Not His

De Invincibec

17K 542 37

Haley Parker wanted nothing to do with guys - at least none of the guys her parents were always trying to set... Mais

1. 17 and Invincible
2. Saving Damsels in Distress is My Job
3. Who Said the Bad Boy Didn't Care
4. You Owe Me A Meal
5. Wanna Sneak Out?
6. Not 'Friends,' Just Friends
7. Wanna Go Out?
8. Girls Night...Plus Griffin
9. We All Knew I Always Had the Balls
10. I'm Not Your Girl
11. Sometimes Actions Speak Louder Than Words
12. Lilies and Coffee
14. This Place Is Too Clean Not To Trash
15. Open Windows Are the Best Escape Route
16. I'll Crush You Harder Than A Sixteen Year Old Girl On Her English Teacher
17. But You Look So Cute In My Pajamas
18. I Made A Mistake
19. All Yours
Sequel Preview

13. Does This Involve Food?

656 23 2
De Invincibec

I was grinning from ear to ear as I held my phone with both hands and scrolled through my conversation with Griffin from yesterday.

Can't tonight. Stupid dinner at James' :/ -H

So is he always gonna take priority over your boyfriend? -G

No one takes priority over you. Especially James. -H

Would you be upset if I punched him? -G

Lol no, but what for? -H

For being unnecessary added stress in my girl's life and for taking your time away from me -G

I love you -H

I chuckled to myself at the heart and kissing emoji he sent me back as I continued to scroll through my messages until this morning.

How does after school sound? -G

Does this involve food? -H

We can grab a bite on the way there -G

Yay :) No way I'd miss Finding Dory anyway -H

Sounds like a plan :) Btw I'll be at your house in 5 -G

That last one was sent a few minutes ago, so if I wanted to eat before school I figured I better get something now.

Skipping down the stairs to the kitchen, I shoved a granola bar in my mouth as I exited the pantry. Looking out the window, I decided to wait outside for Griffin to come as I walked over to the door.

"Have a good day at school, hun," my mom smiled from the kitchen table beside my dad.

"I will," I smiled back." Bye mom, bye dad."

"Bye cupcake!"

"Will we see you at dinner?" my mom caught me before I stepped outside.

"No, I have plans. I'm going out, but I wont be back late, promise!"

As I headed through the front door, I could hear my parents talking to each other sounding all giddy. I thought I heard them mention something about James and the fact that I was going out tonight, but maybe I'm a little paranoid when it comes to the James subject, so I tried not to think much of it.

Walking down the driveway to where our trash can was stationed, ready for the garbage truck, I tossed away my granola bar wrapper as I noticed Griffin's car pulling up.

An instant smile spread across my face when I saw his. Opening the passenger seat's door, I got in as I was greeted by a lingering peck on the lips.

"Morning," Griffin beamed. His hair was a mess (as usual) but somehow it looked good paired with his silver aviators, which prevented me from seeing his gorgeous blue eyes.

"Morning yourself," I grinned back.

Reaching for my hand, he interlocked his fingers with mine as we sped down the road.

By the time we got to school, we both had to rush to our separate classes if we didn't want to be late. It wasn't until lunch time when we finally got to really see each other again, since we only shared one class, Advanced Algebra, which wasn't until the afternoon.

"So we have a game tomorrow," Griffin said as he popped a tater tot in his mouth. "You gonna be there? I could really use the extra support." He raised both eyebrows at me with a smirk as he tried to convince me to come.

I dipped a tater tot in barbecue sauce as I chuckled. "A whole crowd isn't enough?"

"Nope," he said, popping the 'P.' "Means nothing if you're not there."

A grin spread across my face. "Is this the part where I swoon and say I'll be there?"

"You should come, Haley!" Bridget chirped. "I'm going, it'll be fun."

"Yeah, besides," Aria grinned. "All the guys' girlfriends go, so you have to now."

"You heard her," Griffin smirked as he nudged my side. "You have to."

"Do I get to kiss you when you win?"

