General Lee's Revenge--Karma

De TheHighwayDreamer01

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Someone's comin' back for revenge, and it ain't General Lee, so who could it be? When General gets torn up a... Mai multe

Attention Reader!!
Part One, Chapter One: "Spitfire"
Chapter Two: "Under One Roof" (Again)
Chapter Three: "Bird-Dog Central"
Chapter Four: "Tormentoso"
Part Two, Chapter One: "The Belly of the Beast"
Chapter Two: "Tell Hughie to Go to Hell"
Chapter Three: "Devil's Right Hand"
Chapter Four: "The Duke Boys Are Dead"
Chapter Five: "I Just Want to Talk"
Chapter Six: "The Ice Isn't Floating"
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine: "Au Revoir"
All Done 😁

Chapter Eight: "It's What's On the Inside That Counts"

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De TheHighwayDreamer01

(A/N: Can we just appreciate the amount of research I did for this chapter?)

General spun around in the dark, misty void. The sound of his engine echoed in a seemingly endless loop, though, with nothing for it to echo off of. His headlights were useless in helping him to see farther, only succeeding in reflecting off of the fog. He proceeded forward blindly, listening for any signs of life.

He finally found him after a few minutes, laying on the ground, one arm over his face. General revved his engine, trying to get his attention.

"Bo. Bo, wake up. Talk to me," he rumbled.

He watched as the blonde Duke lifted his arm from his face, blue eyes turning to look at him. A small grin slowly spread across his face.

"Hey," he said, "figured you'd be here."

"What happened? One minute you were walkin' in the house, then next you're here," General said.

Bo shrugged and sat up, his smile fading away. "I remember bein' dizzy, then feelin' a pain in my stomach, next thing I know I'm passed out."

General grew quiet.

"I'm gonna die... ain't I?" Bo asked.

General shook himself. "No, no, you ain't gonna die, I'm gonna make sure of it. Autumn stopped by, she's gonna get help, figure out what Hughie poisoned you with. For now, you just sit tight, and just know Luke's here with ya, and so are Uncle Jesse and Daisy."

Bo laughed and laid back down, folding his arms behind his head. "Oh Luke, I wonder how he's doin'."

General shifted on his suspension. "Can't say, haven't been in there, but I imagine he ain't left your side."

It wasn't a moment later that General noticed he was no longer laughing and he heard Bo sigh.

"General, I said some terrible things... and I never properly apologized now that I think about it. I know that probably don't seem all that important right now but... I-I just feel like I got too much to say to him, and I'd hate for him to go on thinkin' I ain't sorry when I am."

General's engine rumbled. "Bo, I think that, with a bond like yours, Luke already knows without you havin' sayin' it. I wouldn't worry, and if anythin', you can tell him when you come to."



Bo sighed again, staring up at nothing. After what seemed like hours, he finally said, "I wonder what's goin' on out there."

General followed his gaze, shifting on his suspension. If he listened carefully enough, he could barely make out the faint hum of voices in the air. "Couldn't tell ya," he said, "Defects ain't allowed in the house."

Bo scoffed, looking over at him and smiling, listening for the voices as well. "You reckon Autumn's back yet?"

General shifted on his suspension again. "Maybe, wish I could hear what they were sayin'."

"Me too."

"You could if you'd just open your eyes."

"I know."

"So why don't you?"

"It ain't up to me, General. And besides, I was in quite a bit of pain before I went under. All I can do now is sit tight and pray that someone comes up with a solution."

General's engine rumbled once more. "I got faith in Autumn, she's a smart gal, she'll figure somethin' out, I'm sure."

Another long moment of silence plagued the void until Bo finally spoke up again.

"General, you think you could stay here, just in case I, y'know, kick the bucket?"

"Hey, if you die, I die, and I ain't got no better place to be," the Charger replied with a rev of his engine.

"Thanks, General."

With that, it was silent again, only this time, the sound never came back.


It was morning by the time Autumn returned, the Dukes and Cooter rushing to the door to see her. She was busy helping an elderly woman out of the passenger seat of her car, Cooter and Luke running out to help in any way they could.

The morning sun kissed the woman's wrinkled face as she stepped away from the car, standing up straight and raising her face towards the house. Her face was contorted into a displeased glare, as if she'd spent decades telling little children she wasn't mad at them, only disappointed. She was dressed similarly to Autumn, similar hide jacket with sway, dark blue jeans, and boots. Her hat was adorned with a rattlesnake skin band and an eagle feather. A feathered crest on the front of the hat, colored orange and blue with a white center, made all other color pop. Her gray hair was braided into one long braid draped over her hunched back. Large, turquoise earrings hung from her ears, and an array of necklaces from her neck as well.

