing along.

"I still have to show you that I'm not as sweet as you think," I stated, pulling my dress up slightly. A pained look crossed his face as he looked at me longingly.

"I'm starting to believe you," he replied jokingly as he closed the distance between us and took me by surprise when he grabbed my ass. I jumped forward and he took the opportunity to wrap his arms around me and pull me closely to him. We kissed until we were both out of breath and then decided that we really should go to bed.

Kyle went to the bathroom to change into his pajamas, claiming that he couldn't handle me getting undressed in front of him. I blushed as he said it and then had to stop myself from running to him and shamelessly throwing myself at him. I wasn't sure how long I was going to be able to keep us this no sex thing now that I knew how he felt about me.

As soon as he was in the bathroom I quickly slipped out of my little dress and boots and put on the smallest pajama short and tank top I could find in my bag. I agreed to his rules earlier but it didn't mean that I couldn't tease him a bit. When he came out of the bathroom he was wearing a pair of black boxer shorts and it took all of my strength to stay where I was sitting on the bed.

He took in my appearance and frowned as he walked over to me.

"Couldn't you find anything bigger to wear?" he asked, pulling open the sheets.

"I'm sure I could, I just thought you might like these," I replied crawling to the top of the bed so that he could get a good look at me body.

"Don't you think I've suffered enough over the last year?" Kyle asked, getting in under the covers.

"The last year?" I questioned, surprised by his statement.

"Yes, that's how long it's been since I realized how I feel about you," Kyle answered, smiling as his eyes lingered over my body.

I thought about his words for a second before getting in under the covers next to him. It must have been pure torture for him, being in love with someone who wasn't showing any romantic interest in him. No wonder he said that he didn't stand a chance, he probably never imagined that I could feel the same way about him that he feels about me and then to make things even worse I told him about me and Craig all the time.

"I'll go change," I stated, feeling horrible guilty now.

"No way, get your ass over here," he smirked as he grabbed me and pulled me half way on top of him.

"I thought were not allowed to have sex," I giggled as he started nibbling my neck.

"That's not what I said, I just said not tonight," he replied, smiling at me evilly. His words filled me with anticipation and I couldn't help but kiss him again. We spent the next hour kissing and laughing until I got so tired that I fell asleep in his arms.

When I woke up the next morning Kyle was still holding me tightly to him. I smiled as the thoughts of what happened last night rushed through my mind. I wasn't happy about the whole thing with Olivia but the thoughts of kissing Kyle was so overpowering that I couldn't get myself to feel sad.

Kyle was still sleeping so I slipped out of bed and phoned room service figuring that I will surprise him with breakfast this time. I ordered bacon and eggs because I know it's his favorite and then changed into something a little bit more appropriate while I waited.

It didn't take them long to arrive and I was actually really grateful for that fact. I wanted us to get an early start so that we could get away from the hotel and start making our way back home.

Once the guy left I pushed the cart closer to the bed and then put one of the plates on a tray and walked over to Kyle. I sat down next to him and gently kissed his lips. He stirred slightly and then his eyes fluttered open and focused on me. The corners of his lips turned up into a smile, melting my heart and filling me with happiness.

"I got you breakfast," I said, moving the tray so that he could see it.

"Thanks, I'm starving," he replied, pushing himself up into a sitting position and taking it from me.

We ate breakfast and then started packing up our things which wasn't too hard considering we never unpacked to begin with. I decided to make use of the huge bath tub one last time and took a long hot bubble bath before drying myself off and getting dressed. I did my hair and my make up wanting to look good for Kyle. I know he's seen me at my worse but now that we are together things are a bit different. I didn't usually care how I looked around him because I never thought that he would see me as anything but a friend. I'm really happy I was wrong though. I've never been happier then I am right now, knowing that he not only loves me as a friend but as a lot more.

When I was done in the bathroom Kyle took a quick shower and then we took our stuff to the car. We returned back to the entrance to make sure that our bill was paid up and then left the hotel and the town behind.

