Style (stan x kyle) dude you'...

By coco217_

37K 736 3.3K

Kyle and Stan are no longer friends due to stans point of view on life that was, everything being "shit" Due... More

1-"eveything is shit"
2- "Hi kenny.."
3- "A bet is a bet"
4- "My dad"
5-"The funs just began"
6- "You are driving me fucking crazy dude"
7- "Them leaving is never a good sign"
8- his last card
9- "I need you"
10- "He has something to live for"
11- "I promise"
12- A sudden realisation
13- make a wish
14- safe embrace
15- "like old times"
17- boyfriend?
18- you cant sugarcoat death
19- questioning
21- 2 wishes
23- i feel safe
25- old enemies
26- 6 months
27- The plan
28- swap places
29- lack of sleep
30- no more secrets.
31- ft
32- fucked up
33- trust me
34- The big game
35-sent away
36- not my home
37- change in demeanour?
38- unsolved trauma
39- Think of me when you see the scars
40- The Letter
41- Court
42- Electric guitar
43- i love you

16- i saw red

935 16 166
By coco217_

-Hiii, this chapters a bit longer and has some Drama in it Yayy, due to the lack of flavour in the last two chapters. Hope you guys enjoy :) -

Today was the first day back at school since Stan attempted to take his life, Stan wasn't nervous but he was slightly worried people would know what he had tried to do.

He wasn't embarrassed but he didn't want people who had never spoke to him try to pity him.

Like usual Stan kissed his mum goodbye and left the house.

Jumping into the car, Stan turned the heating up due to the extra cold day , which was a bit unusual as it was early spring. But Stan didn't mind, it was often snowing in South Park so he was used to the coldness.

Stan opened Spotify before clicking on a playlist full of songs by the smiths, He was in a good mood today and hoped nothing would fuck that up. Quickly he put his phone down before turning the wheel and driving down the road.

As Stan arrived he sent a text to Kenny and Kyle.

Kenneth: meet me at my locker :)

Ky <3 : meet me at my locker :)

Grabbing his bag, Stan jumped out the car, as he locked it he walked towards the entrance of the building.

After 10 minutes the boys arrived at Kyles locker.

"What's up?" they both asked

"Hey guys, not much just was bored"

The boys smiled before starting conversation, while walking to their first class which luckily they all had together.

"Take your seats people take your seats" mr Adler repeated while waiting patiently waiting at his desk.

Eventually all in their seats, mr Adler began the register.









Wendy turned around, she now faced stan

"Hey Stan, where have you been, science was boring without you"

after breaking up one last time in eight grade, Stan and Wendy stayed just really good friends, neither of them had feelings for each other so it wasn't awkward at all

stan rubbed the back of his head, while trying to think of an excuse

"Uhhh um I was ill" Stan replied

"Ohh well it's nice to have you back, also I have so much drama to tell you about" Wendy squealed catching half the classes attention.

"Quiet during the register testaburger" mr Adler coughed.

She smiled one last time at Stan before turning around quickly

Stan laughed, before bringing his attention back to the board.

Kyles actual actual PoV

A sudden loud high pitched squeal made me jump, as I wasn't paying much attention it scared me.

I turned to the left of me to see Wendy smiling hugely at Stan who was chuckling under his breath.

I let out a relieved sigh to see nobody was being killed.

Wendy should really think about acting in horror movies, with a squeal like that.

I wasn't really bothered that Stan and Wendy were talking, I mean yes they Went out on and of since fourth grade, but it's been 3 years since they broke up.

Plus I really like Wendy, we're actually quite similar in some ways, I mean we're both smart and share a very passionate hate for Cartman.

I looked back at my desk realising I should probably pay attention and that I did.

After the first 3 periods it was finally lunch, Kyle and Stan both stood together awkwardly, due to the two lunch tables.

The first table, consisted of Kenny, butters, Craig Tweek and Wendy

While the other consisted of Clyde, Bebe, Tolkien and Cartman

Jimmy would also sometimes sit on Kyles table, but he had comedy club at lunch most of the time.

"Hey I have an idea" Kyle said turning to Stan

"I think I know what you're thinking" Stan replied before heading over to his table and Kyle headed to his.

-5 minutes later-

"Gahh, this m-many peo-ple is is maki-ng me ahh ner-nervous" Tweek twitched

"There there Tweek it will be alright" Craig said before grabbing his hand reassuring him.

