
By vechkinfan1

257K 6.1K 1.1K

What if you were one of the reasons the world ended. That your actions have caused the dead to walk among the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 22

6K 144 25
By vechkinfan1

Dropping my head I stared at the ground, watching the tip of my boot knocking a small rock back and forth. Usually I would have had some smart ass comment, and would have jumped right into another massive argument with Daryl. But I didn't feel like anything that I'd say would make a difference at this point. Not to mention, Rick would probably had some questions regarding the ID Daryl had thrown at me earlier.

"Care to tell me what this is?" Ricks voice woke me from my thoughts.

Feeling Shane's grip on me tighten, I slowly looked up at Rick. His hand was holding my ID card out to me. What was I going to say? I already lied to them so many times about my past, why would they even believe the truth.

"Give that to me." Shane grunted, reaching over me and grabbing the card.

I couldn't see his face but judging by the silence he was busy reading. Letting the words echo in his thoughts as he realized what I really was. To him I was already a monster, given the fact I was infected. Now, this just gave him a bigger reason to treat me like one of those rotting corpses.

"Hadley, I'm not going to ask you again." Feeling Ricks eyes burning into mine, I let out a sigh.

"She doesn't need to explain. Look at it Rick, she worked for the fucking government." Shane yelled, throwing the card back in Ricks direction.

"Please...." Swallowing the growing lump in my throat I spoke up. Realizing that I had to fess up, and come clean. "I'll explain, but I want to explain to everyone." Running my free hand through my hair, I could tell Rick and Shane were having a silent argument.

Knowing Shane he would want me hog tied, thrown off the guard tower and dangling in front of a bunch of walkers. Which he could then slowly lower me down to my impending death when he felt like it. Sadly, that situation would probably be the easiest death I'd endure at Shane's hands.

Rick on the other hand was more forgiving. But compared to the man I first encountered, he has changed significantly. Lets just say the old Rick has left a long time ago, and hasn't been back since. Over the months and the whole situation with the governor, Rick has slowly let his caring side slip away. He wasn't a guy that was eager to give people second chances anymore, because truthfully many people didn't deserve them. Especially not myself.

"Fine." Rick finally spoke up. "Shane go get everyone, tell them we need a meeting." He muttered as he gently rubbed the back of his neck.

"Whatever man." Forcefully letting go, he started to storm off towards the prison. But before he got to far he turned around, his hands running down his face before looking at Rick. "I told you this was going to blow up in your face, but did you listen? No, you never do." Shane spat before turning back around and heading off.

Giving Shane a few minutes head start, I kept my eyes ahead of me. I really wasn't looking at anything in particular, I was more concerned with my thoughts. Wording what I was going to tell everyone over and over again, but no matter how many times I said it to myself it never came out right.

"Why didn't you say anything Hadley?" Ricks calming voice woke me from my thoughts again, feeling his hand wrap around my upper arm.

As he slowly lead us back to the prison I thought about his question. Why didn't I say anything? Well Rick the last time I did, I was mauled, beaten and left for dead. Sorry if it didn't make sense to put myself at risk, especially when you were the one who dragged me back to the god forsaken prison! But that was a bit unnecessary so I settled with a simple straight forward answer.

"Why? So you could tie me up and beat the living shit out of me, like everyone else." Shaking my head slowly, I kept quiet after that.

I didn't feel like explaining myself to Rick, then having to explain to myself to everyone over again.

Finally making it to the prison, Rick gently pushed open the door. Stepping aside he allowed me to enter first, letting me see everyone sitting down at the table. Their eyes darting about as their voices filled the cell block.

Shoving my hands in my pocket, I waited and let Rick pass around my ID card. As it pasted through each persons hands, I watched as their faces dropped in shock before passing it to the next.

As I watched, I had this burning feeling as though someone was watching my moves. Lifting my eyes, I meet Daryl's. He was leaning over the railing, keeping a look out from the catwalk. A scowl was painted across his face and his eyes were just slits as he glared at me.

