The Alterna evacuation Operat...

By EmotionalFrige

131 3 2

Alterna isn't safe to inhabit anymore, but agent 3 is still there, so what do we do? We gather up the idols t... More

Wait what!?
mA hEaD iS a JuNgLe😥
The tribe

It's planning time baby!

28 1 2
By EmotionalFrige

Agent 3 pov: 

*Agent 3!?*

"Wait Callie, Marie, captin!?" He asked in shock

*The one and only!"  Piped up a voice he could best assume was callie's

*Oh my Cod, 3 are you ok!?* He heard the voice of who he knew was Marie

He looked at the bandages on his body, despite that, the gashes were pretty bad and he DID have a sprained ankle, he was no medical expert, but he knew something was wrong. He contemplated on weather or not he should tell them about the injuries, 3 HATED having people fuss over him, it made him feel bad. He decided that he wouldn't tell them "They'll Probably heal soon" he thought, but he knew it was a lie

"Yea! I'm ok just a little shaken up" he said

*Pun intended?* asked Marie

"What no, I'm traumatized!?" He said irritated

*Anyways, where are you right now it's more useful if f we know your location?* Callie asked clearly worried

"I'm inside the research cabin right now, but it's in shambles though" 3 Answered as he looked around at the place

*that's a shame, it was kinda cozy in there* Called sighed, sadly

*Hey 3 if you don't mind me asking, can you go outside and see if there's anything left? Of course if it's safe!* Asked Marie

"Yea, sure, ok" 3 said as he walk back out, this time around the huge iron bar in the roof

He opened the door to the outside, but just then he remembered the rod that had fallen through the stairs. But it was too late, he felt himself fall and hit the ground with a *Thud*

"Great, that hurt" he thought, irritated as he got up and dusted the fake snow off himself

He looked around for a minute, taking in his surroundings

It looked like it did before, just *Worse*, pieces of the glass dome were gone and instead pierced through the ground, the statues that had once stood evenly, were now scattered in chunks where they used to be, either that or tipped over. 

"Lord, that earthquake sure did a number on this place" He thought, slightly shaken up

*earth to 3!? Do ya see anything?* Callie asked

"Basically the same as before" 3 answered, snapped out of his trance

*I know we already know this, but can you go to the grate back to splatsville and see if it's even possible to *try* and get in?* asked Marie

"Nope, already saw it, blocked by debris, there's NO way I'm going to be able to get in there" he said

Splatsville pov:

"Great!? What do we do, there's literally NO WAY for three to get back up!" Callie said panicked

"We HAVE to figure something out, we can't just let him die!?" Marie said

"3, I'm really sorry, but were gonna have to call you again when we come up with a plan" Callie said into the radio

*No, that's ok, I can live, I guess* they hears agent 3 say sadly as he hung up

"Oh cod, I hope he's ok down there, all alone" Callie said said

"We don't have time to worry, we need to help him, but what do we do!? Marie asked

" Idiot, we ask the rest of the IDOLS for help! " Callie said proudly


Arsonist = Pearl

ArsonitsGirlfriend = Marina

MonsterEnergy_Can = Marie

BombBlushBitch = Callie

ShivermeTimbers = Shiver

FeelThe_eelMotherfucker = Frye

ManBig = Big man


In the ✨Idols✨ Gc



ArsonistsGirlfriend: Whoa, clam down you two what is it?

ShivermeTimbers: Yea, me Frye and big man are trying to watch a movie

BombBlushBitch: Well, You know Agent 3 right?

Arsonist: You mean the captain?

MonsterEnergy_can: No the NEW one?!

Arsonist: OHHH YEAAAA the new one, yea I know him

Arsonist: He's an octoling right? With yellow and blue eyes?

MonsterEnergy_Can: Yea that's him

Arsonist: well anyways what is it?🤷

MonsterEnergy_can: Well you know about Alterna right?

Feelthe_eelMotherfucker: I don't understand where you're going with this but yea

BombBlushBitch: Well basically, there was an earthquake, but we don't know if it was an earthquake, but anyway we then Alternate started to crumble and like glass was falling and everything was falling and stuff, so me Captain and Marie escaped back to splatsville just in time because a price of Debris fell on the grate back in alterna , but we made it out(thank god🙌) but then we saw, like smallfry come back up from the grate too, and we were like really confused because smallfrye follows agent 3 (not the captain the new one😒) everyhwerreee so we were like, really confused, but then we realised that meant that agent 3 was still in Alterna, which ALSO means there isn't anyway to get out (We need to make a new way out of there 1 way is really in-conviniente if there's an earthquake) but anyways, we realised we had a radio at home (Thanks to captain)  so we tried to see if it worked and at first it didn't, but then we heard agents 3! And basically he's stuck down there without his smallfrye and we need you guys to help him or he's going to die and we'll never see him again!

