By SamikoTomoe9090

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The Diary entries of Maiko Aino the baby cousin of sailor Venus. More

entry 1
entry 2
entry 3
entry 4
entry 5
entry 7
Entry 8
Entry 9
Entry 10
Entry 11
Entry 13
entry 14

Entry 12

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By SamikoTomoe9090

Diary of an angel senshi

Entry 12

Maiko checked on Samiko one final time, it was the month of the wedding. She wanted to make sure that she was ok and getting what she needed

She went home and grabbed her diary to start writing

"Hey journal, it's been a crazy January and now we are in February, the month of Akiko and Eric's wintery/spring-like wedding.

We are doing last minute preparations for the big evening. The wedding is taking place on valentine's day and it will be on a weekend.

The night before the wedding we all stood over akiko's house, the outer senshi were still dealing with what the information they heard during the girl's night out

They couldn't believe samiko was going through all that and on her own, if they had known everything beforehand things might have been different and more calmer.

I looked at akiko who was nervous about the following evening, in just a matter of hours she will be the first one in our group to be married. The outer senshi are already married to each other and are raising Shiori.

She was twiddling her thumbs together and was hyperventilating but she calm down after a while, i sat by her with the confidence she needed at the moment

"Akiko, why are you so nervous? You have been thinking about your future wedding since you were little, you are finally going to get married without issues and the honeymoon to Hawaii and then Paris is going to be wonderful.

All the wonderful physical contact on two continents is going to be out of this world.

What's going on with you?"

I knew exactly what was wrong with her, she didn't picture marrying Eric, she pictured marrying her childhood best friend that meant everything to her

With Samiko out the way for good like she said she wanted her gone, she can focus on herself and not be tied to protecting a future kingdom led by Samiko

We weren't much of a team since she decided we weren't one because of what happened

Akiko looked at me with her hands shaking softly

"I shouldn't be nervous, I am marrying someone I truly love and nothing or nobody is going to stop me at all.

Two honeymoons in a month, I will enjoy my time as Mrs. Eric Kou. I want to thank you all for sticking by me through this time.

My time to care about myself is now here, I am not a senshi anymore, we aren't a team anymore so we aren't following our cousins footsteps.

I am finally at peace and I have a clear mind, my parents are attending the wedding. I have the greatest friends in the world who are seeing me become who i needed to be.

The world makes sense now, it's silly to be petty and angry at Samiko because she can't be happy for me and see me off.

It's her problem not mine, she is as good as gone now. Tomorrow night is my night, we are going to enjoy it.

We should get some sleep because tomorrow is going to be a long day. We have fun stuff to do before night falls and I want to enjoy as much of it as I can before the ring goes on to my finger."

We all went to bed after calming her down and that was about it

The next morning we all woke up and got ready for the full morning of fun at the crown to celebrate the wedding, Samiko made sure she wasn't outside anywhere we were to avoid the commotion going on

She went to the train station to get her ticket to leave and to get a transfer ticket to the airport so she can leave that night.

She was preparing for her exit from juuban, she went clothes shopping and a bunch of other activities to keep her mind off of the day.

She went back home and started packing up. She sat in her apartment for a while looking at old photo albums of our childhood, they were happier times and she started crying.

The memories came flooding back to her, she shook her head and threw the photo album in the sink and set it on fire, she watched it burn and after it burnt she watered the sink to stop the fire.

She went back to sit on the couch to watch Tv as everyone was out having fun

There was a knock at her door and she got up and opened it, it was the outer senshi dressed up for akiko's wedding since they were going along with Shiori

Miyako had the saddest expression on her face and hugged Samiko tightly not knowing she had scars on her back

"You are so stupid koneko-chan, why didn't you tell us you were going through so much? Why didn't you confide in us? We are your protectors whether you like it or not.

What's gotten into you? Why are you acting like this?"

Michiko closed the door behind them and sat on the couch holding Shiori in her arms who was sitting on her lap

"Samiko, you should have came to us if things weren't going well. You have us all worried now.

