Danganronpa: Balanced force

By Koriki_Kocho

472 1 4

The killing game is back, this time with new twist and turns that one just might not expect time to put on yo... More

(I don't know what to call this)
Character #1
Character #2
Character #3
Character #4
Character #5
Character #6
Character #7
Character #8
Character #9
Character #10
Character #11
Character #12
Character #13
Character #14
Character #15
Character #16
Prologue: Hope's peak, here we come
Prologue: Hope's peak, here we come part 3
Chapter 1: Kill or be killed part 1
Chapter 1: Kill or Be killed part 2
Chapter 1: Killed or Be killed part 3

Prologue: Hope's peak, here we come part 2

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By Koriki_Kocho

After that meeting with the two-sided bear, me and seara was stuck in thought while sitting in my room. It was silent and none of us just knew what to say, though I was occupied with the handbook, there was no sound. Seara however, eventually broke the silence
"Whatcha lookin' at?" She asked
"I'm looking through the handbook, looks like there were titles added to our profiles" I explained " ultimate investigator? Well, I will admit that I am into this kind of thing so I'll take it. What does yours say?"
"Nothing" seara said
"...huh?" Was all I said"Mine says nothing but these weird symbols. Does that mean something?" Seara asked while handing me her handbook
"Seara, huh no surname?" I thought to myself, I turned my attention to the bottom to see her talent, in its place were three question marks.
"Oh, you don't have a talent listed? That's strange" I shrugged and handed her handbook back "maybe it's a glitch, it'll probably be fixed later"
"Okay!" She responded "question marks, what an interesting symbol"
"Yeah, they are interesting" I lay back on my bed
"We should get to know our mates!" She suggested
"I don't know, some of them seem kind of...well mean. I'm not trying to get killed right away" I answered feeling a bit concerned
"No one would kill right away, they would have to plan it out first....right?"
"...I suppose...alright then, we could do that"We both stood up and headed out of my room