"Care to explain Hadley?" For a second time Rick asked. But this time I knew he wasn't just asking, he was demanding an answer.

"The ID card, it was mine." Heaving a sigh, I reached out taking it from Glenn's shaky hand. I let my eyes wander over the small plastic card once again before looking up at everyone. "Before all this... Went down, I worked for the government."

"We already knew that, you worked at the CDC looking for a cure." Carol spoke up, trying to defend me against the group. "I don't understand why we are scrutinizing this girl Rick. She hasn't done anything to us." Her arms crossed over her chest, looking at me with pleading eyes.

Just seeing Carol standing up for me made me upset. I was upset at myself for letting these people believe my lies, the lies I was trying so hard to convince myself of.

"No." I shook my head. "I didn't work for the CDC. I worked for the government in a secret facility underground." Letting my hand run through my hair, I tugged on it as I paced back and forth. "We were working on a new bioweapon at the time."

"Wait? So you're like some super smart scientist?" Glenn asked, his eyes full of shock.

"I wouldn't say that. I was an idiot, an idiot for believing what we were doing was going to change the world." Closing my eyes I let a small breath escape my lips. I didn't even realize I was holding it, but I guess I was subconsciously waiting for them to attack.

"What happened? The ID badge said sector 9, that's where the broadcast said the outbreak originated." Hershel added in, as he got up onto his crutches. Hobbling over to where Maggie and Beth were standing.

"They were doing human trials, and the guy ended up dying on the table. Unfortunately he didn't stay dead." The image of that man sitting up immediately popped into my head. Seeing his cloudy eyes, and his graying skin just before he attacked everyone. "By the time a squad unit got there, it had ripped through almost everyone. After that I took off running. I was scared."

When I tilted my head to look at everyone, they all seemed to be lost in thought. Well everyone except Shane who was aggressively tapping his foot against the metal stairs he was sitting on.

"When I reach the surface, I took off to my house. I barricaded myself inside, waiting for this to end. But it didn't. I knew I was a coward for running so when they started playing the announcements for the CDC in Atlanta, that's were I went." I sighed, letting my teeth gently bit my lower lip. "When I got there, they found that same stupid card!" I yelled, feeling my emotions bubbling up. "I was there to help them, but did they listen? No!" I shouted once again. "They tied me up and beat me until I was unconscious. They beat me over and over again, until the outbreak got to out of control and they left."

"Oh how dramatic Hadley." Snapping my head up I heard the all to familiar voice. The voice that has become a nightmare to me.

The governor was standing there, clapping his hands as he pushed his way into the cell block. Followed closely behind by his band of minions. Each having a gun positioned in their hands, showing us that they were here for a reason.

"You forgot the best part though." He smirked, getting closer. Causing the group to quickly get up from the table. The guys making their way to the front, trying to block the rest.

"What part was that?" I spat, getting closer to him. My eyes burning into his.

"The part where I cut you to shreds. Watching your sweet blood cover my hands as I tried to drain the life right out of your pathetic body." He chuckled, as he walked around the small cell block.

"Figured you'd think that was the best part. You sick bastard." I growled, letting my anger take over.

"Well maybe it wasn't the best." He placed a hand on his chin, as if he was thinking hard about something. A smug smile pulled across his face. "Actually the best part would have to be when I fucked you Hadley, listening to you cry out for help. Begging me to stop. Begging for me to kill you as I ruined you again." Quickly reaching out, he grabbed onto my arm pulling me against his body. His face coming down and gently nuzzling my neck. His hot breath blowing against my skin.

Swallowing back the fear I had of this man, I stood still. Letting his hands trail and grope at my body. As he did this I watched my group... My family standing there unsure of what to do.

"Now Rick." The governor finally spoke up as he gently tugged on my hair making me look up into his dead eyes. "I have a little proposition for you."

"First off, how did you get in here?" Rick questioned, placing a hand on his pistol that was tucked into the holster at his side.

"My little friend here." I could hear the smirk in his voice as he pointed behind him.

