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His back story will be told. There will be hard times, bad times, good times, the fight for survival, and new... More

CH I: Part 1: Born from a Star
CH II: Part 1: A New Place?
CH III: Part 1: New Friends
CH IV: Part 1: Another Planet/More Enemies
CH V: Part 1: Octavia & Stars
CH VI: Part 1: Joyful Times
Ch VII: Part 1: Brewing Storms
CH VIII: Part 1: Peaceful Hour
CH X: Part 1: The Peaceseeker
CH XI: Part 1: Harsh Realities
CH XII: Part 1: Love, Hate, Pain
CH XIII: Part 1: Rifts
Chapter: XIV: Part 1: Reunited

CH IX: Part 1: Face-To-Face

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Nixx was waking up from the morning sun from the east as it was rising up from the horizon. Zura, his mother, was lying by his side and woke up a little before he did. She says, "Sleep well ~?" Nixx yawns, stands up and stretches, and then looks up at Zura and replies, "Yes. Slept just fine, mom." He was not sure if he needed to go do more training, but he was feeling quite tired today.

Nixx: "More training today?"

Zura: "You are free today. Perhaps we can do something together?"

Nixx looks up at her and smiles and says, "Sure! Like what?" Zura didn't have an idea at that moment. She thought for a moment. Then she says, "Here. I can show you this one place that is really beautiful. It is one of the natural wonders of this planet."
Nixx was curious and asked, "Really?" Zura smiles and replies, "Sure! I will show you." She gets up, and Nixx gets up right after to follow her to the entrance of the hangar. He wondered what kind of 'wonder' this planet could have. He then asked, "What about space? When will I be going to space?"

Zura: "You will go to space eventually. Patience."

Nixx nodded happily to Zura as he smiled. She was his mother, after all. Or at least the one who adopted him as her own. As they walked to a spot where Zura wanted to take him, he rubbed against her leg and purred happily. He then ran around a bit ahead but didn't get too far. He was making sure Zura was in his sight, and he was in hers so that she didn't worry.

Zura smiled and didn't mind Nixx running around and having fun. She enjoyed his joy and was happy that he was being what he should be a pup. He did run a bit ahead but didn't leave her sight, which was good. They were close to the place now as it wasn't far. It was actually a hot spring, and it was a place where some of the Xulkrialyte soldiers went to go bathe and relax. In fact, there was some there now. And they were all naked, of course. There were also some Xylowraiths there, and some were small pups as well.

Good, at least Nixx had some to play with. Nixx stopped and looked around at the hot springs and saw how pretty it was. There were fancy, weird trees that had transparent leaves and flowers, some in different colors. They glistened in the sunlight, which made them look crystal like. Nixx liked the look of this place. It really looked beautiful. Nixx looked up at Zura and wondered if he could go play. Zura nodded and gave him the 'ok' to do so. Nixx happily ran off and went to go splash and play in the shallow spring puddles. Nixx splashed in them and rolled around to get wet. The water was nice and warm.

He then jumped into the nearest deeper pool and splashed. He knew how to swim. It was another part of his training. The water was nice and warm. It wasn't that much to him. Of course, being born in the heart of a star meant that any kind of heat wouldn't bother him. He splashed around for a bit, and then he was so busy splashing about until he bumped into something soft. "Oh! ~ Look where you're going, little pup. ~" Nixx heard a sweet female voice say. It wasn't a Xylowraith. He opened his eyes and saw it was a female Xulkrialyte. She was naked and was leaning against the side.