Looking out in the hallway, it was bright but bare, no one was out there.
"Maybe they went to look around" I guessed
"Then we should do the same" seara answered
We both started making our way down the hallway till someone jumped out in front of us and stopped us
"STOP!" The ruby-haired girl shouted
"Oh hello!" seara greeted
"You can not pass!" She said
"Why not?" I asked
"You are not worthy to pass the wicked and powerful, Mitsuru kanamura! The ultimate witch! And not Kamakura"
"Is that so?"
"Yes, unless you can figure out the password that is" Mitsuru gave a smug expression
"It's worth trying!" Seara said with no hesitation "what is it?"
"The password is-...Wait, I'm not getting fooled again this time! You have to figure it out" Mitsuru shouted
"I'm not getting fooled again this time! You have to figure it out" Seara repeated
".......I wasn't expecting that...." Mitsuru stood speechless
".....yeah neither was I" I added on
"......well....You may pass then" Mitsuru moved out of the way
Seara smiled while pulling me with her.
"I think you left her confused" I noted
"But I got us through!" seara responded
"Fair point" I shrugged
We both made our way to a large dining room, surprisingly there were more tables
"I wonder if there were supposed to be more students" I wondered out loud
"Or people like to have their privacy" someone behind us said which startled us
"Hello, where did you come from?" Seara asked the green-haired man
"You seriously didn't see me?" He asked
"Well.....no?" I responded
"....right" the man sighed "well excuse me"
We both stepped aside as he went walking in front of us
"See you later glasses man" Seara said
He stopped, turned around, and pointed to seara
"Edward Sazuki. Don't forget it" he said to her before turning back to look around the place
"...He's probably nice" Seara commented
"Mitsuru and Edward huh?" I thought
The sound of pans falling and glass breaking was heard, it had come from the kitchen. So the two of us headed in there to see what caused it
"I told you that was gonna happen, you don't grab the bottom!" A small pink hair girl said
"Hey, at least I got the pan, didn't I?" A cooper hair student said, once again this was that person from before that I couldn't really tell what gender they were.
"Do you guys need help?" Seara offered
"No, we were just looking around. But thanks for offering" the pink hair answered "come on sis, let's put these back"
"Oh, you're sisters?" I asked
"Uh...yeah!" The pink hair said "I guess we didn't introduce ourselves, I am Kiara"
"And I am Sanera but you could call me San or nera" the cooper hair girl introduced
"Hey, I go by San too!" I noted "I'm Sanro but as you said, you can call me San too"
"I'm seara" seara introduced
"Nice to meet you two! Let's promise not to kill each other" Kiara suggested
Me and seara looked at each other, shrugged, and turned back to shake both of their hands.
"Well we're gonna look around the school if you guys wanna join" seara offered
"Sure" Nera answered while placing the rest of the pots in the cabinet before closing it "We were gonna do that anyways"
"Great! Let's go!" Seara demanded while leading the way
"Nera, are you sure? These two seem safe but the others look scary" Kiara whimpered
"No, they aren't, they just try to act tough. You have nothing to worry about" Kiara's sister reassured
"So we met, Edward, Mitsuru, Kiara, and Sanera" I looked at the handbook "So that's one-fourth of the students here we met"
"Ma'am, please! I'm begging you! I just wanna get by!" A man said while begging on his knees in front of Mitsuru
"Nope, you can't go through" Mitsuru stated while looking away
The man looked over at the four of us and gave a slight glare
"How did they get through then?!" He said
"Because they got the password, the little ones were already off before I was up" she answered "Please! Just let me go through!" He pleaded again
"Hey, seems serious about wanting to go somewhere so let him go through" I said to Mitsuru "Ugh, fine. But only because you said so. Mister pirate, you're free to go" Mitsuru groaned while moving out of the way
"Yes!" The man shouted while going passed Mitsuru. "Thank you very much!!"
Then without warning, the pale hair man gave me a kiss on the cheek....yeah, that was unexpected.
"Oh, uh thanks?" I said
"Oops, my bad. It's a habit I have" the man said " I'm shuvi, Captain Shuvi"
"Ah, Shuvi! I'm sanro" I greeted.
I was about to shake his hand but noticed it was a hook... a dangerously sharp hook
"Oops, wrong hand" shuvi switched hands before grabbing mine and shaking it
"Why do you wear a hook?" Kiara asked
"It's a fashion sense, I thought it would make me look badass if I wore it" shuvi responded
"I'd try something else or a different color" Mitsuru shouted
"Hmph, like she would understand" shuvi said while walking off
"He seems nice" Seara commented
"Or dramatic" nera added
The sound of laughter was being heard as it came up, we looked over to see two boys running in our direction
"Hello!" Seara greeted them as they got closer The two came to a halt and looked at her
"What?" The blue hair said
"I said hi" she repeated
"Uh...hi?" He said to her
"What're your names?"
"I'm kilynn but you can call me Lynn, this is sky"
"Nice to meet you two. I'm seara, this is sanro, seara, and kiara"
"Nice to meet ya, we'd love to stay but we got stuff to do"Lynn finished
"See ya, dorks" sky waved before running off again with Lynn
"He called us dorks!" Seara said turning to us
"That's not exac-" sanera face palmed "Never mind, if it's cool to you then it's cool"
"I'm a dork" seara said with determination
"Hey, it shows our fellow students on our handbooks" Kiara noted
"I guess looking at that would be better than bothering them, huh" I answered "let's see who we got"
The three of us looked at Kiara's handbook
"Here's us four" She pointed "Mitsuru and Edward, we already met"
"We met Lynn and sky" nera pointed to
"And shuvi we also met" seara pointed to
"So we haven't met these guys" I circled "can we see who they are?"
Kiara pressed on one of them
"It won't show their info, but it shows their names" She stated before pressing one"hm, Kyo tatsu"
Sanera pressed the one next to him "Yuna Yuliya"
"Ayami Hunjo" seara said "Kinro Kumari"
"Ren Anamei" I said "Miku Tomigato"I went to press the last one but for some reason, nothing showed
"Huh? Press it again" Sanera demanded I pressed it again and nothing "Why isn't it working?" I asked out loud
"Hello" a voice said, making us all yelp.
It was that person who looked almost like me except... he was wearing a mask over his face
"You startled us" Kiara whimpered
"I'm sorry" he said
"Oh it's you" seara noticed
"....yes, it is me" the masked person responded
"We're trying to figure out what your name is but the handbook doesn't say" She explained
"Oh, it doesn't?" He questioned "well, I am anonymous. I'm the ultimate hacker so I don't go by any name"
"Ah! That makes sense" I stuck my hand out "I'm sanro"
He stood there, leaving my hand hanging before saying "I don't shake hands"
"My bad" I took my hand back
"...forgiven" was the last thing he before walking past us
"He's different" seara stated
"Yeah, somethings off about him" nera said
"Well he did say he was anonymous so maybe he's trying to be secretive" Kiara suggested "...good point" nera responded
"You know what else makes a good point ?" A voice said which once again startled us "Oh come on, is the voice of a two-sided bear that scary?"
"No sir, you came out of nowhere" seara answered
"Sir huh? Never mind, I was gonna mention that there's a little... "open house" going on later tonight. If you're interested, be there but it won't be long because I want your asses out of the hallways by the time the lights go out" monokuma explained
"Um..." I looked at the other three before responding "We'll think about it"
"Great! Well, see ya.... Brats" the bear made his way to the cafeteria after that
"Rude" Kiara said
"Yeah, to hell with that bear" sanera added
"But hey, at least we could get a chance to meet our other students" I explained
"Good point.... Alright, I'll think about and we'll let you know" nera answered
"Alright, well see you later maybe" I responded before me and seara started to part ways
"Yup, we will" nera responded
"Bye!" Kiara waved
"Bye" seara said The two made their way to the hallway with the dorms.
"Let's see if we could go find check out the other rooms" seara suggested
"Sure thing, something to do to pass the time" I agreed The two of us made our way to the other hallways to check out the other rooms

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