ShivermeTimbers: ....

Arsonist: Damn, that's was a lot

MonsterEnergy_can: Soooo, will you help us?

ArsonistsGirlfriend: I mean do we have a choice

BombBlushBitch: Sooo, that's a yes?

Arsonist: Sure I'm in I guess, 

ArsonistsGirlfriend: me two

ShivermeTimbers: Me 3

FeelThe_eelMotherfucker: Me 4

MonsterEnergy_can: hey Shiver, frye, where's big man?

FeelThe_eelMotherfucker: Oh, he'labsleep

MonsterEnergy_can: well can you wake him up

ShivermeTimbers: no way, have you SEEN how adorable he looks when he's asleep?!

MonsterEnergy_can: Fair point

ArsonistsGirlfriend: well anyways, how are we gonna save 3? We can't just walk in, we'll be stuck too


ArsonistsGirlfriend: I suppose we could

ArsonsitsGirlfriend: But, how are we even gonna get down there to him!?

MonsterEnergy_can: There's a giant hole that him and gramps fell down to get there, if it's big enough, your helicopter can probably fit down there

Arsonist: oh yea, that makes sense

ArsonitsGirlfriend: Yea but this isn't like the last time we used the heli, when that happened it was in a big open sky, alterna has a ton of things in it, if the heli gets too low, if could hit something

Arsonist: hey, Marie, do you have any high places agent 3 could stand on while he waits for us to show?

MonsterEnergy_can: I can't think of anywhere low enough

BombBlushBitch: I know! The top of the happiness research lab! That's definitely tall enough 

MonsterEnergy_can: yea, but we can't just have him wait there forever, we should send someone down to wait with him, to let 3 know that we're coming soon

MonsterEnergy_can: I'll find someone for that

BombBlushBitch: and then off the hook can pick him up and he'll be out of there for good

ArsonitsGirlfriend: That sounds good

MonsterEnergy_can: So do we have a plan

All: Yep!


Marie and called turned off their phones and set them aside

The two idols chatted a little bit to pass the time, though Marie kept glancing at the captain

"Hey Marie, why do you keep doing that?" Asked Callie

"Don't what?" Marie said defensively

"Looking at the Captain" Callie said

"Im worried about him" Marie admitted

"He's probably just worried about 3, we all are, if I were you I might give him a little time" Callie said as she stood up and went to go to the bathroom

But that didn't stop Marie, she as always, let her mom senses get the best of her, and went to she and callies shared room, where she knew the captain would be.

She opened the door quietly, and saw the captain sitting on the other side of the bed, hunched over.

"Cap, you okay?" She asked

The captain turned around to face her, and she saw hot tears running down his face, she had never seen him so emotional in her entire life 

"Oh cap, you know it's not your fault" she assured him

"But it is, I was careless, I could've told him" he sighed

"He was in a kettle, by the time you'd both got out it would be too late, and you would both be stuck" Marie said

"Yea, but you do realise I was the one WHO LAUNCHED MISSILES ON HIM!" He shot back

"That's wasn't your fault, if you knew he was there then you wouldn't have done that!"

"If I knew he was there I would've helped him.." He muttered sadly

"Look I know because you're the captain, you're sometimes a bit hard in yourself, but it wasn't your fault, it wasn't anyone's fault, we couldn't have told him" she said

"Yea, but now because of that, hes stuck down there, he could be killed at any moment!" He sobbed

"Which I why we're trying to get him out !" Marie argued

"What if it doesn't work!? What if were too late, what if 3 is just stuck there forever left to rot, because WE couldn't make it in time!" He asked

"But that won't happen, we're GOING to get him out" she said

Marie sighed

"Captain, I know you care a lot about 3, we all do, but you need to stop blaming yourself for something that isn't your fault" Marie said

Captain didn't know what to say

Neither did Marie, but she knew what to do, she motioned her arms for a hug

And captain clung to her like she was the last person on earth

And he just sobbed into her chest

But he knew she wouldn't mind

She rubbed circles on his back like a mother soothing their crying child, she had always seen captain that way, for almost 8 years now since he joined.

"Now I can see why 4 calls you mom" he said

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