What's all this going on in your apartment? What's with the suitcases?"

She saw that Samiko had things packed up and ready to go, Samiko looked at the four in her apartment and sighed

"I am leaving Juuban for good, I do not belong here anymore. I never belonged here.

I am not fit to be your leader, your champion of peace and serenity. I decided long ago that I am incapable of things, I am too toxic for anyone to be around.

I am a curse and a demon of my own world, I deserve everything that's coming to me.

My evil and jerkish arc is coming soon, I already warned Maiko about it. I will warn all of you now do not try to save me or interact with me, my saturn side will not appreciate it at all.

I will not hesitate to unleash her on juuban, she will look exactly like me but she will be darker and meaner than ever.

She already hates the world and will destroy it along with everyone that lives on the planet.

She doesn't care who she hurts as long as they feel the pain I went through, she is all happy.

I will be leaving in three or four hours, my ticket is already paid for and my hotel room is ready.

Once the wedding starts and they reach the i dos, i am out of here."

Shiori looked at her older cousin with tears in her eyes

"Sammi-chan, you can't leave. Who will pick me and the rest of the saturn clan up from school? You are listed as an emergency contact for everyone because of your last names.

Do you know how hard it is for parents of the outer planets to pick us up? There are a lot of us and only one person can pick us up and that's you.

Our parents trust you to pick us up when they get busy with side quests and such.

You can't leave us behind, you just can't!"

Samiko looked at Shiori with a sadden expression

"I-i'm sorry Shiori, i am leaving. I have to leave because it's not healthy for me to stay here .

You all are free to stay and do as you wish, there is nothing to keep me here anymore.

I will never fill the shoes of neo queen serenity, that's what all of you are expecting of me, to fill her shoes.

I'm sorry but I will never ever fill her shoes or her crown. A person like me will never ever take the throne.

I will never settle down and have a royal family, my future isn't too bright. I don't see my future.

My future holds chaos and it will drag me down to the deepest parts of the underworld so I can suffer alone in complete and total despair.

I am meant to be alone, the kamis told me in a dream or should i say nightmare.

I am not destined for happiness or greatness. I am meant for death. My life would have been better off if I was never reborn.

I didn't deserve a second chance, if it was just going to repeat itself all over again.

She looked at the clock and it chimed six pm and she got up opening the door

You guys have a wedding to get to, have fun and celebrate. You all don't need to worry about me anymore."

The outer senshi left with Shiori for akiko's wedding. She laid on the couch waiting for time to pass her, the cab is already set to pick her up

Time was going by slowly and the room was spinning around her making her dizzy

The wedding was going fine, akiko was as beautiful as ever, she stared at herself in the long mirror in her room

Her mother and father came in from outer outskirts of juuban to celebrate her special day

She hugged her daughter tightly and was crying soft but toughened up

"Where is the saturn rabbit? Shouldn't she be here to celebrate your special day?"

Akiko looked at her mother with a confused look on her face

"Samiko isn't joining us tonight, we can't stand to be around each other, it will just result in us fighting and screaming at each other.

I don't want her negative energy around me, not at all. I finally found someone who is going to love, honor and cherish me for the rest of time. I found someone who is going to protect me.

She is from my past, we mean nothing to each other and that's how it's going to stay."

Her dad came to get her to walk her down the aisle, I noticed her walk was slow and not her normal walk.

We all went to stand at the altar waiting for the ceremony to begin, Eric was standing brightly and as if he won the war

Everyone in the crowd was seated and watching everything unfold.

We got to where they finished exchanging vows and how much they love and cherish each other

They were about to swap rings but akiko didn't accept the ring at all, she looked at everyone

"This is wrong, Eric has been lying to you all this time. I am sorry everyone but there isn't going to be a wedding tonight, everything will be returned and mailed to you.

Eric is responsible for someone that means to the world to me to disappear out of my life and never to be seen again.

