"Belong" A Y/N x Choni story

By thelilygigunov1

1.7K 35 0

Y/N enters Riverdale with no friends and no home. until she meets Cheryl Blossom and Toni Topaz. Then Y/N fin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 4

149 3 0
By thelilygigunov1

A/N: This one is a long one 2,666 words I hope you like it! Btw its Y/N's POV this entire chapter. 


A few weeks later, I became good friends with Cheryl. I gathered some other friends too. A very gay girl, I mean a man named Kevin Keller and I became best friends, other than Cheryl. I also met Cheryl's cousin Betty Cooper we also became besties. Southside High closed down and some Serpents came to Riverdale High. Including Toni Topaz.

Cheryl kinda got pissed but soon warmed up to Toni, but every time I hang out with Toni Cheryl kept glaring at us every time we giggled too loud. But every night, I get dreams about Cheryl. Intense dreams.

I haven't told anyone about my dreams, not even Kevin. But Toni found out about my dreams a few days ago, but she doesn't know who I'm dreaming about. I and Toni found a place together, an apartment. Unsurprisingly, Cheryl got jealous.

I tried to confront her a few times about why she got mad. But she kept repeating it as her "period." I brushed it off.

It was winter break, and Cheryl and her family left for Italy for the entire break. I would have gone with them, but I knew I wouldn't be able to handle myself if I saw Cheryl in a bikini.

Yes, I am in love with Cheryl Blossom. Kevin knew, just Kevin. I knew if I told anyone else, someone would tell Cheryl. He kept telling me to make a move but as the nervous wreck that I am, I didn't do anything. But not without a bit of small flirting.

Cheryl knew I was an introvert, so when I told her I didn't feel like going, she quickly understood and I dropped her family off at the airport Thursday morning. She bid me goodbye and disappeared into the airport building. It was a Thursday evening, and after I dropped off Cheryl's family at the airport, I went back to sleep.

I get out of bed, head to the living room, and turn on the TV. I flip through the channels, but nothing good is on. I hate when that happens. I stare at the blank screen for a few minutes, then I get an idea.

I head to my room and get my laptop. I set it up on the coffee table and turn it on. I log in to my email and see that I have one from Cheryl. I open it and start reading.


I hope you're doing well. I miss you. I had a dream about you last night. We were together and it was amazing. I wish you were here though.

I'll see you when we come back but winter break will end. Maybe some Pops after school? My treat. I miss you.

Your bitch, Cheryl.

I smiled and started typing a reply to Cheryl.

Hey Cher Cher!

Thanks for asking. I hope you're having fun in Italy! You can tell me about your dream when we get to Pops. ;) I miss you as well. Tell your parents and Jason Hi. See you soon. ❤️

Love, Y/N

I went to bed with a certain redhead on my mind.

"Fuck, Cher- "

Cheryl was on top of me riding my cock "Your so b-big fuck" She started rocking on me faster. I held her hips as she rode me.

"Fuck Ima cum baby." Cheryl rubbed my abs up and down as she rode me. "Me too daddy FUCK." She moaned loudly. Soon I felt her cuming hard on my dick.

Soon after I shot my thick ropes into her. Out of breath, Cheryl plopped down next to me. She looked into my eyes, "I love you." I smiled, "I love you too." Cheryl just stared at me.

"Another round?" A smile appeared on my face. "Hell yeah." I got on top of Cheryl, kissing her neck. Cheryl breathing heavily. "Mmmmh Y/N." I started to kiss down her body leaving love marks on the way down. My lips met with her dripping wet pussy. Before Cheryl could react, I started eating her out.

Pumping my fingers in and out of her at a rapid speed. Cheryl grabbed my hair. "FUCK daddy, ugh, you fuck me so good!" She moaned loudly. Arching her back, as she was about to cum, I kept hearing "Y/N." "Y/N."

"Y/N! Wake up!"

I woke up to Toni standing over me, shaking me "Y/N! Get your ass up."

I groaned, "Toni, what the hell! It's a Saturday! Why did you wake me?" Toni giggled ''You were moaning so loud! I legit thought you were masturbating, then I saw you sleeping. So I woke you up!"

I was pretty pissed, "Toni, you don't wake people up when they're sleeping!" She rolled her eyes and sat on the edge of my bed. "Whatever, who was the dream about anyway?'' She asked with a smirk on her face.