As she made her way towards the house, Autumn tried to grab her arm to help her along but she flailed her arms about, shaking her finger at her.

"I don't need your help!" she snapped, stepping up to the porch, holding onto the doorframe for support, and chuckling to herself, "I might be old but I ain't that old."

The Dukes exchanged glances, smelling the old woman's strong perfume as she walked past, distinguished to that of a grandmother of any attainment.

As they all followed her inside, they watched as she immediately began to familiarize herself with Jesse's kitchen, rooting through cupboards and drawers. After a moment, she pulled out a tea kettle, setting it down on top of the stove. As the rest of them were walking in, she reached into one of the drawers and pulled out a notepad, that of which Daisy normally used to make grocery lists.

The woman took the notepad and sat down at the kitchen table, immediately looking up at the crowd gathered at the door. She scoffed and snapped her fingers, holding out her hand.

"Any of you jackasses gonna give me a pen or are y'all just gonna stand there with your tongues hangin' outta your mouths?" she growled.

It took that sentence alone for them to deduce that she and Autumn talked very similarly. They looked the same, talked the same, and carried the same attitude with them. There was no doubt about it, by the principles as old as time, children learning from their caretakers, this woman was very close to Autumn Burningwood. How they were related, the group was unsure.

Soon enough, Jesse leaped into action, digging a pen from one of the many pockets in his overalls and handing it to her. Without a word, the woman took the pen, scribbling down on the notepad. After a moment, she leaned forward, beckoning for Autumn to come close, which she did.

The woman tore out the page she'd written on and handed it to Autumn. "Get me these and hurry. If I can stop the reaction before it's too far along, the boys'll be fine."

"And if not?" Cooter asked, the first one to pipe up since the old woman's arrival.

The woman's eyes narrowed. "If you don't think she'll be fast enough, you help her then." She stood up and grabbed the tea kettle off the stovetop, walking to the sink.

Without giving him the time to react, Cooter was swept out the door by Autumn as she passed through, on her way back out to the car.

Once again, the Dukes all exchanged nervous glances before the woman pointed a crooked finger at Luke. "You, the stocky one with the curly hair."

Luke gave her a confused look and pointed to himself. "Me?"

"Yes, you. Come here and answer questions as I ask them."

Luke exchanged a glance with Jesse and Daisy before moving, keeping an eye on the old woman as her back was turned, filling the tea kettle with water. Then, almost as if she had eyes in the back of her head, he heard her stern command.

"Sit down!" she ordered.

Luke immediately did as he was told, pulling out a chair from the table.

Albeit the rest of the Dukes thought they were safe from the woman's demands, her powerful voice was soon heard again.

"Turn the stove on, girl," she said.

Daisy moved to follow the order, the stove's front right burner clicking as it ignited. Meanwhile, the woman continued asking questions as she turned off the sink, asking Luke things such as how long ago the drinks were ingested and how much, as well as his and Bo's height and weight. While Luke worked to avidly answer the woman's questions, she brought the kettle to the other side of the kitchen, setting it to boil on the stovetop.

After Luke was finished answering her questions, the woman stood in the kitchen for a moment, wiping her hands dry on her jeans and looking around with a puzzled expression. At this, Jesse finally stepped forward, attempting to make eye contact.

"A-anything I can help you find, ma'am?" he asked.

The woman held her hands out in front of her as she talked, motioning with them. "Mortar and pestle, I need to be able to crush it up."

"Crush it up?" Daisy asked, hinting at the 'it' part.

"Milk thistle, tea, I need to crush the seeds, it won't work as well otherwise," the woman explained, grabbing a chair.

The Dukes watched as she set the chair against the counter, climbing on top of it to reach into a top cupboard, Jesse suddenly remembering that he'd never gotten her what she'd asked for. The woman stood up on top of the chair, opening the cupboard, and pulling out the desired mortar and pestle, climbing back down as soon as she had it in her possession. She set the items down on the counter next to the stove, turning around and putting her hands on her hips.

"Now, to wait for that schmuck granddaughter of mine," she said with a grin, looking towards the door. "Figured she'd be back by now."