I have to go and see that someone right now before she makes a huge mistake and leaves."

She ran into her room and got changed leaving eric at the altar, she grabbed a bike to ride to samiko's apartment

The door was unlocked and nobody was inside. Samiko went to the hotel because her train wasn't working that night.

She just went into the shower to relax and breathe before she set out into the world.

Akiko hopped on the bike riding across town hoping to see if she can find Samiko anywhere, she went to the train station asking people if they had seen a girl with Black hair and Silver eyes around the area

The train station person pointed to the hotel across the way, mind you akiko still had her face dolled up from her wedding and didn't have enough time to wash her face

She walked over to the hotel and asked what room Samiko was in, the front desk gave her the room number and told her to take the elevator to the floor she was on

Akiko took the elevator to the floor samiko was on. She was mentally preparing herself for the worst, she took a deep breath and knocked on the door carefully.

Samiko came out the shower drying her hair with a towel, her hair was down and short

She had her pjs on and went to open the door, she was shocked to see akiko standing in front of her at the moment

She stared at her for a good moment and shook her head

"You want my death that much huh? Does your husband know you are here? He is going to have my head if he sees you here.

Why are you here? You should be at your wedding. This isn't good, not at all. You need to go back to your husband."

Akiko looked at Samiko with a concerned look on her face

"Am I disturbing you at this moment? Is someone there with you? Are you really leaving juuban without telling me anything?

Why are you pushing me away so much Samiko? What did I ever do to you for you to just abandon juuban, better yet abandon what could have been?"

Samiko just looked at her with a blank expression, she wanted to be really sarcastic and say say something mean but she decided on better judgment that it wasn't the right time to be a jerk

"Akiko, this isn't the time to be questioning me about what i am doing or who i am with, yes i am leaving juuban for good. I am not wanted or needed here, it's time I left to save juuban from the crimes I have committed against others because i was selfish and self centered.

There is no could have been, there never will be alright? You have a wedding to attend to, go on back to the shrine and leave me be.

Your wish will come true soon enough, I will be gone from your life just like you always wanted."

I knew akiko had enough of Samiko running away from her and everything else in life, akiko pushed the hotel door and knocked samiko over causing them both to land on the floor

Akiko landed on top of Samiko and well Samiko banged her head against the bedside table which caused her to bleed

She picked up Samiko and cleaned up her wound, wrapping the medical tape around her head, she placed samiko on the bed covering her body with a blanket

Akiko closed the door and sat in a chair reading a magazine waiting for samiko to wake up

When she finally came to, she held her head wondering if she finally saw the big man upstairs after falling

She turned around and saw Miko sitting in a chair with a closed magazine in her hands.

She started freaking out and having a huge panic attack

"W-why are you even here? You can't stop me from leaving, you said goodbye to me and our friendship so very long ago. The moment you got engaged, it was to hell with me and my feelings.

You are just like the rest of them, Lizzie, Sai, and Daiki. I truly loved you all but you all betrayed me.

Lizzie I understand, her outer senshi parents hated me. Sai was a jackass who was working for my father and Daiki had his lover the entire time when we were dating.

Then there is you, sweet innocent lovable compassionate Akiko Hino, the girl who never asked for much.

The girl who always had a smile on her face and who could face anything on her own without help.

She gets engaged and falls in love with someone i hate dearly, he was a distraction to the entire student body.

Everyone was thrilled to see her happily engaged, not knowing the monster it created deep inside of a broken friend who was ready to do something really stupid and probably get rejected for it.

The broken friend decided to step back and let her happy engaged friend live her life as she saw fit.

The broken friend decided the dark side was now her home and that nobody would care enough to notice the changes.

Everyone forgot I existed for a moment, including you. Which is fine. I expected this to happen.

I am meant to be alone and tossed away like I was nothing anyways. I will take my anger out on anyone as I see fit.

The kamis planned for this to happen and I am falling into their trap. I don't expect you to care.