"I'll pick you up and spin you around," he promised.

Bridget chuckled in amusement. "You guys are so cheesy."

"Hmm, someone sounds jealous to me..." Aria sing-songed as she nudged Bridget. "Am I right, hmm?"

"Am not," she blushed.

I scrunched my brows together, "What are you guys talking about?"

"Nothing," Bridget said immediately. Turning to Griffin, she tried to change the subject. "So how's Luke?"


"Two tickets for Finding Dory."

I watched as the guy behind the counter gave Griffin the two tickets as he was handed the money.

Griffin turned to me as he handed me my ticket. "So do you want popcorn or candy?"

I looked down at the piece of paper.

Find Dory THEATER 4 - Seat #16, it said.

"What seat number do you have?" I asked, ignoring his question.

"Uh, 17," he said as he checked his ticket.

"Wanna switch?" I smiled hopefully with all my teeth.

"Why?" he chuckled through a grin, looking a little confused. "Aren't they all the same?"

"Yeah," I drawled with a cheesy grin, feeling slightly embarrassed. "But 17 is my favorite number."

He handed me his ticket, replacing it with mine, as he chuckled and kissed the side of my head. "So popcorn or candy?"

"Popcorn," I grinned as we got in line.

I couldn't stop smiling the whole time. Even if it was just a subtle turn of the lips, there was always something there. Just being around Griffin always seemed to lighten my mood; going on a date together with either his arm constantly around me or his hand in mine only increased my glee.

It was a few minutes after 9PM by the time Griffin pulled up in my driveway after our mini date at the movies. We both were a little obsessed with Pixar films, so finally going to see the sequel to Finding Nemo was pretty much a no brainer.

And, as usual, Pixar did not disappoint.

After walking me to the door and saying goodnight, I watched as Griffin drove away through the kitchen window.

"Who was that?"

Startled, I jumped as I turned around to see my mom standing in the kitchen doorway with a smile. "Huh?" I asked as my heartbeat returned to it's normal pace.

"Was it James?" she asked, unable to hide her excitement.

"What? No, it was Griffin."

Her smile instantly vanished as her face turned to stone. "Griffin? Why would he be driving you home?" Her tone was suddenly none too pleasant at the mention of him.

"Why would James?" I crossed my arms. I felt blood rush through me as I began to get annoyed at her persistence to set me up with him.

"Well isn't that who you were out with today?" she scrunched her brows. "I mean isn't he who you've been spending all your time with lately?"

"No," I said, not to fond of where this could be going. "That would be Griffin."

"Unbelievable," she rolled her eyes as she muttered to herself.

"What is?" I nervously laughed. "The fact that I actually found a guy who's company I enjoy?"

My dad walked in before she could answer. "Hey sweetie, how was your night?"

"I don't want you seeing that boy again," my mom continued as if there was never an interruption.

"Mom!" I looked at her dumbfounded. "You can't be serious."

"Whoa, hold up. What's going on?"

My mother looked at my dad with disappointment. "She's been hanging out with Griffin."

He scrunched his eyebrows for a second. "Griffin? Not James?"

My mother nodded.

"What is the big deal?" I asked worriedly. "I mean where is this coming from, why do you have a problem with him?"

"Well what's wrong with James?" my dad smiled, obviously failing to see the difference.

Because he's not Griffin and I don't like James.

"Why does James have to be a part of my life? I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'm perfectly capable of picking my own friends - especially boyfriends for that matter."

"Well your father and I don't approve of Griffin," my mother said in a cold manner.

"Why not?" I asked flatly. "I mean what's so great about James?"

"Well James is just..." my dad looked up as he thought.

"Rich?" I interrupted. "A perfect copy of his pretentious family?"

"Honey, it's not exactly like that," he tried to convince me. "It's more that Griffin's a little reckless - unpredictable. We don't really feel comfortable with you being around him."

"Exactly!" my mom exclaimed. "Remember my dinner that he just showed up at and took you with him? He completely ruined the evening."

"Mom, we were studying," I deadpanned her. "How's that reckless?"