We stopped at a gas station in the next town to fill up on gas and to get some snacks for the road since we had used up most of our stock. Things between me and Kyle were still the same except for the fact that I kept on blushing every time he looked at me and all I could think about is how badly I wanted to kiss him again.

"Kissing you last night was definitely the best kiss I have ever had," I stated once we were back on the road.

"I thought kissing Craig was the best kiss you ever had," Kyle replied, trying not to let me see the pain it caused him to talk about it. I felt horrible that I actually told him that but I had no idea how he felt about me at the time.

"I only thought it was because I haven't kissed you yet and how about you? Did you enjoy kissing a girl?" I asked as my curiosity got the better of me.

"More then you can ever imagine," Kyle answered, smiling as he stole a quick glance at me before turning his attention back to the road.

"Was it better than all the other kisses you had before?" I questioned, feeling a bit uncertain of myself. He did date a lot of guys before he fell in love with me after all.

"By far Sweet Thing, you never have to worry about that," he replied as he pulled the car to the side of the road. We were on a long straight road that ran between two of the major freeways so the road wasn't very busy.

"Why are you pulling over?" I asked, looking out of all the windows to see if something was wrong.

"I think we should talk," Kyle stated, unbuckling his seat belt and turning so that he was looking at me. I wasn't sure what he wanted to talk about so I just waited for him to say something.

"About me and you and the fact that I used to be gay. You probably have a million questions so ask away," Kyle said, smiling at me.

"It's just confusing. I mean how can you be gay one minute and then straight the next?" I asked.

"Trust me it was very confusing for me as well. I didn't choose to fall in love with you and to be honest I never expected it. I mean it is obvious that you are absolutely gorgeous and I had no doubt that you are my favorite person on earth, it's just that I always felt more attracted to guys then to girls," Kyle explained, trying to help me understand.

"Ok, so how did it happen then?" I questioned.

"It happened very suddenly and unexpectedly. We got to school early one day and you saw Randy standing with Craig and Olivia and instead of walking with me into the school you jumped out of the car, ran over to him and kissed him. A strange feeling washed over me as I watched you kissing him and I found myself wishing that you were kissing me instead," Kyle said, taking my hand in his. I could tell that he was having a hard time trying to explain his feelings to me so I moved onto his lap and hugged him tightly.

"I'm so sorry, I really didn't know that you felt that way about me," I whispered as I softly kissed his lips.

"You don't have to apologize, you had no way of knowing and I did a really good job at hiding it in the beginning. At the end when you started hooking up with Randy I kind of lost my cool every now and then. I know you noticedo because you kept on asking me if I was ok but I was way too scared to tell you how I felt. I was scared that if I told you, you wouldn't want to be friends anymore," Kyle said as he brushed his fingers through my hair.

"I have a confession to make," I whispered before kissing him again. This time it wasn't just a peck though and when I pulled away we were both breathless.

"What is it?" Kyle asked, his voice husky from all the kissing.

"I started having feelings for you too and I was also scared to tell you," I replied.

"That's the best things I have ever heard you say, except for last night when you told me that you love me. I think that was the highlight of my life," Kyle teased.

"I love you," I said, laughing at him.

"I love you too," he replied and this time he pulled me closer for a kiss.

When I pulled away I moved off of his lap and back onto my seat. I was feeling much better now and although I was sure that I would still think of a lot of questions to ask him in the future I was perfectly happy with his explanation. He loves me and I love him and that is all that mattered.

Kyle gave me another long kiss and then started the car back up and pulled onto the road. We weren't taking the same road as we came on so all the scenery was new. I had no idea how long it was going to take us to get home but I honestly couldn't care. I have had more fun in the few hours alone with Kyle then I had on the entire road trip with the rest of my friends.

We ate snacks and drank sodas and at around five that evening we stopped at a small town to spend the night there. We could have kept on driving but we weren't in a hurry. We ate dinner at a diner and then went to the local cinema to watch a movie. Kyle held my hand right through it but this time was different because we weren't just friends anymore. We were a lot more and I was ecstatically happy.

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