Cooter hastily followed Autumn out of the parked car, still a bit dazed from the speedy drive. He was stiff getting out, having ridden tense in the car. It was odd seeing Autumn without Gravedigger, without her other half. Whether it was that or the fact that the boys had been poisoned, it was blatantly obvious that she was upset about something, that of which she seemed to have no desire of sharing. They hadn't talked, not once, the whole drive. Cooter himself had always been quite the talkative person, Autumn even more so in those respects. However, her mouth was shut tight the whole time, pulled into a thin line aside from her usual grin.

Cooter wanted so badly to have been able to ask her how she and Gravedigger were doing, if she was alright, address the elephant in the room in some way, but knew full well that if he did, she would insist that nothing was wrong and tell him not to worry about it.

He watched her jump up onto the front porch of the house they had arrived at, skipping over the steps and bounding up to the door, giving it three boisterous knocks. Cooter followed her up much slower, hands shoved in his front pockets, taking in the bleak sights of the house. It definitely needed a new coat of paint, the white lacquer covering the siding worn off in large patches, revealing the gray-brown wood underneath. The boards of the porch creaked and groaned underneath their feet, bending to where Cooter felt that they would cave in.

He looked up at the house's front, a faded pink curtain curled around the window frame of the upstairs window, the glass broken and missing.

He heard Autumn knock once more, grumbling under her breath and fumbling with something on her belt. A moment later, the door opened, startling them both as they were turning to leave. The two of them turned to see a feeble, short man with thick, round glasses standing in the doorway.

"Ah! What is it you want? I ain't listenin' to no bible pitches!" he exclaimed.

"We ain't here for no bible pitches, Vinny, we need milk thistle seeds," Autumn explained in a rash voice.

The small man looked her up and down, readjusting his glasses. "Burningwood," the man said with a scowl, "figured you'd be in Dallas, you know, with your man." He chuckled to himself, a high-pitched hyena laugh.

Autumn just scowled, fists clenched, like she was ready to pounce. However, she managed to hold back. "The seeds," she seethed through gritted teeth, "now." Each word was strained and put into great annunciation.

Vinny sighed, eyes rolling around the wide, steel frames of his spectacles, and trudged back inside the house, motioning for them to follow.

Without missing a beat, Autumn stepped in through the doorway, Cooter following, the two of them following the little man through the house. He led them out the back door which opened up into a landscape of chicken coops and rabbit hutches. Twenty feet from the door were two buildings, on the left was a greenhouse, on the right a garden shed. Vinny led them towards the shed, wrenching the door open with all of the strength in his minuscule body. The door's rusted hinges creaked like a scream in a horror movie, making Cooter flinch.

Promptly, Vinny pushed his glasses back up onto his nose and propped the door open with an old rake, wandering into the dark space. Cooter watched as he reached up and pulled a cord attached to the ceiling, a singular yellow lightbulb glowing to life.

"Now then," Vinny said, rolling up his sleeves and clearing his throat, "you said you needed milk thistle seeds, is that correct?"

"Yes," Autumn answered bluntly.

"Right, how much?"

At this, Autumn dug into her pocket, pulling out a wadded-up five. "Whatever I can get for five bucks."

Cooter watched Vinny raise a prickly black eyebrow, like a fuzzy caterpillar. Regardless, the man took the bill from Autumn's hand, stuffing it into the front pocket of his shirt. He turned around and began rooting through some of the items in the shed, struggling to reach a burlap bundle on a high shelf; Cooter grabbed it and handed it down to him, not receiving a thank you but ultimately just went on ignored.

You're welcome, he thought.

Vinny set the bundle on the table that sat against the northern wall of the shed, grabbing a brown paper bag out from the cluttered shelf between the table's legs. He opened up both bags, propping the paper one up and reaching his hand inside the bundle, pulling out a fistful of dark brown seeds with yellow tips. The little man put two fistfuls of the seeds into the paper bag before rolling the top of it and handing it to Cooter.

Even as he took the bag, looking at the suspicious shimmer in the little man's eye, Cooter could tell that what was contained within the paper bag was worth more than five dollars. However, before another word could be said, he and Autumn were quickly shooed away from the garden, finding themselves back on the front porch.

Before the two of them stepped off, ready to head back to the car, they heard Vinny call from the doorway.

"And Burningwood, next time your grandma sends you for somethin' she's cookin' up, tell her to come herself. She still owes me forty bucks!" With that, he slammed the door, the whole house seeming to rattle.