"Hey there Rick." Merle's voice echoed through the cell as he stepped forward. A toothy grin spread from ear to ear as he opened his arms welcoming himself. "Miss me?"

"Merle? What are ye doing?" This time Daryl's fierce voice shouted out. Followed by his footsteps running down the metal stairs faster then normal.

"What do ye mean baby brother?Ain't this what ye wanted?" He smugly asked, watching Daryl closely.

"I wanted to kill the fucker! Not join him." He shouted, as he emerged in front of the group.

"He can protect us better then the cop. There's food, warm water... Women." Merle chuckled reaching out and patting Daryl on the shoulder.

But in one quick motion, Daryl recoiled. His face turned up in disgust as his own brother stood before him.

"No, ye ain't right. My loyalties belong here." He finally spat, shoving his brother away.

As this slowly played out I felt the governors grip on me grow tighter. But it didn't stop me from watching as Daryl made his way back into the group. He stood next to Rick, his eyes vacant of any emotion, but I knew he felt that his brother just betrayed him. I could tell because the look in his eyes was the same look he gave me earlier.

"Well anyway." Clearing his throat, the governor motioned for Merle to fall back. "The proposition I was talking about."

"You can't have the prison." Rick bluntly stated, already jumping to conclusions. But if the governor wanted the prison he would have just took it, no questions asked. Just the fact he was inside, meant he wanted something bigger.

"I don't want your prison. I want something a bit more valuable." Pulling on my hair, he tipped my head back so he could look into my eyes.

"We ain't got anything of value." Daryl spoke up this time, hatred clear in his voice.

"Oh but you do." Watching the governor a coy smirk pulled at the corner of his lip as he gazed down at me. "My buddy Merle told me that this one here is immune. I want her, and I promise you'll never hear from me again." Turning away from me and back to Rick he smiled.

Oh great. This is just perfect Hadley. Now he's going to get me and cut me open like some science experiment.

"She isn't infected." Hearing Carol's voice I just shook my head. She was the last person I wanted involved with this mess. She had Sophia to think about. "She's not, and you can't have her." Pushing her away to the front I watched Carol slowly appear. Her voice confident as she spoke to the monster that stood before her.

"Not infected? Then why is her eyes so different." He smugly asked, knowing he caught her in a lie. "How about you boy?" He turned his attention to Daryl. "You seemed quite cozy with her last time we met. Is this her normal eye color?" He angrily asked, shoving me in Daryl's direction.

He still had a tight hand on my hair, so as I got close he ripped me back just enough to make me cry out in pain. Letting a low snarl escape my lips, my eyes met Daryl's. He stared at me for what felt like an eternity before they softened. His eyes telling me that he decided to lie just like Carol did. Which actually shocked me, because earlier Daryl said I was dead to him.

"Yeah it is." Daryl snapped, his lips barely moving as he spoke.

As he did the governor gave a low chuckle, pulling me back to his side. He looked at me then back to Daryl before letting me go and making his way over to him.

"I know you're lying." He calmly stated. He was trying to push his luck with Daryl, hoping to piss him off enough that he might strike first.

"How's that?" Daryl clenched his fists at his side, trying to control his rage. My eyes darted between them and over to Rick. Who was watching the situation with much apprehension.

I think he knew what the governor was up to but he did know how to stop it. With armed men in the prison it made things much more delicate then what we were use to.

"Because I made her watch." A playful laugh escaped his lips before finishing his sentence. But I knew what he was going to say... "I made her watch as I raped her over and over again."

A deep growl emanated from Daryl's throat as the governor shrugged a shoulder and turned away. Giving him an opportunity to attack. But both Glenn and Rick wrapped a free hand around Daryl's arms holding him back. He was struggling in their grasp but neither were letting go.

"Take me, do what ever." Finally getting the strength I spoke up. "Just leave them alone."

"How considerate of you Hadley." An evil smile spread across his face, as he made his way back. Evil might have been putting it lightly, maybe demonic would be a better word for his smile. "I knew you'd come back to me sooner or later."

