Fat Thug Love

By NayFlawlessbih

131K 4.8K 588

Courtney a young girl who thinks she will never find love because of her looks and at the same time trys to... More

Internet Love(new)
! time to turn up!
computer time
new love!
courtren(the real one)
Love or Not
Love or Not pt 2
The Truth Is Out!
Courtney aka C-dog!
5months later
fuckin up!
new addition to the family
surprise!! jared who...
fat thug love chapter 19
fat thug love chapter 20
fat thug love chapter 21
fat thug love chapter 22
Fat Thug Love Chapter 23
Fat Thug Love Chapter 24
fat thug love chapter 25
Fat Thug Love Chapter 26
chapter 30 Fat Thug Love
Fat Thug Love Chapter 32
Fat Thug Love Chapter 33
Fat Thug Love Chapter 34
Fat Thug Love Chapter 35
Fat Thug Love Chapter 36
Fat Thug Love Chapter 37
Fat Thug Love Chapter 38
book 2

chapter 31 Fat Thug Love

1.8K 75 23
By NayFlawlessbih

Rose p.o.v

"How's Jay"

I said walking In with my boo Dylan and don't think I didn't notice keshawn acting all big and bad balling his fist up

"he woke up

Courtney said excited I looked around and everyone was just looking at me

"what the fuck y'all lookin at"

I said irritated

"baby calm down"

dylan said grabbing my waist

"they probably just wanna know who the white guy is"

he said making me laugh I loved that he didn't feel uncomfortable with them looking

"sorry guys this is Dylan my boyfriend"

I said cheesing from ear to ear

"hi Im Courtney "

my bitch said putting her hand out

"I know she has showed every picture she could of you guys it's nice to meet you Finally "

my boo said

"you to I hope-"

she was cut off by her phone ringing and I seen Nana pic pop on the screen hold up when did she get in town I grabbed the phone


I said hanging up

"why didn't you tell me court"

I said

"it was a surprise"

she said laughing I introduced Dylan to everyone else except keyshawn and was about to got back and see Jay

"Im going to stay here babe let you guys go"

he said looking so fucking adorable

"you sure babe"

I said knowing he was


he laughed showing those dimples I kissed him and walked with the others to see Jay we hugged and kissed all up on him

"aye back up off me"

he said while laughing

"how do you feel bruh"

keushawn said i rolled my eyes but also wanted to know

"im good I feel great like nothing even happened but I know that is just God" 

he said and I was happy to hear that the door opened and in walked Nana I yelled running over and jumping on her she caught me and we hugged til i got down

"bitch if em finds-"

"to late bih-"

she said as her phone went off she looked at it and giggled it was a number not saved but it said

" why you not hittin a nigga back"

ohh my girl got a boo I went to go find Dylan and found him sitting down on the phone I kissed his cheek and he pulled me in his lap only for me to get pulled back up

"this my woman marshmallow get your own"

keyshawn said

"last time I checked caramel she was in my bed this morning so back the fuck off I fight for mine "

when I tell yall I got wet I was leaking like a broken faucet

"i don't give two shits white boy I will beat your ass"

keyshawn said

"you ain't doin shit ke" Kaysin said

"I am not about to let you do that you messed up bro and you gotta deal"

he added on this is why I love kaysin so smart well if you don't count him being inlike with court I sunt Dylan home and told him I'll be back later and went back to my gang :)

                                                 Keshawn's p.o.v

                                    Seeing rose with another guy really showed me I messed up I hate that Kay was right but what am I to do she's moved on And it's my fault I cheated and I lost a girl a i love we walked back in the room and Kaysins eyes are  stuck on Nana I laugh to myself because im glad he moved on from court Yea I know, No he didn't tell me he is my twin I know things

"What's up Nana"

I said

"shit nothing glad to be back with my bestie and my other bitch "

she said damn she act just like Courtney No wonder my bro want her but No one can beat Courtney in my opinion well except rose I need that girl she was sitting over there looking so fucking good in her high waisted ripped up blue Jean shorts and a pink tank top

"look any longer and you might go blind"

I hear Courtney say

"fuck you"

i said causing everyone to laugh except rose she just blushed at a text she got probably from bitch boy my phone went off and it was a text from Brit