"The point is," my dad started, ignoring my point. "We just think you should be spending more time with James."

"And less time with Griffin, for that matter," my mother scolded.

"Well not to sound disrespectful, but what about what I think? You don't even know him-"

"What you think doesn't matter, you're only 17."

I couldn't believe what my mother just said. What I think doesn't matter?

"And I will not be spoken to that way by you," she continued. "You're grounded for the weekend."

"Mom!" I exclaimed, confused on how I got to where am I right now.

"Give me your phone."

"What?" Suddenly I felt like a prisoner. "Why do you want my phone?"

"To make sure you're not secretly talking to Griffin, now hand it over."

I scoffed to myself. Seriously?

"Dad?" I pleaded for some sanity.

"You heard your mother," he looked at me sadly. I swear on the River Styx, if it weren't for my mom I could be having a pleasant BBQ with my dad and Griffin right now. But of course, here I am, being treated like a child who befriended the devil.

My mother extended her hand in an expectant manner. Begrudgingly, I took my phone out of my pocket and handed it over. I'm not gonna get anywhere if I don't cooperate.

"Don't worry, you'll hardly miss it," she tried to make me feel better in an honest effort. "Besides, now would be a perfect time to get to know James better!"

I loved my mother, honest I did, but right now, she was killing me.

I didn't respond as I ran out of the room and upstairs.

*Griffin's POV*

"So yeah, just call me back when you get this. Love you."

I hung up feeling just as unsettled as when I first picked up the phone. I tapped the steering wheel nervously as I looked out the window.

"Come on, Haley..." I muttered to myself as I looked at her house.

I remember dropping her off here yesterday after our date, but I haven't heard from her since. I've been driving her to school every day for the past couple weeks now, so I have no idea where she could be. I called her before I left, after my text messages went unanswered, letting her know I was on my way. We usual text every morning before school, so I was starting to feel concerned at the silence.

Putting the car in park, I stepped out and walked to the front door.

I knocked a few times. "Haley?"

Her dad, Mr. Parker, answered the door. He had a bit of a warmer-welcome vibe than Mrs. Parker did, but he still seemed a little cold. "Can I help you?"

"Uh yes, I'm Griffin, and uh I was supposed to drive Haley to school, but she's not answering her-"

"She already left," he said through cautious eyes. Judging by the way he's looking at me I can only assume Mrs. Parker has told him about me.

I gulped, suddenly feeling a little nervous at the thought of him thinking whatever crap Mrs. Parker said. "She did?"

"She went with Dustin." Glancing at his watch he continued, "You should get going kid, you're going to be late if you don't hurry."

I scrunched my eyebrows in thought, Why would she go with Dustin? "Um, ok." Before turning around, I decided to show a little manners, "Thanks, Mr. Parker." His wife can think what she wants of me, but maybe I can at least show Haley's dad I'm not just some delinquent.

By the time I got to school, I was only a few minutes late. But so was our teacher, so I barely made it to the classroom on time.

Not like a few minutes would've made a difference anyway. I couldn't focus the entire morning.

Wouldn't Haley tell me she was going with Dustin?

Why wasn't she at least picking up her phone?

I could only hope everything was ok as I struggled to pay attention through each period.

If her parents did something...if James...

I stopped myself. I couldn't help but clench my fists every time I thought of the whole James situation.

By the time lunchtime came around, I scanned the cafeteria eagerly for Haley. When I spotted Bridget and Aria at our usual table, I hastened my steps over there. But when I expected to see Haley sitting with them, my hopes fell when I saw her seat was empty.

"Where's Haley?" I asked while sitting down.

"We were hoping she was with you," Bridget scrunched her eyebrows looking concerned.

"There was something off about her in class this morning," Aria thought. "But she was out of there before I got a chance to ask her if everything was ok."

"Yeah and she hasn't answered any of our texts," Bridget continued.

"Huh, same here...Well I'm sure she'll show up pretty soon." At least I hope she does.

