Ninjago- "An ending is really...


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Hi guys! This is my first time actually writing a book and publishing it! So this story takes place after cry... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25- Part 1
Chapter 25-PART 2
Book Update 2!!
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Hiya guys!(sorry just a book update)
Chapter 28
Chapter 29-PART ONE
Chapter 29- PART 2
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40- PART 1
Chapter 40 Part 2
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 31

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Lloyd's POV

"We're never gonna get anywhere at this rate!", Jay whined, plopping himself on the floor, a grumpy look on his face.

I was sweating and panting.

For almost an hour, I tried to use my Spinjitzu to reach the opening to the vertical long cell—but, no surprise—I can't fly using Spinjitzu—and though it does give me a certain momentum...I can't reach the door which was probably 20 feet above us, considering the big drop we experienced when Kane had thrown us down below.

Kane. I already hated the guy so much that even my Oni side slipped. That was unintentional. I didn't even realise what happened until the others gasped—and Kane called me the Son of Garmadon. I shuddered from the memory.

I managed to stagger back to my feet, but Nya held me back with a tight grip on my shoulder.

"Lloyd,"she pleaded,"You're already badly hurt as it is—

I shrugged her off, feeling annoyed.

"Nya", I said, my tone clipped," Right now— is not the time to consider how hurt I am. Though I appreciate it, we have more problems to think about." I frowned, looking up at the opening, which was literally the only source of light in the cell.

I look back at Nya, who had a sympathetic look on her face.

"Harumi?", she asks, already knowing what I was worrying the most.

I pursed my lips, my eyebrows pulled down, rapidly blinking the stinging pain across my eyelids. I sighed, looking away from Nya and the others who watched me intently.

"I just hope she's okay", I managed, sitting on the stone-cold floor, feeling helpless.

Nya sat next to me, resting her head on the wall, and sighed.

"Lloyd", she said.

I slightly turned my head to face her. Her face was strong and determined, an expression that defied all hopelessness and defeat.

" Don't you know by now that Harumi can take care of herself?", she smiled gently,"She told you that several times before—even when she was the Quiet One, remember?"

"Of course," I said,"But—"

"Take it from me, then", she interrupted, placing a hand on my shoulder," Harumi is a strong and brave woman—and you, of all people, should know that she wouldn't let us down." She smiled gently at me as I looked at her in quiet shock.

"Since when did you fully trust her?", I asked, shocked.

She smiled brighter,"After how she defended us back there—and the look on her face're Oni side took over...I realised that she cares for you more than you think." She said softly.

My heart leaped.

"She's beginning to prove to be a great friend,"I agreed in a mumble.

Nya let out a chuckle,"Don't lie on the spot, Green Bean—you see her more than a friend." She smirked.

I looked at Nya, managing an exasperated smile, but didn't say anything. These were my siblings—I couldn't hide anything from them—they loved me just as much as I did, maybe even more so.

"Ha!", Kai snorted, making us all turn around,"I told you so! Cole—you owe me your slice of cake when we get to the Monastery," Kai smirked.

Cole looked at Kai in a hilarious-looking aghast expression.

"I never betted against anything! It was you and Jay!", Cole said.

Jay clicked his tongue,"Don't bring me in this, Party Pooper."

Everyone burst out laughing. I chuckled myself. But, as my wandered, I thought about Harumi. What would Kane do to her? She can take of herself...right?

Nya looked at me as the three of them argued about their ridiculous cake bet, and her smile slightly faltered as she looked at me.

She stared at me right in the eye,"Lloyd—she's gonna be okay, don't—"


My head whipped up towards the sound. The cage door was open, and I made out two figures standing over it—but it was too far for me to make out who the figures were.

Suddenly, one of the figures threw the other inside, and the figure fell, no sound of fear or even a grunt coming out from the person falling. The person fell so fast that it took my eyes a few seconds to adjust to that the figure had landed with a heavy thud.

A whine escaped from the person. I squinted my eyes to try and make out the figure, but with no avail—until the figure raised its head to look at us. I gasped. The others jumped to their feet.

Harumi laid sprawled weakly on the floor, her face and head bleeding excessively. Her eyes looked dead—her hair tinted with her blood. She tried standing up, only to stagger backwards.

My eyes widened, and I pushed Nya away, running to catch Harumi before she hit her head on the hard floor. I caught her just in time, and I sighed in relief.