I rolled my eyes, "None of your business!" Toni rolled her eyes playfully, "I'll find out sooner or later." She lets out a big sigh before saying, "Get ready we're getting breakfast with Sweetpea and Fangs." I whined, "Why so early?" She just laughed, "We're leaving around 10:00 am."

"Why did you wake me up TWO HOURS before we leave? You know I don't take that long to get ready." She rolled her eyes playfully, ''I know but remember your wet dream? Yea I woke you up for THAT. You can go back to sleep and wake up at 9:00 alright?" I nodded my head and Toni went back to her room.

I laid back in my bed and quickly fell asleep.

I woke up to the sun shining in my eyes, I looked at my clock and it showed it was 8:30. Damn it, I only slept for 30 minutes. I might as well get up and get ready.

I quickly got out of bed and headed to the shower. While I brushed my teeth, I opened my phone and noticed I had a new email from Cheryl. I turned on the water and let it heat up while I brushed my teeth.

When I was done brushing my teeth. I opened the email and read her message.


I'm having a BLAST in Italy I wish you were here :( My dream last night was another amazing one about you. I wish you were here to experience it with me.

I'll see you soon! I miss you. Also, Jason and my parents said hi!

Your bestie, Cheryl.

I felt my cheeks heat up. "Well, what got you red as a tomato?" I looked up seeing Toni leaning against the bathroom doorframe. "Fuck off, it's none of your business!" Toni walked closer to me, grabbed my phone, and ran off so fast I couldn't even process what happened.

"Toni What the fuck?!? Gimme back my phone!" I run after but she was already in the room with the door locked. I banged on the door, "Toni give me back my phone I'm serious!" After a few more moments of me yelling and banging on her door, she finally opened the door. "Soo, Cheryl Blossom huh?"

I groaned, "Toni, it's not like that it's just friends talking to one another."

She just gave me her classic smirk, ''So that's who you were dreaming

about?" My eyes widened, "What are you talking about? Of course not!"

Toni chuckles, "Yea right, so what if I told you, I overheard about your convo with Keller the other day?" She said as she handed me my phone.

I gulped, gripping my phone "I don't know what you're talking about." I said not meeting her eyes, I didn't want Toni to find out this soon! "So you wouldn't care if I told Cheryl about this?" My head shot back at her so fast I might have gotten whiplash. "Okay okay! Fine, you win! Just don't tell her please!"

"I fucking knew it. For how long have you been crushing on Bombshell?" I didn't answer her, I just walked away from her. I didn't need to deal with this right now. I entered the bathroom took off my clothes and hopped in the shower.

As I was in the shower, washing my hair, all I could think about was how to finally make a move on the pretty redhead that has been on my mind for a while. As soon as I was done washing my hair, I hopped out of the shower and dried my hair. I checked the time, and it was 9:03. So I got dressed, laid in bed, and waited until Toni and I have to leave.

I was scrolling on Instagram when I saw Cheryl posted a picture. What I saw made me hard as a rock. It was exactly why I didn't go to Italy. Cheryl was in a white two-piece bikini with cherries on it.

It was so tiny she was practically wearing nothing but a fabric held on by tiny threads. As if she moved an inch the whole bathing suit is gonna rip. The caption read, "At the beach in Italy, wish I could stay here 4ever <3"

The hardness in my lower region was getting harder by the second. I knew it was wrong, but I just couldn't help it. I slid my hand down my pants while looking at the picture of the redheaded goddess in front of me.

After I pleasured myself I buckled my pants and headed to the living room, I saw Toni putting on her shoes. "Hey ready to go?" I looked at the time and was around 9:45, I answered: "Uh yeah Im ready let's go."

Toni and I headed out the door, locked it, and were on our way to where Sweetpea and Fangs were for breakfast. We arrived at the restaurant and sat down with Sweetpea and Fangs in a booth. While we were waiting for the food we talked.

Not without Sweets and Fangs teasing me about not having a girlfriend yet. I told them I have no eyes for anyone yet. Toni kept her mouth shut, just smirking at me. I just ignored all her smirks and stares every time the three serpents bring up my love life. Which they brought up a lot.

By constantly showing pictures of pretty girls, or pointing at attractive women that were in the diner. It was exhausting. Every time they mention a potential lover for me, my mind always went to how any girl can't be as amazing as the one and only Cheryl Blossom.

"Y/N you have to like a girl or at least some girl you wanna hook up with!" Sweetpea groaned as I was eating my hashbrowns. "I told you, Sweet, I don't like anyone right now! How many times do I have to tell you guys?"

