[Vampire Knight] Deeper than...

By VermillionGirl18

18.3K 668 78

Akiko Kuran is the daughter of Rido Kuran and Shizuka Hio and was raised by Haruka and Juri Kuran. After her... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Author's Boring but Important Note
My Eternity

Chapter One

1.9K 69 2
By VermillionGirl18

(Above picture is Mikio)
This scene is a steamy bath scene which may have some sexual content. I did say that this story is rated R for sexual content. Enjoy ^_^
Ten years later, age 16 and 17 ...

Akiko stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom of the mansion she and Mikio were living in, staring hard at her reflection. She and Mikio had moved in with a pair of humans who they had turned into vampires, becoming their servants. Akiko and Mikio had been doing that ever since they were old enough to have their fangs and being able to turn humans into vampires made it a lot easier.

Akiko was wearing a white night-gown that clung to her super-model figure, stopping just below her thighs. Her black hair had grown to her thighs over the years, and Mikio was always complaining about it being too long. The one thing that hadn't changed about Akiko were her eyes: they were still mismatched, red and purple. She now knew that the mismatched eyes came from her father, Rido Kuran, and she had figured out that Shizuka Hio, The Madly Blooming Princess, was her mother, but she had no idea what her mother looked like.

Akiko turned to the steaming bathtub that one of the servants had run for her, taking her gown off and stepping into the warm water. She sunk down to her chin, closing her eyes as she reeled in the feeling of the warm water on her pale skin. Today she would be leaving this luxury and going to Cross Academy with Mikio, where she knew that her cousins, Kaname Kuran and the now-human Yuki were. She wasn't so sure she would be able to live there, but at least she would have Mikio.

The water begin splashing as another body joined her, and Akiko opened her eyes to see Mikio's lithe figure sitting across from her, a warm smile on his handsome face. His black hair was sticking to his face due to the steam, and Akiko found herself admiring his naked torso.

"What are you doing?" Akiko teased, splashing some water at Mikio playfully.

"Well, we don't have much time before we leave for Cross Academy, and you take an eternity in the bath so I thought except waiting for you to finish I will join you," Mikio answers, causing Akiko to splash him with more water.

Mikio laughed and reached out for the body wash and a fluffy pink loofah and squirted the vanilla-scented body wash onto it and motioned for Akiko to turn around and sit on his lap.Akiko did what Mikio asked and sat on his lap, shivering at the feeling of Mikio's length pressing against her thigh. Mikio begun messaging the loofah into Akiko's shoulders. Akiko rested her head on Mikio's shoulder as he moved the loofah south, massaging it into her breasts. Akiko moaned at the feeling and arched her back as Mikio laughed, washing between her thighs now. After Mikio was finished he rinsed her off and reached for the shampoo, squirting it onto his hand and massaged it into her hair.

"I wonder if Kaname remembers me," Akiko wonders out loud as Mikio rinsed the shampoo out and going for the conditioner. "It has been ten years since I last saw him. My cousin Yuki defiantly doesn't remember me: my aunt Juri had sealed her memories to turn her into a human."

"Purebloods can do that?" Mikio asked.

"Of course."

Mikio finished doing Akiko's hair and they switched positions and Akiko massaged the loofah into Mikio's muscled shoulders. Mikio closed his eyes and leaned his head back. Akiko's fangs snapped out as she leaned towards him, sinking her teeth into Mikio's delicate neck. Mikio's blood rushed into Akiko's mouth as she took large, greedy gulps of Mikio's blood, savouring in the taste like a human would to molten chocolate. Mikio's feelings rushed into her, feelings of love for Akiko and nervousness of joining the Night Class.

Akiko felt that because she was having the same feelings.

Akiko slid her fangs out of Mikio's neck and positioned her hair away from her neck and closed her eyes. She moaned as Mikio pierced her neck with his fangs and he tangled his delicate fingers into Akiko's wet hair, combing them through her hair as he drank. Mikio pulled away from Akiko's neck and kissed Akiko hungrily, the taste of Mikio and Akiko's own blood filling her mouth as their tongues danced together, exploring each other's mouth as the bath water turned red with the two vampires' blood.
"Welcome to Cross Academy," a man with long auburn hair that was held back with a green ribbon and glasses greeted the two Purebloods as they stood in his office in their Night Class uniforms. "You will be in the Night Class. As Purebloods you have the authority, but Kaname Kuran is the Dorm President."

"We understand," Akiko and Mikio say together, bowing at the headmaster. Headmaster Cross sent them to their dorms, where the whole Night Class were waiting. They all looked up at their presence, and Akiko noticed that her cousin wasn't in sight.

"Who the hell are you two?" a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes asked.

"I'm Akiko Kuran and this is Mikio Shoto," Akiko answered, glaring at the boy. The light bulbs fizzed to life and exploded, sending glass everywhere.


"She's my cousin," Kaname's voice says. Akiko turns and leaps at Kaname, throwing her arms around his neck as she jumped on him. Kaname was a good head taller than she was and she basically hung off him.

"It's been ten years Akiko," Kaname said, prying the younger Pureblood off him. "Why did you show up here now?"

"Maybe I just wanted to reunite with my cousin after so many years," Akiko answered. Both of them, she mentally states as she thought of Yuki. "And we Purebloods live forever, so we were bound to cross paths again.

"And who is your friend?" Kaname asked.

"Mikio Shoto. I'm the last remaining Pureblood in the Shoto family, apart from my great-grandfather, who is in a slumber at the moment," Mikio answered.

"Well," Kaname said, grinning. "This class is about to get interesting with three Purebloods."

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