She had some braided hair and actually wore earrings. Nixx saw he ran into her breasts, but he did not know that was what they were. Nixx looked at her nervously, but she just smiled down at him with her light green eyes. "Awww. Are you afraid you're in trouble? It's ok. Come here. ~" She grabbed Nixx and then started to hold him close to her. She cradled him like a baby and started petting him. Nixx was at first kind of feeling a bit strange how she was holding him. His head was close to her breasts, which he didn't know was what they were called. She just smiled down at him and began to pet him. She then started to scratch underneath his chin. Nixx had never felt this before, but he did like it. It felt really good. He started purring as the Female Xulkrialyte kept petting him. She giggles and says, "You are loving this little pup? ~" Nixx was too busy purring and enjoying the pets and scratches that he wasn't listening. Then, another female Xulkrialyte came up, and she had no fur or hair on her head. Her body was curvier than the one holding Nixx, and she even had dark blue eyes. She came up, put her hands on the side of her face, and pretty much said in a loud, high-pitched tone, "OH MY ETERNALS!! IT'S THE NEW PUPPY!!" Nixx looked up at her in a shocked frightened expression. 

Xulkrialyte Girl: "Fuck Ryna! Don't scream like that! You scared the poor thing!"

Ryna: "Sorry Nikki... Can I hold him please?" 

Nikki was silent for a minute and then said, "I guess... But you owe me a favor later. ~" Ryna seemed to be slightly annoyed by this, but she sighed and responded with a "Ok, fine! Whatever you wish!" Nikki smiled a devious smile and handed Nixx to her. Ryna took Nixx and already smothered his little head in between her chest globes. Nixx was just confused by this but assumed that after her hug, he was going to get more pets. Ryna soon did but instead she started to rub and scratch his belly. Nixx didn't mind it, he actually was liking that and so he cooed and purred more. Ryan loved his noises and said, "You like belly rubs too huh? ~" Nikki was watching and smiling as she had both arms up on the sides of the spring pool. Meanwhile, Zura was watching from afar and was making sure that the two Xulkrialyte women were being nice to Nixx. It looked like they were just giving him pets and belly rubs. Nixx wasn't the only Pup being loved on, other ones who were just running around playing were now being held and petted by female Xulkrialyte's, another was a beefy male Xulkrialyte who was holding a Xylowraith Pup with his one arm and was petting it with the other while speaking to a group of females and one other male. 

Zura was now thinking about going into a pool to lay down and enjoy the warmth. She was relaxing until someone came up next to her. Zura looked over to her right and saw it was Xiva. Zura nearly felt like getting up and standing at attention, but Xiva said, "Do not stress. I am here for a casual visit. Just like you." Xiva then went into the pool and actually laid close to Zura who kind of didn't like that. She just got a real unsettling feeling from her. Xiva did a churring sound and said, "It does feel nice to relax. Doesn't it?" Xiva asked out of the blue. Zura said, "Yes, it sure does." A bit of awkward silence, until Xiva was looking over at the two Xulkrialytes females who were cooing over Nixx. Xiva smiled the kind of smile that Zura did not like. It was a kind of smile that gave off a vibe that she was thinking of something, what it was Zura did not know. "Name is Nixx right?" Xiva asked. Zura jerked her head over and said, "Oh... Yes... I thought it was the best name for him." Xiva then asked, "It is usually a name for females. But I guess it is a males name too." Zura was not really liking the idea of Xiva questioning the name she gave to Nixx. It seemed fitting for him. 

Just then, Galvik arrived and walked by silently. Zura watched him as he walked by with his stern expression. He was still being intimidating as usual. Even some other Xylowraith's, and Xulkrialyte's were moving aside when he walked their way. He was heading for a large spring pool that was in one area where not a lot were nearby. Zura watched him go into the pool and lay down and then he closed his eyes. It seemed, like, he was starting to relax and meditate, he usually did that sort of thing when he was not doing whatever he was commanded to. Xiva then said something that made Zura look back at her, "So... Have ever thought about finding a father figure for little Nixx?~" Zura thought for a moment and looked around the place while thinking about it. She then came up with a simple answer, "Not really. I don't mind being a single mother. 

Xiva: "Oh? But you wish that Nixx does have a male role model to look up to someday, don't you?"

Zura: "Of course! I just haven't found anyone to be that role model..."

