Forever Yours ( Bts X Reader)

By Ch41s5

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Who knew attending one concert could create a chain reaction of event •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••... More

Chapter 1 * Emma*
Chapter 2 * Emma *
Chapter 3 * Jimin *
Chapter 4 *Jungkook*
Chapter 5 *Emma *
Chapter 6 *Emma *
Chapter 7 *Emma*
Chapter 8 *Emma*
Chapter 10 * Emma*
Chapter 11 *Emma*
Chapter 12 *Emma*
Chapter 13 *Emma*
Chapter 14 *Taehyung*
Chapter 15 *Taehyung*
Chapter 16 *Emma*
Chapter 17 *Jimin*
Chapter 18 *Jimin*
Chapter 19 * Jimin*
Chapter 20 * Jimin*
Chapter 21*Jimin*

Chapter 9 * Hoseok *

1.1K 33 3
By Ch41s5

Opening my eyes, I couldn't stop the smile from spreading to my cheeks on the possibility of meeting my soulmate due to that strange dream I had last night (A/n so it's only Emma that saw them all, the others didn't see each other at all only Emma in the dream)

I finally decide to get up from bed begin my morning routine
Once, done I heard down to meet the rest of the guys, few half asleep as we had to wake-up early because of the concert so we can go through some last minute checkups

Skipping, breakfast we heard to the stadium deciding to eat breakfast there
Upon reaching the stadium,  we have breakfast and go through some last minute routine like dance formation seens I was the dance captain, sound check, outfit check and some few other minor checkups

We start wearing our outfit doing some last minute fitting with the stylists, kookie hyung having a little problem with the collar being too tight
We also start putting on our makeup and priming our hair

Once done with my makeup and hair, I heard to the window overlooking the view and arrival of army waiting in line with their banners and army bombs

I couldn't help feeling excited and joyous on performing to hundred of loyal army fans outside and even more watching live from their phone. I look to my hyungs and see the excitement and joy of performing to army some even shedding tears

I decide to lounge on the couch with the other guys as the maknae are still getting styled by the artists
My mind drift to my soulmate and the dream, I had about her. Probably sensing my silence

"Are you okay hobi" jin asks looking worried

"Yeah I'm alright " I Say trying not to make them worried .

"It's just I had this weird dream yesterday " I say thinking of the dream, I had

" what kind of dream " joonie says looking curious, so as suga looking with a curious face properly not going to sleep soon

"Well, it was dark and I saw a silhouette of a girl and their was this indescribable tugging to her " I says looking at the boys and the maknae were done with the their makeup (a/n the stylists had gone by that time)

"Guys I think no I know she's my soulmate " I says to them looking joyous about the fact of meeting my soulmate

" Well did you ask for her name " kookie asks looking curious and also cute with is big doe eyes

" she was saying her name but i woke up before she could finish it" I say feeling disappointed and sad about waking up too early before she could complete her name

" I also had a dream like that " suga said looking confused, while the others stared at him also confused

" Really"  I say feeling excited at the possibility of yoongi and i having the same soulmate

" You know thinking of it now, I also had the same dream" jin says sounding excited on us having the same soulmate

" I also had the same dream " the rest said in unison except for Tae who keeps looking down probably contemplating on telling us something

Probably feeling our gazes on him he decides to look up
" Did you also have the same dream tae" I ask the others also nodding as taehyung took some time to respond to the question looking thoughtful

"Yes" he says quietly having mixed emotions

"Is something wrong taetae " jungkook says worriedly as he and taehyung have a strong bond

"Yeah are you sad about meeting our soulmate " jimin asks worriedly looking at one of his closest friend waiting for taehyung to answer

To put it straight the maknae bond is the strongest in the group at how close they are seeing their self as brothers

Finally taehyung decides to talk
"Yes, I am excited about the fact of having a soulmate but what about lu-min afterall she is my girlfriend of five years " he says having mixed emotions about is girlfriend lu-min

And I do understand him afterall lu-min as been is girlfriend for five year ever seens he didn't get his soulmark. So i understand is confused state of finally discovering the possibility of us having a soulmate out dare afterall must be confusing

"It's okay taehyung, we understand but this is also about our soulmate about the possibility of meeting her" namjoon says stepping up as the leader of the group to make taehyung see our point in the hole matter

And I definitely agree to him afterall this is about our soulmate and the possibility of meeting her now that I know she's out dare. And a little part of me don't really like taehyung girlfriend and I'm sure the rest of my hyungs don't like her either

" I understand but what if it's just a stupid dream, what if she doesn't want us, I just don't want to get my hopes up and watch it break and I like lu-min " taehyung says starting to shake

Looking at the rest of the guys I see that few of them hope as started to diminish thinking of the possibility of our soulmate rejecting us or maybe in a relationship with someone afterall we don't know she could be far-away we may never meet her or she may not want us heck we don't even have our soulmark does the dream count. Various thoughts consume my mind on my soulmate

Probably sensing our distress from taehyung words
" you know what let's not think about our soulmate for now afterall we have army waiting for us to perform and we have to give our best to them in tip top condition " namjoon says stepping up as the leader and distracting us with army. And he was right army is waiting for us and we can't let thoughts about our soulmate fog our mind if we want to give our best performance

Right on cue the stage crew comes in to tell us its time. We all leave our resting room and head backstage for our performance, hearing the scream of army

Jungkook goes on first with is melodious voice as army becomes more excited getting anxious to see us all perfome and just like that we all start our singing our own verses as the dancers join in the performance

And then it happens, I here gasps as army falls silent murmuring and pointing at something. I look around confused at what there pointing at, then I see it kookies collarbone having a soulmark RE, I look at the others and see some of their soulmark while others are hidden. Then I feel it a burning pain on my left-hand in the middle of my thumb and 1st finger the initials RE written on it

I also feel the emotions of my hyungs looking eyes with them and knowing their my soulmate feeling their joy and happiness, I look to taehyung and feel him giving his infamous boxy smile feeling his happiness

But I also feel another emotion one that is joyous but also fearful, I'm pretty sure the rest of my hyungs feel it too
Looking around I see them beautiful silver eyes staring at us and then I know it in my soul and overjoyed in my bones so as my other soulmate feeling their joy in the bond

Our biggest crush Emma Ross is our soulmate and I couldn't be happier than that

Wow are you guys thrilled or not they finally get their soulmark and know their soulmate get ready for the adventure Because things are about to get spicy
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Word count : 1303

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