"This is like so gay, I can't believe you guys joined the tables together just because you lovers couldn't separate"

Kenny laughed

"Dedication I've got to say" he chuckled once more

Butters laughed "I agree"

"Soo guys have you heard about the new empowering movement for wome..."  Wendy spoke

"Boooooo Wendy boooo" Cartman interrupted snickering

Wendy death glared him making him quickly shut up, reminding him of the time she beat the shit out of him.

"Clyde look at these shoes, aren't they the prettiest" Bebe showed Clyde

"Their beautiful Bebe, just like you" he smiled blushing

"Cringe dude" Tolkien laughed

Stan and Kyle looked at each other, both had massive grins, realising their plan had successfully worked.

-Time skip-

It was finally last period,

Stan had to catch up on a lot of work, due to this mr mackey thought he'd just check in and make sure Stan understood what he had to do.

After 20 minutes, Stan finally left the office, he thanked mr mackey before closing the door.

To waste time, Stan headed to the back of the school, where his and Kenny's usual spot was outside.

Delighted, Stan smiled to see that Kenny also happened to be there

"Hey dude are you ditching?" Stan asked

"Nah just thought I'd have a quick cig, you want one?" He passed the box to Stan, gesturing him to take one.

Stan pulled a cig out and placed it in his mouth "thanks man got a lighter?"

"Got you" Kenny replied before raising his arm to reach stans cigarette , he put his hand near the end that was going to be lit. shielding the flame from the random gusts of wind.

"I hate to cut things short dude, but I've got to get back before Mr Garrison figures me out" Kenny spoke

"That's fine man see you later" stan replied, before talking a large inhale of his cigarette.

Kenny waved before leaving stan.

After a few minutes, stans cigarette was finally coming to its last few puffs before stan had to put it out.

While Stan was staring out at the school premises, he noticed 3 boys speedily approaching him.

"What the fuck" Stan muttered, still trying to figure out who it was.

"Is that..oh for fuck sake not him" he mumbled under his breath once more.

"Damien Thorn"

Stan thought back to fourth grade when Damien had joined the school.

Eric, Kenny, Kyle and Stan had all declined him from letting him sit at their table, looking back it was a bit mean Stan thought but Damien was creepy.

He used to say he was 'the son of Satan' and other weird shit like that, but Damien held a grudge ever since then.

And made it very clear he did not like the four boys

A voice came from just metres in front of him, snapping Stan back to reality


Stan looked up, Damien directly opposite him, he stood rather close to Stan, making the distance between them small, next to him was two boys that Stan didn't really recognise.

"Oh uh hey Damien, what's up?" Stan spoke trying his best to be nice

"Well we heard a little rumour marsh" Damien said smirking, his minions giggling behind him.

"Oh yeah, what's that?" stan tried to act calm, but inside he was panicking, did Damien know he tried to kill himself and how did he know that?, who has he told?? or who told him???

Stans brain began to go into overdrive

"Well we heard that you're ... a little fag" Damien said with a rather concerning serious tone

Stan sighed a breath of relief, though he didn't like the idea of people talking about his sexuality, as it was his business only. He was happy that it wasn't about his attempt.

"What's it to you?" Stan replied avoiding giving Damien a straight answer.

Damien looked at both boys with an evil smirk on his face before giving them a nod.

The two boys charged towards Stan, grabbing both his arms they restrained him, before pushing him against the wall.

Due to the surprise of the attack, Stan was not ready at all making him a lot easier to take down.

"Get the fuck of me" Stan screamed angrily.

Damien chuckled, before looking back up at Stan

"You see Stan we don't like fags, and we like to teach them lessons"

Without a warning Damien punched Stan, causing his nose to instantly bleed.

"You're fucking psychos" Stan hissed

Before immediately being punched again this time in the mouth

Stan could taste the blood, that had instantly filled his mouth, suddenly he thought of that night his dad beat the shit out of him.

He felt like he was back there again making him feel more vulnerable than usual.

Two more punches were thrown, this time splitting Stans cheek and reopening his stitches from his previous beating.

On any normal day Stan could've easily overpowered the three boys, but due to his injuries only being a week old he was still a lot weaker, he physically couldn't wiggle out of their grip.