Just then she looked at Galvik, just there, still as a statue. Then, like Xiva saw that she was looking over at him and said, "Are you sure you haven't chosen one? ~" The tone in Xiva's voice really made Zura look back over at her and say, "W-What? No! I-I..." but Xiva looked at her with a sly smile and it was the kind that made her blush. Zura looked down and said, "I-I do admire Galvik yes... I think he is a perfect role model for Nixx. But I am not sure how he would react." She looked at Galvik, again he had not moved. Xiva then said, "I am sure he will accept. He can be a perfect father figure for Nixx." Zura looked over at Xiva and asked, "A-Are you sure? You really think so?" Xiva smiles and only nods in response. Maybe, this was a chance that Zura could talk to Galvik. He will probably be calm and not so stern or intimidating. She looked back at Xiva and said, "Ok... I will go ask him." Zura gets up and begins to walk over towards Galvik. While heading over there, Lazarus showed up and said, "Zura! I am happy to see you!" Zura smiles back and says, "Hi Lazarus. Yeah, I wanted to bring Nixx and show this place to him." 

Lazarus: "I can see that he is becoming quite popular. What are you doing right now?"

Zura: "I was going to talk to Galvik." 

Lazarus was confused at first, until he looked and saw Galvik. "Oh. Ok... About what I might ask?" Zura was a bit hesitant to tell Lazarus what she wanted to ask Galvik. But she assumed it wasn't that big of a secret. "Yeah. I was going to ask him if he could be a father to Nixx." Lazarus looked at Zura with a face like he wasn't trying to look disappointed or concerned. He instead said, "Oh really? You believe he will accept?" Zura says in response, "Never hurts to find out." Lazarus nods and then looks over at Galvik again and then back at Zura saying, "Good luck then." Zura then replies with a simple, "Thanks." She then began to walk over towards Galvik again, but then Lazarus says, "Oh, by the way. Will you tend to the party next week? I can get you into VIP." Zura turns back and smiles and says, "Yeah. Sure. I would like that. Thank you." She then continued towards Galvik. She finally went up to him and stopped 14 feet away from him. 

She didn't need to say anything. Galvik already knew. There was a moment of silent and he spoke in his deep sinister tone, but it was calmer than usual. "Speak." He spoke. Zura finally said, "I wanted to ask you about something." Galvik then opened his eyes, and he looked over at Zura and asked, "Like what?" Zura was a bit nervous to ask Galvik what she wanted to ask him for a while. She finally looked right at him and said, "You know that Nixx has been improving over the past months now?" Galvik didn't respond, he just looked at Zura with the same expression. Zura then continued, "Due to him improving. I understood that he would soon need a father figure to look up to. So, I thought about it for a moment. And I was hoping that you would like to be that father that he can look up to. Please, would you?"

Galvik was eerily silent, he was just glaring at Zura who was looking back up at him with a blank look. She was on edge yes, but Galvik never ever showed any hostility towards her. So, she stood her ground. Galvik saw she was serious. He did a low noise that sounded like a growl. It wasn't a rage or angry growl; it sounded like a reluctant one. "I will consider it." He finally said as he went back to closing his eyes and going back to relaxing. Zura was actually, happy and was thrilled that Galvik might have said "yes" to her request.  She said, "Ok. Thank you." She then left him in peace and went back towards Xiva. She soon saw that Nixx had finally got free from those two Xulkrialyte females who were doting over him since they had to go. Not after they both gave him kisses on the top of his head. Xiva appeared to be speaking with him and was looking down at him with a look of affection. 

Xiva: "So you love Zura as your mother?"

Nixx: "Of course! She is strong and very pretty! She even protected me!" 

Xiva: "I see. How do you think of Galvik being your father?" 

Nixx remembered who Galvik was. He then looked down and seemed to think about it. Xiva remained looking down at him, waiting for his answer. "I don't know. Would he want to be my father?" Xiva chuckles and says, "I am sure he would. You seem like the kind that will take after him." Nixx seemed to like what Xiva said and then asked, "Really? You think so!?" Xiva nodded and said, "I really do." Nixx then jumped up and down happily and said, "Then yes! I would want Galvik to be my father!" Zura smiled at this and said, "Well. He said he will consider it."

Xiva: "Sounds like you convinced him."