Cooter glanced down at the brown paper bag in his hand, weighted by the seeds. They were a simple thing, seemingly so minuscule and meaningless. These are going to save the boys' lives, Cooter thought, I guess it's what's on the inside that counts. Before he could ponder it more, Autumn was dragging him back to the car, slamming doors and starting the clunker's engine. By the sound of it, Cooter deduced that it needed a tune-up.

They were off again in no time, again, the inside of the car was silent, Autumn driving with her face tightened and Cooter sitting shotgun with the bag. After a moment, he heard Autumn let out a sigh, her facial muscles relaxing and her shoulders dropping. Seemingly much more calm than she had been before, without turning to glance at him, she said, her tone defeated, "Alright, go ahead."

"You're upset," Cooter said, looking over at her.

"I am."

"You mind if I ask why?"

He watched as her hand tightened around the top of the steering wheel, color draining from her knuckles. She hesitated for a while, growing tense again. Until, finally, she answered.

"I'm supposed to be in Mobile. Plannin' a weddin'."

Cooter nodded to indicate he was still listening.

"And guess where the bridegroom is."

"Dallas?" Cooter guessed in a quiet voice.

"Dallas! He's in Dallas makin' speeches about loyalty and trust! He should be with me! He should be givin' those things to me! He's marryin' me! His best friend is me!"

Cooter watched as she swallowed hard, pushing back tears.

"Do you know what it's like, Cooter? To not be good enough for the person you love?"

Cooter was silent for a moment. Those words had stuck with him, and he was unsure of how to respond. Unfortunately, this was one of those conversations he couldn't just bullshit his way out of, he had to be honest, speak his mind, offer comfort.

"Autumn, I think," he said, unsure of where he was going with this, "that if you weren't good enough, he wouldn't have asked you to marry him."

Autumn stayed silent and gave him a sideways look.

"Now, I ain't tryin' to defend him, and Lord knows what he's doin' is wrong, but just because he's pursuin' whatever he's pursuin' doesn't mean that he don't love you all the same. He asked you to marry him, now you go and you plan that weddin', because as much as you mean to him, he'll be there. You ain't got nothin' to be afraid of."

"'Cept bein' left at the altar."

"You and I both know Gravedigger's more decent than that."

Autumn sighed, eyes growing distant. "You're right. Still don't mean I ain't got the right to worry, though. If I really am so important to him then how come he ain't with me?"

"Gravedigger's got a good heart, just poor judgment," Cooter said, pausing a moment to think over what he'd said, "really poor judgment."

Autumn laughed a little, Cooter grinning wide.

"I guess you're right, he really can be a meathead sometimes," her voice trailed off, "I just hope he finds whatever he's lookin' for out there, so he can come back home to me."

"He'll come around, sooner or later," Cooter rested a hand on Autumn's shoulder, "For now, you just go ahead and plan that weddin'."

Autumn smiled fondly. "Thanks, Cooter. Y'know... you're alright, you know that?"

"Yeah, I know. Nobody'd keep me around otherwise," Cooter said jokingly, reclining in his seat and pulling his hat down over his eyes.

They both laughed.


Everything was cloudy when he finally started coming around. Things faded in and out of focus, faces, voices, objects. He could barely make out the faces of Luke, Jesse, and Boss Hogg leaning over him, beckoning him back into consciousness. Their voices faded in and out like a bad CB radio transmitter. He could tell Luke's lips were moving as he was saying something to Boss Hogg, however, Bo couldn't tell what was being said. Boss Hogg's response faded in for just a second, something about moonshine and burning, which didn't make much sense to him. He heard his uncle yell something in protest but his voice was quickly faded out.

He tried to move, to push himself up to sit or lean forward but even the slightest bit of movement sent shockwaves of aches and pains through his body. His mouth was dry and cottony, though he felt downright nauseous. His throat was already convulsing, as if he were going to throw up, which he felt he would.

Before he knew it, he found himself growing light-headed and prayed for the sweet release of unconsciousness once more, however, he felt his cousin shaking him awake and talking.

"He's comin' around," Luke said.

Bo shivered, his vision beginning to clear, just then realizing that he felt unimaginably cold. It was then he wondered if he looked as bad as he felt, finally seeing the looks of concern on the faces of the others.

Luke's hands were warm on him, holding him tight and helping him to sit up. However, something seemed off. His hands were shaking, and as he pulled him to his chest, Bo could hear his heart beating, beating so fast that it would sometimes flutter or skip beats. Worried, he looked up, forcing his eyes to focus, seeing the beads of sweat dotting Luke's tanned skin. Whatever poison Hughie had used on them was taking its effects on him too, however, seemingly Bo was their biggest concern.

