More than Friends

By HerJinx

1.2K 35 0

Neteyam x Reader More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 5

75 3 0
By HerJinx

(Zrina's POV)

"Uhm I think we should go back to the party Lo'ak" I say scooting over, "Of course" he stand up lending out a hand. I take up as he helps me get up, "Thank you" I dust myself off. "No problem Zrina" he says as I walk toward the vine to go back down to the party. "You comin?" I ask him.

"Oh yeah yeah, I'll meet you down there" he says waving me off, I slide down the vine walk towards the bonfire, "Tey Tey, Hi!" I say walking up next to him.

He looks at me in a irritated way, "What's- what's the matter. Tey Tey-!" I try grab his hand but he moves it away from me. "Nothings the matter Zrina, just tired" he says clearly angry.

"Teyam wanna go by the fire they're roasting berries up there." Kanza says grabbing his arm, "Of course" he says walking away with Kanza. "Tey Tey?" I whisper seeing them sit by the fire laughing.

(Hours later)

"Z'ack, let's go" i say tugging his arm "c'mon can we stay a little longer" "I would but we have meetings and discussions tomorrow" I say pulling his arm "No goodbye?" Kiri shouts.

I walk up to her and tuk hugging them "Good bye, see you-!" "Tomorrow maybe? On your free time" Kiri asks. I look at Neteyam who looks away from me, "Sure, I'm free" I say as she give me a big hug.

I smile softly hugging her back. "Goodbye -!" "Stop messing around, Zrina" Lo'ak says "I don't know what you're talking about" I say backing up slowly. "Cmere" he grabs me and hugs me while picking me up.

I laugh while hugging him back, "Okayy Okay!" I feel my feet touch the ground, I turn to Neteyam, waving goodbye. He nods as I walk to my ikran.

I see Z'ack hug all of them as they kept talking I flew to the tree of voices. I get off of Ira running through the vines of the tree till I see the base of it.

My forehead rests on the nose of the tree as a tear runs down my cheek, "Eywa, where did I go wrong, where did I...Mess up?" I ask while hugging my legs to my chest.

"Zrina can we-!" I look up at the person in front of me "oh- now you want to talk Neteyam?" I say standing up, "Zrina I- was" "I don't wanna hear it Neteyam" I say trying to walk away but he grabs my arms keeping me in front of him, "Neteyam release me" I say calmly trying to move away from his grip.

He doesn't and keep me in front of him "Neteyam I'm not going to repeat myself i said LET GO!" "Zrina please hear me out- at least!" He pins me to the tree "No Neteyam I don't want to!" I say as he hugs me close to him.

"Neteyam" I say hugging him back "I won't let you go" he whispers in my ear. We stand there for a minute, in comfortable silence.

The sound of the bugs and animals singing, and Neteyams warmth made me feel at ease. "Will you listen?" He asks. I nod as he looks at me in the eye.

"I acted the way I did because- I was jealous... of you and Lo'ak." He explains, I put my hand in his cheek caressing his cheek.

"I'm sorry deeply" he says moving closer to me, my back against the tree "I'm sorry I made you feel that way" I say as one of his hands is on the tree and one is resting on the side my neck gently guiding me towards his lips.

"Tey Tey" I whisper as he looks at my lips the my eyes, he closes his and I close my eyes as he presses his lips on mine softly, he kisses my bottom lip then my jawline. "Tey Tey" I push him away a little bit.

"If Chief finds marks on me he's gonna kill me" I say looking down at him as he keeps kissing my neck, I felt a strange feeling through my body. It felt good, but I can't let myself get carried away, "Tey teyyy!" I whine a bit.

"Okay okay" he said as he give my collarbone a kiss, "TEY TEY!" "I'm done I'm done" he hugs me and twirls me around while hugging him.

I smile giving him a kiss on the lips before I go, "Zrina! Bring your half breed tail back home"
"Neteyam you got 10 seconds" Chief and Jack call us on our communicators, he both laugh giving each other another kiss before getting on out ikrans and going home.

Ira flys to the ledge that leads to my room, I get off of Ira walking to my bed.

my rope bed come down as I lay down in it, 5 spirits fly in and land on my stomach. "He's so MMM" I say giggling and fluttering my toes. "He may jump to conclusions but at least he apologized for it..." I say to the spirits cupping one of them. Lifting it into the air as it spins beautiful down on my forehead.

More and more spirits come through the door I can tell they saw me with Neteyam, I giggle with excitement and love.

"I can tell you had fun didn't you?" Chief says while standing near zrina, I sit up quickly making the spirits that were in me fall on the bed or on my lap. "Oh yeah at the party mhm" I say quickly. He shrugs not walking in too much into my room.

"You will be going on perimeter checks and mission and healing the Sully clan from now on" chief says "Woahhh what?!" "I don't think I miss worded myself" he says crossing his arms. "You didn't but why?" "They are our close ally's they have stuff we need, we have stuff they need. Be nice to them, understood?" He asks.

"Yes sir I understand" I nod my head as he walks away....

I'll be able to see Neteyam everyday!!

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