Nixx then went towards Zura and rubbed against her legs and asked, "Will Galvik be my dad?" Zura smiled down at him, gave him a lick and replied, "He will think about it. Let's not rush him." It seemed settled. After the visit to the Hot Springs. Nixx and Zura went back to the Hangar and relaxed for the rest of the day. However, Xiva met up with Galvik and they were in another Hangar together like they were a couple of some sort. "Nixx is such a cute little pup! I couldn't help but contain myself when I looked down at him! I want him so badly!" Galvik then spoke, "You know Zura won't give him up so easily."   

Xiva: "Burrr... Then I will find a way to stage an 'accident' with her.~"

Xiva got up, stretched, and started walking in a pervocative strut towards the entrance of the hangar and then turned towards Galvik and said, "I am sure. I will be more of a perfect mother than Zura will."
With that, she left the hangar as Galvik watched her. He then did a slight smile, a rare thing he has ever done. He adored Xiva. Yes, they were a couple. Zura did not know. But they had been plotting something since Nixx was created. They knew something. They knew Nixx was 'special' in his own way.

Back to now

Loona and Nixx were in the meeting room relaxing. Blitz, Millie, and Moxxie came back, and they were in a helicopter that was the same that came to pick them up. They walk out, and Loona gives them a confused look. Even more when she sees Moxxie in a wedding gown. Millie looked serious and was holding him. Blitz was smiling like his usual self. Loona then looks over at Nixx, who just said, "Let's not ask."

Loona: "Yeah. I agree. Anyway, want to go get a drink together or something?"

Nixx: "I suppose. It's not like we are doing anything anyway."

Loona smiles and says, "Let's go then!" She then gets on a leather jacket, a black skirt, and a pair of high heels. She then redid her make-up, and after that, they were ready to go. Loona got on Nixx's back, and they took off to a bar close by. It was the bar they usually went to, especially when they wanted to get away from the nonsense that occurred at the IMP Building. "I wonder. What the fuck actually happened? And why was Moxxie in a wedding dress?" Loona asked randomly.

Nixx only replied, "Fucked if I know. All I can tell is that Millie sure looked livid and like she just got done killing whoever. She was also pretty pissed and ripped apart from that cardboard cutout. As I said before. It's best we don't ask."
Loona let out a chuckle and said, "Still. It looked pretty funny. Should have taken a picture." Nixx snickered at the thought and had to admit it was funny to see Moxxie in that dress. They soon made it to the bar, and then they soon landed. Loona went off of Nixx's back, and then he turned medium-sized so he could fit through the door.

Loona: "I think we should do some shots of whiskey, don't you think?"

Nixx: "I will drink what you drink."

Loona smiled at him and scratched underneath his chin, which made him purr. Loona went in, and already, she got some glances. She saw some of them and flipped them off. Nixx just gave them a glare, and the demons went back to their drinks. They got up to the bar, and Loona pulled out her wallet and put a wade of bills on the bar top. "Strongest whiskey you've got and shot glasses!" The bat demon looked at her, and then she smiled, saying, "Yes ma'am." Nixx sat near the bar and curled his tail to prevent people from tripping on it.

Nixx was looking around the bar again. It was the same one that Loona went to when she first got him. "You seem to be drifting a bit Nixx. Something bothering you?" Loona asked. Nixx looked at her and said, "No. Nothing, really. I am just having peace of mind. Since our troubles are mainly over." The bartender brought a tall bottle of whiskey, and it was a  Bourbon type. It was Loona's favorite. Nixx liked it as well due to it having a good kick.

Loona took a shot, and then Nixx just took a big beer mug, then he used telekinesis to dump it in his mouth, and it went down his throat. Loona smiled at him and then said, "Does it ever affect-" Just then, Nixx jolted, and he sent a pulse of light through his markings. Loona was so caught off guard that she then started laughing really hard. Nixx just smiles and looks at her and replies, "Yes. Sometimes." Loona regianed herself and said, "A-A... A 250,000 year old Star Beast and alcohol will still hit you hard!"

Nixx: "Guess I was low. So yeah, that picked me up."