His whole body ached, he wanted to curl up into a ball. Subconsciously, he could feel his knees drawing themselves closer and closer to his chest, though, Luke kept him sitting upright. In that moment, all he could do was listen to Luke's and his own heartbeats. They were different, he guessed apparently at different stages. He remembered his heart beating extremely fast at the tavern, however, now it was slow, his breathing shallow.

Just then, he saw his uncle come back into view, an opened mason jar in hand containing a clear liquid. Jesse was clearly agitated, looking at Boss Hogg as he approached.

"If Autumn and Cooter weren't takin' so long gettin' them blamed seeds we wouldn't have to be doin' this silly little experiment," he said in a sour tone. "What makes you so sure this's gonna work anyhow?"

"I ain't," Boss Hogg explained in a low voice, "but if it don't it'll at least keep the pain at bay."

Jesse shrugged and nodded as if to say, "Good point."

Bo felt a hand against his cold, clammy forehead, rough and weathered.

"Hurry before we lose him again, yeah?" he heard Luke say.

There was a single word of agreement and the strong smell of corn liquor entered his nostrils. It hadn't even touched his lips yet but he felt his stomach churn. He doubted he'd be able to keep anything down, much less a strong dose of white lightning. He quickly turned his head away, as if trying to hide his face against Luke.

"Here," Jesse said.

Luke was soon replaced by Jesse, cradling his youngest in his arms. Bo felt like he was going to vomit, all the while his uncle was bringing the jar closer and closer. He imagined the conversation leading up to this.

"This's takin' too long, there's gotta be somethin' we got here," he imagined his uncle saying.

"Autumn said it was mushrooms, what if we tried burnin' it out, y'know, with liquid fire," felt like something Boss Hogg would say.

"Moonshine? Are you crazy?" he figured Luke would protest.

"You tryin' to accuse me of somethin'?" Jesse would speculate.

"What? No! I'm tryin' to help y'all!" Boss Hogg was most likely to defend.

Bo imagined Luke shrugging and saying, "It's worth a try."

By the time his conception ended, he hadn't realized that he'd been able to drink down a quarter of the jar. The liquor burned going down his throat and he lurched the second it hit his stomach. Jesse quickly pulled the jar away, seemingly afraid he might puke. But he didn't. He sat for a moment, letting his stomach settle and looking at the jar in his uncle's hand. Albeit, the jar was inanimate, but that didn't stop his hot, white hate for it.

He watched as Jesse exchanged glances with Luke, who looked from Jesse to him, his features turning sympathetic.

"Just a little more, kiddo, you'll be alright," Jesse said in a soft voice.

Bo shook his head and tried to say 'no' but no sound came out, however, his protest went on ignored. That damned jar came back, and he did his best to drink down whatever he could but his stomach only felt worse.

He quickly pushed away, falling back into the couch, hand over his mouth. He turned to the side, body tensing and curling up, eyes shut tight, his head spinning. He held back as well as he could, praying to God that he didn't get sick.

"Okay..." he heard his uncle say, "it's okay, you're done."

They let him lay there for a while and he was able to open his eyes just long enough to see Jesse and Boss Hogg leave the room. Luke was still there, he felt him sit down beside him on the couch. There was a noise, like he was swallowing something, then a muffled thump on the floor. The jar. He had drunk the rest of it.

Bo felt Luke's hand on his shoulder, just as the pain was starting to fade. His thumb moved back and forth in a soothing motion, the two of them sitting there in silence for a long moment. The house fell quiet, except for the low hum of chatter coming from the kitchen.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang from inside the porch and someone fumbling with the front door. Boss Hogg moved to open the door but immediately jumped back as Autumn and Cooter came tumbling in, both red-faced and winded. Autumn's grandmother looked on amusedly.

Amongst their entanglement, a singular arm shot up with a brown paper bag in hand.

"We got 'em!" they both yelled.

The woman smiled sweetly and took the bag, watching as the two of them finally straightened themselves, though, took a moment to each whack each other with their hats. Once brown felt cowboy hat and greasy green baseball cap had each been placed on their respective heads, grandmother grabbed them both by the ears.

"What the hell took so long?" the elderly lady yelled with volume no one would have ever guessed she had.

Both Cooter and Autumn pulled away from her, Cooter cringing and massaging his ear with one finger. Autumn on the other hand yelled back.