You are almost married, go and leave me alone. Go become who you wanna become.

I won't be a part of your life anyways, it's what you wished for. Go be happy with your husband and that white picket fence, with your six kids and your four huskies."

Akiko looked at her and rolled her eyes, she sighed

"I left Eric at the altar to figure things out, I went to your apartment and you were already gone. Your apartment was empty as if it was abandoned.

I took a moment to look around before rushing to find you, you burnt all of our photo albums in the sink.

You really wanted everything to be over because you couldn't handle anything.

I was told everything at my wedding, my mother and father were there, mostly all of mars was there.

I am here now Samiko, why didn't you tell me anything? Why did I have to hear it from my mother and Maiko?

They told me how you were living, I also saw it first hand. I didn't know if i should be jealous, angry or sad you went down such a dark path to fill your heart.

You hurt me too much and I had no choice. You think I was happy seeing you with others when it should have been me all along?

You think it was easy for me to see a different girl on your arm every week? Seeing you living the fast and dangerous life?

It killed me so much that i started hating you, it was like you wanted me to hate you with every fiber of my being, i just couldn't bring myself to--"

Samiko had cut her off mid sentence and looked out the window, clouds started to form out of nowhere

"Akiko, we can't have this conversation right now. We all made our choices and we have to live with them.

Once the storm clears, I am leaving juuban for good. Everyone can be free of me and not worry.

My life is my life, everyone else's life is their own. I do not fit in here anymore.

I am not going to stand around here when I am not wanted, don't worry I got a lecture from Miyako and Michiko and Shiori, I got an earful from all three of them.

They tried to get me to stay home, what do I have the right to call this place home. It hasn't been kind to me, not in the least.

I have no home, I am the villain. I will never fill neo queen serenity's shoes or her daughter's shoes, as a matter of fact i will never ever fill the shoes of those who came before me.

I am meant to be broken and fail every single time, I am meant to destroy what's in front of me.

I am the lone wolf who doesn't have a pack and has no sense of direction.

You all have a great sense of direction, I get left behind. I am used to being abandoned.

I will take you back to the shrine, you sleep on the bed. I will sleep on the floor."

They both went to bed after the discussion, even though akiko was on the bed and Samiko was on the floor, she felt very uncomfortable being near an engaged woman she knew all her life.

The next morning Samiko took akiko back to the shrine, she knew better then to step on shrine steps because rei would wait for her to throw frying pans and pots at her, she looked at akiko and shook her head

"This is where I leave you Akiko Kou, you have a wedding to get ready for, we can never be nothing.

I already sense danger up those steps, I am not welcomed, according to Rei I am a demon who needs to be purged, she is right.

I have things to do and I have to leave town. Go up the stairs and never ever look back."

Akiko did something i never thought she do, i mean i wasn't there when it happened but i am just remembering what she told me what happened after the wedding

She grabbed samiko and carefully pinned her against the shrine wall looking into her eyes and kissed Samiko for the very first time and then pulled away as if that just didn't happen

"Samiko, you and everyone else need to stop telling me what to do. I am 17 years old now and I can make my own choices, rei can't tell me who I can or can not have in my life.

It's pretty clear you are stuck with me until we are old and brittle, don't you dare even picture me as a dinosaur.

You will be allowed onto shrine steps, you aren't a demon. You are my best friend, you mean everything to me.

I want us to go back how it was, us hanging out, going to fun places, having our study sessions.

I want us to have our sleep overs again like we used to, I am tired of you shutting everyone out.

We need to be a team again, Eric isn't going to bother you anymore, rei isn't going to pick on you either."

She went up the shrine steps to talk to rei while Samiko stayed at the bottom of the steps, she didn't feel comfortable being anywhere near the shrine if rei was around

Once akiko came back down, she grabbed samiko's hand leading her upstairs so they could go to her room, they got there safe and sound

Samiko noticed that akiko's door was broken, she knew akiko needed privacy so she rebuilt her door with a stronger material so it wouldn't be easily broken.

