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"Kaname, where's Akiko?" Mikio asked as he found Kaname sitting in his chair. He looked down at the shattered chess pieces on the board, noticing how the Queen was smashed. The Queen being Shizuka Hio.

"You killed Shizuka Hio, didn't you?" Mikio asked, sniffing the air. "You did, I can smell her on you. Why?"

"That is not important right now, Mikio," Kaname says as he stands up. He walks over to the window and stares out of it. In the reflection Mikio saw Kaname's eyes flash red and the window shattered, sending spider-web like cracks up towards the corners. Kaname touched his hand to his face.

"This new power will take some time getting used to," Kaname says, turning to Mikio. "But I will get used to it."

"You committed a sin," Mikio snapped, breaking Kaname's desk with his hands. "Even though you are a Pureblood you still committed a sin by killing another Pureblood. And not to mention it was your cousin's mother. You have no idea what you have done."

"Actually Yuuta, I do know what I've done," Kaname says. "Everything I've done is to take down the 'King'"

"And who is the King?" Mikio asked.

"That doesn't matter Mikio right now. But it will, in time."

"Mikio, what do you think about us living forever because we are Purebloods?" a five year-old Akiko asks Mikio as they lie together on the floor in the Kuran mansion.

"I don't think I will want to live forever," Mikio admitted, looking over at Akiko.

"Why not?" Akiko asked, rolling onto her side. "Don't you want to stay forever young? To witness the earth change."

"And watch everyone you've ever loved die while you go on living?" Mikio asked, also turning onto his side to face Akiko. "No. Not after my parents. They grew tired of their lives and they killed themselves by stabbing each other's hearts with a vampire hunter weapon as I watched. So to someday become like that, no, I don't want to live forever."

"I do," Akiko says, ranging her fingers with Mikio's. "It means that I will have an eternity to find my mother. And when I do find her I will have an eternity to be with her."

"That eternity only lasted a couple of weeks Okaasama," Akiko says as she ties Shizuka's bell to her black dress. "And you came to the academy to find power to kill him. So now my eternity is to kill him for you. That is my promise you."

The entire room Akiko was standing in shattered, collapsing to the floor in dust and shards. Akiko walked out of the rubble, the bell jingling all the way.

[Vampire Knight] Deeper than Blood (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now