"We got it here, didn't we, you crazy old bat!" she exclaimed.

"Yeah, and you were slow. We've been waitin' on you two for the past half-hour, where were ya?"

"C'mon, it's Vinny Hellinger, what'd you expect?"

"For you to push him around," the woman jabbed a finger into Autumn's chest, "like I raised you to do. He's a fragile little man, what's he gonna do?"

Autumn shrugged. "Refuse to serve us."

"Bah," grandmother grumbled, throwing her hands up, "I ain't hearin' any of it."

She opened the paper bag, dumping the seeds inside into the mortar bowl, and proceeded to grind them up. After a moment, Autumn finally spoke again.

"How're they doin' anyway?" she asked.

"Hangin' in there," Daisy said, glancing at Jesse and Boss Hogg, "they were able to help the pain a little bit but there wasn't much else we could do besides that."

Autumn nodded.

"How's that comin'?" Jesse asked, gesturing to grandmother as she poured the crushed seeds into the tea kettle.

"This better be enough," she said, giving it a stir and putting the lid back on. "Now we wait."


Before long, the tea was done, grandmother making sure everyone was aware by yelling through the house. Everyone immediately gathered in the kitchen, the Duke boys making their way to the table, now free of the crippling pain Hughie's poison had caused them.

Grandmother removed the kettle from the stovetop, turning the burner off and waiting for the pot to cease its screeching. Promptly, she poured two steaming cups of tea, sliding them over.

After letting them cool for a moment, the boys took their cups and drank the tea, then again as the cups were refilled. Once they were finished, grandmother set the kettle down and grabbed her jacket, as if ready to leave.

"Wait, that's it?" Cooter asked incredulously.

Grandmother nodded. "Yep, just make sure they get plenty of rest and stay hydrated. They should be fine in a day or so."

"Oh, I-" Jesse's voice trailed off. "Thank you?"

"Yeah, yeah," grandmother said, shrugging into her jacket, "send for me if you have any problems, okay?"

The Dukes nodded.

Grandmother snapped her fingers, heading for the door. "Take me home, pumpkin!"

"Hey!" Autumn called after her, grandmother turning towards her, "What'd we talk about?"

They all watched grandmother roll her eyes and step away from the door.

"It was... very nice meetin' you all," she said, uncertainty in her voice, however, her tone slowly changed to sincerity. "I wish it coulda been under better circumstances, but I suppose things don't always work out the way we want 'em. I'm lookin' forward to seein' y'all at my granddaughter's weddin'." Her eyes scanned the small crowd, coming to rest on Boss Hogg and Rosco, to which her tone changed again. "Except for you two, y'all are trash. In fact, I don't know who the hell let y'all in here but I hope I never have the displeasure of seein' y'all again."

Both Boss Hogg and Rosco each gave her a look that screamed 'What the hell?'.

"And you," she turned to Cooter, "you're all right, Tooter."

"Cooter," Cooter corrected, mildly annoyed.

Grandmother waved her hand dismissively. "Whatever."

Autumn chuckled in her usual heartiness. "Alright, c'mon you bag of bones, let's go."

She grabbed her grandmother's arm as she'd done before, however, this time the old woman didn't shoo her away and instead laid a hand on hers affectionately.

"I'll be back," Autumn called over her shoulder, "Just gonna run her home quick."

After a few 'Alright's and good-bye waves, the odd pair was gone. Immediately, Boss Hogg crossed his arms in a pout.

"How dare that woman call me trash! Who does she think she is, anyways?" he exclaimed.

Luke chuckled. "Well, at least we know where Autumn gets her attitude from now."

Bo exhaled. "Amen to that."

Daisy scoffed, crossing her arms and smiling. "I think it's quite nice that they're close like that."

At this, the rest of them laughed, fondly remembering the duo calling each other rude names before, realizing now that it was all in good taste.

"Gonna be nice catchin' up with her after this whole ordeal," Bo said.

"Yeah, but remember, we still got Hughie to worry about," Luke replied promptly.

"Ah, shoot, that's right."

Just then, Jesse stepped in. "Oh no, no, don't even start, you two are in no condition to-"

"Relax, Uncle Jesse," Luke quickly cut him off, "I get it, we're benched, but that doesn't mean we can't organize our next play."

"Yeah, y'all still got me and the Defects, I'm sure we could put somethin' together," Cooter said.

"And me," Daisy chimed in.

Jesse sighed, pinching his nose and turning away from the conversation. "Lord help me," he groaned.

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