She heaved a breath, trying to speak.

"H-hey", she whispered,"Are y-you okay?" She managed to croak.

I wanted to hug her right there—but she looked so fragile that I felt that I could break her just by holding her. I held her gently.

"Nya!", I said, emotion leaking in my voice," I need your help!"

Nya dashed next to me, reaching inside her belt bag, grabbing her emergency first aid supplies.

I carried her to rest her back on the wall, and she shivered. I looked at her desperately.

"You're gonna be okay, Rumi", I said quickly, my voice and heart racing with fear," J-Just hold on, okay?"

Harumi groaned and closed her eyes tightly. I gripped her hand, but she didn't look at me.

"Rumi?", I said, my heart racing," No no no—Harumi!"

She managed to open her eyes weakly, and she squeezed my hand gently,"Im—fine, Lloyd. Just—give me a minute." She croaked, and a whine escaped her lips as she tried to stretch her leg.

Nya looked at her leg and placed a hand on her ankle. Harumi jumped upright, shouting in pain.

My heart twisted and I wiped the beads of sweat forming on Harumi's forehead, her blood painted on my hand. I stared at it—my heart pacing even faster.

"Harumi", Nya said gently,"Just relax—Im gonna tend to your wounds—and you have to stay still so that Lloyd can heal your ankle—because its clearly broken." Nya said, her voice calm.

But Harumi shook her head, swallowing," You don't have to do that—I can do it myself—just give me a minute to rest—thats all", she reassured us weakly.

Nya huffed," Don't be stupid, Harumi. You're in no shape to treat yourself."

Nya nodded to me, handing the gauze.

I worked as fast as I could, and being as gently as I could for Rumi. Nya dabbed a handkerchief and wads of cotton on Harumi's forehead. Kai helped me tend to Harumi's ankle, while Cole and Jay tried to help Nya as much as they could, but, knowing Nya, she didn't really need any help. She could do this with her eyes closed.

In record timing, her bleeding had thankfully stopped, her leg wrapped nice and tight. She heaved a deep breath, trying to relax herself. As Nya was done applying pressure to Harumi's forehead to stop the bleeding, I wiped her face from the dried blood, applying ointments to the side of her head to soothe the pain.

Nya had bandaged the gash on Harumi's arm, and, feeling satisfied with her work, sat up and and clasped her hands together.

"She's gonna do okay, now", Nya assured," Her pulse is steadying, but her body's probably still weak from all that..bleeding." Nya's face pulled down in worry. I focused on treating Harumi, as I dabbed the wet cloth around her eyes and face gently. She sighed, her shoulders relaxing.

Nya looked at Harumi, then at me.

"Me and the others are gonna get some sleep—wake me up know." Nya smiled. I nodded in thanks, turning back to Harumi.

Harumi's eyes fluttered open, and she winced. I leaned forward, instantly anxious.

"Rumi?", I asked,"What hurts? Just tell me." I urged.

She just shook her head, placing a hand on her head.

"Just the after effect of being thrown several feet downwards, and crushing your foot in the process", she smiled weakly at me, and I groaned.

"This is not the time to joke about this, Harumi," I whispered, feeling relieved that she was beginning to sound normal.

She nodded, and her eyes started closing. I panicked. Looking around so that no one was watching, I placed both of my palms on her face, holding her gently.

"Rumi?", I said, fear leaking out of my resolve," Are you okay?"

Her eyes fluttered open, and I could've sworn that she had given me an annoyed look, but she looked so weak that it was honestly hard to tell.

"Yes, Lloyd", she sighed sleepily,"Just..tired." She yawned uncontrollably.

I smiled and nodded,"Okay, ill be right here when you wake up, okay?"

She looked at my eyes, nodding softly, and did something which surprised me.

She nuzzled her face towards my palm, which was still on her cheek and sighed, before drifting in a soundless sleep. I stared at her in awe.

I smiled softly, as I saw that her face was turning back to colour, to my relief. I sighed. Placing her head gently on the wall. She smiled gently in her sleep, lightly taking breaths in and out.

I took a deep breath, looking back up to the opening—which glinted only a touch of moonlight. I sighed, and hoped that PIXAL and Zane would find them—before things really got out of hand.

But things already were.

A/N- ....Its 3AM and i am utterly exhausted. Anywho, I hoped you guys like this chapter! Let me know what you think about it in the comments! I need sleep now...zzzzzz

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