That's when Toni knowingly smirked at me. "Guys back off, she's right she doesn't like anyone." I sighed in relief as the two male serpents leaned back in defeat. "She's in love." My eyes widen as I realized what she said. "TONI! WHAT THE HELL!??!" I said a little too loud.

She people gave me a concerned look as I buried my head into my hands. "Ha! I fucking knew it! So whos the lucky girl?" Sweetpea shot at me as Fangs leaned on the table with his elbows and his head is leaning on his hands. "Yea who is it, Y/N?"

I shot an angry look at Toni. She just looked at me with her stupid smirk. I'm gonna kill her when we get home. "Please tell us! We swear we won't say anything! Come on, Y/N/N!" Fangs, the dark-haired boy begged.

I groaned, "Okay okay! Fine! I'll tell you if you stop fucking bothering me." I bit the inside of my cheek in defeat. "It's, Cheryl Blossom" It took a second for the two serpent boys' eyes to turn wide. "WHAT? YOU'RE IN LOVE WITH CHERYL BLOSSOM?!?!?" Sweetpea and Fangs yelled out.

A few people gave us a dirty look, then went back to their meals. Then I spotted Veronica smirking at me, "Oh shit." I thought. She defiantly heard that. She walked over to us, "Well, well Y/N/N someone has a crush on a certain redhead." I groan, "Please don't tell her, Vee. I'm begging you." I said worriedly. Knowing Veronica is best friends with Cheryl and tells her everything.

Veronica's eyes go wide. "Oh shit, you didn't want her to know?" I jumped a little. "Veronica, what the hell did you do?" I said angrily.

Veronica showed me her phone, "You told her??! Fuck Fuck Fuck!" I stood up and grabbed my things, "Toni let's go home." Toni stood up confused, "What, why Cheryl is not even here? Plus I'm still hungry!" I roll my eyes.

"Toni not right now! Come on! I'll make you my homemade french toast."

With that, Toni quickly followed me. "Yes! Okay, let's go home, bye guys." Toni and I left the building, "Toni, what the hell was that?" I scolded her.

Toni didn't say anything until we got inside the car, "Look, I'm sorry but they weren't gonna leave you alone." I roll my eyes, "You could've said to cool off. Great, now Cheryl knows I have the biggest crush on her! It's a nightmare. I didn't want it to come out like this."

I sighed. As Toni and I were driving back home, my phone rang. I took a look at it and it was from, "Cheryl is calling." I said worried and embarrassed. "Answer it," Toni said without looking away from the road in front of her. "I can't answer it! What do I say?" We finally stopped in front of our apartments. Toni looked at me. "Just answer the call dude."

I hesitantly answered the phone. "Hello?" I said in a nervous voice. "Hello there, baby. So a little birdy told me you have a massive crush on me." She said over the phone, I could tell she had a smirk on her face. "Umm uhh-" I was scared as fuck. "Speechless are we? Look, I knew you didn't want it to come out like this, and you are probably embarrassed-"

"Cheryl," for some reason I stopped her from babbling, shit, what do I say? "Yes?" Okay, Y/N don't embarrass yourself. "I love you, Cheryl," I said into the phone. I noticed Toni did a little victory dance. I roll my eyes. Then I noticed that Cheryl didn't say anything. I frowned.

Did she not feel the same way? "I'll call you back." And that's it. She just ended the call without any further explanation. That hurt my feeling hard as fuck. Like my heart is made out of glass and she dropped it so it broke into tiny pieces. I dropped my phone on the ground. "Y/N? Y/N? Are you okay? What happened?" I grabbed my stuff and left the car.

I could hear Toni calling for me behind me but I kept walking. I unlocked our apartment and rushed straight to my room, I locked the door behind me and laid down on my bed. Why did she not say she loves me back? Does she not? Cause that hurt like a bitch.

I wanted to take a nap but I knew those dreams would show up and I didn't want to think about Cheryl right now. Plus I was so horny, I couldn't take care of it without thinking about her.

I stood up from my bed, walked up to my door and opened it to a worried Toni. "Y/N, what did she say?" I looked at Toni with tears falling down my face. "She didn't say she loved me back, she just said "I'll call you later, then hung up." Toni wiped my tears and hugged me.

When I finally stopped crying, I just looked at Toni without saying anything. "Y/N, you don't need her, okay? If she doesn't feel the same way fuck her. Want to go to the club or something?" I shook my head no, "Well then what do you want to do?" I grabbed her face and kissed her.

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