Her - come over daddy
Me - nah I got Work
Her -please I got something you might wanna see
Me - it better be good if imma be late be there in 20
Her - Oh it's good daddy ;)

"Look im out yall"

I said

"Where to bro"

Kay said

"probably his bitch house"

rose said hitting it right on the nail

"and if I was"

I said a little pissed cause who is she to say that

"am i wrong"

she said never taking her eyes off her phone that is how I know she didn't care what I did anymore and I had to walk out right at that moment my heart broke im just going home

Keonna/Nana p.o.v

Okay I am not going to lie Kaysin is so cute like he blowin ya girl phone up but he is em's ex boyfriend look im going to talk to Courtney about it

"Hey bestie can I talk to you"

I said as we were walking out of the hospital

"Yea hun What's up"

she said in that soft voice of hers so I went into telling her what happened earlier him blowing up my phone I even showed her the text yall know as girls we spill everything to our best friend

"so what do you think"

I said after

"I say go for it Emily has a lot of growing up to do and kayson wants a woman so go ahead"

I smiled she always knows what to say

"thanks booski"

I said hugging her I said goodbye and walked to my car only to find sexy ass Kay by my car

"just can't stay away can you"

I say trying to hide my smile there is no holding back nana I said to myself

"what a man can't say What's up to a friend"

he said standing over me with this sexy ass smirk on his face

"I guess"

I said pretending not to be fazed

"let's go to Dave and buster i don't feel like going home"

he said looking so cute

"alright I guess"

I said blushing and getting in my car maybe I was wrong earlier im glad im here but Cali will forever be home

                                               Emily's p.o.v

I sat there and watched kaysin my man all up in that fat bitch face who the fuck do she think she is kaysin is mine and he will find that out tonight when he gets home that fat piece of shit better back the fuck up because I am not about to to lose my man to a member of the fat farms Yes Courtney included I get in my car and drive to our home making a couple of stops first I get everything set up and hop in the shower

3 hours later...

Where is he i have been waiting the candles are out the food is Cold and my heart is slowly breaking so I text him

Me- Kay Where you at

I sit back and wait he always answers my phone calls and text messages I know he is just upset about our baby and he just wants and needs to breath Yes I have been caught up trying to have my baby but I didn't get to have my baby and I want to be a mom and just thinking about it makes me breakdown scrolling through my insta I see Courtney and Darren with my nephews I love them to death but I want my own kids I keep scrolling and see Kay and that bitch he posted a picture of her and him saying "time for new and better things" what nigga better boy please fuck that I get up and get my shoes on they at Dave and busters best believe im going up there bitch go me fucked up better things nigga how about fatter things

Kaysin's p.o.v

I was having such an amazing time with keonna she just went to talk to Courtney for a second I was looking at all the likes I had on the picture I posted of keonna and I the caption says it all " time for new and better things" something just felt right about this I felt a tap on my shoulder

"took you forever keonna"

I said turning around with a smile the went away quickly when i saw Emily standing there

"excuse me kaysin"

she said about to cry

"what are you doing here"

her tears mean nothing to me at this Point im moving on

"what am I doing here"

she quietly screamed

"I came here to get you I had something set up for you at home she said hopeful

( author speaking - the two are talking not knowing Nana was watching and hearing everything thing )

"Emily go away I am on a date basically and you are going to ruin it"

I screamed quietly back at her

"I don't give a fuck come home that fat bitch has already stolen my sister and cousin she is stealing my man now Oh hell No kaysin get up "

she said pulling him up

( author speaking - keonna finally understood why the girl didn't like her but I will not stop being me because little em is jealous- keonna thought to herself )

"maybe if you weren't so stuck up and rude the comments at the hospital drove me way past my limits she is amazing and you are dismissed and dont try No stupid shit either"

I said walking away to find Keonna I think I dodge a huge bullet with that one

"Thank you lord"

in my rich homie quan voice now to find my truffle ball is that lame I don't know Ill keep thinking

So two updates in one week I just started working so my schedule it pretty tight but we  are going to try and get more updates and for that to happen we need more comments we want to hear your feed back tells how the chapter made you feel please we would love to hear it thanks Nahna14 again I hope you like this chapter!

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