After all, she wouldn't miss lunch - I mean this is Haley we're talking about. Food is like one of her favorite parts of the day. Not to mention she gets cranky as hell when she doesn't eat, so for her sake I hope she doesn't miss lunch.

But as the time ticked away, Haley never showed. I didn't get to see her in algebra either because coach wanted us on the field early before the game to warm up. It was an important game, being the last one before the championship. I can't say I'm disappointed I missed math, but it could've been my chance to at least see Haley - and who knows, maybe even talk to her, make sure everything's ok. But she said she would come to the game, so at this point I could only hope that hasn't changed.

I started some warm up drills with Luke as I looked dreamily at the empty stands.

"Hey," Luke playfully barked at me. "Get your head out of the clouds."

"Huh?" I was snapped out of my thoughts. "Oh, sorry." Putting my legs apart, I continued stretching them as I leaned from one side to the other.

"Hey, what's going on? You ok?" he said as he straightened himself out and stood up straight from stretching.

"Just Haley," I mumbled.

I now straightened out myself as he pat me on the back. "She'll come. Don't worry about it."

I tried to believe his words, but the longer I didn't know what was wrong with Haley the harder it became to believe them.

"Oh," he suddenly smiled. "Bridget and Aria are here. Be right back."

"Since when do you care about Bridget and Aria?-" I mused, but he was already out of earshot.

I chuckled to myself as I shook my head and watched him say hello. With the way he's talking to them, if I didn't know any better I'd say he likes one of them. I nodded to myself as I examined the situation. And if I had to guess, I'd say it's Bridget.

I was about to go over and 'kindly' barge in on their conversation, when I saw familiar brown, wavy hair enter the stadium right behind them. My amusement slid right off my face as I suddenly felt concerned all over again.

Sprinting, I rushed past Luke and the girls as I approached Haley.

"Haley," I said in relief as I pulled her into a hug. "Where have you been? And why haven't you been answering your phone-?"

"Griffin," she interrupted, sounding troubled.

Immediately shutting up, I put her down and looked at her. She looked normal for the most part, maybe just a little sleep deprived. But just by looking at her I could tell something was wrong, too. She isn't holding herself up as high and confident as she usually does, kind of just letting her eyes droop to the ground and her shoulders slump. "Is everything ok?"

"Hey, I'm sorry about this morning," she exhaled. "My parents were being dumb and wouldn't let me leave the house unless it was with Dustin - which is kinda the only reason I can be here now." Her troubled eyes met mine again, "But no, everything's not ok."

"Well what's wrong?" I was beginning to feel nervous, and that was besides the fact I was about to play the second biggest game of the season. "Everything seemed fine yesterday, what happened?"

"It was," she started with a bittersweet smile before it fell. "But after I got home, my parents-"

I scoffed as I turned around, took a few steps back with my hand to my head -bracing for the worst, and came back around. "What did they do now?"

"Well," she rose her eyebrows. "They got mad when they found out I was spending time with you and not James." I had to keep my anger at bay as I feared where this was heading - not that I had a clue where that was. But if it had anything to do with James, I knew it was bad. "And then long story short they ended up grounding me and confiscated my phone. Oh yeah," her tone changed from distressed to annoyed as she rolled her eyes. "They also 'forbade' me from hanging out with you anymore."

"Seriously?" I rose my eyebrows as I'm sure my blood pressure was rising as well. "Why?"

"Cause you're not James," she rolled her eyes again before they landed back on mine looking troubled once more. "What are we gonna do?" she said softly.

I exhaled as I pulled her in for a hug. "We're gonna make it work," I said just as softly before kissing the top of her head. "We have to," I mused. "Because I'm never letting you go, so your parents can suck it."

She chuckled lightly as she tightened her arms around me. "I'm glad you're not James," she whispered.

You and me both.

I pulled my arms closer together as I held her tighter.

I wanted to hold her forever but coach yelled for me to come to the huddle.

"Wish me luck," I smiled.

Returning the smile she leaned up and kissed me. "Good luck."

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