Damien got closer to Stan, being only inches away from his face, trying to act intimidating.

"Faggot." Damien passionately said with a lot of hate in his voice

Stan chuckled, causing Damien to raise his eyebrow

"You know for someone who hates gay people you sure are close to me right now"

"You scared I might kiss you Damien?"

"Scared I might.. fancy you?"

"Well I'm sorry to disappoint Thorn, but you're not my type, I'm more into redheads"

Stan smirked

Kyles actual actual PoV

I looked at the time we were 40 minutes into the lesson,

I knew Stan was seeing mr Mackey but 40 minutes seemed a bit excessive just to ask if Stan understood the work.

Before thinking I raised my hand

"Mrs can I go to the toilet please"

"Sure Kyle" Mrs Choksondik replied

Immediately I left the classroom, I don't know why but I felt something was wrong

I checked all the bathrooms Terrified I might find an unconscious Stan again

After no sign of him in the toilets, I questioned whether he was ditching I decided to go check out the usual spot him and Kenny chill at to see if he was there.

As I opened the doors I saw nothing for a few seconds, before I heard some frustrated voices, I turned my head to the left.

3 guys, one of them in pretty sure was Damien Thorn, were surrounding somebody.

I got closer.

Damien spoke

"I would never fancy a faggot like you" he sounded provoked.

"You sound like you're trying to convince yourself" the voice laughed

I would recognise that laugh anywhere


The three boys turned around and stared at me curiously, once they finally moved their body's I could see Stan.

His face was covered in blood, bruises were already developing on his soft skin, his eyes could barely open due to the swelling.

Now I know I'm known for having a short temper, even I know that.

But I couldn't think

I saw red

I wanted to hurt the motherfuckers that did this to him.

Stans actual actual PoV

I can't help myself, I know it makes things worst but to see the looks on their face makes me feel like I'm the one in power.

Well despite the fact, my face is currently throbbing from the pain, and probably looks fucked up.

I've really pissed him of I thought, as Damien continued screaming in my face, at this point I had muted him out I didn't really care for what he had to say.

But when I heard his voice, my heart jumped out of my chest.

No no no fuck what is he doing here.

I knew Kyle could easily defend himself, that boy has a short temper and a strong hit, but against 3 boys??

I was worried really worried.

"Ahhh I see, is this the redhead you were referring to" Damien smirked while looking back at a very pissed Kyle then looking back at me.

Shit he's got the upper hand.


As if Damien could read my thoughts he leaned closer towards me, making me squirm at the thought of him being so close to me.

"You're boyfriends next marsh and I won't be so easy on him" Damien whispered into my ear

My eyes widened, rage filled me, I felt irate at the thought of them harming him.

Damien leaned back smirking, staring at me as if to say I've won motherfucker

Without thinking I spat in his face, it was mainly just blood at this point but I didn't care


I didn't care if Kyle could hear me, I was furious and full of rage now and I could not calm down.

Damien smiled with the most psychotic look I've ever seen.

"you won't be around to do anything about it marsh"

What the fuck does that mean I thought, before I could say or do anything else

Damien grabbed the front of my hair and violently pushed my head against the wall.

Pain and dizziness consumed me.

Suddenly everything went black.

Back to Kyles actual PoV

That was it, that was my last straw.

I watched Damien smash stans head into the back of the wall with a large amount of force.

Blood instantly slathered the wall

Stan limply fell to the ground, and stayed there.

Not moving.

Reminding me of that day.

I was fucking angry

Really fucking angry

The first boy ran towards me, without a thought I punched him with every inch of strength I had in me.

He fell to the ground, he was out cold.

The second boy looked a bit nervous after this but still attempted to hit me.

It was no use

I pushed him once again using all my strength, full force his back hit the wall, he fell to the ground gasping for breath, due to the impact on his back.

Damien looked slightly less confident, but he still gleamed at me with that psychotic smile.

"I am going to kill you fucker" I said in a monotone voice before reaching him.

He smiled "aww you sound just like your boyfriend" he mocked

Forcefully I pushed him to the ground, before laying punches on him, hit after hit.

I looked to the left of me, to see Stan still wasn't moving, I began to panic.

While I was Distracted, Damien managed to throw in a few punches, before I easily over powered him again.

One final punch, with every bit of rage in me I swing at him, instantly he was out.

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