She sat on akiko's bed waiting for doom to come, akiko noticed that her door was fixed and she brought them some tea

She sat beside the quiet broody samiko who had her hands fidgeting something fierce

Akiko stood up and placed the tea tray on her desk, she closed the door since samiko was distracted and locked it

She went back to the bed waiting for samiko to do or say something

Samiko had her eyes closed and clenching her jaw

"You made a big mistake chasing me down akiko, the even bigger mistake was you kissing me before you came to bring me to your room.

This can never happen, we aren't meant to be. We wasted our entire childhood being friends, that is simply what we were meant to be, just friends.

We will never cross those lines and for good reason too.

I am too toxic for you, I always have been too toxic for you. I am meant to ruin people's lives and enjoy causing pain and suffering to those who hurt me.

I made the mistake of falling in love with you, I shouldn't have. I shouldn't have feelings at all after all the betrayal I went through.

I am just a walking bag of bad luck. You should have just gotten married to him, you would have been happier.

I gave up on any chances of us being an actual us a very long time ago, i decided that if keeping the smile on your face was worth my suffering then so be it.

I have no feelings for you, they died a very long time ago. Whatever Maiko told you, do not listen to her. She doesn't even have her own love life figured out yet.

I have to go now. I am leaving juuban today and i would rather leave it in one piece before rei puts me into pieces and buries my body where it can't be found.

I do not feel comfortable here, not at all. I feel bad vibes and it's best I go.

I am sure Eric would forgive you and you two will go on being happily married.

I am sorry I ruined your life and chance at happiness, you don't need to forgive me.

This is where I leave you ok? Enjoy the rest of your life Mrs. Eric Kou."

She got up from akiko's bed, akiko blocked her from leaving. There was a bit of a scuffle, they both fell on to akiko's bed

Akiko landed on top of Samiko who's shirt got kind of ripped in the process

Samiko hit the back of her head against the wall, she rubbed her hand against her head

"Akiko what was that for? Are you trying to give me brain damage or something?

When did you get this aggressive? What the hell happened to you? Now I have to get a new shirt.

I really liked that shirt, it was my favorite one and color too. What has gotten into you?"

She noticed the position they were in on their bed and they were alone with nobody to bother them.

The window was a bit opened for fresh air, Samiko knew she had the chance to act on her feelings but she remembered akiko was still engaged and she wasn't going to wreck her chances of being happy.

Akiko inched up Samiko's body staring into her silver eyes, her heart was beating so loudly that even samiko could hear it

They stared into each other's eyes as if there was no world outside of the window

Akiko's mom was in the neighborhood with bags of sweets to calm her child down, she thought she had a nice chat with her and to see where her mind was after the wedding

She saw her daughter's window was opened and she decided to hide under the window

Samiko and Akiko were stuck on each other and hadn't moved. Akiko got bold and grabbed Samiko by her neck and kissed her

Samiko's eyes widen so much and her hands started to have a mind of its own and she held akiko's slim waist and kissed her back

She knew this felt right and wrong at the same time but nothing was stopping them at this moment

Akiko's mom was under the window feeling all the heat and passion coming from the room, she decided to pop up and scare them

"Well I'll be damned, if you two wanna screw like bunny rabbits don't let me stop you! Use protection before getting wild and loose on each other.

It's hotter here then it is on the sun and mars combined. You two have a lot of pent up feelings that need to be released!"

Akiko stopped dead in her tracks and screamed, she tried to suffocate samiko with a pillow so her mom wouldn't see a thing

Samiko didn't move because she was scared for her life, she had been caught with akiko in a dangerous position, akiko's shirt was half off and samiko was shirtless...

Maiko looked at her clock and shook her head

"That's all I have for now, to think akiko was the one who made the move first it shocked the hell out of me and everyone else.

What can we do at this moment? What's to hold for these two star crossed lovers who are best friends?

We will find out next time about the aftermath."

See you later

Sailor love me chain

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