Loona took another drink and said, "It happens to me, sometimes." Then, Octavia shows up and says, "Hey. Mind if I have some?" Loona smiles and says, "Via! What brings you here?" Octavia replies simply, "Just here to do the same thing you two are doing." Loona scoffs and says, "I should have guessed." Octavia then poured a glass of whiskey herself. Nixx took another shot and Loona did as well. As they drank, they talked and got caught up with what they were doing and what not. Loona then asked, "Are you still with Francsico?" Via nodded and said, "Yeah, He is just busy with things himself." She seemed to be a bit sad for a moment, Loona was going to ask her what was wrong but Via just said, "Above all. He is doing fine." She took a sip of whiskey and sighed. Nixx kind of knew what she was thinking or brooding over. It was a moment where he felt that destruction and violence, and killing was the answer. There was a somber silence between all of them. Except for the other demons talking and laughing.

Octavia finally said, "How is your dads business going?" Loona was still reluctant sometimes to call Blitz 'Dad', but she did however accept sometimes. She nods and says, "Sure. They went to go do a job for a client and as soon as they got back. Which was the next day!"

Via: "It took them a day to complete a job?"

Loona: "Well... On days they have to go kill multiple targets. If they don't have Nixx with them."

Via: "What exactly happened?"

Loona shrugs and replies, "Not sure. But Moxxie came back with a wedding dress on!" 

Octavia was holding back laughter, and Loona couldn't blame her. It was pretty funny and questionable. "D-Did you ask?" Via asked. Nixx just said, "We didn't. But maybe Blitz will tell us when he wants to share. It will probably be a good story." He did not know why, but he felt like it was going to be interesting on what exactly happened. It was probably something he didn't need to worry about. After they were done drinking. Loona, Octavia, and Nixx left the bar, and both the girls were half-way drunk. They both laid on Nixx's back and for some reason they were cuddling with each other. Nixx stopped and looked back at them. He saw how cute they looked and smiled at them. He adored them in so many ways, it was sort of hard to explain. He decided to take off and bring them home. 

Meanwhile. Joseph (Jay) was leaving a Gun Range where he was practicing his accuracy. He was walking down a sidewalk to get to his car, until he saw a young child walking down the sidewalk in his direction. Jay stopped, looked at the boy in curiosity, he was wondering why a child was walking down the sidewalk, alone, in the evening. Jay stopped, but the boy kept walking and went right by him. "Kid!" Jay said, to get the boys attention. The Boy, stopped, and he stood there for a moment with his back turned towards Jay. "Are you lost or something? Or do you know where you are going?" The Child had his hood up and wore a scarf that was made out of a thin silky material. He soon turned and removed his hood. Then he removed an ear pod he had in. Which meant that he was listening to music. 

(Not mine)

"Pardon?" The Boy said in an accent that sounded sort of Irish. Jay asked again, "Are you lost?" The Child looked around and said, "Not really. I am sure I know where I am." Jay then raised an eyebrow and then said, "Do you live around here?" The Boy, then replied saying, "Yes. Right around the corner. Anyway, I have to go. Bye!" He then turned to walk away but then Jay said, "Wait! Who are you exactly?" The Kid turned back around and said, "Call me Murphy. Thats all you need to know."

Jay: "I'm Joseph Linnell. Most call me Jay." 

Murphy: "Ah! well nice to meet you Mr. Linnell. Now, good evening." 

Murphy then turns and leaves and before Jay could say something else. He turned a corner and Jay felt like he had to follow. as he rounded a corner, he saw something that he recognized off the bat. The big blue box that he saw in the snow. It was a Police Phone Booth that looked like it was England. 

(This photo does not belong to me. Credits to actual photographer.)

Jay walked up to it slowly and looked all over it. Its light lamp was on, and the windows had light coming from them that were a whitish blue. The door opened up, on its own. A light beamed away from it and Jay was at first hesitant to enter, but then he peered inside, and his eyes went wide as he was shocked. He then stepped in as the door closed behind him.

(To be continued in next Chapter.)

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