Chapter 10

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Cheryl POV

Me, Y/N, and Toni's stupid friends are arguing for whatever reason, "You know what? It's both of your faults that Toni doesn't hang out with us much anymore, you and your slutty girlfriends!" Sweet Pea yells.

Y/N's fists ball up, "What did you call her?" she said angrily. He laughs, "You heard me, you both ruined Toni with your disgusting relationship! And I bet-" He didn't get to finish when Y/N punched his face.

He falls to the ground and holds his jaw, "Y/N what the hell did you do?" Toni yells at her, going over to her idiot of a friend. "He called us names and called our relationship disgusting! What did you expect me to do?"

I sigh angrily, "What she said, T.T. I told you not to hang out with these two imbeciles!" The two boys look at me, "What did you say?"

Toni says, standing in front of me and Y/N. "I told you not to hang-" I was stopped when I felt a sting on my right cheek. Toni slapped me before I could finish. "Toni, what the fuck?" Y/N shoves Toni.

"She deserved it she's being rude to my friends who I call brothers!" Toni yelled in her face, I felt my eyes begin to form tears.

It gave me flashbacks to when my mother would slap me and hit me. I couldn't help it but tears started to fall down my face.

I ran off to find Betty and Veronica, we needed to leave before things got messy, why does this have to happen to us?


The nerve of this girl! She knew what Cheryl's mother did to her and she fucking slapped her! And her friends started it anyway! I was defending us, and she goes and takes their side? Fine, we don't need her.

Cheryl ran off, I wanted to go after her but I needed to deal with Toni- I mean this bitch first. "You want Toni? Fuck you! Go with your two little boys 'cause we are over! Do you hear me? OVER!" I yell in her face.

She finally snapped out of it and tears formed in her eyes, "What? No please you know I love you both! Please don't leave me!" She cried.

"Y/N please-" Sweet Pea scoffs, "They're not worth it Tiny, you don't want to be in their disgusting relationship anyway, they were just using you anyway!" Fangs said, Toni wipes her tears and walks away with her two toys.

I couldn't do anything but cry, I need to find Cheryl, and before I could start searching, she comes up to me with Betty and Veronica on her side.

Veronica looks mad, damn there will be a warzone if we don't leave right now. "Where is that son of a bitch?!?! I swear Im gonna kill her!" She said angrily, while I was holding my now sobbing girlfriend.

"Yea, who does she think she is to do that to her? Doesn't she know what happened?" Betty says angrily. Giving Cheryl to me so I can comfort her.

"Ronnie we can deal with her later, right now we can't stay here any longer. Im gonna take you guys home." Veronica sighs, her fists still clenched, "Fine but at school, we are gonna do something about this!"

I nod my head in agreement, we all walk to the car and thankfully we didn't see Toni and her gang of boy toys. We get into the car and I drop off Veronica and Betty, then I drove me and Cheryl home.

When we got home, Cheryl went straight to the shower, dragging me with her. I was confused, she just bawling her eyes out a few minutes ago, and now she was dragging me to the shower with her?

Not that I was complaining, but I'm worried about her, she probably thinks that everything is gonna be fine. I didn't tell her that I told To I to never call us. But I don't know how to tell her, what do I do? Shit.

We get in the shower and she starts to wash her hair. "Cheryl, what's up? I know you're not okay." She sighs, rinses the shampoo out of her hair and turns to me. "It's just," she pauses, I wait for her to continue.

"I didn't think she would ever hit me, she knew what happened with me and my parents, it shocked me." Tears started to fall down her face.

I hug her and she started to sob again, I rub her back feeling bad for her.

I'm gonna tell her, "Cheryl, I know things are bad right now but um,"

Cheryl looks up at me, still crying a little bit, "What? What is it?" I sigh, "I broke up with Toni and told her to never call us again," Cheryl pulls away from her slightly, "Why would you do that? How could you do that?"

I shrug, "To be honest I don't know why, I was angry at the moment, I love you both and I want us to be together," Cheryl nods, "Yeah me too, I love you both also." We hug again, and we stand there for a little while before we get out of the shower and dry off.

I know its short buts that's I have rn 😭😭 (869 words) Its usually a thousand words but whatever Thanks for reading! Love you all! 💕❤️


"Belong" A Y/N x Choni storyWhere stories live. Discover now