Reaching out his hand fell onto my shoulder. My eyes narrowed as I glared at him.

"What are you going to do to her?" Surprisingly I heard Glenn's voice as he continued to keep Daryl back.

Stopping in his tracks, he placed a finger against his chin, gently tapping it as he pretended to think. He knew what was going to happen to me, he was just toying with them. Leading them on, getting their hopes up, just to shatter them into a million tiny pieces.

"Well Milton will be pretty busy for awhile. He's our resident scientist." Cocking his head around he gave a playful wink at Glenn.

Busy meaning probing the living hell out of me. But if it kept him from attacking the prison I'd do it. It's not like I have anything to fight for anymore. I was a burden to the group, a liability to anyone who came into contact with me.

"Just shut up." Shaking my head, I heaved a sigh. "I offered to go, so lets go." Pushing pasted his guards I made my way over to the door that lead to the tombs. Merle knew it was a weak spot and he sold the group, but what could I do about it now.

"Hadley...." Hearing Daryl's voice call out from behind me, I stopped my movements.

Looking over my shoulder I saw him standing there, a look of uncertainty and sadness in his eyes. It hurt me to see him upset, but not even an hour earlier he wanted me dead and I called him a traitor.

"You wanted me gone Dare." I mumbled, trying to control my breathing. Fighting my urge to run over to him, despite what happened today. "Actually you wanted me dead, so I'd figure you'd be happy about this." Placing one of my filthy hands across my face, I gave up. I finally gave up and just let the words slip my mouth. I knew they'd hurt Daryl and that's what I was aiming for. The more hurt he was the less likely he'd do something irrational.

"Ye called me a traitor!" He yelled, and by his tone I half expected him to be over here slamming my body against the wall. Trying to get his point across.

"Well I had a good reason too." Shoving my finger behind me, I pointed to Merle.

"Look at these two kids bickering like a old married couple." The governor let out a laugh, as he draped an arm around my shoulder. All the while he held his gaze on Daryl as his hand gently played with my hair.

"Shut the hell up and get your grimy hands off me." I snapped, quickly yanking his arm away from me. Quickly defusing the situation before Daryl stormed over and decided to rip his head off.

"Always been a feisty one." He snickered to the group as he motioned for this band of goons to leave. After several seconds it was just the governor and I left. "Well Rick it was a pleasure doing business with you." He gracefully bowed his head before pulling me down into the tombs.

As we slowly walked in silence, I was listening to see if my group would come and stop him. But when I heard nothing but the thuds of our footsteps I knew they weren't coming. I don't know why I had my hopes up in them saving me, guess it was just foolish wish. I mean why would they? I was a monster to most.... A traitor to others, and what they discovered today only justified those reason.

"If you try anything, and escape like last time." Tugging on my jacket the governor got my attention. "I will come back here and kill all of these people. One by one Hadley. Saving Daryl for last." I just gave a silent nod as we continued our walk through the tombs. His threat was true, the governor never failed to deliver on a promise.

Following closely at his side, my eyes say daylight streaming in from ahead. The wall was busted apart, allowing just enough space for people to pass through easily. It also explained how walkers kept getting in.

Shaking my head I brought myself out of my thoughts, as I shimmied my way past the broken concrete walls. Once outside, I saw the band of goons standing around waiting.

"Knock her out and tie her up." Turning around I gazed up at the governor in confusion. Unsure of what I did to cause the restraints. "Milton is going to enjoy experimenting on this one."

The last thing I saw was that same stupid smirk pulled across his face, as something struck my head. Stumbling around, I reached out for something to grab onto. But I was abruptly stopped by another massive blow to my head.

Hitting the ground, my vision blurred together as I watched figures moving around in front of me. But unlike my other encounters I didn't fight back. I just laid my head against the dusty ground, welcoming the darkness.


Hope you guys enjoy this chapter! And finally the governor made his appearance! I'd love to know what you're thinking about the future for had and Daryl. So please comment! I love your feedback and it also makes it easier for me to dedicate chapters to people if you all comment!! :D

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